NXT vs. NXT?

The Insano Shiekh

Certified Mother Lover
With the NXT Season one faction formed now both in FCW and the WWE, what do you think this means for the Season 2 Rookies? Personally, I think that the point of these attacks is not just to get all the Season 1 Rookies over as big heels, but show the new rookies "how it's done." I believe that when season 2 gets really underway that the Season One Rookies are going to storm the ring and attack the season two rookies. I watched the attack of Christian and The Miz at the FCW show, and I saw that most of the rookies had a bicep band with a yellow N on it. Maybe this will also lead up to fighting for the name of NXT Rookies...I think this new NXT Faction has potential, and it might even turn all of the NXT Season Two Rookies face. Your thoughts?
No, just no. This is a horrible idea. Kayfabe-wise, The NXT 7 have no reason to attack people lower than them and in theory, the same position they were in. They attacked the WWE Main Roster and Bret Hart to make a statement and because people care about them. Nobody gives a sweaty damn about any of the NXT Season 2 Rookies. It wouldn't benefit either side to try and put unproven superstars as the main force against a group of superstars trying to look dominant. If either side won, then they wouldn't look that strong, and it would just be a waste of time. Outside of one or two beatdown at the end of an NXT 2 episode, the N faction and the NXT Season 2 rookies shouldn't have any interaction with each other.
Unless the Season 2 rookies do something to piss them off, I don't see any reason for the NXTWO to target them.

Barrett himself said that they have no problem with anyone in the back. Their issue is with WWE managment, the pros who mentored them, and now Bret Hart for not giving into their demands. They only target those who get in their way so for them to attack the Season 2 rookies without reason would go against that philosophy.
I don't see it happening, I wouldn't want to watch the first season vs the second season, the first one needs to get put over and made looking strong, something that won't be accomplished through feuding with the second season rookies.

I think what WWE is doing right now might be the better choice for both of the rookie teams, making the first season look great through dominating through the rosters and those that actually pose a higher ranking in the hierarchy of the WWE roster and on-screen personalities.

And that the second season rookies try to prove themselves through the same manner that the season 1 did on NXT, focusing and fighting to become the winner of NXT, and that's what the season 2 should revolve around, let's not pair these, cause it will be very anti climaxing.
I honestly think that would be a big mistake if creative were to have the nXT Season One go after the Season Two Rookies because like a few of you have said, it would bring the nXTWo down a peg when they have all this momentum. I think this whole angle with Season One is extremely interesting and is taking over RAW. Talk about trying to get these guys over. I think the E is doing a great job when it comes to this. However, I think Season Two will be lost in the shuffle.....I'm not interesed in them, other than Joe Hennig/Michael McGuillicutty and Low Ki/KaVaL because they are going to be great. It should be interesting when Season Two is done. Could be cool if the nXTWo were to say you're either with us or against us because they would have a common goal of getting "contracts." How great would it be if Bret Hart were to "sign" all of season Two as the ultimate slap in the face to the nXTWo. IDK but I am without a doubt interested and think a Season One vs. Season Two feud wouldn't work....the nXTWo has to focus on getting their utimate prize and now that Barrett is "fired" and lost his title shot he is going to get even more aggressive.
That's the most fun about watching wrestling I think, speculation about what would happen. Although I strongly agree with what has been said, the E is known to drop a few balls and do things that we wouldn't really agree with, but we still digest it. Also I can see that they are taking a different angle with NXT 2 because of how it started with the pros jumping the rookies and "putting them in their place". Which kinda subtly breaks season 1 rookies from season 2. I'm interesting in NXT, but not as much as I was with the first season, and having the rookies of season 1 and 2 feud would be a bit lame seeing as the season 1 NXTers are going hard on RAW and to go from trashing Cena and King, etc. to just beating up rookies would look corny. Maaaaaaybe if the season 2 rookies started beef towards the end of the season, I would watch without the remote in my hand.
I'd like to see Nexus take on the Nxt season 2 rookies, but later on towards the end of the season. Have the Nxt 2 guys doing a better job than then Nexus guys did and have a mini fued and say when Barret takes on Cena or whoever being a main Heel by now then have the Nxt 2 Winner cost him the match leading to a fued between the two of them.

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