WWE.com under Joey Styles

Total Impact

A Poster Name Total Impact
I don’t know what to expect form Joey Styles being the head of WWE.com, but I doubt it will be any good unless its real columns and none of the kayfab stuff they have now. I would love to here some real thoughts form the guys on other wrestlers. Saying that, I would hope that JBL, Michael Hayes and even Dusty Rhodes get a real column on WWE.com. I mean something in the regard that they these guys would talk real about the WWE product, and other wrestling organization. Plus JBL always shoots from the hip so it would be great to hear his thoughts on TNA and all around wrestling. The only thing I would say the WWE needs to keep is the Daily Diva Dish, as I love any pics of Layla, Mickie James, and Jillian Hall the best cleavage in pro wrestling.

So what do you expect from WWE.com now?
I for one, expect....... and hope it will be alot better under Styles. I think Styles will be good for wwe.com because he knows what people want to see. Hopefully the articles will be improved, and stars will get their own collumn as well.

WWE is useful for lots of things, they have photos, updates of situations happening currently. They have decent articles of stories. I have always found it interesting and it is pretty good for people to check out, instead of coming to forums and hearing biased (well smark biased :p ......no offence.) reports, you hear...... well sometimes biased WWE reports. But I still find it interesting.
I don't think I like the idea of Joey Styles on wwe.com, and for one reason. Every choice he makes, good or bad, will be watered down, and in the long run, it will only be what Vince wants on the site, with Styles being the puppet. Joey styles was always only known for being in ECW, and all hte hard work he did for that, and now ECW is pretty much dead. Joey Styles only has about 3 months left now that he's out from behind the table.

I already said this in another thread, but I just feel the need to repeat it. Adamle Sucks.
I think it could be good. Hopefully he will give us an insight into the wrestlers lives, prehaps better colums from interesting people. JBL, Melina, Kelly Kelly, Cena, Kennedy, MVP, Both Hardys and Edge.

It gives the reader something to go back to every week, because there is a wide selection for them to read. (BTW, I know JBL and Melina already do it).

I even think he could make the website look better. More edgy.

He can basically add to it what is missing, make WWE.com something people HAVE to go to each week to check the latest news, check the colums, check the videos.

Hell, Styles could do his own little chat show thing, him, and prehaps people like Stone Cold, The Rock (wishful thinking, like he would ever do something for the WWE again), y'know, legends. Find out what they're up to now. I know I would watch that.

Talk about real things, with the talk show, get a current superstar, prehaps someone like Edge, they don't have to be completly in character, maybe a little, talk about what it is like on the road, any fun memories, what they think of the show ect.

What do you guys think?
So far there is no apparant difference to WWE.com..I know it's only been about a week but hmmm anyone there??

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