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Joey Styles really loves the word "Marxist"

Yeah, anybody who thinks Obama is trying to help anything but his own ego is kidding themselves.

Yeah, Obama is definitely the first president to ever hold an inauguration. It's only a ceremony celebrating a new president...wait...OH YEAH, they ALL do that. Was it big? Sure but you attack him pretending like any of the Repulican higher ups have changed their lifestyles in any manner whatsoever.

Marxist, Socialist, whatever term they can coin to make the people hate him I'm sure Nazi will be next. And he's a Marxist why? Because he actually TRIED to do something with the whole GM deal? The Republicans offer no new ideas but criticize every idea that comes; well if they are all wrong what is your plan? Allow all of these millions of employees just lose their jobs? Oh yeah and I forgot Unions are evil - they only work to protect worker's rights, the bastards.

Look at his healthcare plan, it's not even that great and I'm a democrat telling you that. Is it better than the current situation? Sure, but is it a real solution, no. Why? Because the real answer would make Republicans shit themselves, the real answer for healthcare is single payer. "SOCIALISM!"
Yeah, Socialized MEDICINE, not government. The heathcare system should never be about profit. American doctors fight this because it would decrease their pay, a lot, but guess what, they'd still make enough to drive a $1,000,000 car, just not 4 of them. This is soooo socialist and you should really be afraid of it, stop worrying about our southern border and worry about those socialist Canadians up north and don't forget the United Kingdom, we have a lot to worry about with them. Their health care systems are only rated greatly higher than ours and Europe's average life expectancy is only longer...sounds terrible.

Vince McMahon hates democrats, well that's a surprise. Need I remind you that Conservative Views favor big business and, dare I say, Vince McMahon IS big business.

Oh, and his middle name means what? What?? Saddam's name is Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti. Barack's name is Barack Hussein Obama II, omg! They must be relations... I need to go bash my head against a wall. Barack is named after his father, so what? Hank Williams III is no Hank Williams, Barack Obama II is not Barack Obama Sr. In fact he barely knew him. Besides his father was born a Muslim and he later became an Atheist. Barack was brought up in a secular home and later chose to become a Christian. "Hussein" is a common middle name in Muslim culture. Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world, there are a LOT of Muslims, a LOT of people named Hussein. Hell, not every Hitler was evil, just one...really, really evil Hitler.

Also just a little fact more Iraqis have died per year since we invaded than when Saddam was in power. We the great liberators. We liberate you.... of your Life.

The truth is in Republican eyes Barack can do no wrong. Funny too since many of them voted for him too, they had to, otherwise in a country that was proven dominantly conservative in 2000 and 2004 Obama would never win.
The bottom line is this, if you call someone something, you better have some facts to back it up. When people talked against Bush, they were called UN-American (and not the great short lived stable of Test, Lance Storm and Christian) If you agree with Obama, you are a Marxist. I am not a republican or democrat, because from my experience, neither one is worth a shit. You should vote for ideas and political parties. If you only vote republican, you are an idiot. If you vote only democrat, you are an idiot. But to the point about Joey Styles, he is entitled to his opinion and this is America...Fuck Yeah!!! But you know what they say about opinions
I love threads like this

I love them because there are two types of people who are posting. Idiots and Idiots who fight with them. I'll group myself into the latter since I'm posting my opinion on here.

Most people come into this tread with their mind already made up and there isn't going to be a single post that makes them go, "well yeah, he's right Obama rules (sucks)" whichever you prefer.

Let's look at this logistically. He (Obama) has been in office for...less than 5 months. The economy has not gotten worse as one has claimed, the stock market did dip shortly after his inauguration but has been on a consistent upswing since March. Now how many of you Obama haters pay attention to the stock market? I mean actually pay attention to it and understand it? If you actually do and have issue then fine but if not you can't criticize something you don't fully understand.

The economy has and will get better, GM and Chrysler made their own bed long before Obama came into office. The bank bailouts were caused mainly by 2 things, by your idiot parents/neighbors and work friends buying homes they couldn't afford and by deregulation of the banks. I'll avoid the definition of the latter but if you wiki it, you should understand why.

If you are religious and Republican you can really only have valid concerns on a couple things. One is gay marriage. All of us accepting people may not understand why but the extreme religious right love to refer to their bible for what their opinion should be on certain subjects and the bible does say that if you lay with a man like you lay with a woman you should be put to death. It does say that, in Leviticus 20:13 is where you will find some form of that quote, but if you travel on up about 3 verses you will find the quote:

"For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him."

Which essentially means, I'd be dead, you'd be dead, you're parents would be dead if we took that quote as literally as the one below it. So take that for what you will, either you hate gays or you don't but don't say the bible says so because it just makes you look like an idiot.

The other issue you may have is abortion which is self explanatory. Another religious debate that can't be won with logic or science. This issue is much more legitimate than the above and I can acknowledge their issue however this is not Obama's baby (no pun intended) He did not create the issue and his appointment will not ensure that abortion stays legal (well it will but not in the way I mean) It will stay legal because a majority of American's think it should be. Now I know there are plenty of polls stating otherwise but I can find a lot of polls stating they are and here we will be showing each other our polls and then we will be back on the gay marriage thing and nobody will be happy. Get it, polls? Poles? ehh never mind

Lastly is my favorite. Socialism, Fascism, Communism, Marxism, Blackism, Muslimism, Good-Lookingism, Teleprompterism...etc

I should have stopped at socialism because that's what I'm referring to.

Let's start off with a simple question, why is socialism bad? Because Republicans have told you so? That's like saying eating Beef is bad because a giant cow told you so. Conflict of interest anyone? Of course the people with the most money are going to say socialism is bad because that means their taxes are paying for it instead of being used for something more in line with their interests.

Let's give an example. Let's say your house is burning down and you give your local fire department a jingle on the telephone and say 'Hey' my house is burning down, get over here!.. and they say "well we'd love to but we'll need a payment of $1500.00" Cost of truck, water, time, etc. It's not free you know. Well in our world it is, you know why? Because it's...DUN DUN DUN...SOCIALIZED!!! AHHHHHHH

Case in point, unless you on this board are or are in line for a shit load of money and don't want to share it with your less fortunate brethren which ironically completely makes it impossible for you to use the bible argument, you can't complain about socialism.

We tend to give the president more credit then he deserves. He's the leader of the currently most powerful country in the world. He's not a King. He can't make himself a King, He can't even declare war, no matter what past president may make you believe. The president is just ONE part of our THREE part government system. Checks and balances people. Legislative, Executive and Judicial. They are put in place to prevent one from having too much power. And if you are one of those conspiracy people who think that this is all for show and lobbyist actually run the country. How about you hold your congressman accountable. How about instead of writing on this forum about how much you dislike the president, you write your state congressman or woman and tell them what you want changed, how you want them to vote. This is the power YOU have. Because they want to be re-elected and if they start getting letter after letter from constituents in their district that they don't agree with what is going on in DC then maybe that will encourage them to stand up against if for you. Like a representative democracy is supposed to work. If they don't do that for you then you go out on that cold Tuesday morning for all of the elections that don't have a Bush or Clinton on the ticket and give your support to the local elections that actually affect your life and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews for all of your bias propaganda and make an opinion of your own instead of spitting out the same old jargon you hear day after day.

Support your views, not people, not networks and not political parties

Seacrest Out
I am no fan of Obama. In fact, his policies frighten me. And I love Styles, but Uncle Sam is right. Obama is definitly a socialist, but not a Marxist! Maybe a Leninist, but not a Marxist.
and obviously you haven't read the all the posts here. Nobody is tolerating anybody's opinions.

We're not? Are we actively going out of our way to try and take away Joey Syles right to say these things? No, we're not. So once again, look up what the word "tolerance" means. Tolerating something doesn't mean you have to like it in any way.

and having that huge ass inauguration really doesn't help much with the economy situation either.

Are you serious? You want them to call off the inauguration because of the economy? Tell me you're not that petty. You really think the cost of an inauguration party is even going to dent our national debt right now?

And didn't you say that yall are doing the topic cus yall want to? then i deserve the right to state my opinion too, you hypocrite.

Did I EVER say that you weren't allowed to post your opinion? No, I didn't. I said that if you didn't like this thread and have a problem with it, a quick way to solve that problem would be to simply not enter the thread at all. You can come in here and say whatever you'd like, as long as you're prepared for the consequences.

But my personal opinion on the matter is that we should have better things to worry about than whether or not an ex commentator agrees with our president.

Then why do you keep posting in a topic you apparently don't care about?

Look at his healthcare plan, it's not even that great and I'm a democrat telling you that. Is it better than the current situation? Sure, but is it a real solution, no. Why? Because the real answer would make Republicans shit themselves, the real answer for healthcare is single payer. "SOCIALISM!"
Yeah, Socialized MEDICINE, not government. The heathcare system should never be about profit. American doctors fight this because it would decrease their pay, a lot, but guess what, they'd still make enough to drive a $1,000,000 car, just not 4 of them. This is soooo socialist and you should really be afraid of it, stop worrying about our southern border and worry about those socialist Canadians up north and don't forget the United Kingdom, we have a lot to worry about with them. Their health care systems are only rated greatly higher than ours and Europe's average life expectancy is only longer...sounds terrible.

A big fat agreed from me here. If people would just for ten seconds forget the bad connotations with the word socialism, they might actually pull their head out of their ass and realize that certain socialist policies are fantastic ideas, look at Sweden.

I am no fan of Obama. In fact, his policies frighten me. And I love Styles, but Uncle Sam is right. Obama is definitly a socialist, but not a Marxist! Maybe a Leninist, but not a Marxist.

A fucking Leninist?! CLEARLY you do not know what Leninist is. Please show me these neo-Soviet plans that Obama is coming up with, would LOVE to hear about 'em.

Let me also just say right now that I am not a Democrat, and (obviously) not a Republican. I don't believe the hype that Obama is going to legitimately change politics for the better. In all honesty, he's just yet another in a long line of puppets. I do however think he's a slightly more intelligent puppet at least and may in fact have some actual lasting change on our country when it's all said and done. I did vote for him, mainly only because Ron Paul wasn't on the ticket.

This is something some of my fellow left-wingers to centrists need to remember: Just because you voted the man in, doesn't mean you have to agree with all of his decisions. I find myself angry as hell over Obama's decisions on keeping Gitmo open and increasing the amount of "contractors" being sent to Iraq. But I still think we should give the man a chance. Hell, I gave George W. Bush a good nearly three years before I really made up my min on the man (most damaging president we've ever had outside of Richard Nixon).

Sidenote: Please take the time to read ChaseDavis' post. Great post that elaborates a bit more on why socialism isn't the evil thing people want you to believe.
A little less caffine xfear! No offense, but I try not to discuss poltics on wrestling forums, and this will be my last reply on this topic.

Read up on history my friend. There is a stark difference between "communism" and "socialism"--Marx and Lenin.

Historically speaking, socialism has failed every step of the way in every place its ever been attempted including the Agricultural Revolution, our early American history, Russia, Cuba, the list goes on!And contrary to what you hear from folks like Michael Moore related to socialism in modern European countries and Canada, its not successful there either. Socialism has never once came close to working, and never will.

Communism has never really existed, at least not in its purest form, and likely never will, thank God.

Do I think Obama is a pure Leninist. No. But he does display traits of some of Lenin's ideas. If I had to draw a fair assement between Marx and Lenin relative to Obama, he is much closer to Leninism verses Marxism. So essentially, I am defending Obama as it relates to Styles opinion.

Lighten up! Your wound to tight!

And so I can say I stayed on topic, Styles can say whatever he wants! This is still America!
A little less caffine xfear! No offense, but I try not to discuss poltics on wrestling forums, and this will be my last reply on this topic.

lol Haven't even had my coffee yet buddy! Politics is actually incredibly entertaining to argue about on this forum as we have a large number of extremely intelligent and eloquent posters who are very passionate in their views on both sides of the political spectrum.

Read up on history my friend. There is a stark difference between "communism" and "socialism"--Marx and Lenin.

I studied history for four years in college, specifically 20th century military and political history. The rise and fall of the Soviet union is obviously important in that field, so I like to think I'm I know just about all there is to know about Marx and Lenin specifically as well. I used to be very politically active and a member of an an anarcho-socialist collective in Germany for a while, so I think I've got a pretty good grasp of what I'm talking about.

Plus, I never once said that communism and socialism were the same thing, or even alike. But Leninism is most definately more in line with the original Marxist communism then it is with actual socialism.

Historically speaking, socialism has failed every step of the way in every place its ever been attempted including the Agricultural Revolution, our early American history, Russia, Cuba, the list goes on! And contrary to what you hear from folks like Michael Moore related to socialism in modern European countries and Canada, its not successful there either. Socialism has never once came close to working, and never will.

See, this bullshit right here is what constantly angers me. Socialism in fact has and CONTINUES to work in countries like Sweden, Iceland, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Italy, Israel, even the UK, France and guess who? The U S of A. No one is talking about revamping the entire American system of government and throwing away democracy, we're talking about specific socialist policies to address specific issues. We're not talking about having a neo-socialist Bolshevik revolution 2.0 here.

Communism has never really existed, at least not in its purest form, and never will.

Very true, as most if not all countries during the early to mid 20th century that attempted communism almost always devolved into fascism. The Soviet Union was far more in line with fascist policies and ideologies then they were with communism.

Do I think Obama is a pure Lenist. No. But he does display traits of some of Lenin's ideas.

Please cite me some of these specific ideas.

Lighten up! Your wound to tight!

And so I can say I stayed on topic, Styles can say whatever he wants! This is still America!

Don't worry, despite what you may think from my posts, I'm not angry at all with you or with anyone else I'm debating here. I don't even know you guys, you're entitled to whatever opinion you'd like, but if it's on a forum about debate, you can be assured I'll jump in and try to stir the conversation a bit.
ok, one more round. You do realize America already does have plenty of social programs in place. Have been since FDR and LBJ. Most of them also are failing! E.G. welfare, social security, medicare, etc.
ok, one more round. You do realize America already does have plenty of social programs in place. Have been since FDR and LBJ. Most of them also are failing! E.G. welfare, social security, medicare, etc.

ookaayy...you sucked me in for another reply

I'll keep this one shorter though...

how about the social programs that work? Libraries? Police, Fire Department? Post Office?

Wellfare and Medicaid are not failing, they aren't working efficiently definitely not failing mainly because there isn't much of a criteria of which to fail. You give money to those that need it, thats the requirement. It could work much better by weeding system people from those who actually need it.

Social Security wasn't failing until recently and that's because they are running out of money from all of the baby boomers. Not enough money in and too many people living well past their retirement age means no money for the rest of us when its time for us to retire, again not as much of a failure as a program that can work better if they revamp it. Another discussion topic all together.

Medicare also is not failing. Hell there is a bill called the Medicare for all act (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_National_Health_Insurance_Act) Again another program that can be run more efficiently. Biggest complaints towards this program is lack of dental coverage, no eye care coverage unless you had cataract surgery, Part D Prescription drug plans fail for those who can't qualify for other social programs to avoid the doughnut hole.

Socialism as a way of government is not the answer. Nobody wants this drone based society that takes away your identity (and guns). Success should be rewarded and not taken away, but there are certain things though that need to be governed in a way that everyone has equal access to them. Don't you think you should have the same right to get preventative health care as the rich kids?
A little less caffine xfear! No offense, but I try not to discuss poltics on wrestling forums, and this will be my last reply on this topic.

Read up on history my friend. There is a stark difference between "communism" and "socialism"--Marx and Lenin.

Historically speaking, socialism has failed every step of the way in every place its ever been attempted including the Agricultural Revolution, our early American history, Russia, Cuba, the list goes on!And contrary to what you hear from folks like Michael Moore related to socialism in modern European countries and Canada, its not successful there either. Socialism has never once came close to working, and never will.

Communism has never really existed, at least not in its purest form, and likely never will, thank God.

Do I think Obama is a pure Leninist. No. But he does display traits of some of Lenin's ideas. If I had to draw a fair assement between Marx and Lenin relative to Obama, he is much closer to Leninism verses Marxism. So essentially, I am defending Obama as it relates to Styles opinion.

Lighten up! Your wound to tight!

And so I can say I stayed on topic, Styles can say whatever he wants! This is still America!

Actually you are extremely wrong. Socialism has been adopted in modern European countries such as Denmark and Norway and in my home country of Canada as well. Guess what, all of these countries have the highest quality of life according to the Human Development Index, so i guess that debases your entire argument against socialism being ineffective. Socialist policies within a democracy are a good thing. However, you are correct in saying that pure Marxism has never existed because pure Marxism does not have a central state. Anyways as it relates to Styles supposedly bashing Obama and calling him a "Marxist", that's not exactly an insult because being a Marxist is much better than being an Ultra-Conservative Bible-thumping self-centered douche bag.
chasedavis wrote: how about the social programs that work? Libraries? Police, Fire Department? Post Office?

Ok. Now your being absurd. This may be the most convoluted statement I have ever heard in my life regarding socialism. Truly. I am done with this thread. By folks!

TheNextVinceRusso wrote: Socialist policies within a democracy are a good thing.

Ok. One more thing...newsflash. There ARE social programs implemented in the U.S. And they do not work.

And the UN HDI is hardly a viable source to sell socialism because it accounts for so many things and the sample data can easily be skewed or mislead based on population size, the type of data ( discreet or continues) sample size, diet, regulations, etc.
Alright, my first post, and i bound to make it a good one. This whole politics thing, is getting interesting. You see, like some of the other people posting, I am a republican. But many of these people are saying, "Obama is a terrible person." or "Obama is going to run this country into the ground. Lastly, "Obama is a marxist!"" (cough, cough, Joey Styles)

I actually like Obama, and hope he can get us out of this rut we are in. But going back to the root of this thread, I don't think Joey should say things like that, if he is also promoting the WWE. I personally don't have twitter, but i read what he says on wrestlezone. He comes off as a conservative douche. Just like some people are liberal douches. whether your total left wing, or right wing, you get annoying. But what he posts, will turn people off to the WWE. If Joey is going to talk like this, he should say it on a personal account, and have a business account to promote events. I don't know, just an opinion.
Yeah, Obama is definitely the first president to ever hold an inauguration. It's only a ceremony celebrating a new president...wait...OH YEAH, they ALL do that. Was it big? Sure but you attack him pretending like any of the Repulican higher ups have changed their lifestyles in any manner whatsoever.

Nobody said he shouldn't have an inauguration, that's absurd. But Obama's party cost between $150 and $160 million. George W. Bush was criticized for his and it only cost $42.3 million. Bill Clinton's totaled $33 million.

I mean, come on. Saying Obama's inauguration wasn't ridiculous, especially in this economic time, is preposterous.

And everyone that dislikes Obama isn't a Republican. I have no party and hated Bush. But anyone who thinks Obama is some sort of savior is kidding themselves.
Nobody said he shouldn't have an inauguration, that's absurd. But Obama's party cost between $150 and $160 million. George W. Bush was criticized for his and it only cost $42.3 million. Bill Clinton's totaled $33 million.

I mean, come on. Saying Obama's inauguration wasn't ridiculous, especially in this economic time, is preposterous.

And everyone that dislikes Obama isn't a Republican. I have no party and hated Bush. But anyone who thinks Obama is some sort of savior is kidding themselves.

So you're saying defending the President against silly allegations of Marxism and Socialism is calling him a savior? Nice logic.

And to the posters that claim our health care system hasn't failed and that the countries using socialized medicine aren't better... the moment the first hospital kicked the first patient out of any E.R. or refused services for not having insurance or not having the proper insurance for where they were - our system failed. These are peoples lives we are dealing with, this is not WALLSTREET. Capitalistic healthcare is inhumane. Obama nor anyone else has offered Socialism as our economic policy over capitalism, they are only looking to remove where it was misplaced, controlling people's well being.

I hope one of you who are so against socializing medicine travel to Canada, France, or the UK and I hope you have an accident or get sick and I would hope that they would not help you because, well, your insurance coverage doesn't cover outside the US...but unfortunately they will help you, to my dismay. They won't ask for your insurance, they won't stop to show you bills and what you can afford, and they won't charge you outrageous prices for your time,their services, or the medicine you will need. They will only care about making you better, because THAT is what being a doctor is about in other countries. It's not about getting rich quick, like it is here.

Even in economic situations capitalism should be regulated, you can't just walk away and let people do as they please because, well, people tend to be greedy and contrary to what President Ronald Reagan may have told us, Greed is not good.
Yeah, anybody who thinks Obama is trying to help anything but his own ego is kidding themselves.

...Are you guys 14? Can you truly be serious? Every president has an election. Do you want him to cut supporters away from showing up to his inauguration? Should he have said, "Wait, wait wait...let's not have TOO many people here. I don't want to seem like the PRESIDENT or anything."

And how is that helping his ego? This guy went to the middle east - the heart of where they hate us - and tried to seem diplomatic. Sorry we can't blow shit up all the time, but maybe we should try reasoning at some point..you know, like being civil with other humans? *GASP* Unheard of in the last 4-6 years, I know!
...Are you guys 14? Can you truly be serious? Every president has an election. Do you want him to cut supporters away from showing up to his inauguration? Should he have said, "Wait, wait wait...let's not have TOO many people here. I don't want to seem like the PRESIDENT or anything."

Nobody said he shouldn't have an inauguration, that's absurd. But Obama's party cost between $150 and $160 million. George W. Bush was criticized for his and it only cost $42.3 million. Bill Clinton's totaled $33 million.

I mean, come on. Saying Obama's inauguration wasn't ridiculous, especially in this economic time, is preposterous.

And everyone that dislikes Obama isn't a Republican. I have no party and hated Bush. But anyone who thinks Obama is some sort of savior is kidding themselves.

Guess you "missed" that. ;)
And how is that helping his ego? This guy went to the middle east - the heart of where they hate us - and tried to seem diplomatic. Sorry we can't blow shit up all the time, but maybe we should try reasoning at some point..you know, like being civil with other humans? *GASP* Unheard of in the last 4-6 years, I know!

Hmm... so Bush never went to the middle east? I guess that makes Obama a hero. Do you even know why we're in Iraq? We're training their army, while at the same time killing terrorists. Didn't Obama want to "bring the boys home"? And want to sit down and talk with other leaders instead of going to war? But hey, let's go ahead and send MORE troops to Afghanistan and not try talking with their leader. It's really an endless cycle when it comes to terrorists. There are only two things you can do with them : fight or flight. The terrorists in Afghanistan are no different than those in Iraq. But hey, i guess it's just whatever.
Yes, I was reffering to everyone who has said anything pro-Obama ever. :icon_rolleyes:

And many people don't consider the allegations to be "silly".

Yes, because saying ANYTHING nice about a guy or for a policy someone holds THAT'S calling them a savior. Hmm...

Savior - n. 1.one that saves from danger or disaster 2.one who brings salvation; specifically capitalized: JESUS 1

Yeah, I don't think Obama is the savior. In fact, I don't believe in a SAVIOR. To believe one man is going to save everyone is ridiculous, then again the one major flaw of Democractic-Republics is that we argue so much about semantics that we never get anything done.

The rules our system runs by are ludicrous at best. Congress for example, almost NEVER agree or can settle on just about anything, they have things like filibusters, for those that don't know what that is that's talking about bullshit, whatever you want, literally able to read a phone book (didn't Ted Kennedy do that?) for as long as you want to try to stop other people from talking or voting on a bill. They are able to tag stuff onto bills, some of which have NOTHING to do with the bill itself; many times, just to make sure the bill will not be voted in or to further their agenda. The President.... he cannot declare war, only Congress can do that, but he can send troops wherever he wants hmm... which most times is a declaration of war... well fuck.

All this shit about Sotamayor...oh my GOD. I remember all the time during Bush's era there was constantly talk of everyone just waiting for a Judge to step down because Bush was definitely going to appoint another conservative judge...so that Roe v Wade could be overturned. Then when it didn't happen and a Judge waited until Bush was gone to retire Obama appoints a hispanic woman and all of a sudden everyone goes batshit over some comment she made about her upbringing making her more qualified than others. It wasn't an official statement, it was an off-hand remark and even if it is racist statement (funny seeing old white guys calling the Puerto Rican lady a racist). She was appointed Judge of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York by President George H.W. Bush in 1992 before being appointed Circuit Judge of the US Court of Appeals by President Bill Clinton in 1998. She is obviously more than qualified and there is just people angry that now Roe v Wade is being protected.

So every person that is for socializing ANYTHING is Marxist? Hmm, well then we are living in a Marxist country since there are already institutions within our country that are socialized like banking, police, firefighters, etc.

And WHAT about his ego? Does he have a big ego? YEAH, let me name some others Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhour, actually EVERY president we've had that ever actually intended on being president (by which I mean some of the vice presidents that became president without running) had a HUGE ego. You'd have to, you're running for the highest job in the land; Head of State. I'm sure if YOU were president you'd be Buddah and you'd never accept the salary or anything...RIIIIGHT.

The truth behind calling him Marxist is trying to convey that he is a) communist and b) extremely left wing.... which he ISN'T. He hasn't even done anything that left wing, he has played it safe all damn year, and to be honest I'm tired of that. He USED to be a lot more left wing than he has been since becoming president. I guess Change is sluggish.

Oh, and another thing about the Hussein shit.... so he's once again a secret Muslim? Well, what about all that Reverend Right crap? Reverend Right is NOT Muslim, in fact I would BET he HATES them. So which is it? Can Obama really be the worst of both religions? I don't think so.

Besides MUSLIMS ARE NOT EVIL. Are there Muslim terrorists? Yes. Are there Christian terrorists? Yes (i.e. the guy that just killed that abortion doctor). Guess what? Every culture has fundamentalists and people that believe in different sects. Did you know that not all Muslims believe in Jihad? Yeah, it's only in the scriptures of one of the sects of Islam, not all of them.
Yes, because saying ANYTHING nice about a guy or for a policy someone holds THAT'S calling them a savior. Hmm...

Um...I was being sarcastic. LOL Sorry, next time I'll make that clear. I'll post my response in between [sarcastic] and [/sarcastic]. Let me try...

[sarcastic]Most Obama supporters have a clear grasp of reality and don't pick and choose which issues to discuss.[/sarcastic]

Ok, I think I got the hang of it now. Proceed.:)
Um...I was being sarcastic. LOL Sorry, next time I'll make that clear. I'll post my response in between [sarcastic] and [/sarcastic]. Let me try...

[sarcastic]Most Obama supporters have a clear grasp of reality and don't pick and choose which issues to discuss.[/sarcastic]

Ok, I think I got the hang of it now. Proceed.:)

Hmm, Yeah I'm picking and choosing, NAILED ME. I've only picked and chosen the topics that have been most talked about when coming to Obama and speaking of which... when was the last time you even had a point? What 4 or 5 posts ago? You don't even attempt to rebut any points because you can't. You can't even back up the claims you've put forth... if he's so Marxist let's have it, let's hear why?

shockthemonkey223 said:
But anyone who thinks Obama is some sort of savior is kidding themselves.
shockthemonkey223 said:
Yes, I was reffering to everyone who has said anything pro-Obama ever.

Well, either you're very bad at sarcasm or you're covering your tracks. No one ever called Obama the savior, yet you accused people of it...so WHERE did it come from then? OH WAIT... I forgot you were using SARCASM... a smiley makes a statement sarcasm.

shockthemonkey223 said:
And many people don't consider the allegations to be "silly".

You're right, idiots don't.
Guess you "missed" that. ;)

I meant to post it earlier that morning but it didn't go through, following which I had been in Alpharetta, GA filming a movie the rest of the day so when I got back home I just saw it wasn't posted and posted it. In hindsight I should have added "supposed to have been posted earlier" or something to that effect because well...I knew somebody was going to bust my dick about it.
ShockTheMonkey, thank you for being my dick buster.
The terrorists in Afghanistan are no different than those in Iraq. But hey, i guess it's just whatever.

That line right there shows me you clearly don't understand either war, because they are not alike in any way aside from the involvement of Middle Eastern terrorists. They're VERY different situations, next you're going to tell me the problems in the Gaza Strip are the same as in the Pakistani mountains. Don't say something if you don't know what you're talking about.

Nobody said he shouldn't have an inauguration, that's absurd. But Obama's party cost between $150 and $160 million.

Guess you "missed" that. ;)

Wow. Really? If you're going to bring up something so incredibly unimportant that is a total political non-issue (which is of course the preferred method of attack for all neo-cons) you should probably take all of 2 minutes to research it.

Obama's inauguration party was paid for entirely by DONATIONS. Explain to me how that's a problem. Is he going to tell them "No thank you, we don't want your support"? So thanks for playing, but you're incredibly wrong as the inauguration cost the tax-payers and the American government a grand total of zero dollars and zero cents.

I'll be awaiting your backtrack of a response.
Well, at least he's only doing it on his twitter account. Every week on "Who's slammin' Who" I have to listen to Jim Cornette practically ask Obama to let him give him oral- it's really annoying (I'm done with that sight unless they get back to talking about wrestling!) If you want to have your own political soap box do it on YOUR OWN websight- like joey does. Don't do it every week on a websight that is supposed to be devoted to Wrestling.

Tommy Fierro, who owns the website, lets Cornette talk about anything he wants, and the fact that Styles is a wrestling celebrity merited comment by Cornette, whom, BTW used the most foul language to do it with. So if the owner of the site doesn't mind, I don't see a problem with it. Besides, Jim Cornette has his own website, and he does what he wants with it.
First of all gentleman if we can discontinue this ramble...I respect Styles as a commentator...however, I do not respect the fact that WWE is quietly injecting politics or to be more specific, "Republican ideologies" into the product. In fact it comes straight from the mouths of two of my favorite commentators...Matt Striker and Joey Styles. Of course Joey has injected it via the Internet Wrestling Community...and Striker had placed republican slant around the election on ECW. Politics have no place in wrestling. Its wrestling and enough politics go on behind the curtain. Cut the crap with this politics crap. It is not good business.

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