WrestleMania XXIV: 24 Man Battle Royal / ECW Championship

Defo think Kane, but im liking the out of the box RVD trail of thought. Seen wierder things! Matt Hardy could be in, if just to get screwed by MVP recreating the fued. Personally I want Mr Benjamin to win it all mind. Reckon last four will be Miz, BDV, Kane, Shelton.
Defo think Kane, but im liking the out of the box RVD trail of thought. Seen wierder things! Matt Hardy could be in, if just to get screwed by MVP recreating the fued. Personally I want Mr Benjamin to win it all mind. Reckon last four will be Miz, BDV, Kane, Shelton.

Well, Shelton is in the Money in the Bank match, not the battle royal. Before anyone says it, I know, I know, they haven't announced everyone in the battle royal yet, but I doubt they'd have him do double duty. And I'm not surprised that people think RVD is going to come back and win it, because on every single ppv, there's at least one wrestler that people - for some reason - think is making a huge unexpected return. As soon as they completely denounce the rumors that the Rock will be back, RVD suddenly goes into the spotlight lol. Its amazing. If they said something about RVD not having a chance to come back, WrestleZone's forums would be filled up with "Sandman might come back and win the WWE title!"
IMO there are only two people I could see winning this whole thing (by that I mean both the Battle Royal and ECW title match), and they are Matt Hardy, & Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy cause for some bizarre reason they want to push the guy, but not pass the mid-card, and the ECW title is basically a glorified mid-card title anymore, so putting the ECW belt on him would accomplish that, plus if he ran in and interfered in the MITB match and cost MVP the match it could set up a title vs. title feud between the two, I think Kofi stands a shot cause he's been pushed hard on ECW since his debut, I could see them having him win it and then move onto a feud with Shelton for the title after WM

Unlike most everyone else, I just can't see Kane winning the ECW title, two reasons for that, 1- he's said he's really not interested in another title run, and just wants to stick around to push the younger talent, and 2- cause it seems to obvious even for WWE, I just don't see why they would have a super heavyweight win a battle royal and then beat a cruiserweight for the third most important championship in the company, just seems like that would be the exact opposite of something WWE would do at WM

anyway my guesses for this are either Matt Hardy or Kofi Kingston, and no matter who it is this match will most likely be complete shit
IMO there are only two people I could see winning this whole thing (by that I mean both the Battle Royal and ECW title match), and they are Matt Hardy, & Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy cause for some bizarre reason they want to push the guy, but not pass the mid-card, and the ECW title is basically a glorified mid-card title anymore, so putting the ECW belt on him would accomplish that, plus if he ran in and interfered in the MITB match and cost MVP the match it could set up a title vs. title feud between the two, I think Kofi stands a shot cause he's been pushed hard on ECW since his debut, I could see them having him win it and then move onto a feud with Shelton for the title after WM

Unlike most everyone else, I just can't see Kane winning the ECW title, two reasons for that, 1- he's said he's really not interested in another title run, and just wants to stick around to push the younger talent, and 2- cause it seems to obvious even for WWE, I just don't see why they would have a super heavyweight win a battle royal and then beat a cruiserweight for the third most important championship in the company, just seems like that would be the exact opposite of something WWE would do at WM

anyway my guesses for this are either Matt Hardy or Kofi Kingston, and no matter who it is this match will most likely be complete shit

I'm really curious as to why you think this match will be shit. Battle Royals are always entertaining and I really do believe that whoever wins will have a quality match with Chavo. So, lets use both your scenarios. Lets say Kofi Kingston wins and faces off with Chavo. They are both athletic, fast and interesting talents. Are you saying a one on one match between those two would suck? Lets say Matt Hardy wins. If you honestly think Matt Hardy and Chavo would be a bad match, you must be of the Cena/Hogan punch and kick wrestling school of thought. Hardy and Chavo would tear the house down.
The reason that this match wont be that great is because they are not going to let it run very long. Honestly, what I see is the four big guys(Khali, Kane, Mark Henry and Big Daddy V) basically running through the competition, eliminating them all pretty quick. This match will last 10 minutes tops, which is not very long for a battle royal. If Kane wins the ECW Title match wont be bad, at least until Khali comes out and costs him the title!!!!
I'm really curious as to why you think this match will be shit.

Cause Battle Royal are almost always shit, I can't remember the last time I've even been slightly entertained by a Battle Royal, much less one where a majority of the guys involved are jobbers and talentless hacks, like Miz, Khali, Mark Henry, BDV, and Colin Delaney

Battle Royals are always entertaining

IMO they're not, IMO they're usually shit

I really do believe that whoever wins will have a quality match with Chavo.

So if say, Miz, Khali, Mark Henry, BDV, or Colin Delaney won you think they could have a good match with Chavo?

So, lets use both your scenarios. Lets say Kofi Kingston wins and faces off with Chavo. They are both athletic, fast and interesting talents. Are you saying a one on one match between those two would suck?

No not really, I think the two of them could have a great match, in fact that's the match I hope happens, though you have to ask yourself does Kofi deserve the belt this soon into his WWE career?, and besides this is WWE we're talking about they'll give Chavo/Kofi a whopping 5 mins. maybe 10 if we're lucky, which isn't really enough time for a memorable match

Lets say Matt Hardy wins. If you honestly think Matt Hardy and Chavo would be a bad match, you must be of the Cena/Hogan punch and kick wrestling school of thought. Hardy and Chavo would tear the house down.

Ok first of all, I hate both Hogan and Cena, and can't stand either one of them, second, you've clearly never read my opinions on Matt Hardy, so here let me redirect you to my post on him in another thread


Yeah so umm.... I think that should answer your question
Are you forgetting that there is a title match directly following? Unless they pull the "too tired to compete" I'm saying the title match will be great. Combine that with an entertaining battle royal and you have what amounts to a great match.
Cause Battle Royal are almost always shit, I can't remember the last time I've even been slightly entertained by a Battle Royal, much less one where a majority of the guys involved are jobbers and talentless hacks, like Miz, Khali, Mark Henry, BDV, and Colin Delaney

IMO they're not, IMO they're usually shit

So if say, Miz, Khali, Mark Henry, BDV, or Colin Delaney won you think they could have a good match with Chavo?

No not really, I think the two of them could have a great match, in fact that's the match I hope happens, though you have to ask yourself does Kofi deserve the belt this soon into his WWE career?, and besides this is WWE we're talking about they'll give Chavo/Kofi a whopping 5 mins. maybe 10 if we're lucky, which isn't really enough time for a memorable match

Ok first of all, I hate both Hogan and Cena, and can't stand either one of them, second, you've clearly never read my opinions on Matt Hardy, so here let me redirect you to my post on him in another thread


Yeah so umm.... I think that should answer your question

Hahaha...alright my bad. I'm new to this thread. OK, I was simply saying that going with your options, Hardy or Kofi, this would be a great match. Also, I am counting the battle royal and title match as one unit. So, if the battle royal is good and the match is good we have a great Wrestlemania moment on our hands. However, if the WWE allows a guy like the Miz to win, no the match won't be good. You and I both know that will not happen. If it's Khali, Big Daddy V or Mark Henry, I will be the first to say "you were right." I just can't imagine the WWE pushing a heel v. heel match. It will probably be a face and I think it will be a good match.
I'm really curious as to why so many people think Kofi or Matt Hardy will win this. Kofi's impressive, but he's done nothing close to deserving the "third highest ranked title" in the company. Should he win because he's beaten "James Curtis/KC James" and about 5 other jobbers and nobody else? If someone like Kofi won, he wouldn't get the title, he'd lose to Chavo afterwards. As far as Matt Hardy goes....I'm sorry, but why does it seem to me like there's a large group of people on these forums that seem to think he's going to win everything? Lol. We had so many people saying that they thought he'd return to win the Royal Rumble, we have people thinking he's going to be added to the MITB and win and then defeat Edge due to Undertaker somehow losing...now we keep getting people acting like he's practically a shoe-in for the ECW title. Where does it come from? The guy's ok, midcard tops, but they spent all this time stalling his US title run (MONTHS of unnecessary stalling, and a few weeks here and there for actual medical reasons like the open wound and the appendectomy) and there have been lots of reports saying that he's been working house shows to set up a reignition for his feud with MVP. So why would they give Matt the ECW title and then later on in the night have him start feuding with MVP for the US title? It doesn't make any sense. If there weren't any signs pointing to the restart of the MVP/Matt feud, then yeah, he'd be one of the top picks out of the stars leftover, but as of right now, I guarantee you won't be seeing Matt Hardy win the battle royal and the championship - and if I'm somehow proven wrong, I'll eat the only hat I own.
So lets see here, they are advertising that Henry, Kane, Khali and Big Daddy V are going to be in it, do you honestly think that Kofi or Matt Hardy are going to manage to get by those monsters, hell no. They wont give Kofi the title this early, they will take the Punk rout with him, he will eventually lose, but look strong and down the road become champion. Matt Hardy still has his thing with MVP, when he is healthy, so he wont be winning it either. My opinion stays the same, they wont be having a heel vs. heel, that doesn't make sense, Kane wins the battle royal, gets layed out by Khali, Chavo picks up the scraps, its that simple, the Chavo title match wont be long, I am guess they are going to give both matches the combined time they would usually give one match.
Well Chavo is the champ, so 1st of all you know a good guy (face) will win the battle royal, so my money would go on Kane, if not him then Tommy Dreamer, be perfect for him to finally win the WWECW title, since they shafted all the other ECW guys right out of the company.

One cool thing, that I think would suck, but be kind of cool...Would be Punk winning the MITB and cashing it in for the ECW title match making it a 3 way with Chavo, BR winner, and Punk. Least then it wont be as much of a squash match that I think its going to be, just because its the ECW title that WWE doesn't care for lol.
When I was giving some scenarios, I was trying to point out that if one of those two were to win, it would be a solid match. As for how it stands, I believe somebody other than the monsters will win. And I agree it won't be Kofi or Hardy. However, Wrestlemania is the perfect show for Chavo to drop his title. And the way the show is now, he should probably drop it to somebody like Kane or Matt Hardy, somebody, not on the roster that will add a new dimension to the show. I think it will be Kane and Kane and Chavo could have a decent match.
I'm happy for this match to take place, as it gives alot of opportunities to alot of people to get on the card at mania. This is highly interesting thing to take place, and gives alot of opportunities to give poepole shots at the title.

Obviously, only a select few amounts of people will have a chance to get the title. MOst likely the winner of the battle royal will win the ECW championship.

Kane: The most likely choice and open choice, even after all Kane has done lately, he is the best choice to give the titles to.

Kofi Kingston: Who I am hoping to win the title because he is my favourite on ECW now (which doesnt say to much for the roster).

Big Daddy V: If a heel wins, it would most likey come close to him.

Khali: He is really up there in the heel section.(well, up there on ECW, but that doesn;t mean much.)

I'm going for Kane, a heel won't win because Chavo is champ and he is a heel.
if you notice, ecw is showcasing smaller guys in the main picture (chavo, punk) I think dreamers alot more likely then kane. Also notice they kinda stopped the whole dreamer storyline with the tag belts. Although i loved one of the first posts. I would probably piss my pants if raven came back, won the battle royal, then beat chavo. It would be an extreme orgasm for all the original ecw fans.
The final four will be matt hardy, kane, mark henry and khali...khali eliminates henry, kane over khali, and matt hardy eliminates kane in a shocking victory...then matt wins the title off of chavo and everyone goes crazy...big pop for hardy and thus creating a chavo/matt fued for another 10 months..lol
The final four will be matt hardy, kane, mark henry and khali...khali eliminates henry, kane over khali, and matt hardy eliminates kane in a shocking victory...then matt wins the title off of chavo and everyone goes crazy...big pop for hardy and thus creating a chavo/matt fued for another 10 months..lol

I cant believe people are still saying that Hardy is going to win the ECW Title. In case you have forgotton Hardy still has a fued with MVP to finish. When he was injured he was mid-fued with MVP, they made it look like MVP did it, so obviously this fued is not over. So he definetely will not be winning the title.

In regards to the battle royal itself, I still expect Kane to win it. I have said it a million times, but I expect Kane to win, by eliminating Khali at the end(Hardy wont even be in the match), then Khali will lay out Kane and Chavo will pick up the scraps. I dont see Chavo randomly losing the title.

I want Kane to win, and if he does win the title, I would expect them to turn have him fued with all of the monsters(Henry, Khali, V) for the title over the next several weeks.
Now i agree it will most likely be Kane/Hardy/Dreamer to win the battle royal and beat Chavo but i think it would be cool to see the long awaited return of the Boogeyman. The way he striked fear into ppl was amazing and he was always booked to be unstoppable. Im also pretty sure hes on the ECW roster, so why not have him come back and win.
I cant believe people are still saying that Hardy is going to win the ECW Title. In case you have forgotton Hardy still has a fued with MVP to finish. When he was injured he was mid-fued with MVP, they made it look like MVP did it, so obviously this fued is not over. So he definetely will not be winning the title.

In regards to the battle royal itself, I still expect Kane to win it. I have said it a million times, but I expect Kane to win, by eliminating Khali at the end(Hardy wont even be in the match), then Khali will lay out Kane and Chavo will pick up the scraps. I dont see Chavo randomly losing the title.

I want Kane to win, and if he does win the title, I would expect them to turn have him fued with all of the monsters(Henry, Khali, V) for the title over the next several weeks.

I could see them doing that, having Khali beat the hell out of Kane at the end of the match and then having Chavo win...but then again, that's a really quick time frame. If they do that, the battle royal has to last longer than it seems like its going to, just to cover up a really fast win by Chavo. And if they do that, I can see Kane beating Chavo for the belt on the next episode of ECW - but if they did that, then why not just have Chavo lose at Wrestlemania? Its a little odd, cause it can both happen and not happen at the same time.

However, I really do think that once Kane wins the belt, he'll be feuding with the monsters for a while....hopefully not too long. I wouldn't mind seeing like, Kane/Henry one night, Kane/Khali one night, Kane/BDV one night, and then at Backlash, just having a 4-way where he retains and moves on to another feud.

And oh yeah, I have no clue why people are still saying Hardy either.
well i dont know his this match is before or after money in the bank, but if it is after, i would love to see benjamin making his way to the ring (because i dont think he will won MITB) and wining this one, that would be huge for his carreer and i think that right now he his the best ECW has (morrison is ok too, but he needs to pulish his gimmick)
even if he doesnt get the title (that is to be espected in this case) it would be the start of a great rivalry (after all cm punk cant be the only title class face)

but all off that is just guessing, if we chose from the first list that you gave, yeah we can say that kane is favorite ready for his big push up (well i dont know if it is "big" by doing it at ecw), but any of you forget that litle push the writers try on smackdown on a 20 men batle royal, khali also have a chance (with that size he sure got a chance, even when he cant wrestle)
Today's ECW had all 24 men that will be in it. They are as follows:

1. Lance Cade
2. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
3. Hardcore Holly
4. Brian Kendrick
5. Trevor Murdoch
6. Cody Rhodes
7. Snitsky
8. Val Venis
9. Deuce
10. Domino
11. Festus
12. Khali
13. Mark Henry
14. Jesse
15. Kane
16. Shannon Moore
17. Jamie Noble
18. Chuck Palumbo
19. Jimmy Wang Yang
20. Elijah Burke
21. Tommy Dreamer
22. Kofi Kingston
23. The Miz
24. Matt Striker

FINALLY people will stop saying that they think Matt Hardy is going to win it. Lol.

And finally, people can see that nearly every man on the list has no shot at winning except for a small handful. It won't be a heel, as they won't have a heel Chavo against a heel, so that knocks out 12 men and leaves us with:

1. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
2. Hardcore Holly
3. Cody Rhodes
4. Val Venis
5. Festus
6. Jesse
7. Kane
8. Shannon Moore
9. Jamie Noble
10. Jimmy Wang Yang
11. Tommy Dreamer
12. Kofi Kingston

Hacksaw has no shot. Rhodes and Holly are tag champs, they have no shot. Val Venis has no shot. Jesse has no shot. Shannon Moore most likely not, Jamie Noble most likely not, Jimmy Wang Yang, same case, and Kofi is far too green to become the ECW champion.

So that leaves us with Festus, Kane, and Dreamer.

Festus, I can't see them making him the champ yet.

Kane and Dreamer could do it, but Kane is much more conceivable of an option. Dreamer's match with Chavo tonight seems to seal the deal as well that he was "the pawn", where you think he might win and start a feud with Chavo, but he'll just get tossed out by Khali, who in turn will be tossed out by Kane.

No Matt Hardy, no Colin, no Stevie Richards, so hopefully, no more outlandish predictions...but I know there's gonna be at least one person that, looking at the list, will "just know" that "this is Hacksaw's time to shine" lol.
Just read on wwe.com that this match will be streamed live and for free on wwe.com at 6:30pm on Sunday, so what were getting is an old fashioned free-for-all, and there is definitely nothing wrong with that because it means that this match won't take the time away from more of the meaningful matches, and it gives people something to do before the ppv instead of seeing the endless build up/promo's of the top mania matches that we have all seen.
Matt Striker was just standing in for Big Daddy V who most definitely will be in the battle royal. Also I'm very pissed that the battle royal will only be shown on wwe.com now. Right when I was looking forward to this match they have to pull something like this.
Could someone give me just one sensible reason why the battle royale will not be on the card? Don't give me the time issue, all PPV's finish early.
It would be the PERFECT way to kickstart Wrestlemania.
Could someone give me just one sensible reason why the battle royale will not be on the card? Don't give me the time issue, all PPV's finish early.
It would be the PERFECT way to kickstart Wrestlemania.

I have no idea. It doesn't make any sense. Wrestlemania is a longer than normal ppv as is. This just means, unfortunately, that the show is going to consist of the worst matches getting an even longer time frame. I mean, really, do we honestly have to sit through potentially 20 minutes of Bunny Mania? Terrible. They should give most of the time to the Money in the Bank match. I'd watch that for an hour in place of Bunny Mania, the Belfast Brawl, and Mayweather/Show lol.
Yea we may as well LOCK this fucking thread cuz WWE is a bunch of fucktards, who for whatever reason decided that we didnt need one of the more intriguing unpredictable matches on the card. Im severely pissed about this. Seriously they have FOUR HOURS to fill, what the fuck are they gonna do??? I we REALLY gonna be subjected to that many bulshit skits and gay shit?? We must be, becuase NONE of the card looks like it has potential to go for 30....so lets REMOVE a match from the actual PPV. I just dont know. With Chavos clean win over Dreamer after a promo, maybe they are planting the seed for Dreamer to win on Sunday, which I would be happy about. I WONT be happy that I didnt get to see the battle royal though.

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