Wrestlemania 28: Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos VS Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
WWE has officially announced that the divas match at Wrestlemania will be Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos VS Beth Phoenix and Eve.


Who do you think will win, why?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Divas suck, blah, blah, blah. We get it. 90% of them are piss poor. However, there are a handful of hard workers and decent talents there. Tamina's shown she isn't too bad at all, Kelly Kelly is improving all the time, Natalya's always been good, Layla's solid when she's not injured and, oh yes Beth Phoenix & Kharma. Last year at WrestleMania, I thought WWE wasted a golden opportunity to have the biggest Divas match possible; Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya for the title. It could've been good if not great. However, WWE instead went with the Snooki-fest match. It probably worked out better for business that way.

This year, as we head into WrestleMania, Beth Phoenix is a monster. She's conquered everyone, and shortly, she defends against Tamina, in what most will expect to be a straightforward defence. I too believe that this is the case. For weeks she's been teasing that she's looking for a true challenge on twitter etc... Last month, Kharma made a surprise entrance into the Royal Rumble. She was only in there for a minute or two, but she looked good to go. She's got a young child at home having given birth very recently, and I could see her missing out on the WrestleMania season, but if WWE wants a major Divas match, then it can look no further than Beth Phoenix vs. Kharma.

These are quite probably the two best female wrestlers in WWE, and two of the best in the world, period. Both have held their own in Royal Rumble's, are relatively over with the fans and are monsters in the eyes of most. Beth has been nigh on unstoppable since winning the belt, or at least the way WWE has portrayed her recently, and Kharma is...well, she's Kharma. A one-on-one match between these two could be pure gold and would be the biggest Divas match this side of the Trish/Lita years. With a proper storyline behind it and some decent time on programming, this could be one of the matches we actually want to see at this year's WrestleMania. It's the Divas money match.

But anyway, I've harped on about this already, what are your thoughts on this and any other potential moves for either of these two, or even the Divas division in general as we move towards WrestleMania.
Beth has ran through every other Diva on the roster, but Khrama would be that one strong challenge she's been looking for. Kharma wasn't able to stick around too much last year, but her presence did make a strong impact on women's wrestling. She was the intimidating and unstoppable force. Kharma wasn't another barbie doll. She was something different.

Beth is currently the destructive queen of the entire division, but watching Beth constantly triumph in her title defenses has become boring. Although, a feud with Kharma should make things interesting for a little while. Kharma would be the perfect choice for a legit threat to Beth's supreme dominance, and a match up between these two might create some sort of buzz, because the Divas division has been horribly stale and uninteresting for months.

I would love to see this happen at Wrestlemania 28, but WWE will probably go in the direction of another forgettable and shitty heels vs faces tag team match, or they could throw some atrocious battle royal at us this year. Beth VS Kharma really is the only truly enticing match up left in the Divas division, but I just can't see this match making the Wrestlemania 28 card at all. I can't imagine Vince and WWE putting forth a solid effort to build this feud for Wrestlemania this year. Also, as you said, Kharma just recently gave birth, so her missing out on this Wrestlemania season does seem realistic.

Beth VS Kharma will probably happen at some point, and when it does, WWE should put a solid build behind it, but I have a hard time picturing a one on one Divas match at Wrestlemania this year or any other year in the future.
Beth VS Kharma would be incredible. We have not had a good divas match at Wrestlemania since Mickie VS Trish in 2006. They have given us so much garbage with the divas in recent years, it's ridiculous. Even their Wrestlemania matches have been low quality. They miss out on potentially good matches to give us trash instead. 2007 saw Melina retaining against Ashley, who received a Playboy push. I would have had Ashley win the match, or even put Mickie in the match instead to have her win. Melina winning was a bad call. That wasn't as bad as the rest, but it started the downward trend though.

2008 had a useless tag team match when it should have just been Beth Phoenix VS Maria (who was in a Playboy push) for the Womens Championship. 2009 saw the infamous battle royal where Santino dressed up as a girl and won. Beth Phoenix should have won that one, to call it a joke and disrespectful to the division was an understatement. Then in 2010 they had another useless tag team match where Vickie pinned Kelly in the end or something, VICKIE IN A MATCH, enough said! Where was the Michelle McCool VS Mickie James match we should have gotten?

Last year's match with Snookie made sense from a business standpoint, but it could have been Snookie and Trish VS LayCool by themselves. Morrison and Ziggler deserved their own match to steal the show with. What terrible match will they give us this year? I see perhaps three different acceptable outcomes for a GOOD match that we might receive. The first being FunKay's idea, Beth VS Kharma. The second is Beth VS Natalya. Finally, the third is a triple threat between the three. I would even throw in Layla for a fatal fourway if she returns, but it's not likely.

WWE owe it to us to give us one of those matches. Beth Phoenix has the Divas Championship. She can actually wrestle. So can Kharma and Natalya. The division is on the road to recovery, now is when they need to steup up and finally give us something awesome. They have a chance to give us the best divas match in 6 years. If they truly want to turn that division around, then they NEED to provide a great match at Wrestlemania because that is when expectations are to be the highest. If they won't give us the best match possible at the biggest show of the year, then why should we as fans watch divas matches or segments during the rest of the year? It's obvious the federation hasn't cared about th division, which causes us fans to not care either.
The match itself is an ideal situation. The only problem would be, if Kharma defeats Beth and gets the title, what direction do you go with other then another dominant champion who just runs through everyone? It would be a new champion, but the same concept. Granted, Beth as champ is starting to get a little stale. But if Kharma becomes champion, it would be the same stale gimmick with a new wrapping.

The two having a match at Mania would be great. But I don't see how Kharma becoming champion would change anything. I think Natalya would be a more productive, versatile champion. Though that point is irrelevant. The Beth-Kharma match at Mania; excellent idea.
I don't think Kharma will be around enough to build a proper feud with Beth for Wrestlemania. By that I mean a feud that transcends the fluff that is the Diva's division. With proper time, they could build it into a feud that would rival any current men's feud in terms of fan support.

That being said, I see them having a Diva's battle royal this year, with no title implications whatsoever, with Beth being the first introduced. They introduce all the other divas. After a short pause, Kharma's music hits and she enters the match. The two power women systematically eliminate all the other chicks via brute strength (with Tamina and Natalya being the last "outs", after putting up quite the fight, you know, for future feuds). The climax of said match would be a faceoff in the middle of the ring with Beth and Kharma.

Now, instead of one eliminating the other, and killing the feud before it starts, have some kind of silly murky ending, probably involving Santino or something, but make sure the last image anybody sees from it is Beth and Kharma glaring at each other.

It solves a few issues. You get your women's match out of the way, you get your humor segment out of the way, but at the same time, you start the seeds of the most interesting Diva's feud probably ever. I mean, these two could feud for years.
It's funny. In the age of twitter/instant satisfaction we seem to forget how much power holding a title for months/a year can hold. It holds a lot of power, especially if you build the right storylines/challenges to go with it.

If Kharma were to get the title, this would be a good time for WWE's developmental group to search for a dominent Diva who's large and in charge.. Someone similar to what Chyna used to be. Hell, have another Divas search, but instead of a pretty face winning, make it a dominent girl winning with the sole intention of finding a challenger to take down Awesome Kong...errr. I mean Kharma.

I think the Divas division needs to be re-vitalized. Especially since we know that the PG era is still in effect and we aren't going to make them do anything that's absurd in a "sexy" sense. None of the current divas are really believable outside of Tamina or Natalya... They have moves, but size vs. just doesn't work here.

There's great potentional times ahead, and WWE will probably screw it up, but we can hope that they don't and deliver us something that will work great to bring back the division and make it respectful.... Oh and they can begin by changing the damn title back from a butterfly shape....
Honestly, I think the match would be good on paper but would ultimately disappoint.

I don't care if they're the two best female wrestlers on the WWE's roster; the WWE will find a way to ruin it. Either they won't get enough time to put on a good match or they're movesets will be extremely limited. Don't get me wrong, it's probably the best Diva match we could imagine seeing for a while but I'm underwhelmed, considering the WWE's track record with Diva matches.

Honestly, I hope I'm dead wrong.
After continuing to watch Tamina Snuka in the ring, she does have what it takes. I'd like to see a Diva's fatal 4 way with Beth, Natalya, Tamina and Kharma. It could give all four of them a solid spot to build while not focusing on two of them at one time. It would definitely be a good match.
this match between beth and kharma,needs to happen,bar none.i have wanted to see both of them in the ring at the same time since 2009.and now since beth said that there is no competition in the divas division, this would be a good time for kharma to face beth in a match at wrestlemania.that would be a match that i would look forward to seeing.
A one-on-one match between these two could be pure gold and would be the biggest Divas match this side of the Trish/Lita years.

That already happened. See Gail Kim vs Awesome King/Kharma in TNA. Those two tore down the house and where the first women since Trish/Lita to be the main event.

As far as Beth vs Kharma I to agree it has potential to be amazing as both women are great and could put on a good match. The problem is WWE doesn't seem to want to actually give the woman enough time to actually make moments happen. It doesn't matter how great the talent is, if they only gave Lita and Trish 2 minutes in the ring their fued wouldn't be nearly as memorable as it is and neither of them really would have gotten anywhere.
According to the WON, there are a number of WWE officials that are against having a Diva match at WrestleMania XXVIII as part of the live broadcast. They feel that just having a Diva match simply for the sake of it will only take time away from other matches that fans will be far more interested in. There's also talk of keeping a Diva match but having it as a pre WM dark match.

I very, very much hope this happens. The Divas are virtually irrelevant as a whole and, thus far, this year's line up includes John Cena vs. The Rock, CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus, Undertaker vs. Triple H in HIAC and, probably, the return of the MITB match to the show. Having the women off the actual live show only gives that much more time to matches that actually matter.

I've no doubt some Divas would be pissed if it came about but considering the fact that they travel the world and make lots of money contributing as little as they do, they've got little to complain about.
I think the last time that the divas actually had a match that mattered at Mania was Trish vs Mickie James back in 2006. I knew that the odds of Beth vs Kharma happening at Mania was slim, and I still stand by opinion that it's still too soon for them to be facing off even if Kharma could compete.

The only problem with there not being a diva's match on the card means there won't be any breaks between matches, so fans are pretty much going to be sitting for 3+ hours without the ability to take a timeout for fear that they might miss something important.

If there has to be some sort of Divas match on the card, a triple threat between Beth and two others would probably be the best way to go; it allows Beth to keep up her dominance in the division when two opponents at the same time couldn't stop her.
As far as the triple threat, it definitely looks like Beth is starting to turn on Natalya. Pit Beth against her and Tamina if Kharma isn't back, and that wouldn't make for an awful match at all. It wouldn't be great, but it'd be better than a diva + celebrity + jobber debacle.
I'm hoping this is true. Obviously Cena/Rock and HHH/Taker will probably the get the most time and rightfully so.

I like to see Jericho/Punk get 20 minutes. I still think the world title match will become a triple threat match w/ Orton. They started building Orton and Bryan before he got hurt. I like to see them get 15-20 minutes too. Most likely you will have all your top stars in those 4 matches, I just hope they get the proper time.

Remember WM 22 when Angle, Orton and Rey only got 8 or 9 minutes for the world title. I dont want to see anything like that.

Lets be honest none of the divas are over. It is a waste of time to even put them on Wrestlemania.

And No shitty 8 man tag like we got with the Corre last year. Who wants to see a match that lasts only 1 or 2 minutes. Vince can still give them a Wrestlemania bonus and take care of them, but matches like that should not be on the card.
You know I would be ok about this 2 years ago with all the crappy lumberjill matches but I was looking forward to Beth vs Kharma. I thought that after a long long time there were two female competitors that could put on a good good match and bring some glory to the division. If these two lock horns I would wanna se it go for 10 minutes atleast.

Probably for the first time in a long time I hope we see a Diva's match and it is these two locking it up. No gimmick, no lumberjills. Straight up smash mouth brawl and submissions man.
I dislike the divas division as much as the next guy, but to bump them off the card would only further the point that WWE does not care about them whatsoever. They have the potential to give us the biggest divas match since 2006's Trish VS Mickie. They even have two different routes to take toward an excellent match. Beth Phoenix is the Divas Champion. A diva who can actually wrestle. She needs to be defending her title against either Kharma or Natalya.... and if it's Natalya, that current gimmick has GOT to go. They should focus on her family lineage to build her up as the perfect contender for Beth.

It's not like they are trying to get out of a Kelly Kelly VS Brie Bella match. THAT, I would bump off the card in a heartbeat. They have 3 divas on the roster capable of putting on a match worthy of Wrestlemania standards. They owe it to us fans and the divas as well, to keep this match on the main card. I remember that there was a similar report for Wrestlemania 26 that the divas might be the dark match and I thought to myself that they deserved better, and we ended up with a low quality (even by divas match standards) tag team match where Vickie had a team against Kelly's team. I guess we should be careful what we wish for.

Look, the point is that the divas do not deserve to be the dark match because that is an insult to a division that has honestly seen improvement. Why not have a battle royal to determine a contender for Jack Swagger, have some random face (perhaps Ryder if he is not facing Kane) win it and then the match with Swagger takes place later on. They did this in 2008 for the ECW Championship and it could be done again, provided the match itself lasts longer than 10 seconds. Worst case scenario if we end up with an awful match it could just be a chance for people to get up and grab a snack. We all need breaks in between great epic matches like Taker/Trips 3, Punk/Jericho, and Cena/Rock.
I personally feel like both parties are at fault here. The Divas aren't over, but the WWE really isn't doing much to get them over. The only over Divas are Beth Phoenix and Eve, but barely. Can't say much on Kharma cause she's barely even around.

That aside, I feel like they're doing the Divas a misjustice. I mean to be quite honest, you can't have WrestleMania without at least one Divas match. If Kharma isn't around then Beth and Natalya can put on a great match. The story is already there. We just need Beth to turn on Natalya and there you have it. Unlike a lot of people, I would personally love to see this match. And if given enough time, I think they can outdo Mickie and Trish's match. Only if they have the time to do so and they build this match up enough for us to care about it.

Not having them on the card at all shows that they really don't care about the Divas Division and should disband it altogether. What's the point of keeping them around if you're thinking of bumping them off the WrestleMania card?
I understand the reasoning because the 2 big matches will go at less 30 minutes each and the title matches will probably go between 15 to 20 minutes each plus if you had up all the video packages and backstage skit and interviews you got already half the PPV times that's gone. But having said that, unless you have something like Big Show vs Shaq on the card, their nothing else that is really going to get me interested more in wrestlemania, so why not put a 10 minutes divas match on the card. It's going to be much better then any comedy skit they are going to do backstage and it's a good way buffer match to put between some of the bigger match.

On a side note, i'm o.k with Taker vs HHH going over 30 minutes, The one thing i don'T want to see is Cena Vs Rock go more then 30 minutes simply because i with these 2 guys, i don't see them being able to keep this match interesting for more then 30 minutes and i'm being generous.
This doesn't make any sense. Why would wwe pass up on beth phoenix vs kharma or beth phoenix vs trish stratus? That'd be a really stupid & sexist decision for wwe to make. But wwe & stupidity go hand in hand these days, huh? :disappointed:
From WZ:
Trish Stratus Teases WM28 Match
During a recent interview conducted for SportsVibe.uk, former WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus teased a potential WrestleMania 28 match by saying the following:

"Beth [Phoenix] was saying that she was the most dominant champion, so I thought I would just let her know that title is already taken. As for a match between Beth and myself at WrestleMania that is an excellent proposition and I think the fans would love that. I've actually had the opportunity to tangle up with Beth Phoenix a couple of times and I think that she is amazing in the ring and I would love to kick her ass actually."

Now unless there are fears over Trish's abilities or she is asking for too much money, I wouldn't mind seeing this match.

The other option that could work well for a Divas match, given what happened on Monday night, would be Trish coming back to teach Eve a lesson for John. She has had his back in the past.

But if they bump the Divas off the card, when am I going to find time to take a potty break?!?! :(

Honestly though, from a personal standpoint, taking the Divas off the card wouldn't bother me mostly because I pay very little attention to their matches so it doesn't really affect me. WWE has done virtually nothing to keep me, as well as many others, interested in the division and has shown no signs of actually doing so in the foreseeable future. However, given what we have going on with the division at this point, I would be somewhat surprised if Beth Phoenix and Natalya don't have a match at the PPV. They've already been teasing dissension between them for awhile now and I'd be surprised if they didn't have it come to a head within the next few weeks. Shame that Kharma hasn't fully recovered from her pregnancy. I would've actually liked to have seen her compete for the title against Beth.
But if they bump the Divas off the card, when am I going to find time to take a potty break?!?! :(

If there take the divas off the card, just go during one of the many useless video package or lame backstage segment that Wrestlemania will probably have to fill time.

But seriously, i think that will WWE seem to want to put a little bit more effort into the division over the last month or so. Just look at how they build Beth Phoenix as this dominant champion and her match against Tamina at Elimination chamber was really good, one of the rare divas match that i actually like in the past year. You also have Eve heel turn that'S interesting. So i'm starting to get inerested again with the division. So i really hope that they either book at Divas title match between BEth PHoenix and either Trish or Natalya or some sort of mix tag team match involving Eve.
I do not like this idea AT ALL! I enjoy the WOMEN'S division and what it used to be and am still hopeful that it can be brought back that way.

KHARMA is not coming back in time for WM. PERIOD

This past week following the EC ppv divas match they had an opportunity to continue what could be a good long term feud between tamina and Beth. Adding an already existing and teased feud with Natalya making a triple threat match for the PPV. I believe these women would but on one heck of a match WM quality.
Im actually ok with this. The card is stacked as it is, there is barely any room for it. Plus they really haven't put much stock into the Divas division. I mean, they are making Natalya have a fart gimmick! They're only really pushing Beth and Tamina and we've seen it already. Now it's going to be for the title? What will change?

Here is what Mania is shaping up to be...

~Taker/Triple H will get the most time (20 mins) because it is heavily seen as the main attraction IMO.

~Rock/Cena will get second longest (though it wouldn't surprise me if they gave it longest) even though it will be the ME and is considered main feature.

~Punk/Jericho will get at least 10 mins

~Sheamus/Bryan will get about 10 mins

~Hopefully IC and US title matches each about 5 mins

~MAYBE a tag team match at about 5 mins

~Rumored Shaq/Big Show interaction will be 5 min filler

~rumored 10-man match for JL vs Teddy Long will get about 10 mins

~figure in promotional stuff like back-story to matches, HOF, backstage pieces, commercials, and other filler crap

All of that is a possible 9 matches with 4 guaranteed. Last years WM only had 8 matches.
I find it strange that they're starting this Eve vs Kelly Kelly feud now. It's mostly been a twitter feud thus far but I'm sure Cole will fill in the tv audience.
I guess we can at least expect a divas dark match featuring the two then. or a mixed tag match with kane and ryder thrown in

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