Wrestlemania 27 - Undertaker vs Triple H - NO DQ STREAK MATCH

Is Taker vs HHH lacking the expectation & anticipation Taker vs HBK had?

  • True....that makes me wonder as well....

  • Considering they'll have to follow not one but TWO HBK vs Taker matches? Unsurprising.

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I for one an extremely excited about this match as these two are the only guys left on the roster I still really care about. Not to take away from some of the other up and comers, but it's the truth. It's also the only reason why I'll be attending Wrestlemania. I think it should be a legendary moment for not only the streak, but Wrestlemania as well. I don't really have an opinion on who should win or how, but I will say that out of all the opponents The Undertaker has beaten within the streak, I would want Triple H to be the one to do it, aside from Shawn Michaels, he seems to be the only logical choice. One idea I have toyed with is the idea of Nash getting involved somehow to try to help Triple H. On the contrary, if Triple H were to win, I would want obviously want a clean win. I could just see Nash coming down trying to help Triple H and failing. But again, I don't see anyone actually ending the streak.
I Could not give a toss about this match at all.
If the build up was started before the Rumble or even at the rumble then it might actually mean something. The build up just hasnt been strong enough in my opinion.

Instead HHH interupts Taker and they both stare at the Mania sign.

the match just doesnt excite me and im not bothered about watching it
The build for this match has almost killed any intrest I have in watching Wrestlemania. I was initially excited for HHH/'Taker, but after almost five weeks of boring ass promos and a few random beat downs by Triple H , I don't care about this match at all. I understand that Triple H and The Undertaker are practically worshiped by WWE, but I for one think that this match needs a little more than just "look at what these two have done in the past". I don't give a shit what these men have done in the past, I care what they are doing right now, and all that is are lackluster promos.

This match is the perfect example of all hype, no substance. If video packages are the best thing going for this match, than I think I will keep my $50.
I think for this match not to be a revenge match on Triple H's part for what happened at the last Wrestlemania was a HUGE mistake.This was supposed to be the big money match not Cena vs. Miz in my mind but without any substance to it other than just wanting to end the streak and saying the same b.s. every week, everything about this screams lackluster, to me anyway
I'm a huge fan of Triple H, and I LOVED the Mania 17 match between these two. It was great, and that match did have main event quality.

I want to see these two wrestle each other, but I'm not too excited to see this match. The build hasn't been bad at all, but I just have a hard time getting excited for this one. Taker and Triple H are both legends and big names, so it does make sense to have them face off in a blockbuster Wrestlemania streak match, but both men are up there in age, and these two men have been hobbled by injuries over the years, so the chances of these two men delivering a classic again are VERY slim. Both Mania matches with Shawn and Taker had this epic feel to them, as the build was going on, but I don't feel the same way about this match. It just feels like Taker VS Triple H is one of the only big name streak matches left(the other would be Cena VS Taker). This match just has this "well, this is the best we can do" feel to it.

I have a hard time believing HHH will take down The Deadman. If Shawn Michaels couldn't do it in back to back Wrestlemania matches, then there's no way HHH is going to take down the mighty streak, so I'm picking The Undertaker to go 19-0 here. This one will be no holds barred, so I do expect a fierce brawl here. There should be a good amount of near falls here, and I wouldn't be surprised if this one grabs the main event spot.
The only problem I have with this match is the lack of build up to it. HBK/Taker feud was about as good as it gets when it comes to leading up to a match. The entrances were epic and the match was even better. I think when they put the stipulation on the match, it was a way of saying, "I know you two are old so we'll let you beat the crap out of each other for 20 minutes". Im gonna watch, but I don't have high expectations on the match.
I'm still kinda hoping this match does not happen. I think these two could be better used in other matches and at best the match will be average.

These two are both constantly injured and fairly old. I think that perhaps making this match a street fight or no DQ will make this better as these two might become boring in the ring if the match goes on for a long time. Also HHH works better when there is no rules.
it is a DQ match. and the most boring of Undertaker's matches was against edge at WM24. I was so bored i didnt know what to do with my self. I think it will be an aggressive brawl and hopefully HHH will win and retire the old and unsatisfying undertaker.
I don't know about all of you, but being a Undertaker and HHH mark, I'm pretty pumped for this match. Sure, the build-up has been lackluster to say the least. Atleast the next RAW there be ome sort of alteration between the two.

Anyway, the story behind the match is great. Triple H has nothing left to do but end the streak, while the Last Outlaw is saying he'll be just another number on his list.

The match well, we'll have to wait and see. Undertaker can barely walk anymore, and Triple H has only been fighting in 4 minute tag team dark matches. So, the match being a No Hold's Barred match does make it easier for them to cover up their flaw's. But then agian, it's not their fault.

This could be the last time we see Undertaker for a long while. He's got a broken rotator cuff that can't be repaired. He's in his mid 40's, and he's been fighting off injuries the last few year's. Unfortunately if might be the last time we Undertaker for a long while, maybe even until Summerslam or even next Royal Rumble.

Triple H well, he's got a family. He's also got a job and his own office at WWE Headquarter's in Conneticut. So, this might also be the last match we see of him as well for a while. But, he's more versatile, he's got more of a chance of being active for a little longer than Undertaker.

The victory. I am rooting for Triple H in this one. I don't know why, but I got a strange feeling that the Undertaker may be 18-1 at Wrestlemania. Hell, he might retire after theis Wrestlemania. Yes, everybody want's to see Undertaker take on Cena at Wrestlemania 28, but Undertaker is nearly dead as far as his body can hold up.

I'm going with Triple H on this one.

And no, Shawn Michaels will play no part at all with this match! He's happily retired and won't screw either man out of a victory for no reason, then just leave for another year. Some people are just so gullible. :disappointed:
Gonna be fucking awesome, even without respectable build. A match both men work well in, and honestly, I would give H as good a chance as anyone to defeat the streak. Proper intrigue, huge stage, the right match. Easily the one I am most looking forward to.
With everything else on the card this isn't a must see for me. I will be ordering the PPV, and I'm happy to see it. I wouldn't miss this if it didn't happen. The build could have been better, but we still have one more show. So I expect something to happen there. The match itself is going to be good, it's no rules. Triple H and Taker are going to beat each other up with weapons, sounds ok to me. Both men can still put on a good match, and I expect the fans to be into it. It's the whole legend vs legend thing, it is sure to draw some extra views.I'm going to be watching the match, but in no way is this a must see for me personally.
Wrestlemania 27 is right around the corner, HHH vs The Undertaker. Great match-up. But coulda been better..

What happened to The Undertakers Mindgames? what happened to the lights going off, fake bodies, what happened to The Undertaker trying to instill the fear into his Wrestlemania opponent?


I am highly disappointed in the buildup or lack there off for this main event..

Your thoughts?
The build for this match has almost killed any intrest I have in watching Wrestlemania. I was initially excited for HHH/'Taker, but after almost five weeks of boring ass promos and a few random beat downs by Triple H , I don't care about this match at all. I understand that Triple H and The Undertaker are practically worshiped by WWE, but I for one think that this match needs a little more than just "look at what these two have done in the past". I don't give a shit what these men have done in the past, I care what they are doing right now, and all that is are lackluster promos.

This match is the perfect example of all hype, no substance. If video packages are the best thing going for this match, than I think I will keep my $50.

I'm going to retract this statement after the promo tonight. No, I still think the build for the past few weeks sucked major dick, but the promo tonight saved the whole thing and made me change my mind. What an awesome segment. The involvment of Shawn Micheals was something I was begging them to do, and they brought him in at the perfect time. Having Shawn discuss how great these to were and then confronting HHH about what makes him thnik he can do what Shawn failed to do two years in a row was great. The transition of Shawn's attitude after hearing the Undertaker's words was some of the best promo work I have ever seen.

What really drove the whole thing home though was Shawn finally doubting The Game. Everyone seems to be doubting whether The Game can actually do it, where for the past few weeks every was just acting like this was just another match . That, to me, is what adds the most to this match. The fact that it is no more about two big icons clashing, but about Triple H finally having to prove himself. I wasn't feeling any emotion in HHH's delivery up until that moment where Shawn left the ring after he (HHH) told Shawn to tell the Undertaker that he can beat him. I finally feel like Triple H is now trying to do the impossible. It doesn't come across to me like "We're facing off at Wrestlemania and here are some video packages to make it seem exciting". I feel like Triple H is going to war this Sunday, and I actually want to seem him pull it off.
Back in December 2010 and even earlier this year many prominent wrestling websites were reporting that Sheamus and Wade Barrett would be the opponents for Triple H and Undertaker respectively at WrestleMania 27.

However as the big even drew closer the same wrestling websites started reporting about Vince McMahon's ambition to make sure that this year's WrestleMania hit the 1 million buys mark. That, and the fact that The Undertaker's last two WrestleMania encounters have been faultless classics, is what probably made Vince McMahon book an Undertaker vs Triple H match for WrestleMania 27.

But the question is, was it really neccesary? Of the main event level matches that have been booked for WrestleMania this year, this has been the worst booked match. The initial staredown was cool but what should have been the exception became the norm. Week after week, on both Raw and on Smackdown, the promos have been insipid and monotonous. Like in his feud with HBK, the Streak has been the focal point of this feud but it doesn't really feel the same. In HBK's case it probably worked because the WWE actually brought up HBK's history with The Undertaker with HBK claiming that Undertaker had never beaten him. The second time round HBK's own career was brought into the equation and that also exalted the feud to a new level.

That has hardly been the case here. It appears that both HHH and Undertaker have little to say, other than kiss each other's asses a bit and proclaim victory. The HBK segment this week has piqued my interest a bit, but only a bit.

Finally, with The Rock coming back and all the build up between him and Cena, the Streak hardly looks like the draw it looked a year ago. The spotlight has shifted onto Cena and Rock and has made the match for The Ultimate prize look obselete.

So, in your opinion, could the WWE have done without HHH vs Undertaker this year?

In my opinion, it could have. Sheamus has been booked in a midcard match and Wade is in a 8 man taag match. Both guys have been the shining stars of the youth movement and have proved themselves to be worthy of those pushes. A match against stars of the magnitude of HHH and Undertaker would have undoubtedly helped their careers.

Finally it is not as if the card would have been affected. Cena vs Miz, Orton vs Punk, Edge vs Del Rio and even Lawler vs Cole makes for a stacked card. As it stands all these matches have been booked better than HHH vs Undertaker and deserve a higher place on the card than the match for the streak.
In my opinion after seeing last nights segment, I can fully see HBK getting involved and kicking HHH in the face. With his final words being "Hunter, its time" and walking off.
Okay so I think we can all come to the conclusion that Undertaker is obviously winning this as I just can't see HHH, even though he was some pull, will go through with defeating Taker. Also the fact that after the last two classics of Undertaker vs. HBK, that it seems near impossible to believe Hunter will walk away with a victory.

I also believe HHH has no chance based on numbers. Yes, it's very well known Taker has the greatest streak in the history of Wrestling and Wrestlemania, but one thing that makes me even more certain is that Undertaker will be going on his 19th win. Now why stop all of the sudden with the streak when next year he could have his big 20-0 win. WWE won't do that, Vince won't do that. We can guarantee HHH has no chance.

Onto the match itself, I think it will be a great back and forth brawl, with some twists and turns with HBK's sudden involvement. I'm not taking anything away from this match, but as people said the build up has been immensely lackluster, but I think they saved all that with this past Monday's promo and face off with Taker-HHH and then Shawn Michaels. I truly believe The No Holds Barred stipulation will save this match as Taker is in such bad physical condition and HHH has only been wrestling short tag dark matches. Still excited for this!

My prediction: Well I obviously believe Taker will end up adding number 19 to his Wrestlemania streak, but they will have to have you on the edge of your seat after his last two 'Mania matches. I very well can predict HBK will get involved, and will do either two things. 1) Will interfere and end up hitting Sweet Chin Music on Undertaker out of nowhere while either HHH is stunned or down, and then HHH goes for the cover but...Oh no, it's a kick out! Just adding to the disbelief in the WWE Universe Taker had it in him to kick out after what I am sure of what will be a brawl all over ringside and other nearfalls and finishers being delivered. Or, 2) Near the end HBK will interfere hitting Sweet Chin Music on HHH, but a moment after, he kicks Undertaker with it, and then leaves as after a few moments, HHH covers Taker but he kicks out.

Either way, I still see The Deadman gaining the victory here. I'm anticipating this match and in the end, no matter what, I see a fast Tombstone being hit and the victory going to Undertaker.
While i don't see in any possible way Triple H winning here; I'm crossing my fingers for a HBK interference. It would add a whole other dimension to the streak concept.

I read somewhere on this forums before about an idea someone had where HBK would become obsessed with the fact that he couldn't break the streak. So he makes sure no one else is able too. It would be a fascinating concept. I just don't know where creative would go with it.
This has received so much hype. I’m concerned that it will not live up to fans’ expectations. First of all it has a very tough act to follow after the two Undertaker VS Michaels matches. Secondly, it has received a TON of hype as a dream match. Both men are legends, don’t get me wrong. I am looking forward to the match. I encourage everyone to not compare it to matches of the past (especially a certain match from Wrestlemania 17 between two guys who’s names also happen to be Triple H and Undertaker that we aren’t supposed to remember apparently). Enjoy it for what it is, a match between two of the best ever. Is Trips winning? No. Will the match still be great? You bet. Michaels may or may not get involved. Will he cost Trips the match out of jealousy for not being able to break the streak himself? I think we will be seeing the sledgehammer as well now that it is no holds barred. Taker’s new theme music is intriguing. This will surely close the show if Cena/Miz does not. I would put all my money on the Undertaker for obvious reasons, he will be 19-0 after another great match on Sunday because the streak should not end here. I'm a trips mark, but I still would rather the streak either be broken by someone who could use THE BIGGEST PUSH EVER or for it to never end. Either way I’m still looking forward to it.

The Undertaker will defeat Triple H.
I think HBK will cost Triple H the match. Then get on the mic and say "It was for your own good, you need to learn to lose blah blah blah"

Then say "you looked me in the eye and told me it was time to quit, now I am telling you to your face it is time to quit2

Triple H kayfabe retires. Probably comes back in a year or 2.
My interest level was about 10% before last week and now it's about 15%. My fear is that this match will be lauded as great just because of who is in it and become overrated as a result. I don't have high expectations that it will be good and I imagine the No Holds Barred stipulation was made to hide their weaknesses since they're both coming off of injuries. I hope HBK doesn't cost HHH the win because that would most likely mean HHH calling out HBK and you know the rest. Undertaker should win this one.
I'm going to be honest, this build hasn't been what it could have been. This week it stepped up with intrigue, with a possible HBK interference scenario on the card (though highely unlikely). The fact they rode the buildup for the match at the fact Trips has won everything and only the streak has eluded his achievements, just isn't a very interesting catalyst for a match. There trying to make it seem epic, but there just not achieving that. I'm sure they'll bring their best, and they'll have an awesome match, but with better build, this could have been so much more. They could have done little things to improve it, but they didn't. The video package they done Raw last week with stars talking about the match helped the match a lot, but the fact is, others helped the match, not the two in the match. Still, once they put on a good match, I'll be happy enough, considering the build, and these two will really fight tooth and nail to try to have a fantastic match up. Taker to win.
With the Rock coming back, I think all the attention is on that and not this match. Personally, I didn't want to see this match. Tha being said, who else would interest me in this situation ? I thought if it were Rock vs. Taker it would've been far more interesting but he's tied up with Cena. There are very few performers in the WWE right now who would help make this match worth watching for me. A supervisor at work told me after seing these two on this past Raw, he's convinced Triple H will win it and end the streak. So let's see, this match has been done before, and Trips wins, there's no way in hell, I want to see that. The build up has been largely botched, but anything compared to the Rock's return to WM was bound to be overshadowed.
The band Metallica has posted the following on its Twitter account:

"Triple H will be using one of your favorite 'Tallica songs during his match against The Undertaker this weekend during WrestleMania XXVII."

Hmm anyone have an idea what the song might be. Enter Sandman?

On the subject of this match. Im looking forward to it very much. Something tells me these 2 guys can put on a better match than they did at Wm 17. For all they know, it could be both of there last matches and im sure they would like to go out on top with an amazing performance. These 2 never fail to deliver at the biggest PPV of the year, and im sure they will do the same this year. Taker shouldnt lose and i hope his streak stays intact till 20-0. Hopefully there wont be any interference from HBK though, I wouldnt want Takers streak record to be tainted because of it.
The band Metallica has posted the following on its Twitter account:

"Triple H will be using one of your favorite 'Tallica songs during his match against The Undertaker this weekend during WrestleMania XXVII."

Hmm anyone have an idea what the song might be. Enter Sandman?

On the subject of this match. Im looking forward to it very much. Something tells me these 2 guys can put on a better match than they did at Wm 17. For all they know, it could be both of there last matches and im sure they would like to go out on top with an amazing performance. These 2 never fail to deliver at the biggest PPV of the year, and im sure they will do the same this year. Taker shouldnt lose and i hope his streak stays intact till 20-0. Hopefully there wont be any interference from HBK though, I wouldnt want Takers streak record to be tainted because of it.
Naw, Im banking on ''For Whom the bell tolls''

Enter sandman is of course a trademark of Sandman. For whom the bell tolls has ALOT of undertones that would work for this fued.

''For whom the bell tolls...''
Taker obviously has bells in his songs

''Time marches on..''
Takes streak ending is not the end of the road for Taker, time would move on past him, as well as Triple H, though His name would be the one to win..Hence the bell tolling, once Triple H wins.

I highly doubt its any other Metallica song as this one makes the most sense.

Im not getting Mania this year, but I am excited for the results.
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Fuck the build up, this match will still be prety kick ass. There is no way in fucking hell Triple H will defeat Undertaker. What would be the point? To add on to Triple H's already overly impressive resumè? It's prety much pointless to have Triple H walk away the victor here. Although, I am wondering just who the hell will fill the role of Undertaker's opponent next year around this time. Triple H seemed to be the best choice right now and I hear a lot of people bitching about it. Good god, shut up. This match will be amazing. Add in the fact that its a no DQ this match seems toi be the best on the card. Like I said, Undertaker's winning, and even a blind Triple H mark can see that.

Hamler's Prediction- Undertaker
The hype for this match was bad only because taker can barely move his shoulder so they couldn't have each other beating one another up in fear of taker getting hurt more. The no holds barred thing kinda killed it for me. Its obvious why they made that stipulation. With taker being my favorite wrestler/entertainer I still think this match will be at least decent. HHH isn't bad either but I don't see him winning this one. HBK...I just wish he would stay away to be honest. I have a gut feeling he'll interfere somehow. Hope this match is at least entertaining. 19-0!

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