Wrestlemania 27 - Undertaker vs Triple H - NO DQ STREAK MATCH

Is Taker vs HHH lacking the expectation & anticipation Taker vs HBK had?

  • True....that makes me wonder as well....

  • Considering they'll have to follow not one but TWO HBK vs Taker matches? Unsurprising.

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I don't think so...it would really take some of the luster off the streak, IMO. Especially if it's a "no holds barred" match, no countouts, no DQ's...they'd both have to pass out, I guess. I see a winner...probably Taker, because I think they want to keep the streak intact, but a winner one way or the other.
Am I the only one that thinks HHH vs. Undertaker may end in a draw???

Streak would still be in tact…???


Nah.. I think its already believed that Undertaker will retire at next year's Wrestlemania with a unattainable record of 20-0. Why taint this record with a draw?

I just don't see it. Here is why it will be a No-DQ match.

Triple H can't work like he use to and Undertaker is getting old, it is a well known fact Taker takes (lol alliteration) about 6-8 months off after Mania to recover from injuries and heal up. He can't continue to work any more. I think he will retire at 20-0. But that was off topic anyway it will be a No-DQ match because Undertaker will hit Triple H with everything but the kitchen sink and this will save Trips from doing a clean job like HBK did the previous two years. (I use the term job loosely.) It masks the fact that neither man can physically work a 25-30 minute match with each other.
in a draw? then the streak wouldn't be in tact:


a draw, if you go by sports standings, goes for 1/2 a win, 1/2 a loss. but no, it shouldn't end in a draw, not at WrestleMania.

the match is no DQ also. how would it be a draw?! Lol both men KO'd?

I dunno HOW exactly but I cant get it out of my head, maybe my MARK-ness wont let me see HHH lose to taker at WM...but we know WWE aint sports, and it aint hockey 18-0-1 is still UNDEFEATED at WM...
I dunno HOW exactly but I cant get it out of my head, maybe my MARK-ness wont let me see HHH lose to taker at WM...but we know WWE aint sports, and it aint hockey 18-0-1 is still UNDEFEATED at WM...

What you said is true but still, it would look weird. Why in the blue hell would it end in a draw with HHH when it could have been a draw a long time ago with opponents such as Kane or Kevin «Diesel» Nash. Besides its no DQ, no Count-Out so its impossible for them to end in a draw.
You guys all seem to understand that before they made a big deal out of the streak, Taker already had 2 matches with no decision, one being the match vs Giant Gonzales, so it's not unheard of. He already had draws or DQ and is still considered 18-0.

Could happen, but I don't see HHH doing it, Taker will win. Taker already beat HHH at a Wrestlemania, so.
What you said is true but still, it would look weird. Why in the blue hell would it end in a draw with HHH when it could have been a draw a long time ago with opponents such as Kane or Kevin «Diesel» Nash. Besides its no DQ, no Count-Out so its impossible for them to end in a draw.

if there both laying outside on the Atlanta pavement goin on ten minutes who should be declared the winner????
I'm glad someone brought this up because I have a question on this specifically as it pertains to The Streak!

firstly, no it wont end this way I dont see HHH beating him though with it being No Holds Barred like Mania X7 but with HBK, Nash, X-Pac and Hall maybe too all being in Atlanta the tease is a legal Kliq screwjob obviously

but onto my question:

A draw is a tie...

but a No Contest would be too correct? or would it technically be different, right?

I just want to hear your opinions and sorry to go off, but it's still on topic, because my question is IF the streak was defended in a Singles Match and the match was a draw this year it'd be 18-0-1

but if it ended it a No Contest wouldnt that be 18-0-0 or 18-0-1?

you get what I mean? they are too different things, gotta be. I've seen some WWE bouts end in a Draw (The Rock/Mankind LMS)

I've seen WWE bouts end in a No Contest RARELY (the only one I recall is actually a Divas match in WWE New York back in the late 90's/early 2000's)

But the difference is I not only want the answer/opinions on the difference between the two, but how would you look at The Streak specifically having ended via No Contest vs Draw, would it still be the streak or half dead or broken of a legacy?

you know?

well, I'll await the answers I think I've been clear enough

But I do believe a No Contest unlike a Draw can be declared before anyone even touches each other if the referee loses all control of the match, say several stars jumped in the ring, I read that when the ref loses all control it can be a No Contest but thats not the only way

though I dont know why it wouldnt be a double DQ unless neither was ultimate responsible for the mass or small big disruption to have the ref lose control of the match
This isn't TNA. This will be the closing match at Wrestlemania. There has to be a winner. There WILL be a winner...and it will more than likely be the Undertaker.
if there both laying outside on the Atlanta pavement goin on ten minutes who should be declared the winner????

Its No DQ and No Count-Out and basically No Holds Barred do you know what that means lol? It means until both guys die in the ring the match will continue so its impossible to end it in a draw, this is not TNA's Victory Road we are talking about (Cheap shot i know) its wrestlemania.
Well no he would not be undefeated. The score would then become 18-0-1. Which defeats the whole purpose of the streak. if it is going to be damaged like that he might as well lose. Also, this is Wrestlemania. The biggest night of the year. I'll be dammed if the match of the night ends in a draw. These forums will explode with people angry and upset over the outcome. it would not be pretty. The best thing to do is have taker win. Go to 20, win against cena and end his career there.
You know it seems really clear to me why its a No Holds Bared match. Lets look at the two really quick. Both are getting up there in their age, both have had numerous injuries, and quite honestly as much as I love them both, both have lost two steps from their prime. (Not a knock just part of life). So this No Holds Bared match is a way for them to go hell bent on each other and cover up their spots that they can no longer do like they could. More or less just a way to patch up the sinkin ship of two dyin wrestlers. You know you toss in some wicked chair shots, and sledge hammer shots and you kinda dont notice that HHH is a bit slower and cant deliever that spine buster like he used to. Taker does his leg drop through the table and you kinda forget or dont notice that he cant he big runnin/flyin closeline anymore. So I gotta say I totally understand why the match is set up this way.

Onto the part of if I see a draw, honestly I gotta agree with a poster before me a bit, this will be the closing match on the Mania card and as slow as some might say the story is when the time comes all our asses will be gluded to our seats. So I dont see this one ending in a draw as I feel that would let alot of people down very much so, and I gotta belive alot of old school fans are buying this for that match instead of the new stars. I do think that Undertaker will win this after a long hard faught match with many many close pinfalls. That will lead us to 19-0 and the streak looks that much more better. Only until next WrestleMania when 20-0 is on the line. What a number that would be 20-0 WOW, but that is when our next huge long term star will be made and will be put in our memerios for ever.

I'm not gonna sit here and hand pick names on who it might be, because honestly in wrestling a year is a long time and anyone could step up in that time. With that being said I do believe a young star will come up and dethrown Taker right before he gets 20-0 and we will have a new mega star made, and Taker will go out helping the business that he loves and has put so much in.

Hogan made Taker, and I think Taker will make someone huge on that night next year.
I dunno HOW exactly but I cant get it out of my head, maybe my MARK-ness wont let me see HHH lose to taker at WM...but we know WWE aint sports, and it aint hockey 18-0-1 is still UNDEFEATED at WM...

it already happened at WrestleMania X-Seven lol Taker beat HHH in a heck of a match, they won't put up a match close to what they did that year. i don't think they put HHH in it unless he's putting Taker going over. if they're going to end the streak or blemish it, you'd think they'd do it with a young guy who's looking to get over, not a vet who's ready to call it quits
I can definitely see a double pin spot, where they both have an arm draped over the other. The only way this should happen is if immediately after Long, Raw GM, or even Mr. McMahon comes out and restarts the match and says there has to be a winner. I like the last man standing idea.
i disagree, the match shouldnt end in a draw, it just wouldnt make sence. the only way this could happen is if both men push it further then they ever have only to have it end like undertaker and batista's match at backlash where both men are laid out. im rooting for undertaker to win, he beat triple hhh 10 years ago, why not now? on the other hand, triple hhh is one of the best to ever wrestle so its kinda a toss up, however in the end i know ill be rooting for the deadman to clean house.
i had thought this would happen with shawn michaels, it will be a great match and i like the idea of it being in a tie as stated above then have it be a last man standing rule, just don't think that will happen. what i think will happen, is that hhh will almost win then shawn michaels will come out, screw hhh cause he doesnt' want hhh to get the win since he did not.

Interesting. Only if Shawn Michaels hadn't said he'd stay retired. And honestly, I believe Shawn would stay retired. But then again, why would Michaels actually care? He's retired remember? It's not like HHH is going to actually GET anything from beating The Undertaker other than a win. I think at this point, people are investing way too much into the "streak" aspect of what could otherwise be a good match. With that said, I highly, highly doubt it will end in a draw. Do you know how much the fan would litter the ring with garbage and how many times the "Bull----" bomb would be laid out on world wide TV? If this were TNA, then yeah, I could see them butchering the match and having it end it a draw---hold on---didn't they already do that last night? Proves my point. We all know it'll be a good match, and I agree, HHH will come ever, ever so close to beating The Undertaker. I'm sure Jim Ross will call a perfect match like he always does and everyone will be like "oh shoot, he almost won" but in the end, UT will prevail because as both Vince & HHH himself knows, its good for business & and at the end of the day that's all that matters.
It would never end in a draw. Taker has to win in order for his streak to be intact, which means he will either win, and the streak continues, or he will lose, and HHH will go down in wrestling legends history.

A draw won't do anything for anyone. Sure, the streak'll be broken, but HHH won't be remembered as the guy who did it. The fact is, it's a huge concept that needs to have a huge ending, i.e. the streak will be broken, and in a huge way.

Lets end the speculation now! There is no way HHH will beat Taker at Mania!! It like HHH is saying at the moment, Taker is now about the Streak, he loses the streak then he just becomes another Future Hall of Famer! They will not damage Takers streak. They will do a good job making all of you think HHH will do it to get buy ins just like they did with HBK 2 years running, hell even i kinda thought last year just maybe he will beat him. But Seriously HHH will not beat Taker!!!The only reason HHH is facing Taker is beacuse there was no other big star to do it, maybe a heal Cena , but thats another angle for maybe next year!

True or Not???
This is the one match that's either going to be fantastic, or craptastic

If HBK couldn't end the streak, it's my firm believe that NO ONE will.
I still feel that this match seems way too last minute for me, unless something drastic happens between HHH/UT in the next 3 weeks then it's just going to seem thrown on the card.

From what I've gathered, this is the general story:
HHH - "I've never beat you and we're both over 40 here so let's have a match at Mania"
UT - "AH why not I took out your friend and I can do the same to you"

It's like they had nothing better at Mania to do so they just decided to fight each other and ignore the Nexus/Sheamus entirely.

At the same time though, HHH/UT KNOW that they have 2 five star matches to follow, I think with that knowledge they're going to surprise us somehow.
Either that or it's gonna be an average UT streak match with 687 kickouts and finishers.
This is the one match that's either going to be fantastic, or craptastic

If HBK couldn't end the streak, it's my firm believe that NO ONE will.
I still feel that this match seems way too last minute for me, unless something drastic happens between HHH/UT in the next 3 weeks then it's just going to seem thrown on the card.

From what I've gathered, this is the general story:
HHH - "I've never beat you and we're both over 40 here so let's have a match at Mania"
UT - "AH why not I took out your friend and I can do the same to you"

It's like they had nothing better at Mania to do so they just decided to fight each other and ignore the Nexus/Sheamus entirely.

At the same time though, HHH/UT KNOW that they have 2 five star matches to follow, I think with that knowledge they're going to surprise us somehow.
Either that or it's gonna be an average UT streak match with 687 kickouts and finishers.

I could not agree with you more the fact that its no holds barred leads me to believe that no matter how hard they tried Undertaker simply is not capable of putting on a five star match with strictly wrestling so people are going to go ape shit when sledgehammers and chairs get put into the equation, also he wont have to take to many bumps on the mat, also because of his injuries and because shawn michaels will not be his opponent.

Like you said it will either be the shit, which is possible one of the great things about PG with less chairs,weapons, blood etc.... is if that happens in this match at mania people will be going nuts since they havent scene it in so long, or it will be an ok match, the storyline is not their for it to be a fantastic match
Considering the supposed magnitude of this match, I'm supposedly unpumped. Because, I presume, of Undertaker's fragility and Triple H's fondness for his new schedule (read: no matches) there's still very noticeable threads left hanging from when these two left. Kane and Nexus (or Corre, whatever) have gone completely unpunished and after Sheamus puts Triple H out for months on end, he exacts his revenge by putting him in such a state that he - wait for it - can't win a match against Evan Bourne. Oh, the humanity!

The promos, at best, have been clumsy segways between nicknames:

"Blah blah blah, The Game, blah blah blah, The Last Outlaw, blah blah blah, all the other talent is shit."

At worst, they've been staring contests. Actually, wait, I don't know what's worse; staring contests or coming out and telling people to watch a video package. Then repeating that same shit ad nauseum. Who's even meant to have put those packages together, anyway? Has The Undertaker taken time out from rigging the lights to fiddle around on his Mac? Or is Triple H backstage, intricately explaining to Terry the tech guy how he wants to put the shits up The Undertaker with overedited highlights of Shawn Michaels getting beat up?

The match itself... could be fine. Could be good. Much as people might want you to believe the opposite, neither of these men are a guarantee of a good match. Not even at WrestleMania. Well, especially at WrestleMania in Triple H's case.

Sorry, writers - this isn't a match of such epic proportions that it doesn't require that thing that you sometimes do. What's it called again? You haven't done it in such a long time. Oh yeah; writing.
Undertaker and HHH are more than capable of putting on a great match. Hell, we've seen them do it before at WrestleMania 17. So, for people to come on here and say that this match will be mediocre at best, average, or even bad is just bullshit.

Sure, they have to follow two of the greatest matches that we've ever seen at a WrestleMania, but don't you think that they know that as well? Undertaker and Trips will come out and they will perform to their ability and it will be solid match. If it's anything like their WM 17 match, I will be a satisfied customer.

I will agree, however, that the story and build up for this match is lacking. Me, being a 'Taker super fan, I'm kind of underwhelmed with this match as it is. Last year I was overwhelmed with the 'Taker/HBK match. The writers need to give this story a shot in the arm.
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the WWE has decided against making this a career vs. streak match and HBK won't be the special guest ref.

In some ways, I think a career vs. streak could have made the match a little more special and HBK's involvement could have been played up to really make it seem that the streak is in dire jeopardy. On the other hand, just having things play out as a straight up street fight between them does fit in better with both of their characters. If Triple H was heel, it might be a different story. However, WWE has played on the fact that Triple H & The Undertaker are a dying breed, the last two guys left in the WWE from a bygone era so just having them fight it out in a no holds barred match has a nice ring to it. No pissing, no complaining, no excuses, just two legends going at it and may the best man win.
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the WWE has decided against making this a career vs. streak match

I'm telling you right now, even if he wins this match, Undertaker will never wrestle again in his career. It'll be Steve Austin with WrestleMania 19 all over again. Or, you know, he'll wrestle in a twenty-man tag at next year's 'Mania.

HBK won't be the special guest ref.

Hardly surprising. I'll be shocked - shocked - if Michaels shows up for anything other than just the Hall of Fame ceremony. The man knows how to retire with grace; I'll give him that much. You'd have to chain him up like King Kong to get him to actually feature in a match.

In some ways, I think a career vs. streak could have made the match a little more special and HBK's involvement could have been played up to really make it seem that the streak is in dire jeopardy.

I'd imagine, whatever the stipulation, they'd have (or rather, they will) pulled it straight out of their arse as they've done with anything else. Maybe The Undertaker will come out holding a sign that says "career" and Triple H will come out holding a sign that says "streak". They'll then rip their respective signs up and everybody will carry on wondering just what in the fuck this story is about.

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