Wrestlemania 26, your favourite build up and most anticipated match?

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Dark Match Jobber
This one is simples.

Which build up have you most enjoyed so far for the matches at Wrestlemania and which match are you most looking forward to?

It is shaping up to be an incredible Wrestlemania judging by the brilliant card we have and the quite brilliant build up and promotion that WWE has done this year.

I think there has been some excellent build up so far this year for the likes of Cena/Batista, Edge/Jericho, Legacy Triple Threat, Punk/Rey, and HBK/Taker but the best build up so far for me has been Bret/Vince.

Its been great seeing Bret back on tv again and he has done a great job since her returned and just the fact that there is going to be a match in 2010 at a Wrestlemania and involving Bret Hart is unbelievable.

In terms of the match I'm most looking forward to I'd say its a tie between Bret/Vince and HBK/Taker. The build up for Bret/Vince has been a bit better than the build up for streak vs career but I am looking forward to both matches equally.

Thats my choices but whats yours?
The problem with a lot of the matches is that I've seen them before, that's why I'm not anticipating many of them. I think I'll enjoy almost all of them when I see the show, but I can't get excited about Batista vs. Cena when I saw it at SummerSlam 18 months ago, Undertaker vs. HBK is one of the lames WrestleMania rematches in recent years, Punk vs. Mysterio was done 15 months ago at Armageddon, There is absolutely no reason for me to be intrested in the Legacy match, etc. Like I said, I'm sure almost all of them will deliver and there are still plenty for all of them to do in respect of a feud, but I don't anticiapate anything I've seen before and Legacy are the most boring heel sin wrestling.

The build for Hart vs. McMahon has been great so far, Vince is easily one of the best performers ever and it'll be him, not Bret who makes the match into something truly memorable.
I'm going to have to agree with Jake and say Hart/McMahon. McMahon may not be the greatest wrestler ever but he can put on a performance. Most of the WM matches he has been in has had the most build up when you look at it. What do you think was the most anticipated match at WM 19? Hogan/McMahon because it was twenty years in the making. His match with HBK at WM 22 had three years of buildup and overtones of Montreal. Even his Hair vs. Hair match with Donald Trump was the selling point of WM 23. I guarantee that if Undertaker/HBK wasn't on this card, Hart/McMahon would be the most anticipated. HBK/Taker stood out last year because the card was terrible which is not the case this year but because it is those two names fighting again, people expect it to be the same if not better which I don't think is going to happen.
Definitely Hart vs McMahon, as it's been building incredibly well, I must honestly say even thou I know it's not gonna be the greatest wrestling wise match, and perhaps not the greatest match at Wrestlemania, it's definitely one of, if not THE one match I'm looking most forward to.
Even thou I must admit, Undertaker vs HBK has been building fairly well too, and had the fact that Bret revealed to have faked the leg injury not been thrown into the storyline yesterday, Undertaker and HBK would've been my number 1 choice of build.
But I really must say, there's nothing like watching Vince get beaten up, and I really enjoyed it yesterday, all thou I must admit I had wished for a stunner too.
I also think that the best build up has been between Vince/Bret. It wasn't really that good until yesterday and I think that Stone Cold added a bit of spice to it. Not to mention what Ferbian already said, when Bret took off the cast and put it on the table that was really cool.

The matches I'm looking forward to the most are Undertaker vs HBK and CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio. I'm a little biased on this but I still think they can put on a damn good match if they give them a good 20 minutes.
I would say the best build up so far has been Bret/Vince. I mean, this was never supposed to happen. Vince has been brilliant in this evil-boss roll (as usual). Bret has been surprising in how quick his mic work came back, and now that we know he is healthy enough to wrestle, it's even better. Stone Cold did add some spice as said before, but this was going to be the one I was most excited to see built anyhow. These two in the ring together is just something I didn't think I would see. I'm like a freakin kid in a candy shop with this feud.

I would also say the other feud I have enjoyed has been Orton/Legacy. This build up has been great, I don't care what any of you say. Orton has turned a corner. People are popping for him like I didn't think was possible. And what I like best is the fact that he is still doing heelish things, and getting over with the crowd. DiBiase and Cody haven't done much, but they are playing their roll well. I am a huge Orton mark, so that probably has a lot to do with it.

Match-wise, it's between Orton/Legacy and Hart/McMahon. Bret/Vince will be really entertaining to watch. If you are looking for a technical show, or a spot fest, you might just want to take a bathroom break (if you do, you're an idiot). This is going to be a brawl, plain and simple. I can't wait to see Bret whip Vinces ass all over the arena, it's going to be great.

Orton/DiBiase/Rhodes are three of the most talented in-ring competitors WWE has right now, and this will be interesting. It will be interesting to see who turns on who, now that it is a triple threat match. I see Orton coming out on top, and continuing to be a huge favorite with the fans. I am sure all of you spot-monkeys out there will hate this match because no one is going to do a Swanton off the top of a ladder, and it will be an actual WRESTLING match, not a stunt show.
There has been some decent build ups this year. Like most I am going with the Hart / Vince slow build as the best. Its 12 years in the making and the build up since Brets return has been classic. It is also a match we never thought we would get to see. The saga of Legacy has played out well the past months so Wrestlemania is a good place to have it climax. Shawn and Undertaker has also been done well and has been building the longest starting at the slammys. They have upped the stakes on that one and has definatly boosted the profile of the match. Edge vrs Jerico has also been almost a year in the making with Jerico taking shots at Edge right after Edges injury. Even the Batista / Cena match has decent history between the two and has Cena in underdog statis trying to get the win over Batista. This year has been built up better than many of the past Mania events. It is shapping up to be a good Wrestlemania.
For me it's Shawn-Taker on both counts. After being blown away by their match last year I was adamant that I never wanted them to step in the ring together again. Then when Shawn teased it at the Slammy's...all of a sudden I felt like....oooooh

The way Shawn behaved from there until the Chamber was out of this world. It sent me from not wanting to see it, to being kinda...open to it....to desperately wanting to see it. The video and promo the night after the Chamber was something else. I was away on business at the time and watched that particular segment three times on my laptop on the way home..the guy sat next to me on the train clearly thought I was an idiot but meh.

I must say though that on the whole I think the whole card has been really well built up, I've not been this hyped for an event since I was a teenager.
As it stands now, this might be the first WM (or any PPV, for that matter) ever where I have an interest in every single match on the card, even the lower card ones.

Of the 9 matches announced so far, I’m honestly either looking forward to or intrigued by every one of them. Of course, I expect a diva match to be added at some point and for that streak to end.

Still, with all that being said, none of the others can top Undertaker v Shawn Michaels. When they first teased the idea of this rematch happening, I was 100% against it, but they’ve done such a great job in building it and making it seem like such a huge deal that I'm now beyond pumped to see this match. The most impressive thing for me is that in the 4 months since the challenge was first thrown out, as far as I recall, HBK’s superkick to Taker at Elimination Chamber has been the only physical confrontation between them. They’ve built this up purely based on the emotion in their promos and the importance of Shawn‘s career and Taker‘s undefeated streak.

Even if I wasn’t already looking forward to that match as it is, that amazing video package from a few weeks ago would have probably converted me.
As it stands now, this might be the first WM (or any PPV, for that matter) ever where I have an interest in every single match on the card, even the lower card ones.

This statement describes exactly how I feel as well. Punk / Mysterio is facinating, HHH / Seamus could be brutal and stiff, MITB is always a spectacle...

I'll say HBK / Taker too, just because I have no clue how it will end. I am even more clueless than I was last year in this match. HBK being so obsessed and laying everything on the line for this shot has be enthralled.

McMahon / Hart is #2. I have never been let down by a Vince McMahon feud blow-off. Ever. Not against Austin, not against Michaels, not against HHH, not against Shane, and not against Hogan. This one will be fun to watch just for the emotion and to once again see the evil Mr. McMahon get his comuppins.

Jericho / Edge is #3, since I'm one of the biggest Jericho fans I know. I've been a fan of his since before many of you were 5th graders. But this all-Canadian WHC Match has my attention, and if there are two men capable ot a near fall clinic, it's these two.
I'm going to have to go with Cena Vs Batista. The ending to the Raw elimination chamber was complete shock. I had a feeling Cena would win the title, but I never expected Batista to become champion shortly after that match was over. The build up to this match has been great. I don't like Batista, but he's been doing an amazing job with his heel work these past couple of months. Everything from his attitude, to his promos, and entrance have just been excellent. I think Cena will win this match because Batista will go back to Smack down, while Cena will hold on to the WWE championship for a while.

The McMahon/Hart feud has also been very good. I NEVER thought I would see this match. Survivor Series 1997 is the most famous controversy in pro wrestling history, and to see Vince and Bret having a match after all these years is so surreal. Bret saying "Vince screwed Vince!" was a another classic moment. I'm sure plenty of wrestling fans have been waiting for him to say that for years. The build up to this match has had it's ups and downs, but this match has so much history behind it. I am certainly looking forward to watching it.
I would say Bret/Vince the most,to see The Hitman back in the Ring in 2010 at Wrestlemania no less is amazing. I loved it when he took the Cast off and said Vince Screwed Vince. Been 12 years in the making and I can't wait to see The Hitman kick Vince's ass all over Phoenix Stadium.

HBK/Taker will be awesome again this year and like someone said earlier I have no idea how this will end. I loved the Video Package a few weeks ago with the Song,Doesn't Hurt Me Wanna Feel How It Feels. I know its not the Title of the Song but I liked it anyway.

Batista/Cena I think will be good and I too was shocked when Batista won the WWE Title at the Elimination Chamber PPV after Cena won it again. I think John Cena wins and The Champ Is Back which sees Batista go back to Smackdown until the Draft anyway.

The Rest of the Card is Strong with MITB,HHH/Sheamus,Rey/Punk,Legacy Triple Threat,Tag Titles,Y2J/Edge for the WHC. Should be one of the Best Wrestlemanias I think.
Every match on the card has been given time and I can't really see any of the matches disappoint. I'm even interested in the UTT championship match. If I had to pick one it is Hart/McMahon. Being that Hart is my all time favorite and to see him finally get his shot at McMahon will be nothing more than awesome. I don't expect the match to be great, but the emotion will be extraordinary and just to see Hart one last time will bring me nothing but all the good times from my childhood. I just can't wait for Mania, 6 days is so far away and I can't see this PPV disappointing.
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