Wrestlemania 26- All Purpose Thread (Do NOT post entire Mania cards in here)

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Orton already faced The Rock at a WM it was handicap match, which Evolution won, Jericho would be my pick the back and forth shit these 2 could spew at each other would be classic and besides Jericho deserves it after wrestling the Senior's Home at last years WM....Steamboat was impressive though
Rock vs The Undertaker at WM26, this match would be another classic, and would put on a show for the fans. And could u imagine the buy rates? I personally would like to see The Rock as a heel for this match, much like he was at WM 19 with stone cold, and i would prefer to see the streak end and have The Rock be the only man in WWE history to have defeated the deadman at wrestlemania.

If the rock was going to face a young superstar I would like his to face, i would actually like to see him go against Ted Dibiase, the build up to this would actually be pretty good, and the match to be a classic with The Rock coming out on top.
First off, it's not going to happen. And if it does, and I'm wrong, than AWESOME!

But, I'll suspend my disbelief here for just a second.

If the Great One is to make his return and wrestle one last match at Wrestlemania, it should NOT be in order to put over a younger talent. I know that sounds very WWE creative team of me, but it's the Rock!!! It's going to take a lot for WWE to get him to come back for a match. They're going to have to offer him a lot.

Besides that, there gets to be a point where a younger talent could actually bury himself by beating a legend. If the Rock, arguably the most popular superstar in WWE history, makes his return, and is somebody like the Miz beats him, the fans will shit all over it. Nobody will care about the Miz, but they will HATE the WWE for doing something so stupid. The Rock is THE people's champion, and his return should be against somebody huge.

The Rock vs. John Cena is the obvious choice, as they have a small history, and Cena is considered the Rock of the new generation. The two would have the most epic match in terms of pomp and circumstance, but Cena would have to play the clear heel. If they don't turn him heel, he'll become one. He won't get his normal boos, he'll get boo'd out of the arena worse than ECW in Philly!

The Rock vs. Orton is a match I think WWE should go with, if given the chance. They've danced before, but never at the big game. The two are great in-ring, but will the Rock give up enough of his time to train for the match? Will Orton and Rock get enough practice together. As good as Orton is, I don't think he could carry a ring-rusty Rock through the match.

The other big names in the WWE are HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Batista, Mysterio, Jericho, and Big Show. HHH will not want to put over the Rock, and the match really wouldn't make any sense. The Undertaker needs to have a great Wrestlemania, and a match against the Rock would be epic, but Taker can't lose, and the Rock has to win in his last match, unless it's a monster heel push for the opponent. Batista and Rock were both involved at Mania years ago... Mysterio vs Rock would be a good match, and the Rock has already said that if he returned he would love to work against him. Again, it wouldn't make a ton of sense, but it's a possibility. Big Show vs. Rock is not a match I want to see at all.
Jericho vs. Rock is a match that could go down, and is the only other choice I think the WWE has. Either that or HBK.

Orton vs. Rock
Jericho vs. Rock
HBK vs. Rock

HBK would need to turn heel and be willing to lose at Mania, but it would be amazing. Jericho could use the big match, and they have a huge history. Jericho could talk about how big he's become since interupting the Rock during his debut a decade ago...

I would like to see Orton or Jericho go at the Rock, if the match is going to take place...
Personally I want to see HBK vs. the Rock.....actually I want to see that match in 1998 or 2002 but WM26 is the next best thing.

Rock vs. Jericho would be cool.
vs. Orton's legend killer gimmick makes sense, but no.
vs. Taker.....seen it.....I think.
vs. Cena no thanks.
vs. HHH...nobody wants that.

It has to be HBK. I've wanted to see that match for over 10 years now and it's really the only match I want to see Rock return for. I definetely have no interest in seeing Rock face any up and comer like Miz or Swagger. I think were gonna get HHH vs HBK for the first time at Mania but I'd rather see The Showstopper go one on one with The Great One.
I beg the WWE that they don't do this feud again. HHH and HBK have wrestled in every single match possible 1. Hell in The Hell 2. Elimination Chamber 3. Last Man Standing 4. Ladder Match 5. Hardcore Match 6. Regular Match. What more can they possibly do? Iron man? Its the biggest problem with the WWE the last few years they keep doing things over and over again.

Shawn Michaels kicked Triple H three times at Survivor Series and Triple H sent him through a table. The next night they were friends again. How are we ever going to believe that these guys can be enemies anymore? The only way I would ever want to see this match again is if one of them is champion and the other wins the rumble and they fight as two faces for the title.

The jealous angle has been down already and won't work because both have done everything they can possible do with their careers. HBK as a heel? Can anyone out of Canada really boo Shawn Michaels? Even when he went against Hulk Hogan back in 2006 he played the bad guy and still got cheered. HHH as a heel? He has 13 world championships why would he turn on HBK?
If the Rock wrestles again (which I doubt) the match should be used to raise a young talent. Maybe like a Ted Dibiase or Cody Rhodes. Because even if the Rock wins Ted or Cody could still get a rub for wrestling the Rock. If he was going to come back for an extended period I think a program with Randy Orton would be awesome with both getting wins in the feud. Maybe even one more match with Triple H would be great.
Here's what I'm think & I hate to say but here I go. HHH could very well be Main Eventing yet another Wrestlemania.

HHH did say that the plan was for either himself or HBK to win at Survivor Series just so the WWE Title comes to DX. Instead it would feel to him that he got screwed & stabbed by Michaels by taking 3 Sweet Chin Kicks costing DX the title. They are now going for the Tag Titles at TLC which by the way is in HBK's home of San Antonio TX. That would be the perferct place for Michaels to be on the ladder and a grab away from the belts only to be knocked off & pedigreed by HHH. HBK could then take a little time off while HHH could then win back the WWE Title from Cena at the Royal Rumble. Shawn Michaels could then either return & win the Royal Rumble or the Elimination Chamber & PRESTO you'll have your Main Event Title Match for Wrestlemania where hopefully Shawn win the damn title If he cares.
Last time we had HHH vs HBK, HHH was the super heel. This time, HBK needs to play this role.

I agree that it would be cool to have this feud again with HHH as the face and HBK as the heel.... but something tells me that this is not going to happen. Sure, HBK's kicking HHH at the start of the triple threat match could potentially start a feud between the two and DX splitting up again, and it WOULD make an interesting Wrestlemania 26 match.... but like I said before, something tells me that this isn't going to be the route they take. I wouldn't mind seeing it, especially if HBK wins.... but I have a bad feeling that HHH will just be in the WWE title match again while HBK will be stealing the show with someone else. I wouldn't mind seeing this match at all if it does happen.
what match would you love to see the rock have at mania 26? and what would you like to see the outcome of that match be?

Well for starters.... the chances of the Rock having ANY match at Wrestlemania 26 are slim to none. Now then IF (and that's a big IF) he were to have a match this year.... I would pick either Cena or Orton. They are my two favorites and either one of them having a match with the Rock would be the best match of the night.

If it's Orton then he could go back to the Legend Killer stuff during the buildup. Orton should then get the win, it would be another great "legend killing". Can you IMAGINE the promo's between Orton and the Rock? Heck, the same can be said for Cena. Those promo's between Cena and the Rock would blow the promos between any other pair right outta the water. Cena should get the win if that match happens, it would TRULY be a "passing of the torch" and a moment every fan would remember forever.

Unfortunately, the odds of these matches happening are incredibly low.
Christian for MITB. It can happen, the more I think about, I pretty much garuntee to myself Christian will drop the belt at TLC. I don't know why, but it's just gahh, a natural feeling. So if Shelton indeed wins. What on earth will Christian do? I bet he wont win the RR, because a RR win means a crack at a world title, at WRESTLEMANIA! And in Grandpa Vinnie's eyes, Christian isn't big enough of a star to M.E. 'Mania, yet. And it would make absolutely no sense for him to win the ECW title again, considering he's done everything there is to do on ECW. So if he does win MITB (and in my opinion he's the #1 candidate for MITB at 'Mania 26) his door to superstardom in the WWE opens. Just think, he can go heel and pull of an Edge. Or he can stay a strong dominant baby face and challange for the title before hand and pull of an R.V.D. Either way I'm cool with it 'coz Christian is awesome as a heel and face. Plus he truly deserves it. Thoughts?
I'd love to see this happen. Although I can't see HBK playing a "SUPER HEEL" a heel yeah, but not "SUPER HEEL". HHH although has proved that he can play a "SUPER HEEL". Plus as far as Michaels jobbing, I can't see that. Shawn will NEVER job at mania, except ofcourse that one shitty, but revolutionary WM match he had with Austin back in '98 for the WWF title. Plus I also see Shawn winning this, he usually wins when the WM # is even lol. Cheesy theory but mehh.
Hornswoggle's "push" seems to be still going strong, for reasons I'll never understand, with "the merchandise feud" he has with DX still in full swing. Hornswoggle has played a part in the past few Wrestlemania's, so let's review:

Wrestlemania 23- Kennedy gives him his finisher from a top the ladder in the MITB match, after he tried to help Finaly get the briefcase.

Wrestlemania 24- This was the whole Bastard Son storyline, in which it was revealed later on that the little guy wasn't Vince's son. This was exposed by none other than JBL. The fallout led to a match between JBL, and Hornswoggle's real dad, Finaly. JBL threw a trash can at Hornswoggle, and hit JBL with the clothesline from hell to get the win.

Now he wasn't included in Mania 25, but if you've payed attetion to Raw this year, you'll see his push(I still can't believe I'm using Hornswoggle and push in the same sentence) is back on, and it's similar to what was going on prior to Mania 24. So do you think Hornswoggle will be involved in Wrestlemania 26? How big will his role be?

I hate to say this, but I think Hornswoggle will be on the card in some way come Wrestlemania time. I'm hoping this whole feud with DX will be over way before then, but with the way WWE has been going recently...you never know. Hornswoggle will probably either be in the opening match or be at ringside in some fashion. So, what are your thoughts?
Maybe they will bring another little person to feud with him, like they did at Wrestlemania 3. He could face Little Beaver or The Haiti Kid and team with Hillbilly Jim. It seems that Hornswoggle will probably have a match since he is on Raw a lot. I would rather see him wrestle over little people then actually be in a match against Chavo or someone else.

I wouldn't be surprised if they put Hornswoggle against The Miz and he becomes the new U.S Champion. Sounds awful but I wouldn't put it passed them.
The new DX shirts with Hornswoggle are sure to be top sellers. They are going to ride that gravy train into WM26 and he will appear with DX vs Hart Dynasty with a midget in pink tights...besides Tyson Kidd....
I believe his role at Wrestlemania 26 will be about as big as he is.

But tbh, he's not that bad a wrestler when he's facing other midgets, so I wouldn't mind seeing him against another midget. Maybe Verne Troyer? I don't recall an interaction between the two...
I honestly hope that he won't even be at Wrestlemania. He's no longer helping Finaly, which is the only reason he appeared at 23.... He appeared at 24 because of that awful storyline with Finlay/JBL/Vince.... He is annoying and I would be very upset if this feud with DX lasts all the way until Wrestlemania. I don't want him to show up at all because he's so annoying, and many fans would agree with me. I wouldn't be against him appearing in a backstage segment or something as long as it's funny....
I really hope to not see him at WM at all. I was really hoping to never see him again after the Pedigree from HHH. I was thinking "I hope this is the end of this guy". But of course- it wasnt. Everytime I see this guy on TV- I automatically change the channel back to MNF!
The Hornswoggle thing really has run its course. It was fun for a few weeks. Now, it's redundant. It's boring. It's the same schtick over and over and over and over and over and over........ and over again. It's a good thing remotes have last channel buttons to let us switch to something actually worth my time. I know five minutes TNA will get from me on 1/4.

To be honest, I'd like to see Hornswoggle at WrestleMania.... and never come back afterwards. Can we have him get tombstoned by The Undertaker and put in a body bag like the old days?

I digress. To be serious, if one can be regarding Hornswoggle, I see him getting involved with some celebrity at WrestleMania. He might be tag teaming with a returning guest host from the past few weeks to face Chavo and Jillian since we all simply can't get enough of Chavo and Hornswoggle. He'll definitely be brought in for some reason for comic relief since that's his schtick. Hornswoggle's essentially Dink the Clown just.... more annoying. I don't care if they have him running around during WrestleMania. Just keep him out of the ring. And if WWE must have Hornswoggle wrestle at Mania, please save us the problem and keep the match under 5 minutes for God's sakes! I feel sorry enough for anyone willing to pay $60 to see the PPV. WWE shouldn't make them have to sit through that!

(Just for the record, I vote Triple H pedigreeing Hornswoggle to be one of the best moments from 2009.)
I doubt Horns will be at WM or even in the WWE at that point. With TNA coming on with a Monday night show in January, the WWE brass has to know where to draw the line when it comes to overdoing things and the bottom line is that if TNA is going to have a show head-to-head with the WWE, then they (the WWE) needs to get serious, take their product more serious and beyond that, take their fans more seriously. No one over the age of a 5 year old likes Horns and I doubt most 5 year olds do too. He's a waste of time, talent and cameras. I personally don't like the man, nor do I wish to see him on TV anymore and believe wholeheartedly that he won't make it to Mania.
Seriously how can all you people hate Hornswoggle like that. He is in WWE for the comedy. He will play some comedy role at Wrestlemania if he is involved. I honestly don't have a preference whatsoever if he is at WM or not. I dont know that its even worth starting a thread speculating what his role would be 3 months before the fact. Its not gonna be that big of a role. I just had to respond because if he is at WM and I get some kind of entertainment value at all it would be worth the extra fill time. I always chuckle at the midget crotch chops, and that spot with him trying to flex his chest like Masters had me laughing pretty hard.
The upcoming "Money in the Bank" match at 'Mania will be highly interesting to me.

Several people come to my mind that would make great winners.

My list of possible winners includes:

He deserves it most in my mind.
I would like to see Christian win "Money" and then feud with Jericho on the Smackdown brand later this year for the World Title.

2-Kofi Kingston:
He seems like a front-runner at the moment.
Kofi's feud with Orton has really upped his profile in the WWE.

3-Chris Jericho:
If he does NOT face 'Taker or Edge at 'Mania, then he should win "Money in the Bank."

KANE is very deserving of a good title run before he retires.
His ECW Title run was good, but he could have a great feud with any of the top guys over the title.

5-John Morrison:
He seems to be inching toward the top of the Smackdown brand.
Morrison is a good wrestler that can only continue to get better each week.
He will be a good face for the company down the road, like Cena is now.

6-The MIZ:
I really like Miz.
The Miz has got tons of potential as a main-event player in the future.
He's got great charisma that the fans seems to react to.
Well it's far too early to rule out a Punk "threepeat", as JR would say. It would draw heel heat for Punk, and that's what WWE tries to aim for in their heels, right? But a supposed 3rd bite at apple might be a bit ridiculous, especially since, according to reports on his feud with R-Truth, WWE do actually consider him to be a main eventer. Although, a Punk win would annoy people rather than helping Punk to get actual heel heat, and I'm guessing WWE know that. They don't want another John Cena type situation with people genuinely hating one of their top stars.

John Morrison is the top candidate on Smackdown. The guy is, quite simply, on a roll. A great Intercontinental champion, pretty big pops, the guy is over and people want to see him succeed. It is really liked, among fans and smarks alike. So a MITB win for Morrison would be welcomed. Either way, he'll have main event status by this time next year.

From Raw, the obvious choice is Kofi. But I don't really see that happening. Wrestlers win the money in the bank when they're over as midcarders and then build up a bit when they have the MITB case so they can challenge the champion down the road. Kofi has his feud with Orton, which is effectively doing the same thing, so I don't actually think he needs it. He could be in the main event very soon after Mania if he keeps his heat up.

Christian is another possible contender. But he could leave ECW, go onto either Raw and Smackdown, go straight into the main event and people who accept it. He doesn't need a MITB win either.

So yeah, I'm gonna go with Morrison on this one. And I personally hope I'm right.
Jericho should face Undertaker in Some type of Specialty match i.e Last Ride Match.

The Jericho- Undertaker feud is fresh. Undertaker & Jericho have yet to enter a one on one ppv program.
what do you guys think? would you want to see this match? whats a match you would like to see Y2J involved in at mania?

It's still a little early, but why not. I think that he could put on a great match with just about anyone. Taker would have been good, but they already had that match recently on Smackdown. My vote would go to Edge since the buildup and promos would be amazing, but we don't know if Edge is going to be back in time yet. Christian would be a cool possibility too because of what the two are capable of in the ring, let alone them being two of the best on the mic.

I think I'll wait a little longer before deciding though. However, no matter who Jericho is going to face, chances are that it will be a great match with excellent buildup because of how great Jericho is.
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