Wrestlemania 26- All Purpose Thread (Do NOT post entire Mania cards in here)

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I've been thinking about possible Wrestlemania main events recently, and looking at things now, this WILL be Smackdown's main event.

First off, Batista is becoming a mega heel right now. I'd bet my house he beats Taker for the belt at TLC. I think they're building him up to be a dominant, monster heel champ, something we haven't seen in years. Punk isn't beating Taker, and Jericho will be busy with Show or Edge. After Batista wins, he'll definately hold the belt until Wrestlemania. Taker will get his obligatory rematch at the Rumble, but he'll lose. Batista will go on to defend it at Elimination Chamber either against Rey Mysterio or in the chamber, which he'll win either way. He's already beaten Smackdown's two biggest faces, and unless someone gets moved, that leaves....

John "don't call me Jim" Morrison. The guy's had a great year, and is having a pretty damn good reign as IC champion. Also, he seems to have finally gotten over as a face. With Jeff Hardy gone and Mysterio injured, the door is wide open for Morrison to go after the World title. You can say he's not ready, and maybe he's not, but with the lack of main event faces on SD, WWE doesn't have much choice.

He'll lose the IC title to McIntyre either at TLC or a Smackdown before the Rumble. If this happens, Morrison will become, in my opinion, the favorite to win the Rumble. He'll either win it, or qualify in another way down the road, but he WILL be main eventing for SD at 'Mania.

At that point, Batista will have mega heel heat, dominating Smackdown. Then you have JoMo step up to challenge him. The build up could be awesome, with Batista claiming that Morrison isn't in his league and Morrison wanting to prove himself. This could seriously make Morrison huge; he'd be the ultimate underdog, which people love, and he's one of the few faces that can rip on heels and actually be funny; his promos with Batista would be priceless, and people would eat it up. With Batista being such a force the whole match would have the theme of "Can Morrison do it?" It'd be like Brock Lesner vs Eddie Guerrero all over again. When was the last time we had a Wrestlemania main event with that feel? WM 20?

Now would Morrison win? That topic could be a thread in itself, but it could work either way. Either he comes super close and barely loses, or he does the unthinkable and beats the Animal. It's a win-win; if they feel he's ready, give it to him, if not, this will be a great test to see how he handles the main event. And hey, if it bombs, you always have the Raw main event. But if the WWE is serious about pushing the younger talent, Morrison winning would be a HUGE step in the right direction. After Batista, Punk should be ready to enter the main event again and challenge John. Then there's Jericho, and then you have the draft, opening more doors.

I've gone over this in my mind many times trying to find fault, and I can't. Things can change, yes, but based on what I'm seeing now, this has to be what we're getting at 'Mania. The only other thing I could see is Morrison winning MITB and cashing it in that night...and winning.

So what do you think? Agree or Disagree, and why?
I agree. This does have a high likelihood of being one of the matches at Wrestlemania because it would be a new top face going up against a monster heel who just recently turned. However, I am not going to do a whole lot of predicting until sometime between Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber. I'll wait a little bit longer because as the cliche'd line goes "anything can happen in the WWE". Batista as a monster heel champion VS the new top face John Morrison would make for a good match and Morrison winning would be an incredible moment, and I think I've already mentioned in other threads that I think he might win the rumble.

We won't know for a while if this happens yet but I think it's possible because it's a good idea for a main event. I'd buy it. Let's wait and see.
I say there's no WAY this happens. Morrison will be in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, hopefully win it, and then CASH that sum bitch in and get him some good ol' fashioned HEEL heat. As much as I like Morrison's character, this would be a great opportunity for him. Even more than the Royal Rumble. It's possible that Taker could win at TLC and if that happens, then Taker's champion going into the Rumble, and if Morrison wins, he's just fodder for the Streak. So Morrison doesn't need to win the Rumble. He needs to win Money in the Bank.

And Batista and Morrison would be a God awful match. Morrison's quick, agile, and athletic. Batista's big, moves slow, and gets winded after 10 minutes. Just not a good combination for a WM main event. So I hope this doesn't happen. And if it does, then that is going to suck.
I gotta say this is a match-up I really never thought about, but I effing love the idea. Morrison would be the perfect guy to go over Batista at Mania for his first title victory. It would especially work if Edge isn't back yet and you don't give the title to Jericho. I see Jericho taking the title off Morrison a couple months down the line during the summer so Morrison has a nice little run with it as his first win, then it really opens up the Edge/Jericho feud for the title. Although, they would be such a great high profile feud, you don't need the title in the picture to get that feud over. You can't do Taker/Batista again as that's kinda been done to death, just with both being faces. I don't really see Mysterio being in the title picture. Nor do I see Taker running with the title either. I gotta say, I really hope this is how the WM card takes shape with Morrison/Batista for the WHC. A Cena/Taker match. HBK/HHH(for the title, this is a match I would totally accept if they were both faces. We would get a totally different style of match between the two instead of them just trying to beat the shit out of each other, it would be more of a match of just refusing to quit and trying to 1-up each other in a sense. Thus hopefully opening up another HBK/Orton feud or something of that nature for the title... or even something totally different for a possible HBK champion feud, with someone different coming via the Draft.)

There are a lot of really great possibilities for matches coming up for Mania this year so I hope we don't get another crap-fest Mania like last year. There's some great matches above I already listed as possibilities and tons of superstars left to fill the card. Good superstars at that. This leaves Orton, Kofi, Jericho, (Edge maybe), Mysterio (maybe), Legacy, Christian, Shelton, etc... Even Big Show, MVP, Miz, Swagger, Sheamus, Bourne, Punk, Ziggler, Matt Hardy, all the Divas, amongst others. This year could shape up to be a really damn good show and I do hope that Morrison/Batista is part of this card.
I don't think so.Maybe but it wouldn't be the first pick for a wrestlemania mainevent.Yeah Morrisons on the rise as a lot of the young guys are but Main Event the biggest PPV of the year with a guy that gets cheered and is a heel.I've heard Batista get booed once this year and it wasn't even that big.I think that Morrison got more heat when he was with the Miz.So no I can't see Batista vs Morrison for the title at mania,but maybe who really knows what will happen on the road to Wrestlemania.

Thats just me!
Just yesterday I made a post on the gfed I'm with about Morrison winning the Rumble. Now just to get this out of the way, good and bad news about Edge; He won't be back in time for Rumble or Mania but hes being advertised to wrestle on the SD Australian tour in July, so he'll unfortunately miss Mania.

Now onto this idea. Its great. Morrison has had some great matches this year, his last one with McIntyre was outstanding, the match of the night for SD in my opinion. He has everything you need to be a Champion; Mic skills, the crowd behind you, charisma, talent, and he can work with the main-eventers; Jeff, Punk, Jericho, Edge, last year he worked with DX. I went off Morrison winning MITB and now my choice goes to Kofi, it went to him since he began the push but nevertheless, I think a win at the Rumble, or, as you suggested yourself somewhere down the line a win to headline Mania, at EC or in a number one contenders tournament.
I would love to see this as a match at WrestleMania...but you have to read the cards guys. Morrison currently is being pushed against McIntyre...yes...they could have him lose the title and continue with starting a feud with Batista. But in case you haven't noticed, WWE now likes to draw out feuds. So this is what I'm thinking will happen. John Cena will drop the title, and it will end up in Orton's hands before or at the Royal Rumble. Kofi will go on to win the Royal Rumble, as he is currently feuding with Orton. That will be the WrestleMania main event. In addition, it'll probably be Cena/Undertaker and probably Shawn Michaels/Triple H. Batista...he might face Morrison, but the better bet is that WWE will be stupid about it and have him face someone like Mysterio. Morrison would be in MITB, and more than likely would win it. Did I mention that WWE is ******ed when it comes to this stuff? Seriously...look what they're doing with Christian and Benjamin. Both are highly capable superstars stuck on the F-Class show. They deserve better, as each could easily be seen as viable competitors for the World Heavyweight Championship. And Sheamus...why? Seriously...why? I think he has great abilities...but WWE stock is going to drop for the first ever TLC PPV because of Sheamus main eventing it. They probably would have gotten a bigger buy rate if they'd have put Santino in the match. No offense to Sheamus...but at least Santino could have given us a good laugh.
I would like to see Morrison Vs Batista but what you're forgetting about is a team split up or just a face change for someone who suddenly becomes a fan favorite and goes against Batista. Or maybe something like what Edge did last year at No Way Out and just appear in the other shows main event. They would probably have some one like Randy Orton do that after something like Kofi costing him the WWE title earlier which opens the door to lots of different possibilities. For example Batista getting revenge and taking the other shows championship which gives two cross-brand rivalries for Wrestlemania 26.
this would probably be the logical choice. i dnt think however that batista will win at tlc this sunday, i think he'll win it at the royal rumble or the elimination chamber. but anyways, i agree with morrison being the number 1 contender going into wrestlemania, i cant see him winning the rumble, it makes sense but it just doesnt feel right for him to win it yet. i would have like him to win the money in the bank, something i can picture him winning. i also think theres a chance that whoever wins the rumble will probably be from raw(or maybe a long shot, someone from ecw) and will jump to smackdown, the only time someone did that was 5 years ago(6 by the rumble) and i think it would help smackdown. i cant see young talent winning the rumble, to me it has to be a veteran, even tho i like kofi kingston, john morrison, etc. the people i see winning are christian or edge, if he can come back by then, which is unlikely :(,

OVERALL-i can see morrison being number 1 contender, but not winning the rumble. i see batista winning the title after tlc. and i see a veteran winning the rumble
I'm feeling that Batista/Morrison will be a WHC PPV Match at some point between now and SummerSlam but I don't think it will be a WrestleMania title match. It would be possibility if the other main event was Cena/Undertaker but at the moment I don't think that is going to happen, despite the rumours. Batista is doing some great work right now and garnering some good heat with the crowd. Because of the success of Batista's heel turn I honestly feel we are being geared towards Cena/Batista at WM26. If Batista goes into WM26 fresh from beating the Undertaker at TLC & Royal Rumble and with an additional defense against possibly JoMo or Mysterio at Elimination Chamber then I feel WM26 would be a great place to even the Cena/Batista score at 1-1. Of course, this means that Cena would lose his WWE Title sometime before Elimination Chamber in order for WWE to create a situation where he can jump brands in order to face Batista. In my opinion, in order for this match to work I think it has to be Cena taking down Batista rather than just defending against him.

As for JoMo I think that Money in the Bank is perfect for him this year. Right now, JoMo, despite his wins over Punk in the summer, doesn't seem legit enough as a World Title holder. If he were to win MitB this time round I think it would legitamize him as a threat and I also feel that he should feud with someone (possibly the Miz, maybe Mysterio?) over the case before cashing it in. This would give him enough time to polish up as an overall performer and stand him in good stead for the future.
I completley agree. Let Batista win and be a major heel. Morrison wins the Rumble or qualifying Chamber match at Elimination Chamber.

Wrestlemania 26 would be awesome if Morrison wins the World Heavyweight championship.

Morrison- awesome. He can pull out anything.
Batista- can't wrestle

I say this can benefit the World title too. Batista or Taker are good for the fans but Taker can only wrestle good at WM. Batista can't wrestle good. Morrison would bring some other mid carders to the main event scene.
Everyone seems to be forgetting one thing. Remember Batista's book. How he did some stuff with Melina. WWE could use that in a major way to blast heat on Batista and make John Morrison the sympathetic heal that Batasta might be somewhat reluctant to fight. If they do this right and cap it off at Wrestlemania, Morrison will be the new face of Smackdown and maybe WWE; as Cena is just as charasmatic, but people are just getting tired of him.
I like the sound of Batista vs. Morrison, but I think Batista vs. Edge is more likely to headline Wrestlemania. I believe Edge will be back by January 2010, which will give him a few weeks to feud with Jericho, leading to a match at the Royal Rumble. I don't think the Edge/Jericho feud will last too long, leaving Edge free to feud with Batista for the title.

As for Morrison, I agree that he's a great competitor and has very good mic skills, which need a little more refinement, but that'll come, in time. Morrisson will be in the World title picture, but perhaps after winning "Money In The Bank", as someone else pointed out. As great as he is, I just don't think that he's quite ready to headline Wrestlemania yet (maybe next year?). I think a lengthy feud with CM Punk would help his cause, once he's done with Drew McIntyre. Also, as much as I like his finishing move (Starship Pain), in the long term, he'll need a new / more "ground based" finishing move as he won't be able to hit such moves once he gets into his mid 30's and beyond (and I want Morrison to be around for a LONG time).
First off, Batista is becoming a mega heel right now. I'd bet my house he beats Taker for the belt at TLC.

Well I'd like to take your house by betting my own that he does not beat Taker at TLC. Deal?

On topic, I mentioned in the Triple Crown thread that I'd actually like to see JoMo main event WM against Batista while Kofi goes up against Orton with the new guys going over and a new era in the WWE begins. Yea yea I know, ricockulous amounts of wishful thinking on my part. While I see JoMo vs Batista (he beats Taker at the RR) as a possibility for WM, it just doesn't fit into the WWE's way of doing things. We'll most likely see established main-eventers in the WM main events with guys like JoMo and Kofi in MITB
Morrison vs Batista at WM26.....hmmm.

I'm not sure if that sounds overly appealing to me. Morrison's quality performer that checks most of the boxes to be a champion, which he will be one day for sure. Batista's shown in the past that he can work a WM main event and come off with huge pops regardless whether he wins or loses. So, on paper, it looks like a good match up (one I'd never thought up, so kudos there).

Same time though...I dunno. If Morrison were to pick up a win at the Rumble (which he's one of my favourites to do) or qualify at EC with a VERY convincing win and Batista actually starts to generate some heat instead of getting popped every time he makes his way to the ring, this it could work. But that's a lot of variables to cover in a pretty short amount of time. Morrison would have to prove himself by working harder than he has so far (which is no mean feat) and getting convincingly over before the big day.

It has potential, I'll give you that.
This idea is awful. Straight up. Morrison is nowhere near over enought yet to deserve a World Championship match at Wrestlemania. Personally, I think Morrison has more to gain from having real feuds in the midcard and upper midcard right now. Punk vs. Morrison at Mania would be GREAT if both men were given time to steal the show and a novel feud concept. If not that, Morrison should be in MITB or defending his belt. In no way, shape, or form is Morrison ready to headline Mania. Especially not as a face. Do you want this to be Cena or Punk all over again? The fans will slowly turn on Morrison, especially considering he'd be going against a guy who just turned heel after being hella over for years. I can't see it ending well for JoMo, who isn't catching on yet like he should be.
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I think it will be Jericho vs. Morrison at WrestleMania World title
Kofi vs. Shamus WWE title
Heel Batista vs. Face Triple H w/ Ric Flair special referee
HBK vs. CM Punk
Orton vs. Dibiase
Cena vs. Undertaker
Miz winning Money in the bank


No offence here dude, but that would be, hands down, the WORST Wrestlemania line up of all time.
Like, really. Batista vs Triple H....again? I was sick of this is in '05.
Kofi vs Sheamus??? WTF?? Really, c'mon man, Kofi's good but he's not WM good (yet) and Sheamus has MILES to go before getting a sniff at that kind of glory.
HBK vs CM Punk would be ok, I'll give ya that but where's the angle? How would you have that work out? That's an honest question btw.
Jericho vs Morrison....yeah, nah, can't see it. Jericho vs Big Show, maybe. Morrison winning MITB, maybe. Jericho and Morrison for the title....nah. There's not enough star quality between them to pull that off at WM.
Orton vs Dibiase? A waste of Orton's time at WM. Dibiase is too green to get such a high profile match at the biggest event of the year.
Cena vs Undertaker would be swell and it's kinda a foregone conclusion in my view.
Miz winning MITB....I'd believe that, though I'd be looking more at Kofi or JoMo.

Again man, no offence. And please do answer my question about Punk and HBK, that could be pretty cool
I don't see Morrison as a main eventer yet. I especially don't see Morrison as a main event at WrestleMania. I don't know why I don't see what everyone else does when I look at Morrison. But, I see an ok wrestler who could be alot better considering is athletic ability but isn't because he doesn't understand how to flow a match, and a guy who bores the loving hell out of me on the stick. He's not ready to headline Mania. He hasn't even headlined a ppv to my knowledge, which isn't very good, so feel free to correct me there. Better for Morrison would be Punk. Or, what has been kind of a soft going fued between him and Miz. It has been slow burning, but they have met on I think 4 occassions in the past couple months, each with Miz picking up the win. Maybe they are thinking of unified mid card titles, who knows. All I know, Morrison isn't main event level yet, but could be. I like him most vs Punk or in MITB.
In fairness to Morrison and Batista, they did have a decent (in my eyes) match on SD for a shot at the WHC a year or so ago, so they match probably wouldnt be completely shit.

do I think that this match should happen at 'Mania 26 for the title, no. It's way too soon for Morrison to be main eventing any PPV, let alone a Wrestlemania; and in my opinion he's not quite ready to win the strap yet. Later down the line this match could be a moneymaker, but right now, it's not 'Mania material.
Everyone seems to be forgetting one thing. Remember Batista's book. How he did some stuff with Melina. WWE could use that in a major way to blast heat on Batista and make John Morrison the sympathetic heal that Batasta might be somewhat reluctant to fight. If they do this right and cap it off at Wrestlemania, Morrison will be the new face of Smackdown and maybe WWE; as Cena is just as charasmatic, but people are just getting tired of him.

While I'm always for the idea of breaking down the walls of wrestling, this is an opportunity I feel they blew. Melina and Morrison haven't been affiliated in quite some time, therefore I think that train has rode long ago. And personally, Cena is about 10 times as charasmatic as Morrison in my book. Why am I the only person who doesn't like this guy? Maybe it's the bedazzled abs...
There is no way John Morrison is gonna be in a World Title match at Wrestlemania. Not with both Undertaker and Batista around, he just wouldn't fit at all. Maybe if it was still the time when Hardy and Punk were on top, cause Morrison worked so well with those two guys, but not now. Yeah, he's the most over fact on SD after Undertaker and yeah he's one of the best performers on SD at the moment. But it takes something very very special to go from midcard title holder to Wrestlemania main eventer in the space of a few months. The only people I can think of who did that are The Ultimate Warrior and John Cena. And while Morrison is over, he's not that over.

I still think Morrison is gonna be winning MitB at Wrestlemania, cause he deserves to the most. People could make a case for Kofi winning it, but Kofi will get his title shot soon enough. Morrison should get MitB. And the only way Morrison will be in a world title match at Wrestlemania is if A) he cashes in MitB at the end of the night or B) the unlikely chance of him being part of a triple threat for the world title.
I think everyone forgetting something, let's look back in history about five years ago. US champ at the time was John cena.I belive that Cena was in the same situation as Morrison.Good, but never had that opputunity to really shine in the main event.Cena does well in rumble and than.... well the rest is history.

I think Cena was probably more popular, but than again smackdown isn't in the same league it was five years ago.What they could really do for Morrison would be if 'taker faces him at wrestlemania.There were reports quite awhile ago where they considered someone breaking 'takers streak by using an upcomer. This would be the ultimate push for morrison, and if done properly, would have a true main eventer in league with guys like Orton, Cena, and Batista.and if they really didn't want morrison in the main event, place him in a cross brand match against Kofi.A simple exhibition match against the two biggest upcomers out there to prove their potential
morrison has the wrestling ability look and finisher is awesome only problem i see is the guy can't talk....and i somwhow can't see wwe making batista up to be this monster as they are the now then having him lose to morrison will make him seem weak, i think mania will be too early for morrison and MITB is a possibilty but i can see kofi taking that one, i think it be cena vs taker....and hhh vs hbk
I think this would be great if WWE decides to do this. They need to build new stars. I think if Morrison wins the Royal Rumble it would be a huge boost for him. As far as the IC title, he doesn't need to lost it. He can be like Warrior and go against the World champ while being IC champ. They can have both belts on the line, winner take all. Or if they don't wanna do that, they can always have him lose it in a Triple threat match without getting pinned. They can have McIntyre or Ziggler pin Finlay or someone to win the title.

This is the time for WWE to develop new stars. Kofi and Morrison could potentially be the two breakout stars if Morrison wins the World title at Wrestlemania and Kofi wins Money in the Bank.
I wouldnt mind seeing this feud/match but not as a Mania main event. I know Morrision had a good year but he doesnt have the star power to be headlining mania...atleast not yet. Internet smarks tend to put to carriage before the horse. I honestly just don't think John is ready, no matter how much i try to convince myself he is.
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