Wrestlemania 26- All Purpose Thread (Do NOT post entire Mania cards in here)

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NOOOOO, HHH always wins. He will never put over to somebody young or big. At Breaking Point, HBK got beat, not HHH. What I'm saying is HHH will win because he basiclly control matches he does. He had to marry the boss's daughter. I don't like HHH. So, if they would have another match. I would say HHH win, Stephanie announces a divorce and restarts the match. HBK win and HHH is fired or retires from the WWE.

It is brilliant! I am a mini Vince

Well, you are a mini something for sure. HHH lost at SS by the way. And anyone could list insane amounts of other matches the man has lost. You sound ridiculous here. But your right, you are like Vince, a terribly, horrible creative idea. He'd love it.

The OP stated that everytime DX breaks up we get a HHH/HBK fued. That sounds accurate, but really we have never seen an in ring fued from them after a dx split, unless you count the time they "almost" got back together, which hardly counts as a return, therefore isn't really a split either.

Personally, I'm torn. The idea of having it go off now appeases me b/c then someone else will get the honor to work Shawns last match with him. However, I don't know if anyone else would work as hard to make Shawns last match great as much has Hunter would, maybe Jericho, which we have seen. I suppose if they do it correctly it would work. I would like to see it for the title if it is to be done this year, and I don't think that will happen.

To be completely honest, I don't even see the need to have the match at all. They competed together at WM 20 which can only be described as an amazing match with Benoit. It had everything, multiple storylines heading in, heat between all three men, a good build, and three of the best wrestlers of our generation. I say let that be their WM moment together.
I'm really indifferent to this. While it's a feud that's been done before, it hasn't been done in a long time. It would be interesting to see if or who would turn heel. Likely would be HHH, as everyone and their grandma has a massive boner for Shawn.

This should be saved for Shawn's last match though. So while they should do this again, it shouldn't be at Wrestlemania 26, unless that's when HBK's retiring.
I can see the match happen if the two break apart after TLC. I enjoyed when Cena and Michaels were the tag team champions and were put in the gauntlet match facing team after team. Shawn can superkick Triple H at some point and leave him to be pinned. It gives a new tag team a chance to shine with the belts and it starts Shawns heel turn towards Triple H going into the spring.
I really hope Cena does not beat the Undertaker, let's make history...Undertaker being the ONLY wrestler to ever go down in history as retiring from the WWE undefeated at Wrestlemania!!!:)...now, how about this scenario though...

Batista beats Undertaker, then Undertaker beats Cena for the title maybe?, Eh, never mind, that might not make too much sense
If this is not a Championship Match, then I have no problems with this. It could be a marquee match with a good build up. But for the main event slot I would really prefer to see either Kingston, Punk, or Jericho head lining Wrestlemania. I mean heck why not? HHH and HBK will still be pretty high on the card, while we get to see new blood headline the event.
I wouldn't mind seeing it at all. Although I would want Shawn as the heel, because I don't think that's been done before. They have great matches together, and would definitely be Wrestlemania worthy.
Just had something in mind, if you look at Wrestlezone it states why this is even in the talks is because HHH/HBK has not been done at a WM before. Thinking about it does anyone think erasing all of Benoit's history and acknowledgments has something to do with it? That they want to add HBK/HHH at a WM as part of the history books?
Just had something in mind, if you look at Wrestlezone it states why this is even in the talks is because HHH/HBK has not been done at a WM before. Thinking about it does anyone think erasing all of Benoit's history and acknowledgments has something to do with it? That they want to add HBK/HHH at a WM as part of the history books?

Actually it could have a little bit of something to do with it. But I'd be willing to say it's more due to the fact that they've never been one on one before at WM. That and they can use the separation of DX to get buys. Kinda like WM 5, when the Mega Powers Explode.
So the Rock says he wants to be a part of World Wrestling Entertainment again! We have no idea what this part is going to be, but i know i can speak for most of us and hope he has at least one more match. At mania 26 the tagline is "history will be made, will you be there?" I know every year at mania they say they are going to make "history" (and most likely the history they make this year will be putting hornswoggle in every match on the card) But what if a match takes place, the great ones last and final match!!!

Who should he face in this match? Many would say Cena, many would say hbk, many would say Orton (and i would love to see all 3 of these matchups) Or should he face a young "up and comer" like Morrison or Kingston or the Miz to build their career?

I for one dont care who he faces cuz its the ROCK! But i would love to see him face and lose to a young talent (preferably the Miz because hes AWESOME) because that would do so much for their career and pretty much thrust them into superstardom. They could build up The Rock Vs The Miz pretty easily, Miz runs his mouth every week about how Awesome he is (which is true) one week near mania the rock could come out and confront him saying he will never be as great as the "great one" could you imagine the promos these 2 could do?! and hell at Mania The Miz could cheat to win and still come out looking like gold!

I know im thinking irrationally because the rock will prolly never wrestle again, but hey i can dream right? what match would you love to see the rock have at mania 26? and what would you like to see the outcome of that match be?
I think that is an excellent idea with the miz versing the rock but if the rock had to have one more match, i would definitely have him face hbk. i mean what a classic match that would be. the most electifying man in sports entertainment vs. the showstopper (mr. wrestlemania himself). Just think of the buys for this match
the rock should wrestle cena at wrestlemania 26. just to show him and the rest of the cena followers that he was and still is was a proper showman and main eventer. and the promos that would build it up would be so funny watching the rock effortlessly run rings round him, cena promos look so forced. or if u want a classic, rock vs hbk. now that would be up there with the match he had with the undertaker at the last wrestlemania. and to make it even better feud we can have the show stopper of old, the cocky super confident hbk.who better
the rock should wrestle cena at wrestlemania 26. just to show him and the rest of the cena followers that he was and still is was a proper showman and main eventer. and the promos that would build it up would be so funny watching the rock effortlessly run rings round him, cena promos look so forced.

Brilliant! Bring in the Rock for a one time gig to bury your top talent!

Please stop. I know the cool thing to do in the IWC is to hate on Cena/Batista/HHH, but it's been run into the ground so much with idiotic shit like this.
I think the rock should have his final match at mania against the Undertaker to make a really big impact. This would surely be a classic or the Rock vs HBK
Rock V Undertaker I personally would have preferred to see when Rock was there, not when he's coming back for 1 show so that you could actually think that maybe he would end Taker's streak.
By the sounds of things on other boards it seems most people have an idea what the matches for WM are going to be already, and unless they want him to be a 3 time MITB winner in a row, I wouldn't mind seeing him and CM Punk going at it. At the moment Punk isn't caught up in a long term feud except with the fans over the straight edge gimmick, and Punk was the only wrestler singled out by Rock's promo on Smackdown a couple months back. While it may not be a lot of people's first choice for Rock's final ever match, it could help Punk become established as a mega heel which, hopefully, he could really push on from.
I admit the idea of Rock wrestling anyone at WM seems fairly implausible right now as I don't see him taking time to make TV appearances etc to build up a feud for it. If however there was some kind of angle where someone were to issue an open challenge and The Rock were to appear then I could hear a deafening pop.
Actually, if Edge may not be ready in time for WM, what about Jericho again? They have the history, and Jericho is one of the few who can truly hold his own on the mic against the Rock which aint easy to do.
I would love the idea of the Rock going one on one with Cena. It seemed like that was the way it was building, with Cena bashing Rock, saying he doesn't care about the wwe and ect. It would have worked good with Cena playing the heel role, because quite frankly, the Rock would be the overwhelming face. Even if the Rock acted heel to Cena, he still would get cheered. But with the possible Cena vs Taker match at Mania (would be just as star powered) the Rock needs another opponent.

There is HBK, and these two would put on a fantastic match that would steal the show, but I think HBK will be facing HHH, as these two have never faced at mania, and well HBK does not have many mania's left.

There is the theory that the Rock should face an up-and-comer. There are a number of choices: the Miz, Kofi, Mcintyre. But quite frankly, I want to see the Rock wrestle one of the big stars of today, and not one of the up and comers. They don't need to get a rub from the Rock, and if they beat the Rock, I think it kind of tarnishes his legacy. If the Rock beats one of them, it squashes any momentum they have.

The wrestler then I would most want to see face the Rock, and someone with no potential match on the card as we speak, is CM Punk. I think Punk and Rock can have an amazing match. Punk - the Straight Edge superstar vs Rock - the superstar from hollywood. It would be quite the clash of lifestyles. For this match to, the Rock can go over and Punk won't lose any momentum. He is a main eventer, unlike someone like Kofi who is trying to be.

Just one more note:

I really don't think anybody would care! It's about 5 years too late.

Are you kidding me???? Did you see the reaction that the Rock got on the 10the anniversary of SD! A lot of people still care about the Rock, and seeing him in one final match. We feel cheated we did not get a proper send off. Are you telling me if the Rock did not have one final match, you would not want to see it?? 5 years too late, bleh.... absence makes the heart grow fonder. People still clamour about wanting to see Austin in one more match, its the same way for the Rock. They may not be the same wrestler they once were, but they deserve one last match to be properly sent off, and everyone wants it.
My dream match-up for Wrestlemania 26 would have to be Sting vs. The Rock. I know it has only about a 0.1% chance of ever happening, but it would be epic. It would be another Icon vs. Icon match like Rock v. Hogan but bigger.

Snap back to reality, if the Rock was to come back for Wrestlemania, he would come back as a face and a huge crowd favorite and would have to go against a heel. I think that Randy Orton, Jericho or Punk would be the best option for him to face. Orton could revive some of 'The Legend Killer' gimmick. Jericho would also be great as him and Rocky have worked great together in the past. CM Punk is really getting heat from the crowd and as pointed out by Dowds, Punk was the only one called out on SD!X by the Rock.

Hopefully if he hosts RAW in Jan., he will announce that he is coming out of retirement. In all honesty I'm just ready to hear the Rock calling people Roody-Poo Candy-Ass Jabronis.
I dont think this is HBK's last mania so I'd like to hold off on the HHH vs HBK match as that should close out his career.

If the Rock is coming back for a match I'm in favor of HBK being his opponent. Rock is probably going to be a bit rusty and HBK can carry a broom stick if need be. I would hate for it to be Cena but it would make the most sense from a storyline standpoint.
You want to see the Miz vs the Rock at Wrestlemania 26? For one I think if the Rock EVER actually fought one more match, it would have to be against someone of huge popularity, which obviously would be John Cena. For those of you who say that The Rock should put over a young talent, keep in my mind that wwe does not need to put over a young talent every match they have. Yes it could spark someones career greatly, but it would probably be more entertaining to see wwe's best superstar right now (Cena) vs arguably wwe's best superstar of the attitude era (The Rock, even though you could argue Stone Cold or others...oh well).

Overall, I would rather want to see The Rock vs John Cena than The Rock vs Dolph Ziggler or anyone of that caliber. It would be just awkward with the Rock hyping up the match with promos with the likes of someone like The Miz. I personally would love to see Cena face off against the Rock because it would be a straight down battle of who is better. I think the match would be extremely good since Cena would give it his all. Now obviously this is from the standpoint of IF the Rock actually fought another match. I don't see it happening just because of the risk of injury since he has been away from all the intense workouts and trainings that happen, but as a fan I would love to just dream for that to actually take place.
man id love to watch the rock bitch slap cena aroud kinda like hbk did at mania 23 god i loved it, off topic but id love to see austin whoop cenas ass at a wrestlemania too i just cant stand cena like really i dunno what it is but every match he has his the same im getin way off topic but jesus christ !!!
Since rumors have been spreading that HHH vs. HBK & Cena vs. Taker have been cirulating, I'd have to go with Randy Orton. He could go back to his legend killer mode & then they could tease him not beating one legend in particular. They go run this for two weeks or so (BTW, it'd have to be AFTER his program with Kofi), speculate on who it could be, Austin? Hogan? Flair? (I use those two as an example to ram them really). Then on one Raw, he could cut a promo about not having an oppoent at Mania and then they could bring out The Rock. I think if done right, this could be great, and draw millions for the show. I'd buy it without a 2nd thought.
STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN. this could be a double retirement match. it would also steal from any other main event. 2 of the biggest stars of the late 90s faceing off for the very last time. if i had to be more realistic i would go with orton. hes the only third generation superstar to have reached stardom like the rock
I think it all depends on if "The Rock" is cast as the heel or face. I assume he would not be the "heel", so I think it has to be one of the companies top heels. I know the popular choice is HBK or Cena, but unless one of those two wants to play the heel, I think either Orton or Jericho would be the best choice. Although I think the buildup and dialogue between Jericho would be much better, Jericho/Rock has been done before, so if they want originality, Orton is the better choice. If they just want good entertainment, Jericho is the right choice. Lets face it, if "The rock" agrees to do this, he is not going to put in the time on RAW weekly to allow for a long, proper buildup, so Jericho has the skills on the mic to create a storyline with the Rock, while "The rock" is at a remote location, where as Orton needs to be face to face with his oponent to create a good buildup, he does not have Jericho or The Rock's mic skillz. "Jericho is the better choice in my opinion....
Swagger!!!!! think about it the All American American Vs the All American Football pro peoples champ The Rock. Just that thought gives me goosebumps. They are both fantastic wrestlers and this would be one hell of a way to get Swagger over. I could just see all the ways that the Rock would make fun of Swaggers gimmick the promos would be fantastic.
If the Rock wrestled at WM26, he should be in the match that would have happened at one of the PPVs in 1998 or 1999- Shawn Michaels. If Michaels never got hurt, he would have had great matches with Rock and more classics with Austin. Cena would be a nice choice, but since he's talked some shit about Rock's commitment to wrestling I don't think he'd do it.
I admit that I would love to see HBK vs The Rock at WM but the match would like to see even more is The Rock vs Edge. You could have Edge return at the Rumble and win it. Then have Orton challenge Edge for the WM main event opportunity. Have Orton win by getting a masked man to help him. Have the masked man be The Rock and have him team up with Orton for a couple of weeks. Edge will then challenge The Rock to a match at Mania.
It would have the potential to be a teriffic match and the build up could be brilliant if done right.

My other dream situation would have Mr. Kennedy......Kennedy return and get into a feud with The Rock over how he has given up on his fans and on the business etc. The problem is the build up could be so good that the match could dissapoint much like Orton vs HHH at mania 25
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