Willieb33cc Book This Review


The Man with The Plan
Well this thread is very basic, I, William Kiefer Bartek, will be evaluating everyone's promotion in Book This.

Now I know that i may catch some criticism for this, but that is fine, because I am here to let everyone know, the true best fed in Book This.

I will not evaluate my show, ASE: American Sports Entertainment, obviously i would be very biased in that review.

I will rate people's feds in 6 different categories
- Roster
- Storylines
- Originality
- Productivity (How many shows he puts out in a certain time period)
- Backstory
- Layout

Each Category will be on a scale from 1-5, and the highest possible overall score that one can acheive is 30.
This could have simply been done in the general discussion, or "Best Book This" threa, but whatever. I'll bite.

Now, I have a few problems with this. My first problem with it is how you are rating people's shows. My show in particular, isn't made to be original, or even have a backstory. Script This is simply based on managing a roster, more specifically using the Roster SvR provides.

I also wasn't oblidged to have a backstory when I started my fed (which might I add, was the first one around here consistently), hence I find it unfair that just because it's a big thing now, I am put at a disadvantage because of it. (Well, as disadvantaged as you can be by someone reveiwing a made up Book This.)

So basically, I think your criteria is unfair. Discuss :).
I think this guy is going to rate everyone's low just to "show" he is the best. He even voted for himself on Danmen's poll. I personally am not even going to pay attention to this thread, as I don't really take willie seriously. He is constantly trying to tell everyone why he is the best, instead of just having fun. Take it easy, willie. Chill. Have fun.
Generation Pro Wrestling

The backstory is very laid back, and simple, however to me it seemed almost to simple, as if he was just trying to get by with this backstory, not really giving much thought into it.
Score: 2

This Roster is absolutly huge, if thats what you like, then this is ur fed, he uses almost anyone you could think of in WWE, some guys from TNA, and even a misspelled Paul Burchill is on the roster. The fact that his roster is so big, and he only uses alot of his talent in tournaments is a definate setback for GPW.
Score: 2

The storyline in GPW was basically that a group called Generation Next, led by John Cena was doing there best to cause chaos within GPW, (note Generation was used alot in this fed, Next Generation title, Generation Next, The 1st Generation) however there own egos could not hold them together, which included an implosion within the group, only two pay per views in. The only knock i really have is the fact that he uses matches kinda randomly, a steel cage match, a iron man match, out of the blue, with really no value to them.
Score: 3

Most of the wrestlers on GPW have the exact same gimmick as they do on TV, in WWE or TNA, even people who werent even around in 2005, which makes alot of this really hard to believe.
Score: 2

There isnt many people who put out as many shows as GPW does, which is most def a bonus for this fed, that shows alot of determination, and alot of will to make his fed better, which it has infact gotten alot better from the first show, and continues to get better.
Score: 5

At first, GPW's layout was shaky at best, but it has def improves since then, the only thing that i cannot stand, and i mean CANNOT stand is about 4 paragraphs typed into one giant paragraph with word after word crammed together, GPW needs to space that out, matches shouldnt be typed out word for word, we just need to know the basis of the story of the match, thats it, and it would be nice to display the winners of the matches in bold at the bottom of the matches as well.
Score: 3

Generation Pro Wrestling is something that you can get into because he produces so many shows, you dont have to wait around for days to wonder whats going to happen next, which could build anticipation, but at the same time, could make you forget all together about the Fed. The Promotion is simple, fun, and at times, shows alot of potential to be one of the better shows in Book This.
Final Grade: 17 out of 30
Generation Pro Wrestling

The backstory is very laid back, and simple, however to me it seemed almost to simple, as if he was just trying to get by with this backstory, not really giving much thought into it.
Score: 2

This Roster is absolutly huge, if thats what you like, then this is ur fed, he uses almost anyone you could think of in WWE, some guys from TNA, and even a misspelled Paul Burchill is on the roster. The fact that his roster is so big, and he only uses alot of his talent in tournaments is a definate setback for GPW.
Score: 2

The storyline in GPW was basically that a group called Generation Next, led by John Cena was doing there best to cause chaos within GPW, (note Generation was used alot in this fed, Next Generation title, Generation Next, The 1st Generation) however there own egos could not hold them together, which included an implosion within the group, only two pay per views in. The only knock i really have is the fact that he uses matches kinda randomly, a steel cage match, a iron man match, out of the blue, with really no value to them.
Score: 3

Most of the wrestlers on GPW have the exact same gimmick as they do on TV, in WWE or TNA, even people who werent even around in 2005, which makes alot of this really hard to believe.
Score: 2

There isnt many people who put out as many shows as GPW does, which is most def a bonus for this fed, that shows alot of determination, and alot of will to make his fed better, which it has infact gotten alot better from the first show, and continues to get better.
Score: 5

At first, GPW's layout was shaky at best, but it has def improves since then, the only thing that i cannot stand, and i mean CANNOT stand is about 4 paragraphs typed into one giant paragraph with word after word crammed together, GPW needs to space that out, matches shouldnt be typed out word for word, we just need to know the basis of the story of the match, thats it, and it would be nice to display the winners of the matches in bold at the bottom of the matches as well.
Score: 3

Generation Pro Wrestling is something that you can get into because he produces so many shows, you dont have to wait around for days to wonder whats going to happen next, which could build anticipation, but at the same time, could make you forget all together about the Fed. The Promotion is simple, fun, and at times, shows alot of potential to be one of the better shows in Book This.
Final Grade: 17 out of 30

I agree with everything. Thanks for pointing stuff out. I promise that GPW will be getting much better. But you did say something on how some of these guys weren't around in 2005. I'm pretty sure on the simple backstory that some unknown talent has even been signed. So therefore it is believable for some of these guys to be on the roster.
N.E.W. New Era of Wrestling
Santino 48/7

The Backstory is almost sort of believable, but it sets up everything that happens, and it seems like it was well thought out, and the fact that Donald Trump now owns the company and fires McMahon, and starts his almost brand new brand seems a lil farfetched, but the story ties together well.
Score: 3

The Roster is not to big, and that i like, i like the fact that you dont see the normal big names, Cena, HHH, Batista, i like the roster he has alot, it is very diverse, and the fact that The Great Khali is nothing more than a jobber can only put a smile on the faces of any wrestling fan.
Score: 5

There isnt many storylines to speak of, which isnt a good thing, but then again its off of two shows, the storylines so far is that, HBK and Taker retired, all the women wanting the womens championship, a power hungry Santino Marella, Kurt Angle winning the NEW title, and Edge becoming the #1 contender, however nothing seems to blow me away right now in the storyline department.
Score: 3

Now i looked at this at first, and said it wasnt to original, but it does have alot of originality to it, the updates are interesting, and have the people talking, but he still uses alot of WWE and TNA wrestlers, which infact doesnt set him to far apart from alot of people.
Score: 3

This is the big setback with NEW, his shows come far and few between, and the updates are sometimes the only thing that keeps people interested, im afraid if it wasnt for those couple of sections every other day for the updates, alot of people would forget about NEW, this would be the one thing that i would like to see change.
Score: 2

This may be the best laid out promotion in the entire Book This, its crisp, clean and easy to read, which ofcourse is a plus for the casual reader, and even for the loyal readers of Book This, if you want to learn how to set up your own fed, check this one out for notes on what to do.
Score: 5

New Era of Wrestling is easily one of the better feds in the entire Book This Section, that is when the shows are written, it gets alot of response, and usually is pretty active. If you were to ask me to name the top 3 feds in this section, this one would be in there. It is a good read, even for the people who arent interested in this section.
Final Grade: 21 out of 30
N.E.W. New Era of Wrestling
Santino 48/7

The Backstory is almost sort of believable, but it sets up everything that happens, and it seems like it was well thought out, and the fact that Donald Trump now owns the company and fires McMahon, and starts his almost brand new brand seems a lil farfetched, but the story ties together well.
Score: 3

Well, Trump would buy the company just for profit. When he sees that McMahon is hurting the company, therefore making him less money, he'd have to fire him. If you fire Vince, people would be upset and they would leave. You'd really have to start over after firing someone like Vince. Think about it.. Quite a few wrestlers are loyal to him. They would leave. Backstage, a lot of people are loyal to Vince. They would leave. That means Donald would lose top wrestlers, creative team, all sorts of management.. He'd have to almost start over.

The Roster is not to big, and that i like, i like the fact that you dont see the normal big names, Cena, HHH, Batista, i like the roster he has alot, it is very diverse, and the fact that The Great Khali is nothing more than a jobber can only put a smile on the faces of any wrestling fan.
Score: 5

I agree. Is a good roster.

There isnt many storylines to speak of, which isnt a good thing, but then again its off of two shows, the storylines so far is that, HBK and Taker retired, all the women wanting the womens championship, a power hungry Santino Marella, Kurt Angle winning the NEW title, and Edge becoming the #1 contender, however nothing seems to blow me away right now in the storyline department.
Score: 3

Here's were I disagree a little. I'll give my storylines..
1. Power hungry Santino
2. Three way control of the company, which I've barely scratched the surface of.
3. Divas vs "Women's Wrestlers".. It's not about the title. It's about the five heel divas wanting to be thought of as more than pretty faces. I thought that was pretty obvious.
4. Kurt Angle and Edge, which is just forming. Then you have Jericho and Edge..
5. Shawn and Taker retiring, which I don't really count 'cause they retired.
6. RVD returned. Who knows where that's going. I do!
7. You have the Hardyz pushing and shoving, possibly breaking up.
8. You have Kofi Kingston and Vladimir Koslov's feud heating up, now adding their partners, Umaga and Carlito.
9. The Tag Title tournament, thing.

That's all off of two shoes. I think that's pretty good and deserves a little more than a 3.

Now i looked at this at first, and said it wasnt to original, but it does have alot of originality to it, the updates are interesting, and have the people talking, but he still uses alot of WWE and TNA wrestlers, which infact doesnt set him to far apart from alot of people.
Score: 3
Okay, so my roster is close to a lot of people's. Does that really knock it down two points? I don't have the Cena's and the Batista's and the HHH's.. I'm showcasing guys like Kendrick, Benjamin, Kennedy.. My tag teams are mostly original.. Most of my feuds, I've never seen before. I mostly flipped who was face and who was heel with the Divas and set up two factions, basically. I thought I was quite original. I don't see why using WWE and TNA wrestlers makes me lack originality. Do I have to use ROH guys and what not to get al five points? Originality is what you do with your wrestlers, not what guys you have. I disagree with that grade.

This is the big setback with NEW, his shows come far and few between, and the updates are sometimes the only thing that keeps people interested, im afraid if it wasnt for those couple of sections every other day for the updates, alot of people would forget about NEW, this would be the one thing that i would like to see change.
Score: 2


This may be the best laid out promotion in the entire Book This, its crisp, clean and easy to read, which ofcourse is a plus for the casual reader, and even for the loyal readers of Book This, if you want to learn how to set up your own fed, check this one out for notes on what to do.
Score: 5


New Era of Wrestling is easily one of the better feds in the entire Book This Section, that is when the shows are written, it gets alot of response, and usually is pretty active. If you were to ask me to name the top 3 feds in this section, this one would be in there. It is a good read, even for the people who arent interested in this section.
Final Grade: 21 out of 30

Thank you.

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