Why the Love for Sting?

I actually think TNA doesn't use Sting right. He should (for the most part) only wrestle on PPV's and if and when he does wrestle on TV it should be a BIG deal and promoted for weeks leading up to the event. Not too long ago when he was gone for a month or two (I can't remember exactly what month that it was) TNA promoted his return and it spiked the ratings a bit. Now imagine if they did that every time he came back or whenever he was in a match. When Sting wrestles it should be treated as a special event. His matches shouldn't be given away on free TV all that often.
The fact that wrestling fans will always find some reason to complain about. You can't compare john semen to Steve Borden. Sting puts guys over all the time compared to cena.cena wants special treatment, a loss to him means the end of the world to him. John is selfish, egotistical, careless, heartless and is not a true sportsman. It's all profitship for him unlike sting who is a true sportsman in my eyes and rest of the wrestling fan's eyes. Money is not an issue for Steve. Let me remind you all he declined wwes Disney stars for lotsa money cause he did it for Sportsmanship not profitship. Jc will continue to be the goofy star of wwe Disney superstars u

No, he denied it because he knew he would never be 'the guy' in WWE. He'd be only another old timer brought in to complete Vince's Collection of stars who had worked for him. Money is an issue or he wouldn't still be working, but spending time with his family. Sure, he has the urge to perform, but until recently TNA was somewhat of a local company rarely traveling with a much lighter schedule, but still more work then a WWE Legends contract. With WWE he would either of had to work more then he physically could handle, or less then his ego would allow. So it was more about ego then about money that he didn't sign with WWE. He didn't want to be someone Vince could point out and say "my company made him'. Even though Sting's best years were late 80's early to mid 90's, Vince had always tried to stake a claim to talent that worked for companies he owned, even if it was before he owned them and he had nothing to do with their stardom directly.

As for all the Cena/Sting comparisons it's hard to justify them. Cena has put people over and worked with lower cards to elevate them. Even a gang beating by Nexus showed how dangerous all of Nexus was as a group and individually. His being left knocked iout in the ring after a Big Show WMD, His matches with Punk. Sure he's kept pretty exlusively in the top tier, but its a broader pool of talent and he's come out on the losing end as often as the winning end. They have tried to take the focus off him a little with Punk's run, trying to push Alberto, even Lesnar/HHH have all tried to draw the spotlight from Cena, but no matter what the ICW complains about, the crowds and fans want to see Cena in Main events, win or lose, he draws them in. He's the flip side of the coin to how Austin worked in the attitude era, but the results are the same: People come ot the shows to see him, his fans to support him and his haters to complain about him, not realising the irony of them paying to go to an event to complain about how often he is the star of the event, which draws more attention to him and his matches then if they were smart and simply shut up during his matches and showed disinterest instead of hate.

People who down play Cena forget that Cena isn't doing this by himself, but has the whole of WWE creative and Vince himself pushing Cena at us. Yes Cena has main evented a lot in recent years but it's not like he's won everything. As someone but it, he's main evener 8 or 9 'Mania's and only lost three, but that still means he's only WON 5 or 6 or those. Aside from Taker how many of the top stars lose most of their Mania matches? All of them. HHH, HBK, Vince himself, very few of the top stars have massive winning records at Mania. The nearest is probably Edge, who at the time of their Mania match was 7-0 himself.

TNA has focused a lot of attention on Hogan and Sting, too much for guys that 'work' as little as they do and it isn't helping them the way they expected, considering buyrates and ratings haven't expanded in the way they likely anticipated. TNA pushes Sting and Hogan since they don't have any really recognizable stars outside of wrestling. They have few names that would be recognized to a casual prerson on the street. No matter how talented they are, AJ, Roode, Ray, and others just don't have the exposure and media relationships to garner attention from nonfans. They can't bring up the ratins since everyone who knows who they are and how good they can be are likely already watching.

So comparing Sting to Cena in terms of status as main events is nuts. WWE amolst has no choice but to make Cena the main event as fans and haters alike react too strongly to him, and TNA has no one else with the draw to fill that role that can be reliable enough to support the effort.

I agree that Sting is too old for the role but who else can they push? No one else is any healthier or more bankable.
I remember back in the eighties when the blade runners showed in mid-south. I remember when sting showed up on TBS. I remember the first clash of champions, and a 45 minute time limit draw against Ric Flair for the NWA world title, and the epic program against the Four Horsemen followed a few years later.

I remember Sting defeating Steve Austin for the WCW US title. I remember when Paul Heyman was Pauly Dangerously and was trying to destroy Sting with his Dangerous Alliance.

And I remember when WCW turned its collective back on him, causing the darker "crow Sting" to appear.

Sting has been a big part of my wrestling history for a very long time. After Rick flair, more than any wrestler. At his age, he is giving more to TNA than I should expect. If I think he's been a little over the top on the microphone, I am willing to overlook that. Sting loves the business, and has proven he will do whatever it takes to help a promotion succeed. He is a team player, and worthy of respect. But I am biased. I almost feel like I know the guy.
he's Sting, and he can still put on a show. enough said.
I think his age number is irrelevant.

what certain guys in TNA have done or not done for ratings I think is flawed, because no one has helping noticeable for ratings, which shouldn't be used to judge/value the product anyway.

Sting doesn't need to be in a wrestling match to be entertaining. he can do a lot of what he has done, talking on the mic for weeks setting up a match, and that's still enough for the TV show that is Impact Wrestling.

I hope what I read on the 1st page wasn't comparing Hernandez to Sting. that's a joke. Hernandez has talent, but he is nowhere near Sting.

I'm glad Sting hasn't gone to WWE in recent years. why would he want to? just to lose at Wrestlemania to an overrated Undertaker and become another number in a streak. Sting is better than that and deserves more for his legendary career.
Let me end this now:


That is why he's been in so many title matches in TNA. Also, Bobby Roode definitely benefited from his feud with Sting, as he had already beaten all of the top faces, and winning a feud with a legend was fantastic for him. From there, we could also say Sting helped Aries, as Aries beat Roode, who beat Sting. Same for Hardy, same for Bubba. It's a cycle.

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