Who's Next For Kaz and Daniels?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This past week, Hogan told Kaz and Daniels he was naming a team to challenge them for the titles. He alluded to the fact that Styles was moving on and I hope he does. So, who do you think is going to face them?

My guess is Chavo and Hernandez. They won their tag match at the last pay per view. Besides, who else is there? Gunner And Kash? Heel vs heel doesn't make a lot of sense. The Robbie's fall into the same boat. Devon left so Garrett and him aren't options. I guess that leaves Chavo and Hernandez. The other option would be to pair a couple of guys doing nothing right now. Anderson And another guy maybe.

I'd rather see them debut a new team like Natural Selection fromNWA Hollywood or someone. The division needs a boost and a debut of a new fresh team would be great.
hopefully Hogan teams RVD and JEff hardy together and then at Bound for glory we have a Full Metal Mayhem match for the tag titles.
Daniels and Kazarian as Tag Team champs are fantastic and their team can be in any division of the entire roster. They can do well against basically any kind of team.

My idea was to have Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams as a British Invasion tag team again and feud with Daniels and Kazarian for the Tag Team Titles leading to Bound for Glory. I wish they battle in a ladder match at Bound For Glory for the Tag Team Titles.

Even Styles and Angle as a team again can face Daniels and Kazarian, the two teams have had 2 very good matches in the recent past. Angle and Styles don't have anything to do at No Surrender as the two of them are out of BFG series and I can see this match happening again at No Surrender.

I had thought of RVD and Jeff Hardy as a tag team before, so they should be good opponents as well.

Other then that Chavo/Hernandez, Joe/Anderson, Kenny King/Mason Andrews, Kid Kash/Zema Ion can make up for good opponents as well.

Tag Team Division in TNA has been always exciting and never got stale and with so much potential it shouldn't in the future as well.
First team i thought of when i read the title was Chavo and Hernandez. I hate to say it , but WWE's tag division might be in better shape than TNA's right now. I like the idea a poster had about putting Magnus and Williams together for a new British Invasion type thing. Other than that I can't see any real challengers right now. It's a shame to because I am liking Kaz and Daniels more now than ever.
if it's a Tag title match that's next for them then i see it being Guerrero and Hernandez. someone mentioned Brittish Invasion and while i'm a fan of them, i think they are better as heels, so if they re-team them, do it as heels, not faces. honestly though, TNA needs to find more tag teams. now what i see being next for them is taking on a team that has Styles on one side and then finally having a blowoff match where Styles gets his payback.
I'd probably have to say it'll be Chavo & Hernandez as well. I might be wrong but aren't they really the only two men currently in TNA that are a somewhat functional tag team? TNA doesn't really have many options without just pairing a couple of guys together. While they could certainly do that, I don't see them going that route at this time.

Jeff Hardy is still in the running in the BFG Series. I think he also has a BFG Series match this Thursday on IW against Samoa Joe, so he's out. AJ Styles & Kurt Angle are both out. Given Styles' statement before his match against Samoa Joe last Thursday and something Hogan said, I look for Styles' feud with Kazarian & Daniels to be put on the backburner for a bit. Samoa Joe & Magnus won't be teaming because Magnus hit Joe with a chair the last time we saw him. RVD won't be in it because he has the other BFG Series match this Thursday against Bully Ray.

They could always go with Rob Terry & Robbie E I suppose, I almost forgot about them. But, let's face it, who would give a shit about a match between Daniels & Kazarian against the Robbies?

So yeah, I see Chavo & Hernandez being Hogan's choice. From where it sits, they really look to be the only half viable choice at this time.
My guess is Anderson and AJ Styles. I hope not, but this gives those two guys something to do. I'm honestly getting really bored with AJ and Daniels grouped together in feuds. It's been non-stop for 2 years.

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