Tag Team Division Needs AJ, Kaz and Daniels?


SORRY! About you damn luck!
AJ Styles is one of the best wrestlers in the world but he has been stuck on midcard feuds for quite some time. Maybe he isn't ready to main-event once again any time soon.

With this feud with Kazarian and Daniels, last night I remembered something that TNA Wrestling could and should do in my view and that's send Kazarian, Daniels and AJ (maybe with a different partner than Anderson, I would prefer Low-Ki or even Amazin Red [I believe he signed with ROH again so it might be impossible at the moment]) back to the tag division of their roster.

AJ and Daniels have proven time and time again that they can do wonders for those belts, and with Samoa Joe and Magnus, two great wrestlers are already as champions the division would benefit even more if these three agains in two different teams would be added to them.

The team of Styles and Christopher Daniels was great back in the day but it won't happen again neither it should, I believe AJ should use a different talent and try to get him over with him as a tag team, Kazarian and Daniels are just fine and I wouldn't change it.

What do you think? With the return of MMG soon it would be a 5 team division: The Robbies, Daniels & Kaz, Joe & Magnus, AJ Styles & partner, Motorcity Machine Guns.

Do you think that TNA should send them to the division?
I think putting Christopher Daniels and KAZ into the tag team scene would be good. I could see them having a good feud and matches against Joe and Magnus. This way AJ Styles could get back into the main event picture. Having the Motorcity Machine Guns back is gonna be great. I also wished LAX with Hernandez and Homicide could be put back together.
Kaz/Daniels as a team yes.

AJ needs to be put squarely in the TV title picture or the World title picture. Another Tag Title run while nice does nothing for one of their -main- players.

I would LOVE heel RVD and Daniels together however. The one time they did team I could see a fun chemistry there.
ive been thinking for awhile that they should consider putting the titles on Kaz and Christopher Daniels they work well together and its not like there really doing much else why not give them a run? :shrug: and as far as aj goes sure he can make anybody look like a great wrestler but id say keep him out of the tag divison as hes a great wrestler and honestly i dont think they have somone right now in tna besides kazarian who could be a good partner for him instead id have aj work in the x divison fueding with austin aries for a few monthes and put a guy like zema ion in a tag team with another young x divison star as austin aries needs a new challenge why not put someone like aj whos 1 of the best x divison stars ever against him? :shrug:
I agree with those that have said Kaz and Daniels as a tag team on a permanent basis isn't a bad idea..but it doesn't really help the overall look and perception of the tag division in TNA. It wasn't that long ago that we had established teams like MCMG, London Brawling, Mexican America/LAX, Generation Me, and Beer Money. Now sure, Magnus is still in the tag scene, and MCMG is about to make a big return to the division, but my point is that now the entire division is made up of assembled tag teams. It feels like a never ending continuation of the Wild Card tournament.

Watching Victory Road, I realized that while Samoa Joe and Magnus are a good pairing, they still look and feel like a very temporary team, and have essentially been given the belts only to further the Crimson/Morgan storyline. With that, I can't see or expect a teaming of Daniels/Kaz, or AJ/Anderson to last long, as that simply isn't TNA's way of doing business. If you are an established singles competitor, and you are put into a tag team, it is for the sole purpose of creating a feud with the partner.

What TNA needs to do more than anything is start recruiting and developing tag teams that are established, or at the very least new to the viewing audience. No matter who you place together, without established, dedicated tag teams, the division is still just a shamble of what it was and could still be.

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