Styles/Daniels & Kaz Fued

Skairipa Matrix

3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
so as everybody knows for a long time now aj styles and christopher daniels have been in a fued and ever sense early in 2012 kazarian joined daniels in this fued and to me this fued has run its course and now its just boring me dont get me wrong ive enjoyed all their matches but how long is daniels gonna be OBSESSED with aj styles? at this point i really dont care what dirt daniels and kaz have over styles its just boring me now my question is does anybody else feel the same way i do or are you guys still intersted in this fued?
I guess the fact that the blackmail was actually for Styles and not Kaz, was a good little "twist" but apart from that this feud's been pretty mediocre. Also Kaz was reluctant to help Daniels but now he's fully heel, are we supposed to assume he was converted by Daniels or did he have a proper reason?

Anyway hope the feud ends soon, and Kaz and Daniels fill out the tag division (since I think they're both over 220 so they can't be X Division guys anymore)
The AJ Styles, Kaz/Daniels feud is a glimpse into TNA booking at it's worst. One of TNA's biggest set backs as a promotion is that they have trouble trying to sustain lengthy programs, and this feud is a perfect example.

They hit a good stride early on, when they re-ignited the Daniels/AJ feud, but that went on far too long without a pay off, and seemingly went on the back burner for a while before being re-introduced, and having Kaz thrown in to the mix as well.

The biggest misstep was that they waited way too long, and teased for far too long, the twist and 'big reveal' behind why Kaz and Daniels were working together. I think a lot of wrestling fans like to see feuds with a twist, but there comes a point where you just don't want to wait any longer, and the feud becomes pure repetition.

I agree with others have said though, that Kaz and Daniels should move on to the tag team division. Once this their feud with AJ is over, there is really no identity for either of them, especially as singles wrestles. They've been completely redefined as generic heels, and almost enhancement talent for AJ and the likes of Garrett Bischoff, and both are too talented for that.

I hope that AJ's match with Angle at Sacrifice is the start of renewed commitment on the part of TNA to push AJ back in to the main event.

Its ridiculous that they seemingly have no desire to maximize what they have with AJ, a TNA original, that is more over than most of the big name talent they have spent truck loads of money to bring in.
I just want this whole feud to go away. It's nothing but dead weight and a waste right now. Initially, it was modestly interesting with whatever secret it was that Daniels was holding over Kazarian. Then, Kazarian turned heel and became a willing partner, friend & accomplice and we've gone for a few months now without hearing anything about the secrets and blackmail and all that shit.

Now, forward to last night, they just suddenly bring it up right out of the blue. It felt like TNA just decided at the last minute to just pick up this aspect of the angle, even though it was seemingly & quietly dropped for months.
The feud is way over do. We need a proper ending to it, or at least make it a watch-worthy feud. If TNA wanted it to last this long, they should at least keep us interested and wanting to know whats going to happen next. But, this has been one of the most boring things in a long time from Impact.

I hope the end comes soon, and has some kind of payoff worth all this while.
I like a heel Daniels and a heel Kaz. AJ Styles in my opinion is a stiff. He's a great wrestler, but I hate his promo work. I thought the feud started with Daniels "buying off Kaz" (a la when JBL owned HBK), but I was wrong.

Too many feuds in TNA never go anywhere meaningful. Like how is Angle a heel vs Hardy and suddenly he's a face now vs Latino World Order? There's not a lot of logic in TNA's booking all the time.
i agree with all of you i mean this fued started way back at destionation x last year when daniels just wanted 1 more match with aj for the spirt of competiton and its still going now and whats changed? kaz added to daniels side and now they have "blackmail" over styles if they want anybody to care they better reveal the blackmail next week and it better be something big and something good or else i really have lost all interest in this fued as was said already kaz and daniels need to move onto the tag team divison they would be good there and aj should get a main event push again i thought this fued was over at victory road when styles had anderson on his side and they sucessfully beat daniels and kaz thats when it should have it just seems like christopher daniels is a heel only because aj styles is face :banghead:
I think it will have something to do with AJ and Tracey Brooks. I know that according to her Twitter she is done with TNA, but I don't buy it... not to mention that even if they wanted her back for a couple of episodes odds are she would do it on the cheap and for her husband. I don't really see any other logical direction it can go. Oh crap, I just said "logical" in trying to determine a TNA angle. I must be wrong! It's probably AJ withholding evidence of Kaz being abducted by aliens. That seems a little more likely for TNA!

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