Who Will Be The Next 'Shock' World Champion?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
After the shocking events on SmackDown this week, is this a trend that will continue into 2010?

Jack Swagger has follwed Shaemus from the lower leagues into the main event picture, but who will be next?

My guess would have to be Kofi Kingston. Although it wouldn't really be a shock to me to see him as Champ I do think it would be unexpected.

Anyone else have any other wrestlers they would like to see as shock champion?
I think they will stay away from the shocks at least unti the MITB PPV because I doubt they want to wear out the shock factor and I think the rise of those two was more of a one time thing that was simply done to get them over quickly to take up the places of the inevitable retirements and breaks various wrestlers will soon be taking.
Some other shock champions I see...

Kelly Kelly for Divas Champ
Tiffany or Vickie for Women's Champ (Tiff does have some legit skills though..)

Gallows for Intercontinental Champ
Rhodes for US Champ

Christian for WWE Champ
Hardyor Kane for WH Champ
Well we wouldn't know that because it wouldn't be a shock if we knew. ;) But in all seriousness I would have to guess someone like John Morrison. He's tried and tested a little and I think he has the makings of a future world champion so that would be my guess.
I'm going with my countryman Drew McIntyre! His new theme just makes him look like a more serious competitor and yes I know changing someones theme doesn't make them the bees knees but the guy has been improving since his debut back in August and the Intercontinental title has helped him a fair bit. Thank You JoMo :)
I got to say I don't see Drew McIntyre bein the next shock champion. I mean do you see the reaction he gets from the crowd? He gets no reaction at all but back on topic I would have to go with Morrison. He has the ring skills to be champ and he always has a nice pop. Creative always seems like they have something for him and he's had a steady push for two years now so who knows maybe creative will make him the next shocker.
I would have to say Ted Diabse. He is going to pull away from his dad's legacy in the coming months and start a new persona. Last Monday was the start of it. I think by mid summer he will be on smackdown and become World Heavyweight Champion by the end of the year.
I got to say I don't see Drew McIntyre bein the next shock champion. I mean do you see the reaction he gets from the crowd? He gets no reaction at all but back on topic I would have to go with Morrison. He has the ring skills to be champ and he always has a nice pop. Creative always seems like they have something for him and he's had a steady push for two years now so who knows maybe creative will make him the next shocker.

Like it or not they are grooming Drew into championship material the way I see it. Triple H likes the look of this kid and we know what happens when Triple H wants, Triple H gets. Plus he is "the choosen one." I may be marking out too much for Drew so I appologise :)
I have been saying this ever since NXT on Tuesday Cena is going to get screwed tonight by Otunga, I think he will beat Cena for the title tonight.
I see them possibly putting the belt on Dibiase, Morrison, McIntyre, Kofi, and Christian (which wouldn't be a shocker in my opinion) before the year is over.
In terms of shock value (I'd rather not include more obvious guys like Morrison or Kingston because they just need that one extra tiny push to being in the main event) I'd say Ted DiBiase. He hasn't held a mid-card title and hasn't had a major singles feud given how ever since he's debuted he's been in a tag team and the biggest feud he and Cody have had was with DX last year, and going back to my point where he hasn't held a mid-card Title, granted its not a given to win a mid-card Title first off before coming Champion (Example; Sheamus) it certainly does help. It helped with Edge, it helped with Punk and it helped with Swagger, Edge obviously being the bigger name out of the three especially when it came to holding Title or Titles before winning the WWE Title whereas Swagger and Punk held the ECW Title, which meant something but not as big or as prestigious as say the Intercontinental Title, a Title Edge held beforehand but still holding the ECW Title is somewhat respectable and everyone who held it had a good run and held their own as Champion. But if DiBiase was all of a sudden given a random push from out of the blue (History lesson; in 2003 following WrestleMania there was a tournament to determine a new number one contender for Brock Lesnar's WWE Championship at Backlash, John Cena won and went onto face Lesnar but of course didn't win) if there was a random Title Tournament, say when Cena has no more challengers if Batista retires sooner rather than later, a tournament is held, DiBiase wins it and gets a Title match against Cena and wins, that's what I'd call a shock win, especially against someone like Cena who has been pushed so far past the moon I don't think he's in the same galaxy as us anymore.
A shocker would be for Big Shad Gaspar to turn his other homie John Cena and take his title do to some dirty street tactics or something like that make it look like Cena turned his back on the chain gang or something. I think it could work because Big Shad might not be that great in the ring at least he can talk and cut better promos than Swagger.
I don't think there will be another 'shock' champion for a good few months now, not so soon after Swagger and Sheamus.
I think it would be good to see Khali return as the monster he was when he made his debut, dominate everyone, then take the world title. I know he's not great in the ring, but it would certainly be more of a suprise than JoMo, Kofi, DiBiase etc
i agree but i think the next shocker World Champ will be Christian christian came close two years now in money in the bank to getting and people gonna start to think he may not the the World Championship but out of no where he will win it, and my others are Morrision, Ted Dibiase and kofi if drew win it no shock there cause we all know hes Vince chosen boy and works out with hhh just like sheamus, but sheamus and both drew have talent just like the other picks
Shocker? Probably MVP. It's unlikeley but if your talking about shocking.. MVP are te three letters.
Swagger and MVP have been on the same path sort of.
Both traded to RAW and thought were getting a push.
Both held mid card titles, yes ecw is a midcard title IMO.
Kind of got lost and started being showed on Superstars
stopped being feautured.
Then boom the unexpected happens Swagger who we thought wwe gave up on has won money on the bank and went on to become world champion
so same with MVP he's in the swagger path, it will be a shocker if he won a world title especially the way he's booked right now.
But I think out of any guy who's never held a world title I think Kofi Kingston will get close to winning the World Title this year or Morrison.
Well, I don't think there will be anymore shock champions for a while. And I wouldn't consider Kofi and Morrison "shock" champions. They are near main-event caliber, and hopefully they will be pushed to main-eventers this year.

But if I have to choose someone, I would say Daniel Bryan.
I am kind of suprised that no one else has said it but the next shocker will be Miz!
I cant stand him but you have to respect how far he has come along!!
A lot of people are tipping John Morrison I see. But would that really be a shock? He may be in a tag team with R-Truth but I think he's been put in the ring with the right people and wouldn't be suprised to see Morrison vs Swagger for the title in a couple of PPV's time.
I personally would love to see DiBiase be the next shock, but in my opinion that would need Orton to be champion and Rhodes out of the picture [like he currently is].
Well for me it wouldnt be a shock to be Mcyntyre or DiBiase jr because they are the future and it is bound to happen sooner or later

To me shock will be when somebody from NXT(prefferably Daniel Bryan) wons NXT and then challenges some champion on RAW or Smackdown and win the title on some PPV (probably Summerslam).

It is bound to happen because winner of NXT has a chance to challenge any champion of his choosing.I know what you are gona say "He would(in case of Danyel Bryan) probably challenge Miz or somebody for midcard title" but I ask you "Why would anybody with the opportunity to challenge somebody for the major title challlenged somebody for midcard title?"
I could see any of these superstars doing it and i will also say how i think they will win:

Matt Hardy- Wins MITB in june and cashes in
Kofi- Either wins the MITB or feuds with Batista since i think Batista will win feud with Cena and the feud wont last much longer
John Morrison- Turns on R-Truth becomes heel and gets his push and maybe fued with edge
Christian- gets moved to smackdown feuds with Jack Swagger

Matt Hardy is the one i really want to win the title, as i am one who beleves 2010 is the year of Hardy and he is my favorite mid-carder
I think Christian will be our next 'shock' world champion. WWE has invested a lot on him last year. Making him the top upper-mid-carder in WWE. He pulled a clean win over Chris Jericho last year, and deafeated 2/3 of Legacy also cleanly in the SS Team Kofi vs. Team RKO match. He almost defeated Orton, till you know Punk interfered. Anyways the fact of the matter is, Christian has been displayed as a pretty strong guy who can deaft people of all sorts from, Chris Jericho to Eziekial Jackson. But the one thing that Vinnie Mac really has to be impressed with is, Christian's awesome ability to put people over really well and looking strong as fuck doing it.
I wouldn't call The Miz a shocker if he won the world title. He's already the US and Tag champ. Even though I get your point, because he's awesome. :)

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