Who Will Be Standing Tall at the End of Wrestlemania XXX?


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It is no secret that WWE like to have big marquee moments they can look back on for years to come. Those extra special moments that are talked about for decades. Things like Hogan slamming Andre at Wrestlemania 3, HBK entering Wrestlemania 12 from the rafters and celebrating after he won, Austin having his hand held high by Tyson at Wrestlemania 14. Plus the other moments that would have been special if things played out differently, Bret Hart beating Yokozuna at Wrestlemania 10, Ultimate Warrior celebrating at Wrestlemania 6, Benoit and Guerrero as best friends and world champions at Wrestlemania XX. I was sticking with Wrestlemania but there are so many other moments within Wrestlemania and in the other PPVs/TV shows that can be pointed out.

So basically my question is this. Who will get that moment at Wrestlemania XXX? This is a big anniversary for the biggest PPV in wrestling. There is no doubt in my mind that WWE wants to end this one on a high note, perhaps even an ending that can define the era. Personally I don't really see Cena vs Rock as defining the era, Rock had been gone too long for it to feel that way.

Something that I have been picturing in my head is Daniel Bryan, John Cena and CM Punk celebrating at the end of the event. I'm not quite sure how they would logically get to this conclusion, but it would be something along the lines of those three each having an important match against HHH's new faction. Bryan vs Orton, CM Punk vs HHH and Cena vs Ambrose. Not necessarily exactly like that, the opponents can be swapped around but basically the three biggest faces take on the three highest ranking "Best for Business" guys. (I don't like calling the faction the corporation). All three end up standing on top at the end of the night.

Another option would be something like Bryan vs Orton for the main event. Bryan is about to win, then Triple H decides that the match should be No DQ and the Shield shows up. Then the Faces come out and help clear out the Shield and whoever else is on HHH's side, clearing a path for Bryan to get the victory. Then all the faces celebrate with Bryan together.

Basically I see a face going over big time in the main event of Wrestlemania XXX. I hope Orton holds the title till then, it would make the moment that much more special if he has been holding the title for around 10 months.

So what are some ideas you guys have for the almost inevitable special moment at Wrestlemania XXX? Or do you think they could pull a swerve and have a heel go over?
I don't see the current storylines taking us through to wrestlemania. Waiting another 7 months for the payoff to the current storyline is going to be pretty tough going. The way I see it, the current summer feuds should be done by Survivor Series. Arriving at the outcome you suggest, is to ignore the traditional road to wrestlemania period that starts at Royal Rumble. Wrestlemania needs to be about Bryan Vs Punk for the championship. Face Vs Face. To carry through the momentum from this year. It would make sense for Bryan to spend the next few months chasing, with the outcome being he loses a match so he can never again challenge for the WWE championship. Punk meanwhile settles his score with Heyman, revealing eventually that Heymans job from HHH was to keep Punk away from the title picture for all these months. Punk gets his match with Randy, during which, Heyman turns his back on HHH and has Brock and Axel fight off the shield. Punk wins the belt around the end of the year. Bryan wins the Royal Rumble after earning position 1 someway and the match is set. Bryan eventually wins in the greatest match of all time. Punk and Bryan embrace at the end. There's your moment!!!
I'd love to see Punk get the moment, preferably by beating Cena as I feel Punk vs Cena is the best rivalry of the post-Attitude Era and all the other eras great rivalries have headlined a Mania.

Another option I'd like is for Lesnar to go in Champion and face Punk as their Summerslam match is MOTY in my view and a rematch for the WWE title on the grandest stage to cap off his feud with Heyman would be great.

However back on planet Earth I see Bryan winning the belt off Orton before the end of the year but losing it to Triple H at the Rumble. Around this time Cena will be back and probably win the Rumble but Triple H will try and force him to face the WHC. This is when Vince returns and decides that HHH is not about what's best for business but what's best for himself and in order to get Cena the title match he puts control of the WWE on the line.

WrestleMania XXX - Triple H(c) w/Steph vs John Cena w/Vince: Special Guest referee Stone Cold Steve Austin. Cena wins, the show goes off air with fireworks and Cena, Austin and Vince drinking beers in celebration.
Daniel Bryan Winning the WWE Championship. Whether it's part of the current storyline or not, Bryan would signify a huge change... That any man can hold the title. When Benoit and Eddie did it at WM 20 it felt as though change was upon us, in a sense that any man could win the belt if you worked hard enough.

Daniel Bryan could end WrestleMania and the yes chants would be amazing to end the show. To me Cena ending the show would be cliche and lazy on the part of the writers. It would be a big swift in change to have Punk with the World Title and Bryan with the WWE Title Proving they are the best in the WWE at the current time.

Now if it was up to me, I would pull a swerve and have a heel retain or win the belt. I mean it is WrestlMania XXX for Christ's sake. Last years card was boring and predictable, how about we don't have the great feel good moment and we have a huge "turn" or "Interference" to usher in a new alliance or something. Before I get some grief for that, lets not forget WM 17 was awesome and the ending was a head turner and was delivered well... I would kill for something like that again.
John Cena as a heel, he's going to have to be because Daniel Bryan is set to become the face and to dethrone the unwanted face of the company HHH turns to the true face Cena or hopefully the other way around with cena being beaten by Bryan after Cena won to regain his face position
The Guys who deserves standing tall at wrestlemania 30 right now are cm punk and/or daniel bryan.
I am okay with any one of them being in a wrestlemania main event !!
After Wrestlemania 30, John Cena will turn 37. He's 36 now which feels like the end of his prime age, but 37 feels like the beginning of a retirement age.
To put things in perspective, at that age, Triple H had reformed DX with HBK and feuded with Rated RKO and the Spirit Squad — his Evolution days have already come and gone and he was taking what could be considered a lighter job on TV allowing other talent to shine.

Having said that, we could likely see a last hurrah from Cena to main event WM XXX but to pass on the proverbial torch to someone else. Now I won't necessarily say it is Orton because Orton is only tailing behind Cena in age by a couple years. It will likely be someone in the form of Daniel Bryan, Ziggler or someone in that age gap.

Thing is we will not see who is doing what in any form until after the Royal Rumble winner is declared. We can only hope the Royal Rumble winner is someone new and somewhat unexpected rather than someone like Cena, Orton or Del Rio.
While I know that this will almost certainly not happen, when I saw this thread, a scenario popped into my head that I personally believe would be an extremely memorable moment for anyone that happened to see it.

As of right now, it's rumored that The Undertaker will take on Brock Lesnar at WM XXX. According to a report I read on wrestlinginc.com a few days after SummerSlam, the ending to Punk vs. Lesnar was changed just a few days before the event with the rumor being that Taker informed WWE officials that he'd work against Lesnar at WM XXX. The reason for the change was due to WWE not wanting Lesnar to go against Taker at WM with a ppv record of 2-3 since his return. Also, it's rumored that Lesnar won't wrestle again until WM XXX, which only adds more fuel to the speculation that he'll be against Taker.

Now while I do personally fear for Taker's safety in this match, as a fan, I also want to see it. WWE will have no trouble building Lesnar as a threat to the streak, especially if they use the history they've had. During the few times they wrestled, Lesnar came out on top. A couple of times was due to Heyman interfering and once, at least, was clean with Lesnar scoring a win over Taker in a Hell in a Cell match at the No Mercy ppv in 2002. Lesnar has always generally gotten the best of Taker, plus Taker is much older now and the wear & tear of the business has caught up to him with a vengeance the past 4 or 5 years.

Over the course of the build to this match, I think it'd be interesting if Taker was shown in a more "human" sort of light, more vulnerable than ever and maybe even displaying uncertainty & doubt when it comes to beating Lesnar. Over the build and even at WM, I think it'd be cool to have guys like Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and maybe a few others to show their support for Taker out of respect for who he is and what he's done, to bolster his confidence during promo segments or even backstage segments. Some of them could come out to ringside during his match with Lesnar or close to ringside as a show of solidarity but without interfering, also out of respect for Taker wanting to keep things "pure" as he told HBK when he refereed his last match against Triple H.

If Taker is able to score the win over Lesnar and isn't significantly hurt, I think it'd be a cool moment for guys like Punk & Bryan especially to go into the ring, maybe embrace Taker. During the build to Taker vs. Punk last year, one of William Moody's, AKA Paul Bearer, interviews with PWTorch.com was released and Moody talked about Taker's personal like & respect for Punk. He recalled a time in which Taker introduced him to Punk in which he said "Punk, have you met Percy?" Some people called Moody "Percy" due to all those years of him using the name Percy Pringle III as a manager. According to the interview, Moody said that Taker called Punk "one of us", meaning an old school guy. I'd imagine Bryan fits into that mold as well. I think it'd also be cool if Taker was sort of hoisted up on their shoulders, like a conquering hero. When he, Trips & HBK all embraced a few years back, that fueled speculation that it was Taker's last match and I'm sure something like this would do the same. Even if Taker was the centerpiece of this memorable moment, sharing an embrace with passionate guys like Bryan & Punk would be like a public endorsement of them I think.

As I said, I highly doubt this would ever go down, but it would definitely be a massively crowd pleasing moment.

Aside from this little scenario, it's too difficult to say who'll have those special moments next year. It's still such a long way off to WrestleMania and, of course, you'd have to look at guys like Punk, Bryan, Cena and a few others who'll have one of those special "mark out" moments.
As of now, I picture the main event picture as Punk v Bryan for the WWE Title (with the possibility of Orton being in the picture as well) and Taker v Cena for the streak.

I expect the Bryan/Orton/HHH storyline to take us to Survivor Series at the earliest or the Rumble at the latest with Bryan finally winning the title. I expect Punk to deal with Heyman for the next few months finishing him off by Survivor Series to set up his road to the Rumble and winning his first one. This would pit Punk/Bryan for the title at Mania.

I also expect Cena to be not return to WWE till the night after the Rumble. He comes out and says that he could have entered the Rumble but wants something greater than the WWE Title, a chance to end the streak. It takes Taker a few weeks to come back to Raw, at first he dismisses Cena as not worthy, Cena does some semi-heel stuff to get Takers attention and they announce the match the night after elimination chamber.
all this talk of orton carrying the title until WM 30 is just blasphemy. that is not going to happen. also, DB is not going to headline WM 30 nor win the WWE title at WM 30.

now everyone with a brain knows that whatever headlines/ends the biggest WM of all time has to involve someone who has been a staple of the company. it should be cena, but who is his opponent? he has pretty much had every opponent that is currently on the roster, and he cannot possibly wrestle dwayne again. so who can it be?

could they do cena vs hogan in the sake of just pure star power? clearly it would be a case of star power rather than a 5 star match. i cant imagine any other bigger draw.

it HAS to be cena versus someone though.
This is WM30 so they will want to make it as big and memorable as possible. There are maybe 4 names, in my mind, than can close WM30. The Rock, Bryan, Cena and Taker. I don't think The Rock will for the 4th year in a row, plus there isn't an obvious match for him.

Bryan is the interesting one. I still think they can indirectly drag this storyline out until WM30 so him finally winning the big one would be a pretty big moment. To be honest, that can happen alongside something with Taker.

Cena winning the WWE title is a predictable and safe option. Him ending the streak would be a shocking and incredible moment. I'm not saying it will happen but it would be a pretty strong ending.

The way I see WM30 ending is The Undertaker having his last ever match, against John Cena, and winning. WM30 will end with Undertaker retiring and the focus will be on him, which is something he deserves.
I'm still holding onto the pipe dream that perhaps Sting will sign with the WWE, I'm still holding onto the even more outlandish pipe dream that Sting will be allowed to end the streak and with that the absolutely absurd notion that perhaps Sting will be the one to close the program.

Sting has a long list of accolades, but I honestly think that none of them are note-worthy enough to grant Sting a place in the hearts of our current generation of pro-wrestling fans. He has the necessary reputation required to end the streak and do so in a way that all fans of all generations can accept. Signing Sting and having him wrestle in this dream match would allow Vince to close the only open chapter of his saga that I'm aware of, allowing Sting to close the show would definitely make it the most memorable Wrestlemania to date.
The person standing tall at the end of WM30 should be Bryan OR Punk as those two should face each other for the WWE championship in the ME. After their match whoever wins have them in the ring and shake each others hand. I'm not just saying this cause the IWC wants it as they are well beyond that stage now and DESERVE through hard work to be in the ME of WM. I think the buyrate of SS will determine that (which I think will easily be above 400,000) which would be the highest in the last 5 years.

Or we can have them embrace and have maybe Samoa Joe and Colt Cabana come out and attack both of them. This would 99% not happen at the end of WM but maybe the night after that'd be HUGE.
WrestleMania XXX Prediction Card:

John Cena vs. The Undertaker: I'm just assuming this is Undertaker's last WrestleMania Match, or at least it would round things off nicely for WrestleMania 30. There is absolutely no one else on the card that could possibly end the streak but The Face of the WWE. Lesnar? I really don't wish to see Taker vs. Lesnar again, and if this is it for The Deadman, Brock Lesnar is a great pick, but he isn't the best pick. That goes solely to The Doctor.

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship: Probably the most realistic expectation this year. I see CM Punk winning the Royal Rumble (I don't believe his Heyman feud is going to last that long) and he will challenge a successful WWE Champion in Bryan. I don't even care who wins. Just looks good on paper.

Triple H vs. Vince McMahon for control of WWE: With how things are shaping up, this is another solid storyline for XXX. All of the history between these two, all of the hatred, the animosity that both men could use in a dream promo is the very definition of epic. Yes, they've fought before and so has everyone else in my predictions. But damn, with what we are witnessing right now it would be a shame NOT to have this match.

The Undertaker will walk away undefeated, Daniel Bryan will overcome Punk and both will show good sportsmanship, and Triple H will pin his father-in-law to pass the immortal torch that is WWE.
I really think it will be Daniel Bryan finally winning, and holding the WWE title. I see Mania 30's main event as being the match that tries to define the next 10 years of the WWE, and Bryan going over to win the title would be perfect. I like the idea of it being something similar to Mania 20 when Eddie and Benoit embrace at the end with both title. Would be cool to see Punk and Bryan do something like that.

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