Who retires first: Cena or Orton?

I don't think anyone can really predict this either way. They both have had spinal injuries though they both seem to be fairly minor. Orton has his recurring shoulder issues and Cena had his pec torn, neither seem to be much of a factor at this point. Injuries don't seem like a concern though spinal issues are nothing to scoff at.

I see a lot of people saying that they think the business means more to Cena than Orton but I just don't know if that's true. I think they both seem like level headed guys but if one was to want the spotlight on him past his prime, it'd be Orton. I have no evidence to back that up, just a feeling I get from the way he carries himself. Orton has and always will be behind Cena in the pecking order as long as he's around and I could see Orton sticking around longer than he should just so he can actually be the number one guy for a while.

So I guess I'd be going with Cena but I really don't feel comfortable trying to predict something like this. There could be a miscue tomorrow night that ends Orton's career. You just never know in this line of work. I think both guys are smarter than the average wrestler used to be, thus, I highly doubt any of them would be working through any serious injuries. Edge set a great example in that regard.
I read an article awhile back that Cena has been in pain for a long time, but hasn't taken time off because he doesn't want to. It's hard to say who will retire first, but you never know what might happen. I remember thinking last year that Edge would spend the last few years as a face before he retired so that he could ride out kind of like HBK did. Next thing you know, a few months later Edge was retiring. He has in his late 30s. It happens. Who in 2003 would of imagined that the Rock would be leaving in his prime, being the megastar that he was after only 5 years as a main eventer to be a full time acter?

It doesn't matter how old someone is, how many injuries they've had or what - you never know what might happen in the future.

Personally though, although I don't know who would retire first or when, I just can't imagine Orton sticking around until he's middle-aged like HBK did. Orton got married with kids much earlier then Cena did, and had a family before he reached his 30s. Orton has gotten pretty far in his career and he'll be around for awhile, but he's said before that at this point he doesn't want to stay around much longer then when he turns 40 when his kid has grown up.
I gotta say Orton here first. But I gotta say that both men have done their best to stay injury free, especially considering their work schedules. I say Cena stays around longer even to the point saying that he'll be the next one to pass down the torch to whoever it is. Much like how the Rock will be doing to Cena at Wrestlemania, I believe. Plus, you can just see that Cena loves the business and won't go away until he can wrestle no more. However, not taking away from Orton, I believe that both men will be durable even in their later ages. So expect the two of them to be around a lot longer than we think.

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