Which five Superstars need a new theme?


The 1 that believes in Jinder Mahal
I was thinking earlier about how some WWE stars that need a new theme, not because their old one is bad, but because it's run it's coarse or it no longer fits there character. List five people that you think could use a theme change and list a good song to replace it with.

My fave five :)

Sheamus- Now I know what your thinking, he is a newer guy, he's becoming a top face, why would you change his theme?. It's because his character needs to add in that extra feeling of a fighter. All I think his theme needs is a change in the sound, make it more barbaric.


The Miz- His time as heel should be comming to a close, with that said a nice subtle change would be great.


John Cena- His theme hasn't changed in so long. I think he should make a new theme.

Jack Swagger- His theme song just doesn't fit him, he's had it for quite some time and defiantly needs a change. Maybe this? ;D


R-Truth/Kofi Kingston- The Tag team champs don't have a real tag team theme right now. Why not give them this.

this is not in any particular order

Big Show- he has had it for a long time maybe a theme that makes him seem like a giant to get him over more

Daniel Bryan- his yes gimmick has taken off maybe something associated with that

Big Zeke- this way out of left field but he no longer is the dominating person he is

Ted Dibiase- needs to get his own gimmick not his fathers

Zck Ryder- i liked when he changed it at the beginning with the WWYKI but needs a whole new song
Big Show- his theme and look are horribly stale

Jack Swagger- same as Big Show

Wade Barrett- when he gets back he needs a new song

Ezekiel Jackson- whenever hes actually on tv or does something relevant he needs a new song because the audience doesnt react

Tensai- they need to change it back to the first one
Zack Ryder-He should get the "Just take care, spike your hair" theme from his show.


Kofi & Truth should have a mix of their themes like this. They're the champs. They need a theme.


Daniel Bryan should go back to using this theme. More bad ass, like a MMA theme almost.


Jack Swagger should use this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhnUgAaea4M

This is obviously a joke but would still be funny as all hell.

Ted Dibiase is probably the most in need of a theme change. Something to suit his new country/outback boy gimmick.

John Cena should definitely get a new theme. I mean, the lyrics say, "my time is now." Well, his time has been here for quite a while. So John, get on the ball and write a new theme. :)

Ted DiBiase Jr - his theme is just awful, it doesn't fit him at all.

Ezekiel Jackson - Someone mentioned him and I agree. He's not dominating, so the lyrics don't make sense anymore.

Layla - Her new theme doesn't fit at all. I know they needed a happy type theme, since she's a face, but Nasty Girl, the one she used before forming LayCool was perfect for her.

Wade Barrett - Just Don't Care Anymore is terrible and doesn't fit him at all. Hopefully he gets a new theme when he returns.

That's about it, I went through the roster and everyone else's themes work just fine.
How about a new "old" theme? I think the rap version of Big Show's theme from the "agression" album would fit him perfectly right now.

Maybe just me but is anyone else sick of these "pop" themes they're giving guys right now? In that respect I'd like to see alot of guys get new themes, I don't associate poppy club stuff with tough fighters, which is what wrestlers are meant to be, no? Same with Wrestlemania, how did some auto-tune chipmunk singing about his "good feeling" add to the event? Just dawned on me, the thing I'd most like to see get a new theme is Raw, that Nickleback tune is wank
Big show- Needs to go back to his 1999 theme.

Randy Orton- Seriously I hear voices is just dumb.

John Cena- Had it for too long and it's boring- Just like him.

Sheamus-It sounds really generic so if their building him as a top face he needs a unique theme.

Wade Barrett-Jees, how bad was his new theme when he got injured he needs a new theme on his return.
Wade Barrett - Such a terrible entrance song he has now. He should have stuck with the "End of Days" song he had before. That fit his character a lot better. I doubt he'll go back to that but if he comes back hopefully he changes his theme again.

Daniel Bryan - With that whole "YES" thing taking off his entrance theme should start off with him shouting "YES!".

Dolph Ziggler - The one he has now isn't terrible but I feel he could have something better.

Ezekiel Jackson - Might not be around much longer period. But his theme song doesn't fit him one little bit.

John Cena - I don't mind the theme song he has now because it still fits him but once the turns heel... it has got to change.
Good idea for a thread. Fans often overlook how important a theme song can be. There are many subtle effects that help a wrestler ultimately get "over" with the fans, and a strong entrance song can really help to create a superstar.

This is something WWF has always understood and over the years, and their development and implementation of entrance music has evolved and improved over the years. This is something companies like WCW and TNA have never fully understood.

Entrance music can help in a couple ways...1) It can compliment and add depth to a wrestler's gimmick. 2) It can help "pop" the crowd, give the wrestler a bigger reaction, and get the fans more involved and excited for the upcoming match.

So, what five WWE guys could use new entrance music?

1. Randy Orton - Desperately needs new music IMO. While "hearing voices in his head" fits his character, the sound of the song doesn't at all. It's a soft song, almost a ballad-type pop-rock song, and it kinda makes Orton seem like a wimp. If Orton is to become the top-face in the company someday, then he will need a new entrance song, something that's darker, more aggressive, and harder-hitting. It could be a subtle, but big step in helping him reach the next level of popularity.

2. Kofi Kingston - If Kofi is ever going to get a big push and reach another level, he needs to stopped being viewed as a smiling, fun-loving buffoon who doesn't seem to take anything seriously. His "boom-boom" gimmick needs to go and so does his fluffy, light entrance song. Keep the reggae/hip hop tone, but something a little more serious and badass would help.

3. Wade Barrett - After Nexus and leading up to his injury, Barrett had been using a new theme, i believe it was his old FCW theme. Basically, a generic rock theme. I agree with others, when Barrett returns he really needs a new theme, something that fits his character more and something that stands out and is less generic sounding. If the WWE is serious about pushing Barrett, then they will.

4. Dolph Ziggler - Again, the theme "I am perfection" fits Ziggler's gimmick, but the song itself is annoying (as it's meant to be) and is really only fit for a heel. If the WWE wants Ziggler to reach his full potential and ever make a run as a face, they HAVE to change his entrance theme. A new "tweener" theme could be made that still fits his character AND actually sounds cool and isn't so strictly heel.

5. Big Show - I believe Show can have one last effective run as a monster heel, similar to Mark Henry. A new theme song could definitely help his latest push be more effective. His old song is great, but if his new "rebirth" is to be taken seriously, then a new song will help give that impression. Too many fans have a visceral reaction and old memories tied to "Well its the Big Show..." and this taints the fans perception of him.
A few reactions to other comments....

Randy Orton- Seriously I hear voices is just dumb.

Couldn't agree more.....his theme is just plain stupid and actually hurts him from completely getting over as a face.

John Cena- Had it for too long and it's boring- Just like him.

REALLY REALLY disagree with the Cena-haters here. I've never liked Cena, but his theme song is awesome. It's EASILY one of the greatest and most iconic theme songs in wrestling history. It's the "Real American" of this generation. As long as Cena is a face it should NEVER change. Unless....

John Cena - I don't mind the theme song he has now because it still fits him but once the turns heel... it has got to change.

Exactly, only if he turns heel, then he obviously will need a theme change.

Daniel Bryan- his yes gimmick has taken off maybe something associated with that
Daniel Bryan - With that whole "YES" thing taking off his entrance theme should start off with him shouting "YES!".

Understand your guy's logic here, but I disagree. I think because he chants "yes" while he comes down the ramp, adding "yes" to his theme might be overkill and isn't really necessary in this situation. Also, D-Bryan's theme stands out and is unique from the rest of the generic pop-rock on the roster. It's also a great UNDERDOG theme and can be used for a face or a heel. When he was a face, the crowd really popped when the song started. IMO it's a perfect and effective song for Bryan and one he could keep his entire career.
Really like the topic of this thread and has one poster mentioned, theme songs are important yet sometimes become overlooked.

In no particular order: Wade Barrett- I really just don't like it. Maybe as he was in the midcard, but I think a main eventer such as where Barrett is heading needs a better theme song than this. End of Days was even better (sidenote: I loved the Nexus theme). Also a big part of a theme song is the first few seconds (Cena, Austin, Rock, Mick Foley, etc.) are vital and the whole "I DON'T CARE" opener is dumb.

Christian- This is a mark-ish selection. I love "Just Close Your Eyes" as Christian's theme and I don't want to change that. I want to go back to his 05-06 version. Note the intro. P.S. This is my ringtone :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5jbo7lxPqc

Randy Orton- His theme as he was becoming a star was perfect, "Burn In My Light." And for a while his "Voices" song fit him, but when he comes back I feel another change is necessary. In what direction to go with it, I don't know really. I just know that this one has lost some luster.

Big Show- Most people seem to agree here. I can never take the Big Show seriously during these "monster" pushes because we have seen him suck so many times. Perhaps erasing his theme song that I associate with his crappiness (Eddie Guerrero sewage hose pun intended) will at least help a bit.

Daniel Bryan- "Flight of the Valkyries" is a classic song, but I struggle to take it seriously as a number 1 heel's theme song (which is how I view Bryan). While I admit the song has grown on me since he first debuted it, a better theme can be done. Even his "Big Epic Thing" song which someone linked above is better.

That's 5; however, I figured I'd throw in the wrestlers of themes I LIKE.

Jericho (some variations have been better than others but as a whole)
Damien Sandow (Come on! It's perfect! For now at least)
Cena (great, great first 5 seconds)
Zack Ryder: His theme song makes no sense whatsoever. His song should be about stealing the spotlight or something.
CM Punk: Too retro. Nice when I first heard it, but it's a bit oudated, but then again, so is Punk culture. I say give him a new metal song.
Randy Orton: Why does he have a theme song practically praising multiple personality disorder? I say give him a new Southern Rock song about being a rebel or a bad boy or something.
John Cena: Since Cena never raps anymore, he needs to sing a new theme in the style of Rock.
Chris Jericho: Chris needs to use a Fozzy song as his theme. Or is his theme already a Fozzy song?
They honestly have not gotten many themes right as of late. To name the few themes I don't have a problem with: Jericho, Punk, Cena, Triple H, Kane, Undertaker, Mysterio and Sandow. Thaaaat's about it.

To comply with the guidelines of this thread, here are five.

Santino: Holy hell, I cringe every time that putrid song hits. It would be appropriate maybe for a damn Totinos pizza guy gimmick. Have some short, fat italian come walking down the ramp, tossing dough in the air with a little apron on.

Cody Rhodes: No. Just no! Why would you agree to walk out to that horrible "wooooahhh." Honestly, my resentment towards Rhodes probably has it's roots in that theme.

Christian: The guy is a 39 year old veteran who has a hell of a resume. How does this fit into that description?

Sheamus: The song itself is terrible. Whoever laid down the vocals for that ditty should probably reconsider ever doing another. This doesn't work for a wrestler's theme. It's not the right now sound. I don't know. Bleh.

Ryback: I believe this theme would probably do the trick.
I would like to agree on Big Show needing a new theme as well as Wade Barrett(his theme is horrible!). Big Zeke defiantly needs another theme also. Randy Orton needs something new but it has to be better then what he has now which is already great.
Daniel Bryan - Final Countdown. WWE needs to get their act together and buy the rights to that theme for Bryan. It will fully solidify him as a main eventer.

Ryback - Scrap the generic theme and get him an epic war/machine theme that will make him stand out.

Cody Rhodes - Not only in theme song, he needs a major overhaul because they really are wasting his huge potential with no direction right now. What is he exactly? He is no longer the narcissist pretty boy, nor the disfigured deranged guy. What is he exactly? WWE needs to wake up and do something with this great talent.

Ted Dibiase - Doesn't fit his persona, rip off of his father's gimmick, doesn't fit a face and etc.

Big Show - They spent so much time building him up but keeps a joke of a theme song on him. If they truly want to build him as an unstoppable giant then they need a more intimidating theme song for him.
1) John Cena-- he's song is just so outdated and feels stale and old. i remember last year when Punk and Cena were posing and their music was playing and i almost hated listening to Cena's music. his old theme basic thuganomics was better, but i dont know if that is what he should go back to or not, but he needs a music change.
2) Ted Dibiase-- this is more because (unless he goes back to heel) he's a face, now even if he returns and he's a heel, he needs new music. if he's a face, dont ask me what they should do with his music, but if he's a heel, give him his priceless music back, i would give him the 2nd priceless song that he had, now if he's a face, then they should change his character and give him music to fit his character.
3) Big Show-- just isnt great, should go back to either his old theme or get new music
4) Jack Swagger-- just sounds too generic for him in my book.
5) Ryback-- just get him new music to help build his character up.

Now for 5 i like. i like CM Punk's, just perfect for HIS character as he basically is that. AJ's music just seems to fit her perky, crazy, happy, hyper character. i actually like Bryan's music as it does seem to fit him when he says YES! i like Ryder's theme for some strange reason and of course i like Sandow's music, goes with his character.
Santino: Holy hell, I cringe every time that putrid song hits.
i cringe too, but it's because i dont like how his character is just a comedy character and it's holding the US title. i think Santino likely could go in the ring if they made him a serious character, but because he's so comedy, he annoys me, dont like the cobra as a finishing move which is why i cringe when i hear his music.
I agree with many, Big Show and Cena both are 2 of the most needed new songs. Along with Jericho needing a new song, he needs a new entrance, Y2J is Y2old.

I would also agree with Orton, but going on a limb, I think Brodius Clay needs to stop the Funk. Or at least get some better music then what he has.
A-Ry: This guy has potential. He needs to reiterate himself as one of the top mid carders again, and maybe go after a guy like Sandow or Ziggler.

John Cena: Should go back to being a heel, and bring back the rap thing, and not care about what the fans think anymore, although lets face it, they won't turn him heel.

Sheamus: The "Brogue" chant he does before he executes the Brogue Kick is in credibly cheesy. He needs a more barbaric theme and if that means turning him heel again then it needs to happen, however smackdown will need another babyface, which is where Chris Jericho could fit perfectly.

Randy Orton: Turn him heel again, get him to reform legacy with Ted DiBiase (who is not going anywhere at the moment) and maybe someone like Mason Ryan or even Heath Slater (who also needs to do something worthwhile) and make orton feud with Punk for a while, giving him the "Top Dog" feel.

Miz: Love love love this guys ability on the microphone, but would love for him to turn heel and use the exact same "Really, really?" thing he does now, only the crowd agreeing with him. Have Chris Jericho start talking trash about someone well respected within the industry and Miz does his whole "really?" thing and burns Jericho in the process. Miz needs a push, he is far too good to be shoved under the rug.
Wade Barrett: His new theme really doesn't fit him at all, and just doesn't have a main event vibe. I liked End of Days, but apparently he hated it, so maybe just a new theme all together, as "Just Don't Care Anymore" is terrible.

Ted DiBiase: Right now his theme doesn't fit his current gimmick at all. He's still got a theme matching his father rather than him, his should be more to his current fan loving, common man gimmick.

Kofi Kingston: Why does he still have the whole Jamaican theme after he dropped the whole Jamaican accent? I think it should be changed to something else, something more serious

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth: And once Kofi gets his new more serious theme, remix it with R-Truth's theme, or just give them a new theme all together! They're the tag champs, they should have a common theme!

Yoshi Tatsu: He changed up his look to a bit darker, with face paint and such. He should drop the cheery theme has now for something darker and he could be a great midcarder.
I'm not going to put any links here, I will only mention those who I think should change his theme song. I am going to start with Cody Rhodes, he's one of the best upper rising stars in the company, but his theme song doesn't fit him. It doesn't acknowledge his importance and his status.

The other one is actually a very good friend of Cody Rhodes, I'm obviously talking about Ted DiBiase Jr., he currently has the worst song. It's not even good to listen, it's annoying and it's suited for a heel, not a babyface. He has a lot of talent and he could break apart from the lowcard with a good and intense song.

Last but not least Wade Barrett. I know he is injured, but the last time he was on WWE Programming he changed his song for a crappy one. It doesn't show how damn good he is, so I expect to see him returning with the older song and debuting a new one some time after. It doesn't have the impact that he deserves.
1. Christian: His current theme song (Just close your eyes) although good when heard as a song, just doesn't feel that good when heard as a wrestling theme. Also, its been a while since he's been using it, so I see no harm in changing it.
2. Jack Swagger: Let's face it, his entrance theme is like that of a complete jackass. "Get down on your knees" :wtf: And yeah, his ring gear too- he's not Kurt Angle or RVD.
3. Ted Dibiase: A good entrance theme plays a good part in getting a wrestler over, and we have seen that in Daniel Bryan's case too (before the chants debuted). Like someone else said, he needs to have his own recognition, not that of his father's. Something outside from "I come from money" would be refreshing.
4. John Cena: We have heard this song 5,000 times already, if not more. This would be a good time to go for something new. Agreed that it would require hard work to find something as catchy and long-lasting as his current one, but again, hard work leads to success.
5. Dolph Ziggler: Our second Mr. Money in the Bank and fifth Mr. New theme song requiree. His old one was really good, but agreed that they needed to move to a more serious one, but the current one is not the answer. With him becoming a world champion in the near future, a great theme could play wonders on his reign.

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