New Theme Music


Dark Match Winner
Many of you will remember several years ago, during Chris Jericho's second WWE run, Vince McMahon was going through a storyline where several superstars and divas were giving McMahon new theme music.

Here is an example of that with Jericho:

It was around this time where WWE The Music volume 8 came out. One of the songs on the CD was a new version of No Chance in Hell.

Eventually, one thing lead to another and the storyline was dropped. I'm not sure if Vince was ever meant to get the song on television, but either way, it never happened.

Personally, I think that theme would be perfect if WWE were to reform a new "cooler" version of the Corporation, down the road. It would of course be led by HHH. Call me crazy, but I could see someone like Dolph Ziggler and possibly Cody Rhodes in it.

Anyways, my question to you all is what do you think of the theme song? Do you think Vince was ever meant to get it? What do you think it could be used for. Finally, are there any other superstars who you feel WWE dropped the ball with their theme songs?
Don't know. Maybe they were thinking of giving McMahon a new theme at one point. Dope did a version of it on the Forceable Entry cd and there was a rap version of his theme on the Aggression cd done by Redman & Rock of Heltah Skeltah.

As far as dropping the ball with themes. I'd say the ones that get a crap load of different variations of their theme before finally settling with one, The Corre is a good example of that. Every week or so, it seemed they had a new version out and it just got worse. Same with Legacy, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes, they had a few different versions of their Priceless theme before scrapping it for "It's a New Day." I'm sure there's more but I'm going blank at the moment.
Sounds a lot like trying to combine Bischoff and VKM's themes a bit.

I don't like this one as much as the original, simply because the original is iconic and always brings me back to remember Austin vs Mcmahon.

McMahon's theme just suits him and is recognizable, I could of seen this theme being for Shane or Stephanie, or even HHH when he assumed power, as a variation.

Overall with themes, I can name dozens who've had their theme dropped, my criteria for a good wrestling theme is that it is recognizable within the first couple seconds, and this is simply for the pop, the opening Riff from No Chance (be the pop a boo or cheer.... usually boo) the glass breaking, do you Smell, the car crashing, the taker gong, all of the classics have a recognizable intro.

Current roster songs I don't think work

Alex Riley, I think had a too generic theme for himself, I don't like the one he runs
David Otunga, oh look, he needs a theme that fits his race!
John Cena, It's time to make a new theme, although his doesn't break my criteria, his theme reminds me of his You Can't Wrestle phase.
Kofi Kingston, Not to be racist, but the Reggae doesn't fit his character ever since his character forgot the accent.
Mason Ryan, too generic
R-Truth, As much as his rap was growing old on me, I think it suited his already racist gimmick well.

That list was a lot shorter than I expected, but I cut a lot of names that aren't really stars

Overall though, I think another variation of The Corporation is inevitable, I'd love to see Triple H power trip without the terrible board of directors story jumping in. HHH has always been amazing as an authority figure and if he took on a new form of Mr. McMahon's character merged with his own, he'd be great. I'd certainly prefer to see a power crazed HHH over a useless ******* like Johnny Ace
Not that I don't mind theme music changes sometimes, I don't really like the new rendition of 'The Corporation' theme.

The current/classic theme, IMO, is just right. It symbolizes so much that to change it could ruin its impact.

But I do agree there could be an interesting storyline if they have Triple H kind of be the new Vince and go power crazy and start building a faction including some Superstars but that probably won't happen for a while, if it even does.

But to the topic of current Superstars theme music and dropping the ball ...

Alex Riley - I don't dislike his new theme music in fact, honestly it is TOO COOL for him. He is a nobody right now and when his entrance music hits it has an awesome beat. To me it sounds more like the entrance for a Superstar who's gimmick is more along the lines of confident, stylish, super face... not has-been, generic, basic face.

John Cena - I don't hate it because it is unique and because it is actually hard to change themes very often if you are a top star in the business because you risk having a worse one made and then having to deal with that for a while. So I think Cena's theme is fine for now until he has a NOTABLE character change.

Randy Orton - I liked the one he had before the current one, I belive it was that one about "Hey, nothing you can say ..." It had a good beat and suited Orton's character really well. The current on suited Orton's character when he was a heel but now it doesn't seem to fit as well. Plus with all his 'apex predator' / 'viper' nick names I think he could use a entrance theme with the sound of a snake spitting venom or rattling or something sharp sounding to kick it off.

And lastly,

Wade Barrett - The one he had just before his current one I thought suited him very well. It started like "I've had enough!" with a good low intense sound but the new one starts like "I don't care what you think of me" but the voice sounds very silly almost more suited for a rebel face than a strong willed Englishman. Not that I am a particularly big fan of Wade Barrett anyway but at least before I liked his entrance music now I don't like it at all.

Dolph Ziggler - It's not terrible but it's not terribly good either.
Alex Riley - I don't dislike his new theme music in fact, honestly it is TOO COOL for him. He is a nobody right now and when his entrance music hits it has an awesome beat. To me it sounds more like the entrance for a Superstar who's gimmick is more along the lines of confident, stylish, super face... not has-been, generic, basic face.

John Cena - I don't hate it because it is unique and because it is actually hard to change themes very often if you are a top star in the business because you risk having a worse one made and then having to deal with that for a while. So I think Cena's theme is fine for now until he has a NOTABLE character change.

Randy Orton - I liked the one he had before the current one, I belive it was that one about "Hey, nothing you can say ..." It had a good beat and suited Orton's character really well. The current on suited Orton's character when he was a heel but now it doesn't seem to fit as well. Plus with all his 'apex predator' / 'viper' nick names I think he could use a entrance theme with the sound of a snake spitting venom or rattling or something sharp sounding to kick it off.

And lastly,

Wade Barrett - The one he had just before his current one I thought suited him very well. It started like "I've had enough!" with a good low intense sound but the new one starts like "I don't care what you think of me" but the voice sounds very silly almost more suited for a rebel face than a strong willed Englishman. Not that I am a particularly big fan of Wade Barrett anyway but at least before I liked his entrance music now I don't like it at all.

Dolph Ziggler - It's not terrible but it's not terribly good either.

Dolph his music is just right, i was afraid they would pull out Mr Perfects music and start using it on Dolph. I love how hes got the aregent persona to him, when he started out, I knew he would be big, IF he got the right push.

Wade, Ive had enough was actually his best entrance music. Hes had enough with having his coat tails riden by fellow Nexus Members, Fellow Coore Members, they need to let him break away and do his own thing.

Orton, his music is perfect for him as both a heel and face, because like a rattlesnake or a viper or whatever, he will turn on both the faces or heels if you cross him, and the songs perfect because hes hearing those voices in his head again.... JMO

Cena, he needs something new, granted hes been pulling off his rapper gimmick a little more, but he needs new music, something that is going along with the way he is now (or atleast the way he was, doing that soldier bit)

Alex, sorry man but the only person you have really beaten is Miz, I havent seen you out as much since youve broke away from him. does that require you to have music, idk...

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