AJ Lee Theme: Yay or Nay?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So last night, AJ Lee debuted her new theme.

In my opinion, this is the best theme song for any diva in a long while.
It fits her geek/nerd character who loves to play video games, hence the reason why her theme reminds me of something of Pokemon.

What's your opinion?
Theme seemed fine.

If AJ continues to roll in WWE I think she could be one of the most popular divas of this day and age.

I think young female fans will latch onto her quite easily.
Divas themes don't really matter nowadays, but I surprisingly was digging it. It really fits the nerdy/girl next door thing they got going on for AJ. She is a girl that us normal guys could have a chance to hook up with. The theme keeps that sort of rocky thing with chicky feel still in the music. Lets just hope that we see AJ continue on her winning ways and make a name for herself in the divas division.
It's whatever.

I just hope that the WWE doesn't try to make A.J. some new kind of Mickie James type of charactor. Career yes, gimmick no.
I like it because it does fit well with her character who could easily stand out amongst the divas who are all just about identical character-wise. Plus.... gamer girls are SO much hotter than the typical diva characters in my opinion. It's a good theme and WWE did a good job on this one.
- I hate that theme. It reminds me of those Japanese girl singers, and I hate Japanese culture because the world is overrating it so badly ...
I like it because it does fit well with her character who could easily stand out amongst the divas who are all just about identical character-wise. Plus.... gamer girls are SO much hotter than the typical diva characters in my opinion. It's a good theme and WWE did a good job on this one.

It certainly does fit her nerdy/geeky character well, and it will be a hit with the kids. WWE have probably made a good decision with this theme, although personally I absolutely hate it!

Not my kinda thing at all. Give me the classic Trish Stratus, Lita, Victoria or Sable themes any day. They really stood out in a good way, while this just reminds me of Pokemon or something from Miley Cyrus
I think it's definitely fitting but I also think it sounds like every other divas theme, when I first heard her theme I instantly was reminded of Mickie James's WWE entrance theme. I want to see more Divas entrances that are unique and that stand out from the rest like Kharma's or my personal favorite below. We need more entrances that really pull you in and have you interested instead of falling asleep, there needs to be less playful im a girly girl music and more theme like i'm a hot rebelious gal and I know you want me ;) But is AJ's fitting for her right now? Definitely a yes, but I would like to see her turn towards a "bad" girl at some point and change up the music.


It fits her character which is what any theme should do for a wrestler (male or female) and it's one I enjoy listening to which is something that Personally draws me into being a fan of the wrestler. The man who did her theme is also pretty good and his other stuff is just as catchy as this one
Personally, I think it's atrocious. It somewhat fits her whole girl next door/plays video games character, and it might help younger fans lathc on to her quite quickly, but I personally hate it. It reminds me of Disney Channel. *shudder*
The WWE markets to children. You know who else markets to children? The Disney Channel.

For those you have and will say that this reminds them of the Disney Channel how is that a bad thing? We can't have the edgy themes for everyone now a days. It could be lack of no one caring about the divas so they get shit music, but I doubt it.

Just think of it this way. There's a young girl at a WWE show, before she came to the show she was watching her favorite show on The Disney Channel and she hears AJ's music and it reminds her of that show. The odds have jumped up considerably that this little girl will ask mommy & daddy for an AJ t-shirt or whatever they have that will remind her of the woman that has music that sounds like her favorite show.

so yeah feel free to try to explain how that is a bad thing.

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