What smartphone do you have?


It's goin' down forreal!
Simple question really. What smartphone do you have? Are you Team Android or Team iOS? I just recently purchased a HTC One M7 and love it so much. The phone itself is awesome but what I really like about the phone are it's front speakers. The sound coming out of this phone is great. I think the display and cameras are underrated as well. I was going to purchase the HTC One M8 but it's easily the priciest Android phone right now so I decided to go with the M7 since it was cheaper and you can't really spot a difference between the two.

So again I ask, what smartphone do you have?
Iphone 4s but my contract is up in October so when I renew the contract, I get a new cell phone which will probably be the Iphone 6.
Google Nexus 5. Does everything I need it to do, although I haven't figured out how to give comments in rep without the keyboard disappearing.

Some times I even use it as a phone.
Google Nexus 5. Does everything I need it to do, although I haven't figured out how to give comments in rep without the keyboard disappearing.

Some times I even use it as a phone.
Yeah, this happens to me too. I think it's meant to happen unless we're on the mobile version of WZ on our phones, not too sure.

Galaxy s5. It's not worth it.
Really? Why's that? I've heard nothing but good things about the S5 mostly.
Google Nexus 5. Does everything I need it to do, although I haven't figured out how to give comments in rep without the keyboard disappearing.

Some times I even use it as a phone.

I have the same phone and it doesn't work. Wouldn't work with my S4 either.

I'm waiting for the new Nexus to debut.
I've had iPhone 5 since January 2013 and am anxiously awaiting the iPhone 6. I won't listen to a word against iPhones.

Not that I'm actually educated on the differences between phones. Used an iPhone since 2009 and I'm just stubborn and hate change.

Fuck Android.
No smartphone here.
I have a Samsung phone with a sliding keyboard that I've had for several years.

It does everything I need it to.
HTC One M7. Contract is up in october... don't get an upgrade till june though....

Similar situation for me: HTC One XL with my contract running up. Not sure about the upgrade though since my phone is awesome. It's survived going into water twice and a big drop.

Also, I will die before I purchase another apple product.
I know is, I'll never go back to iOS again. too limiting.

Translation: I spend too much fucking time on my phone

I have an iPhone 5c, it's actually the first smartphone I've ever owned, it's nice... until I get the phone bill & am reminded that it's costing me $35 more a month to have a smart phone than a basic.

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