What Should Be Next for Abyss?


Pre-Show Stalwart
He's been on the outside looking in recently in IMMORTAL, and I think he needs a better role. I say that when JEFF HARDY return's and at some point soon they should have IMMORTAL beating down JEFF in the ring, while ABYSS is there like usual, but then have ABYSS turn on IMMORTAL and black hole slam BULLY RAY, and side with JEFF. That would set up some decent matches possibly with JEFF and ABYSS in some tag team action, and single's matches against IMMORTAL. I really think JEFF, and ABYSS as crazy as it sound's would make a great tag team.

Otherwise there's not much for ABYSS out there, unless in reinvent's himself completely. I would love to see him remove the mask, and come out as a big biker dude similar to UNDERTAKER'S old gimmic, and possibly have TARA as his side kick. Have him come out on a Harley and just be a ass kicking SOB.

So does anyone else have a take on ABYSS?
Please no hater's, just constructive critisism.
You mean like Chuck Palumbo??

Abyss has always been better as a maniacle heel but he NEEDS a talking stick. He basically NEEDS someone who can turn around and talk for him because his talking voice is horrid. James Mitchell was absolutely ideal for this and I wish they would rehire him because he's an amazing actor who pulls off the "evil" thing brilliantly.

What Abyss needs is someone to talk for him. A manager to come back into the guys life of sorts, have someone take control of the monster and use him for his bidding. Go back to being the sick monster. He's much better when he's like that.

Maybe have Raven come back. Now I know Raven and Abyss went at it a lot a few years back but have Raven come back and say he's found direction. He's found the direction he wants to take and that is to help another individual. To take that man to the top. In another weeks time, Abyss is seen destroying stuff backstage, and all that's heard is a "shhh". Abyss is quietened and taken under control. Raven could lead Abyss into being a sick SOB. Could you imagine having Raven spit fire at you before being lifted up for the black hole slam?

I miss the credibility Abyss had as a big man before the Hogan ring story. I can only hope he gets some of that back.
I think it is going to be really difficult to resurrect the career of Abyss at this stage of the game. Let's face it, there are only two options here, face or heel, and I for one would have a really difficult time buying into Abyss as a face. With his look, his mask, and his history as an unstoppable monster, I just don't see a successful run as a face here. It's not like TNA would just randomly pull a swerve with no rhyme or reason in this fashion, without really thinking it through, now would they?;)

This leaves the heel option, and the problem with this is that they have been systematically ruining his unstoppable monster persona for over a year now. While I cannot buy into him as a face, it is nearly as difficult for me to accept him in the monster role anymore either. When an unstoppable monster starts getting stopped by everyone, and is still trying to recover from his period of time as a Forest Gump-like Hogan flunky last year, a true hard heel run will be difficult now as well.

He would seem to be a possible opponent for a returning Hardy at No Surrender (although personally I think Hardy is going to face Angle at NS). A returning face Jeff Hardy could return to action at NS and beat Abyss, making Hardy look good and strong, but this really doesn't do much for Abyss. If this were to happen, Abyss should lose and then disappear for a while, and then return for one last ditch attempt as the unstoppable monster, but totally separate and distinct from Immortal, neither with them or against them.

What I think will actually happen is that Hardy will return to face Angle at NS, and will be the recipient of an Immortal beat down in the process, preserving Angle's title and earning sympathy and support for the returning Hardy. Abyss will be involved in this beat down of Hardy, but in the end, will still be left in limbo himself.
Abyss needs a whole new everything. He needs to form a tag team or something. I wish TNA cut the roster down and made an investment in Mike Knox No I am not saying Knox is worth millions I just ment they already have a ton of guys and if they got rid of Terry they can have Mike Knox. Take the mask and have him just be Chris Parker (i think thats his name don't quote me on it) an have him pair up with Mike Knox. Give them a mouth piece and let them help in the dying TNA tag scene. This is the only thing I can think of for Abyss is him teaming up with someone. Or he takes off his mask and tries to make him self that way. Other than that Abyss will just be the big man lost in the shuffle to bigger and better stars anyway.

An besides I think him and Knox would be a badass tag team.
This leaves the heel option, and the problem with this is that they have been systematically ruining his unstoppable monster persona for over a year now. While I cannot buy into him as a face, it is nearly as difficult for me to accept him in the monster role anymore either. When an unstoppable monster starts getting stopped by everyone, and is still trying to recover from his period of time as a Forest Gump-like Hogan flunky last year, a true hard heel run will be difficult now as well.

I don't think it would be difficult at all and that's the beauty of pro wrestling. A guy can be lost one week and a monster the next. In the 3 years I've watched TNA I've never seen Samoa Joe as a tough guy but that's all changed over the last couple of weeks.

To the OP, I can't really see a straight forward path for Abyss to go down at this point. But IMO Abyss is at his best when he's killing himself and others in hardcore matches. So personally I'd just like to see Abyss as this guy who loves inflicting pain and doesn't mind receiving it (sort of how he is now). I'd like to see Abyss wrestle the likes of RVD, Bully Ray, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Crimson and Gunner in various hardcore matches. There's nothing to suggest that's the route TNA would go down, just what I'd personally like to see.

As what actually is next for Abyss? With Abyss being isolated and on the outside lately it does seem likely that he'll be seperating from Immortal soon. So perhaps he'll end up seeking revenge against Bully Ray, Gunner and Steiner?
I have to agree with some on this that Abyss has done everything he can in TNA. I think that I'm in the minority on this, but I'd like to see the WWE take him and build his character similar to Mankind. I think he needs a new start and new people to fight. WWE has no one that is into hardcore (thanks to PG), but it would be refreshing seeing Abyss take out the likes of Daniel Bryan and Air Bourne. It might even get the roster more energized because they'd have to change their game to fight him.

In TNA they've used him as a heel and face so often that no matter who he faces, it would be going backward for him. Johnny Ace, have some balls and hire him.
Every time TNA tosses something even remotely good they ruin it, for instance... the Mick foley angle where they were comparing all the similarities or the angle where he and matt morgan were AN UNSTOPPABLE TAG TEAM ALL CAPS and lead to an okay match.
Anyone who thinks Abyss to WWE makes sense is delusional and just simply not thinking in reality. There is no appeal to Abyss going to WWE long term. He's older, he doesn't move as well and he simply is just not a character that would work well for long for WWE. Kane atleast has a legit appeal and looks scary, Abyss just looks like a big goofy dude with a mask. He would be used like Khali for shits and giggles.

I love Abyss and all but he would probably not be used properly and it's very hard to give him a new gimmick. TNA could build him into the monster of the company but he just has zero appeal or fear factor.

What's next for Abyss? We'll, he's now been moved to Xplosion. I hate to say it but he should be moved to the fired list. He's done it all, he has zero appeal to be a World Champ and main eventer and considering TNA is entering it's own new generation movement, It's time for someone else to bring in their "monster" character. Kevin Thorn would be the best possible replacement or someone that can deliver a gimmick similar to what he did in ECW.
Make him a face, give him a female valet that "understands" him, let them get super close, and when they are at the height of popularity, someone turns heel and shatters everything. Abyss goes back to being a monster, and has a reason to.
Make him a face, give him a female valet that "understands" him, let them get super close, and when they are at the height of popularity, someone turns heel and shatters everything. Abyss goes back to being a monster, and has a reason to.

That is a good idea but i have a idea of my own (and yes i know they dont do this anymore) but have him win a feast or fired match and get the fired case then have him come back as a new immortal bodygaurd under his real name chris parks for some reason he has to wear a mask then in the end when immortal is beating down fortune or sting or anderson have abyss's music hit then he rips off hes new mask and they see the old one and he attacks immortal launching him in a new fued with immortal in his monster abyss character

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