Do You Think TNA/IW Should at Least Try to Make Abyss Relevant?


Dark Match Winner
I know the title says relevant but I will put the question more in depth.

Question: Do you think TNA/IW should at least try to make Abyss become The Monster Abyss we use to know and love?

Bonus Question: What would you want to do to try and make Abyss become The Monster Abyss again and not be so horrible?

First of all I do think TNA/IW should at least try to make Abyss "The Monster" again (obvious I would think that since I made it). I think Abyss could still be a big player in helping TNA/IW get better if TNA/IW can find a way to make him become The Monster Abyss again. The reason I think they should try to make Abyss "The Monster" again is because I see in him someone that doesn't need to have the label heel/face he can be someone that just goes after anyone that has something he wants or after someone that he just doesn't like. I think it is important to have a few guys that don't need to have the label heel/face but the person they do this with has to be someone like Abyss because it is so easy to make him either.

Bonus: I think I would try a storyline while Hogan/Bischoff is still here to have Bischoff start yelling at Abyss and saying he is worthless and can never do anything right. Then have Hogan come from behind with a chair to the back and just have Hogan beat on him for a while. Then a week or two later have him come back with a new found hate where TNA/IW will show Bischoff completly laid out in his office then later in the night show Hogan completly laid out somewhere in the Impact Zone. This I think can start the revolution of Abyss. Then next week have Hogan and Bischoff back and call out Abyss (of course Hogan and Bischoff will have Immortal in front of them) and when Abyss comes out and gets in the ring Bischoff and Hogan just tell Immortal to attack him and have Abyss just clean house of immortal to help him start evolving back into The Monster Abyss. This I think could be a good start to have TNA/IW make Abyss "The Monster" again.

This is what I think let me know why or why not you agree with me and why you think Abyss should/shouldn't be relevant again. (NO HATING ON OPINIONS!
Abyss is damaged beyond repair. Even if they could somehow get him back to being 'The Monster' I doubt some people would buy it, they'd still say this is the guy who acted like a child when he was with Mick Foley and lets not forget 'Abyssamania'

In fact the Shin Zsu (was it) is/was interesting because its a bit over the top (like Abyssamania) yet he's seen as dangerous as well which I think is the perfect middle ground.
Do you think TNA/IW should at least try to make Abyss become The Monster Abyss we use to know and love?

As stated above, Abyss is damaged beyond repair. I've seriously tried my hardest to like him. But honestly, I can't even see myself believing that a very big guy who acted like a child, became a weepy-eyed fan of Hogan and pulled some Green-Lantern ABYSSAMANIA shit out of his ass and then got repeatedly stomped on becoming a big threat again. He's been poorly mistreated by booking the past couple of years. The "Janice" thing was really pathetic to watch, in my honest opinion.

Now I know that the Kane argument will pop in sooner or later, but Kane has a bigger legacy and ability to make people think he's a legit monster. Abyss, on the other hand, cannot claim the same fame. Again, booking is a major problem.

What would you want to do to try and make Abyss become The Monster Abyss again and not be so horrible?

Honestly, no fucking clue. Abyss is pretty much done as a monster. I have repeatedly re-typed this section, but cannot come to a believable conclusion to make the child-monster Abyss seem like a legit monster. That's how dead the character is to me.
You need to find someone willing to go through a whole bunch of really hardcore stuff with him. Have him go through some intense, gruesome feud with someone, then maybe I'll start forgetting about Abyssamania. Standing around as Immortal's muscle like a big giant goober doesn't do anything for him. I need to see him getting the shit beaten out of him, and beating the shit out of someone in some crazy gimmick matches.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not the type to always need blood and gimmick matches, but this is how you get Abyss back to being some sort of monstrous twisted guy, by having him do monstrous twisted stuff. I don't mean walking around with a plank of wood with nails on it that's basically never going to be used properly, I don't mean luring people down to the rape dungeon, I mean some hardcore ECW style wrestling.
I am not exactly an Abyss fan, but I don't hate him either.

Abyss before Hogan was decent but needed rebuilding to be taken seriously.
Abyssmania failed miserably, but I would think that was the point all along.
His time with Janice was good stuff but aside from taking RVD out didn't do anything memorable.
Sun Tsu Abyss was gold. That was a step in the right direction. The whole reading the art of war during a match was good stuff, the quotations.. it was a good look for Abyss that was phased out too soon I think.

What I'd like to see is Abyss remain smart and give him the Mark Henry push. I'd also like for him to use his previous theme music instead of the new remixed version, not bad but not as iconic sounding to me. He's been in too many stables and just needs to go solo for a while.

What I'd really really like to see is Abyss become the new 911, anyone who used to watch ECW knows what im talking about.
Abyss ca r be a ligtitimate monster again. His appearence even now is no that frightening. However his character is NOT damaged beyond repair! If TNA could have him destroy guys to an even biger extent to what WWE has done with Mark Henry. What I am saying is that if Abyss comes out and bloody and batters random guys 9similar to Umaga) he will become the monster he was with father James mitchell again.
Give him back his original mask, James Mitchell and let him go apeshit on the roster.

If Hardy is to make amends for what he did, have him job to Abyss in a brutal monster's ball match. Hardy you screwed up and you want to make amends to the roster and the company then go through a few tables like you had to in the start of your career to help build up a TNA original.
Give him back his original mask, James Mitchell and let him go apeshit on the roster.

If Hardy is to make amends for what he did, have him job to Abyss in a brutal monster's ball match. Hardy you screwed up and you want to make amends to the roster and the company then go through a few tables like you had to in the start of your career to help build up a TNA original.

Why do people think that the only way to make a character relevant/compelling again is to revert him to what he used to be? I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone drone on about how James Mitchell should come back and Abyss should get his old mask back and he can go "ape shit on the roster". Since when are squash matches so goddamn entertaining? And why should he do it? So we can hear the IWC whine about TNA pushing Abyss? So they can say he's fat, uncoordinated and "can't wrestle"? Then they can whine about AJ not being pushed while we're at it. Oh, side note - Abyss is almost 40. Sorry, Bissy! Not happenin' for ya!

Same thing with Joe. Which Joe did, by the way, and no one said shit. I guess people's fingers freeze when TNA does something they wanted them to.

Anyjews, no, James Mitchell shouldn't come back. No, Abyss shouldn't bring his old mask back and no he doesn't have to go ape shit on any roster. Y'know what he needs?

... a push. GROUNDBREAKING! No James Mitchell or any of that bullshit. HBK didn't bring back Sycho Sid whenever his character got lost in the shuffle, did he? No, he kept evolving which ultimately made him into what he is. Same thing with Stone Cold or The Rock. They didn't go back to what they used to be, they became what they should be. Abyss is tremendous on the mic, he's a very interesting character (and I give him almost full credit as Abyss has more freedom with his character than other wrestlers) and gets the job done in the ring as well as any big guy could.

Abyss could be pushed tomorrow and it will work. Short term. He'll be relevant but not a Main Event mainstay. I highly doubt there's much room for big guys like him anymore, but then when I look at Bully Ray and what he does - maybe I'm wrong.
Why do people think that the only way to make a character relevant/compelling again is to revert him to what he used to be? I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone drone on about how James Mitchell should come back and Abyss should get his old mask back and he can go "ape shit on the roster". Since when are squash matches so goddamn entertaining? And why should he do it? So we can hear the IWC whine about TNA pushing Abyss? So they can say he's fat, uncoordinated and "can't wrestle"? Then they can whine about AJ not being pushed while we're at it. Oh, side note - Abyss is almost 40. Sorry, Bissy! Not happenin' for ya!

Same thing with Joe. Which Joe did, by the way, and no one said shit. I guess people's fingers freeze when TNA does something they wanted them to.

Anyjews, no, James Mitchell shouldn't come back. No, Abyss shouldn't bring his old mask back and no he doesn't have to go ape shit on any roster. Y'know what he needs?

... a push. GROUNDBREAKING! No James Mitchell or any of that bullshit. HBK didn't bring back Sycho Sid whenever his character got lost in the shuffle, did he? No, he kept evolving which ultimately made him into what he is. Same thing with Stone Cold or The Rock. They didn't go back to what they used to be, they became what they should be. Abyss is tremendous on the mic, he's a very interesting character (and I give him almost full credit as Abyss has more freedom with his character than other wrestlers) and gets the job done in the ring as well as any big guy could.

Abyss could be pushed tomorrow and it will work. Short term. He'll be relevant but not a Main Event mainstay. I highly doubt there's much room for big guys like him anymore, but then when I look at Bully Ray and what he does - maybe I'm wrong.

That is a good post, I agree with MOST of it.

I agree that Abyss shouldn't have to resort back to how he was in the past, that's done and dusted. As you said, when a wrestler is struggling he shouldn't have to go back to a previous gimmick but should try to evolve and find something new that DOES work.

However, I DO think Abyss would benefit from a returning James Mitchell. Mitchell is a phenomenal manager and its a crime that he is not in either WWE or TNA now, he is the best in the business in my eyes. I love his work. He could return and try and coax Abyss into letting him manage him again, saying he could help return Abyss to his former glory.

Then Abyss could do something different, but with his old manager manipulating him. I am sick of seeing Abyss in shitty storylines like Abyssamania, the Mick Foley obsessed pussy and that appalling "Janice" gimmick. Let Abyss be Abyss. Let him show his ultra-violent side again, but in a different way. Introduce a hardcore division to TNA- again offering an alternative to the non-violent WWE. Abyss could be the figurehead of this division, and I think he would do a good job. At nearly 40, and with his look I do not see him being a main event wrestler again (at least not long term), so a Hardcore division would suit him perfectly, allowing him to do what he does best- beat the shit out of himself and others.
I still can't get over Abyssamania. Man, what a shit storyline. Abyss received a rub from the greatest wrestler of all time, and it went no where. Abyss wasn't believable as the next Hogan, and the entire storyline looked like one huge embarrassment. And the Janice stuff was just awful.

Abyss' character has been damaged for quite some time. Although, a fresh start could help him. Abyss could be very entertaining as the viscous and evil heel monster, but his character has suffered a good amount of bumps in the road. He could regain the spark he had years ago, but it's going to take some time.
Abyss is pretty much done as TNA's monster heel. I'd say slot him into a team with another supernatural/horror gimmicked wrestler to cover his remaining time (he is 40 you know...) and get to building a new monster heel in Crimson or another younger wrestler...
Woow. I literally forget that Abyss exists in TNA. Has he even wrestled in a last month or been in any storyline?

Anyway I don't like such cartoonish characters, so I don't miss him.
As alot of other posters said, the Abyssamania, Mick Foley worshipping girly-girl & "Janice" gimmicks is what ruined him. He was this monster who would BHS people in to thumb tacks and just "torture" his opponents and he had it going for him. Then those gimmicks happened abd his character lost the "magic". So, no, I don't think it will be humanly possible for him to be the same "Monster".
I don't think that Abyss will ever be relevant. They turned him into a superhero with the Hogan's ring angle and that failed. It also proved that Abyss will never be relevant because if a rub from the most popular wrestler of all time can't get someone over then nothing will. He should just stick to hitting people with Janice and trying to be scary. That's a decent "monster" role for him and all he is really good for anymore. I don't hate the guy, it's just that I do not see him being top guy material anytime soon.
I believe we could see 'The Monster' Abyss once again. A good way to do this would be for Bischoff to keep having a go at Abyss until Abyss eventually turns on Immortal, beating them all down. This would make him a face but 'The Monster' none the less. He could have an amazing Monster's Ball Match after the Immortal Feud against Bobby Roode or another monstrously good wrestler. This would give him some credibility and make me forget about child Abyss. However I didn't think Abyssmania was too horrendous, even if it never went anywhere.
Frankly trying to put him in hardcore matchs and try making him a monster like he used to do would not work. Why? Because he never was interesting to begin with. Even with Mitchell.

I would take off the mask and go in the opposite direction. Hogan vs Sting is No DQ, right? Hogan can't wrestle anymore. Have Sting beat Hogan to a bloody pulp, turn heel, Abyss saves Hogan and take his mantle. Next Impact you see him take off his mask(exchange mask for the ring Hogan gave him) and you see Chris Parks with long blond hair.
What we need from Abyss is an intense feud with someone who can be as hardcore as him, like Jeff Hardy or Sabu or Raven, like how he was pushed earlier in his career maybe, but something needs to be done, like have him be lit on fire, but keep fighting or something, with like a flaming black hole slam through a barbedwire table while he's on fire, he could wear some sort of flame and heat ******ant undershirt and have a few layers of normal clothes on (like the Mick Foley plaid shirts) and then have his old vest on after Mick's shirts burn off, being a symbol of him rising from the ashes becoming the monster he once was, and can still be again.

It's be hard to pull off, but something shocking and intense like that is the only way to fix Abyss at this point.

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