What if R-Truth Hadn't Gotten Suspended?


Dark Match Winner
OK so I apologize this thread has been made before. But how would things have played out if R-Truth did not get suspended? Would he and Miz of gone over at Survivor Series against John Cena and the Rock? Would they win tag team gold? Would things have gone the other way around down the road to Wrestlemania where R-Truth would turn on the Miz?

Your thoughts?
If R Truth never got suspended and I made the rules in WWE I would have them win the tag team titles right after survivor series. I would have had The Miz elimate R Truth at the rumble then have them loose the titles at elimination chamber or a raw then have them fued leading into a match at Wrestlemania.
I would really have them win the Tag Titles from Air Boom, have them have a good long reign to keep them relevent long enough for them to lose the titles and Miz to slide into the main event scene. I'm not sure where R-Truth would go though. I would figure him moving to Smackdown.
I guess they might've beaten Rock and Cena which would've made R/C that bit more intense rather than, "Oh yeah, we hate each other but were a really good team if we want to be"

Seriously, WTF? Even the hype was shit, "Never Before, Never Again". More like "Never should've happened"
I get the idea that Awesome Truth (a ridiculous name, but whatever) were there to make a match for Cena & Rocky to team up against. The timing was right to keep Miz doing something on Raw each week. R-Truth is working well to keep the Miz's momentum going, you dig?

Truth is on his way back to GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN!!!
No way the Rock/Cena were going to lose, they're WWE's pay stub for WM, they needed them to go over, then push their year long feud.

I think Truth had a breakup with Miz coming, but not as soon as it did, becasue R-Truth's face turn has made him.... interesting to me, and I was one of the haters asking "R-n't you fired yet?" a year ago.
I doubt it would have mattered that much.

As Azane said, Rock and Cena were always going to go over Awesome Truth as they were the Main draws for SS. Miz/Truth would have broken up a couple of weeks later
Not much would have changed imo.

Miz works best as a heel and they needed someone for him to feud with and most of the top faces were tied so the breakup seemed logical
Not much would have changed imo.

Miz works best as a heel and they needed someone for him to feud with and most of the top faces were tied so the breakup seemed logical

That's the way I picture it too. Maybe Truth not getting suspended might have delayed it a little bit longer but in the end it was going to happen.
Awesome Truth would've broken up nonetheless, but R-Truth's suspension only hastened the end. They'd probably work a few more months trolling the powers that be (and Punk and Cena), but that's about it. I didn't see them winning any championships unlike most other people here, since Miz and Truth believing in a conspiracy against their rising up to the top was integral to their success as a main-event tag team, and having them win tag team titles would damage that.
Truth getting suspended only caused the splitting up of Awesome Truth to happen faster. It was inevitable. Had his suspension not happened then they would still have split at some point, but they might have had a chance at a run with the tag team titles. I'm surprised they didn't win them. Awesome Truth were an entertaining team with their "You Suck" rap entrance and their humerous back and forths during promos. They were never going to defeat Cena & The Rock, but they would have lasted a little longer had it not been for the suspension.

The night after Survivor Series, they still would have come out and been confronted by Cena who would have turned them against each other, but Miz would have been able to convince Truth that Cena is still their real enemy. They would then have entered another tag team title feud, only with the doubt and lack of confidence in each other now being there. They'd win the tag belts only to lose them in their second or third title defense, which is when Miz would beat up Truth and the split would have happened had Truth never been suspended. Other than costing them a potential tag team title reign, the suspension changed nothing and all it really did was speed up the inevitable because they were going to split up with Truth being relegated further down the card and Miz moving back toward the upper card anyhow.
If R-Truth had not been suspended Awesome Truth would be Tag champs. They'd be feuding with Air Boom and maybe if he were involved in a major enough feud, Bourne wouldn't have screwed the pooch a second time.
They probably would've competed at TLC, with the WWE Title match being Punk/Miz/Truth. Their individual title aspirations would spark tension between the two. There probably would've been a spot where Miz & Truth would end up both climbing the ladder for the championship, and arguing over which one of them would take it. Punk would capitalize on the dissension and win.

The Royal Rumble match would have still started with Miz, Riley, and Truth, but instead of Riley being eliminated early, Miz and Truth would gang up on Riley and single him out for a large chunk of the match, until Miz accidentally eliminates Truth. They'd break up the following night, with Truth turning on Miz out of resentment for his media appearances, accusing him of being part of the conspiracy all along. Truth would be the heel and Miz would be the face in their feud.

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