WCWF Results

Grade the World Championship Wrestling Federation

  • A - Awesome!!!

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • B - Pretty Good actually

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • C - Average

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D - Your trying but could be better

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • F - Terrible worse than WWE

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • - I was just coming to post a jackass vote

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Nick Paglino April 05,2016


Twitter User Sir D Da Realist (@DTM_Sir) sent us the following picture below:

It has been rumored since the staredown and brawl at Rock Bottom between The Rock and Brock Lesnar that there would be a matchup between the two down the line. The big rumor has been Rock Bottom III in Ohio however. While it's possible that the WCWF may bring in the Survivor Series Pay Per View. With the fact, that both Triple H and Roman Reigns are currently portraying "heels" a match between the two would be unlikely.
WCWF Rampage 4/12/16- (Richmond,Virginia) (The Coliseum)WCWF Rampage 4/12/16- (Richmond,Virginia) (The Coliseum)


(WCWF ID/Rampage Intro Video)

(Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family walks to the ring. The fans chant "He got the whole world in his hands." Wyatt says Sister Abragail warned him about Triple H. He says she told him he was a liar,a deceiver, a manipulating, power abusing maniac. He says he knew Triple H was on his way back and he did everything in his power to prevent this from happening. He said he knows everything that goes on around here. He said he knew 5000 was on the phone with Triple H around the time 5000 lost to Raven. He said and his beef wasnt with Raven or even 5000. He says he was trying to prevent 5000 for making a mistake. The same mistake he somehow made anyways. He says he know the truth about the John Cena situation and now he's gonna expose it to the world. The truth is...(Mic cuts off.) Evolution's music hits and Randy Orton and Batista comes out in black shirts that says "WCWF Agents" and with a bunch of security telling them to get them out of here as the fans boo. "Here comes the money...." Shane McMahon makes his entrance and says "hold up hold up... I don't care what you're labeled as. You're still wrestlers and this is my show. " He says Bray Wyatt is booked for a huge match tonight already, in our Main Event against "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. In HBK' s first singles match here in the WCWF and says he's "glad Orton decided to draft his self to Rampage because right now they're gonna have a match. The two of them vs. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan of The Wyatt Family and that match starts... right now! "

(Commercial Break)

The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Evolution (Dave Bautista,and Randy Orton)- This was a pretty solid match here. Harper picks up the win for his team following a Superkick and Discus Clothesline to Batista. After the match, The Outsiders (Kevin Nash and Scott Hall) attacked the Harper and Rowan. After the match, Randy Orton cut a pissed off promo about being retired and saying he shouldn't have to wrestle ever again. The two promises Shane McMahon will pay for what he just did.

(Commercial Break)
(Wyatt Scare)
Titantron Promo:
Wyatt tells HBK that tonight he was going to break his spirit, his soul,and his body. He says that HBK is living foul and tonight he's going to make him pay for his sins.

Enzo & Cass comes to the ring and calls out Beer Money for stealing their titles and saying they have something that belongs to them and they have exactly 5 minutes to return it. Beer Money interrupts and Storm says they can't do that because it's their belts. Roode says but they will give them a title shot at Genesis. Enzo tries to crack jokes but Cass pushes his Mic down and says this isn't a game man. They have our belts so I say let's go kick their asses right now. Bad Influence sneak attacks the two and Beer Money help them jump Enzo & Cass. (Pyro) "Ain't no stopping Me...nooooo! " The Worlds Greatest Tag Team debuts and the crowd explodes and the announcers go insane questioning what the hell are they doing here and put them over as two of the hottest free agents on the planet and put them over as legends in the industry and one of the all-time great tag teams. The WGTT make the save as the crowd is still going insane with "Holy Shit!" chants. Fortune goes running up the ramp and says this isn't over yet.

(Well coming up next it's the first match in the WCWF Playoffs. Its Lethal/Styles. US TV Title Series and it's NEXT!)
(Commercial Break)

(WCWF Playoffs) (US TV Title Series Match) AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal- Phenomenal Match as expected. The fans were really behind this match and was on their feet. Styles picks up the win with the Styles Clash. The two shakes hands following the match.

Backstage Segment:
Shane McMahon is talking to Triple H and let's him know he's going to get Reigns and Ambrose out of jail. Trips ask if he needed backup because Reigns is a hot head. Shane tells him know and he has this and ask Triple H to run the show while he's gone. Shane leaves as Triple H has a devious smirk on his face.

Commentators Speak/On Screen Graphic: Well coming up next we find out who will get the fourth slot in the Cruiserweight Championship Ultimate X Match at Genesis. Because coming up next it's the re-debut of Adrian Neville as he faces "The Charasmatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy in our next qualifying match and that's...Next!

(Commercial Break)

(Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Match)- Adrian Neville vs. Jeff Hardy- MOTN!!! This was epic. Neville beats Jeff Hardy with the Red Arrow and after the match Jeff wished him luck and walked up the ramp. Jeff looked back in the ring and turned to leave again and is assaulted by The Outsiders and gets Jacknife Powebombed off the stage.

(Commercial Break)

Jeff Hardy is being stretchered out. Triple H is yelling at Nash and Hall and ask what the hell are they doing. He sends them home and says he won't tolerate that type of behavior. Daniel Bryan's music hits and he walks right past them on the ramp and yells for his music to be cut and gets in the ring and says he glad Triple Nose is out there because he still doesnt have an opponent for Genesis and he wants to fight Shawn Michaels. Triple H says he's not gonna have too much more of his disrespect and says he's not going to face Shawn Michaels and begins taking his suit and stuff off and tells him because you're gonna face....BRET "THE HITMAN" HART!!! Hart's music hits but no Hart. And Triple H informs him Bret won't be back until next week. And tells Daniel not to turn around and Daniel does and gets a Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels to a pop. Triple H laughs and says that will never get old. HBK cuts a promo on his match with Wyatt tonight and tells Bray only thing that's gonna get broken tonight is his face when he kicks his teeth down his throat and leaves.

(Commercial Break)

(Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Match) Cedrick Alexander vs. Kenny King- Excellent Match. King played the heel and Cedrick was the babyface in this one. All of Kings heel attempts failed as Cedrick Alexander won this match. .

Backstage: "The One" 5000 is trying to enter the arena but is told no entry. 5000 knocks out both security guards and makes his way into the arena anyways as we head to commercial.

When we come back 5000 is in the ring calling out Triple H telling him to get his ass out here. Triple H makes his way out here. 5000 is yelling we had a deal and for Triple H to give him the contract. H is asking to take this to the back but 5000 says he wasn't playing them games and that they could do this right here in front of everybody here in Richmond. Triple H says he don't need this and leaves as Randy Orton sneaks up and clotheslines 5000 from behind and Batista Bombs him.

Footage of Shane McMahon talking to Dean Ambrose outside the jailhouse, who he bonded out of jail and Roman Reigns Spears the hell out of him out of nowhere and Roman and Dean fights all over the place. Roman Reigns Spears Dean Ambrose through the windshield of somebody's car and says until THE Guy gets his title all will suffer.

(Commercial Break)

(Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Match) Chris Benoit vs. KENTA-
Benoit makes his return as a Babyface. The commentators emphasized he had just came back from rehab. KENTA got a great ovation as well. Commentators inform us he quit The Bálor/Bullet Club. Amazing Match here as expected. Benoit gets the W with the Crippled Crossface.

Graphic for Punk vs. Austin II and Pipers Pit with guest Steve Austin is next.

Pipers Pit /w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin- Roddy Piper talks to the audience about Genesis and how the two people that's closests to being on his level will face off in a rematch at Genesis and introduces his guest Steve Austin. He ask Austin how he really felt about CM Punk. Austin asked how Piper really felt about CM Punk. Piper said he feels Punk is the Best In The World and the best thing since his self. He asked Austin if he really thought he could be beat CM Punk. Austin said he thinks he could beat Piper. Piper ask Steve if he's drunk and to say his alphabet backwards. Austin said he could whip Pipers ass backwards. Piper got heated and went off on Steve Austin for not playing ball and said he doesn't need this and that Punk was gonna kick Austin's ass at Genesis and that he knows something Austin doesn't. Barrett ambushes Austin with a Bullhammer to the back of the head and The Nexus jumps him while Roddy Piper watches and yells orders. The Nexus lays waste to Roddy Piper as well and walked away as CM Punk slides in the ring and hits a GTS on Austin. Security runs out to escort Punk out of the arena who gets away through the crowd.

We are informed that Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose will take place at WCWF Genesis in a Steer Fight for the WCWF Heavyweight Title. And by WCWF Street Fight rules. It will literally take place in the streets and only way to win is by knocking your opponent out for 10 seconds.

Well coming up next it's our Main Event. In many eyes a dream match. Its "The Eater of Worlds" Bray Wyatt vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels and it's next!!

(Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt: "We're Here!"

(Commercial Break)
Bray Wyatt vs. Shawn Michaels- HBK slapped Wyatt in the face and the fight is on from there. Near fall after near fall. The match was great as expected here. Wyatt countered a Sweet Chin Music with a Sister Abragail for the 1-2-3!!!!! After the match,Triple H out of nowhere dropped Bray Wyatt with a Pedigree and announced that at Genesis it would be The Wyatt Family vs. The Kliq. (Wyatt Scare) (Lights Out) Sister Abragail is in the ring in Triple H's face and Triple H looked creeped out before dropping her with a Pedigree and celebrating to end the show.







(Atlanta, Georgia) (The Phillips Arena )



Shane McMahon has security guarding to make sure Austin doesn't get in the arena. He makes his way to the curtain

(War into video and pyro)

Shane McMahon's music hits and he welcomes the fans to the show. He says there is a new General Manager for War that they're gonna love and I'm very honored to introduce you to one of the biggest names on the independent scene....Nigel McGuiness!!!!! Nigel gets a pop and thanks Shane for the introduction and ask him to stay for the night and co-run the show with him since he's already here and Shane accepts. Nigel says his first order of business is we need an Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion so we will have two #1 Contender Matches. Sami Zayn will take on Finn Bálor and Matt Hardy will take on Kevin Owens and the winners of those matches will face off at Genesis for the IC Hvt Title . He says until then Cesaro will be the official champion. Seth Rollins interrupts to a pop and says he's means no disrespect and welcomes Nigel. He says but you mentioned one name and I been waiting patiently to confront that man and I'm tired of waiting so...Cesaro get out here so we can talk so I can tell you to your face what's going to happen when you step in the ring with "The Man." Cesaro makes his entrance and Rollins talks about how great of a wrestler Cesaro is but says he's overrated and overhyped. He ask Cesaro do he think he can beat him. Cesaro says he doesn't think he knows he can. Rollins says you can't and you won't. He says truth is you're just not as good as You think or management thinks. He says Cesaro has been handed everything and he's earned everything and he was gonna embarrass Cesaro at Genesis unless he's scared to do this tonight. Rollins challenges Cesaro to do the title match tonight. Shane McMahon advises Cesaro not to accept because he has nothing to prove. Cesaro says for so many years I scratched and clawed and was told no and I was denied opportunity after opportunity after opportunity because I didn't "connect" but you hear them every week when they chant...(points Mic at crowd as the chant the Ce-Zar Ole Remix Chant),he says because I couldn't talk on the Mic. But who gives a damn this is professional wrestling,not Saturday Night Live!,and because I wasn't that great of a wrestler,when I'm the best Damn wrestler on God's green earth. Truth is management didn't believe in Me and now I see you don't either Shane. He says Screw You, Nigel Screw You Shane,Screw your brother in law,Screw your father and your sister,and Screw You Seth and anybody that don't believe in Cesaro because I'll make them believe. You want this match tonight....you're on. I'm gonna beat your ass and make you a believer.

(Commercial Break)

War Machine vs. The Kingdom
- Great Match. The Kingdom tried using Maria Kanellis and snuck a win. After the match, Gallows and Anderson attacked both.

The commentary team informs us that the rules of the draft are the Superstars must sign contracts to their brand. And we are told by Mauro Ranallo that Jay Briscoe has refused to sign with Rampage and has signed with War and were gonna find out why live next week when Jay Briscoe debuts on War. But coming up next Kofi Kingston will go one on one with the returning Christian Cage. They inform us that Cage has been out with an injury caused by Kevin Owens.

Coming up next it's Zayn vs. Bálor

(Commercial Break)

(#1 Contenders For IC Title Match) Sami Zayn vs. Finn Bálor- Great Back and Forth Match. Owens was on commentary and got up and close to the ring torward the end following an argument with Steve Carino. Owens pulled Zayns leg which got ejected from ringside. Pele kick from Bálor to Zayn and he goes up top for Coup De Grace. Static on the tron stops him. Red smoke on the ramp and the tron reads "I Accept." Bálor get down off the turnbuckle and gets a Helluva Kick from Zayn who pins him for the win. And Zayn advances.

Backstage Segment
: Shane tries to convince Cesaro to change his mind but Cesaro tells him to kiss his ass and walks away.

CM Punk talks Stone Cold Rematch CM Punks music hits and he walks to the ring with security with him. He says he's gonna call out Steve Austin tonight. Stone Cold's music hits but no Austin to boos and Punk tells the fans not to boo because that's gonna make it worse on Austin when he beats him again at Genesis. He says boo me all you want I am the best in the world. And says nobody can touch him because he's God (as Stone Cold is coming through a hole in the ring.) Punk turns around to an ass whoopen. Security tries to stop him but gets Stunners as Punk tries to escape up the ramp. Austin says I figured You would try to run like the punk bitch you are so I got somebody to stop you this time.

"If YA Sme-ell.." and The Rock guards the ramp. Punk tries to get past him and gets punched and thrown in the ring to a Stunner. Shane and Nigel runs out with security and Austin stuns them all flips off Nigel and Shane and and Shane and leaves through the crowd drinking beer.

Matt Hardys music hits and he makes his entrance. Punk tries to argue with him on the ramp and pushes him and those two begin fighting before security separated the difference.

(Commercial Break)

(#1 Contenders Match For IC Title) Kevin Owens vs. Matt Hardy
- Hardy is out first and I guess is playing babyface now? Owens music hits and he sneak attacks Hardy and the ref stops him to start the match. Hardy runs up aggressively assaulting KO. KO kicks him in the gut and Pop Up Powerbombs him for the win. Sami Zayn came to the ring to "congratulate " him. And the slugfest begins. Owens stands tall with a Package Piledriver on the ramp. Its gonna be KO vs. Sami Zayn for the IC Hvt. Title at Genesis. Speaking of Genesis up next we find out Chynas opponent.

(Commercial Break)

(#1 Contenders Match) Kharma /w/ Vince McMahon vs. Lita
- Lita takes the fight to Kharma but it doesn't effect her. Kharma beats her ass and hits her finish for the pin and win. After the match. "(Guitar Strings)... It's time to play the game." Triple H says hello to Vince and congratulates Kharma. And then tells Lita she has a match at Genesis. If she win, she can keep your job. If not she's fired. Lita ask who her opponent was and H tells her she'll find out at Genesis and if she doesn't show he'll see her ass in court.

Backstage Segment: Mean Gene ask The Rock about why he helped Austin out. He said first off Austin in one of his bestfriends in the industry and because it's about time somebody shut Phill's punk ass mouth. Punk attacks Rock out of nowhere and it's a brawl. Wrestlers and Security is trynna split them apart and Punk spits at Rock. Rock runs at him and this spills to the parking lot. And they pull Rock away again.

(Commercial Break)

Adam Cole vs. Rhyno vs. BJ Whitmer-
Cole wins and Adam Cole and cuts a promo about who he is and saying he is here to be the best bay bay!

Backstage Segment:
Nigel ask Cesaro if he's sure about this because he has everything to lose while Rollins has nothing to lose but everything to gain because the match will happen at Genesis regardless. Cesaro walks away.

(Commercial Break)

(WCWF World Championship) Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins
- Classic Match between two great wrestlers. Cesaro Swing knocks down the ref and Roman Reigns makes a surprising appearance and Spears the hell out of Cesaro and places Rollins on him for the pin and win. Rollins looks confused and security escorts Reigns out. Rollins grabs a Mic and says not that way and ask for the match to be restarted and Cesaro with the rollup retains. Therefore your winner and still champion Cesaro. Shane and Nigel watching as Cesaro celebrates with the belt. Rollins Pedigrees Cesaro out of nowhere and stands tall with the belt to end the show.















Bill Pritchard April 04,2016

Top WCWF Star, CM Punk's contract expires the night after The Bash. As of right now, he is not expected to re-sign with the company.

CM Punk is apparently is unhappy with his place in the WCWF. There is also reportedly alot of talk that Punk is not happy with the fact that he feel he was lied to. As many of you know Punk was originally supposed to be the "Face of the WCWF." However, WCWF switched plans and turned him heel after comments made from Punk on Twitter awhile back about wrestling being "fake." That garnered alot of heat for Punk backstage with Officials and in the Locker Room, who felt "If you hate this fake industry, then why the hell are you here?"


Mike Killam
April 04,2016



Nick Paglino April 17,2016

The Bash Promo Poster Leaked Online? Spoils Main Event?

As seen below is the alleged promo poster for WCWF The Bash (Of The Summer) Pay Per View


There has been rumors and rumblings of Brock Lesnar returning to enter the 2016 King Of The Ring Tournament. If this poster is real. It is likely Brock wins the KOTR tournament and Cesaro defeats Seth Rollins at Sunday's Genesis Pay Per View
The World Championship Wrestling Federation has come to terms with KENTA,Owen Hart,Bret "The Hitman" Hart,Daniel Bryan,CM Punk,Alberto Del Rio,Tajiri, John Morrison, MVP,Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, and X-Pac. These releases to will take place immediately following The Bash Pay Per View in August. More releases to come.
Undefeated WrestleMania streak of The Undertaker

Jimmy Snuka March 24, 1991
WrestleMania VII 4:20
Pinfall Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena
Los Angeles

Jake Roberts April 5, 1992
WrestleMania VIII 6:36
Pinfall Hoosier Dome

Giant González April 4, 1993
WrestleMania IX 7:33
DQ Caesars Palace
Las Vegas, Nevada

King Kong Bundy April 2, 1995
WrestleMania XI 6:36
Pinfall Hartford Civic Center
Hartford, Connecticut

Diesel March 31, 1996
WrestleMania XII 16:46
Pinfall Arrowhead Pond
Anaheim, California

Sycho Sid March 23, 1997
WrestleMania 13 21:19
Pinfall Rosemont Horizon
Rosemont, Illinois This was for the WWF Championship

Kane March 29, 1998
WrestleMania XIV 16:58
Pinfall Fleet Center

The Big Bossman March 28, 1999
WrestleMania XV 9:46
Pinfall First Union Center
Philadelphia This was a Hell in a Cell match

Triple H April 1, 2001
WrestleMania X-Seven 18:17
Pinfall Reliant Astrodome

Ric Flair March 17, 2002
WrestleMania X8 18:47
Pinfall SkyDome

Big Show and A-Train March 30, 2003
WrestleMania XIX 9:45
Pinfall Safeco Field

Kane March 14, 2004
WrestleMania XX 7:45
Pinfall Madison Square Garden
New York City

Randy Orton April 3, 2005
WrestleMania 21 14:14
Pinfall Staples Center
Los Angeles

Mark Henry April 2, 2006
WrestleMania 22 9:26
Casket Allstate Arena
Rosemont, Illinois This was a Casket match

Batista April 1, 2007
WrestleMania 23 15:47
Pinfall Ford Field
Detroit This was for the World Heavyweight Championship

Edge March 30, 2008
WrestleMania XXIV 23:50
Submission Citrus Bowl
Orlando, Florida This was for the World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels April 5, 2009
WrestleMania XXV 30:41
Pinfall Reliant Stadium

Shawn Michaels March 28, 2010
WrestleMania XXVI 23:59
Pinfall University of Phoenix Stadium
Glendale, Arizona This was a Streak vs. Career match

Triple H April 3, 2011
WrestleMania XXVII 29:22
Submission Georgia Dome
Atlanta This was a No Holds Barred match

Triple H April 1, 2012
WrestleMania XXVIII 30:50
Pinfall Sun Life Stadium
Miami Gardens, Florida This was a Hell in a Cell match with Shawn Michaels as special guest referee

CM Punk April 7, 2013
WrestleMania 29 22:07
Pinfall MetLife Stadium
East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brock Lesnar April 2014
WrestleMania 30
Pinfall Mercedez Benz Superdome
New Orleans,Louisiana

Roman Reigns April 2015
Rock Bottom I
Pinfall Soilder Field Stadium

This was a Hell In A Cell Match
Sting April 2016
Rock Bottom II
Pinfall Famer's Field Stadium

Who would you like to see The Undertaker defend his 24 Year Grand Stage Undefeated Streak against?

WCWF Genesis Results-

PPV Agents: Randall Keith Orton and Dave Bautista

Commentary Team: Jim Ross,Mauro Ranallo,Corey Graves

Kickoff Show:
· Adam Cole vs. Rhyno vs. BJ Whitmer -
Pretty good match here as all 3 trynna improve their stocks on the Friday Night War brand. BJ Whitmer gets the win here by pinning Rhyno

· Bad Influence vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team- Fantastic Match as you would expect from the two all-time great teams. The WGTT pick up the win with the T-Bone Suplex from Shelton Benjamin to Kazarian. Following the match, Daniels and Kaz are left in the ring after WGTT music stops. Daniels helps Kaz up before slamming his head into the mat and leaving.

Main Card-
(WCWF ID/Genesis Intro Video/Pyro)

Cesaro makes his entrance with the US TV Title,IC Hvt,and World Championships to a huge pop. AJ Styles music hits to a huge pop from the crowd as well. Jay Lethals music hits to another huge pop.
Finkel: Ding Ding Ding,The
Following Contest is scheduled for one fall is the final match in the WCWF Playoffs and it is for the World Championship Wrestling Federation...United States Television..Championnnshippp. Cesaro take his ringside seat and gives both the IC and US belts to the time keepers. Finkel does the introductions and this ones underway.

WCWF United States Television Championship) (Series Match 1-1 Tie. Winner takes all)
Jay Lethal vs. AJ Styles- Amazing Opener. This match was the best match they had together outside of the Iron Man Match. Plenty of near falls and great back and forth action in this one. In the end, Styles set Lethal up for a Styles Clash but Lethal countered with a Hurricarrana and hit the Lethal Injection for the win. Winner for this match and new United States Television Champion...JAY LETHAL!!! Cesaro raises his hand up as Styles looks on salty outside of the ring and leaves down the ramp.

Backstage Segment: Styles is asked what's his next move following the lost. Styles said ayy he lost tonight he can't harp on that. He says he has bigger plans. And those plans start tonight!

Kevin Owens music hits followed by Sami Zayn's and the slugfest begins as soon as they get in the ring. The referee stops it and warns them to quit if they want this match. Both man stop long enough for the introductions.
(WCWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship)
Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn
The bell rings and these two go ham. Just like the opening contest this was a phenomenonal match and another MOTN Candidate. The finish saw KO hit 2 Pop Up Powerbombs and a Packaged Piledriver for the win. KO continues his assault before Christians music hits and he runs out to make the save attacking KO before hitting the Unprettier on Zayn as well. Christian cut a promo saying that it's his time. He says that he wants that Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship and he knows he gotta go through those two to get it.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Daniel Bryan- Great technical wrestling match here. Another MOTN Candidate. Bryan "accidentally" knocks the ref down and grabs a steel chair from under the ring and turns around to a Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels put of nowhere HBK throws him back in the ring and puts Bret Hart on top of him and rolls the ref over. 1--2-3!!! Hart wins here.

Backstage Segment: HBK is asked why he keeps attacking Bryan. He said the first time was for stealing Cesaro's moment and now it's just fun kicking his teeth down his throat. He says Bryan is an ungrateful little brat and if he wants a match with Me he got it. At The Bash (of the Summer) this August and if he...Bryan attacks HBK from behind out of nowhere screaming I'll show you ungrateful and banging his head into the ground. Security and refs pull him off of HBK and the back of HBK's head is bleeding heavily and there's questions on whether he will be able to compete tonight.

Litas music hits and her match is taking place right now. They take us back to Triple H announcing this match on Friday Night War.

(Her career on the line.) Lita vs. ??? - Lita makes her entrance and awaits her opponent. "Wellllll...Its The Big Show!!!...Its The Big Bad Show Now!!!!!" The Big Show is here. Show gets in the ring and goes right after Lita. He throws her in the corner and start chopping her and Irish Whipped her to the other and hit her in the face with his butt. He sets her up for the KO Punch but Brock Lesnars music cuts him off and The Beast Is Back!!! Brock goes straight after Big Show and shoulder slams him in the corner. Brock with the F5! Show wins by DQ so Lita is fired. Lita cuts a promo about being glad because she doesn't want to work in a place like this anyway cue Thank You Lita! Chants. Lita tells Heyman and Lesnar the floor is there's. Heyman: "Ladies and Gentlemen,My name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for The Beast of Suplex City, Giant Conquering,Viper Slaying ...BROOOCKKK LESNNARRR!!!! And I am here to inform You that My Client Brock Lesnar is throwing his name in the hat for the King Of The Ring Tournament and there isn't a damn thing anybody can do about it. "Here comes the money." Shane McMahon says right now he is the comissioner and he doesn't know how things worked in that other company but here in the WCWF you have to earn it. "Its time to play The Game!!" Triple H interrupts and says he is The Chairman and gives Brock the option of any Superstar to face in the finals. Brock says he wants to hear what Shane had to say. He said Brock would have to compete at this Saturdays Live Event from Madison Square Garden against The Big Show. And the winner will face the winner of Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit at the King Of The Ring PPV in a KOTR Match. Brock accepts and Triple H leaves backstage ticked off. Show goes for a KO but gets F5'ed again.

Backstage Segment: The Outsiders jump Leo Kruger backstage and talk about how that's one down. Three more to go.

(WCWF Rampage Tag Team Championship) Beer Money vs. Enzo & Big Cass-Beer Money makes their entrance and walks past Brock on stage. Followed by Enzo and Cass who had to walk past an angry Big Show on stage. Show screams in Enzo's face what you looking at little guy. Cass gets in Shows face and Show tells him to take it easy. Enzo,Cass and Beer Money put on an amazing tag team match in a lengthy battle Enzo and Cass retain here. After the match

Commentary Team: JR: "This has been one been one helluva PPV,but we have to take you back to this scene from earlier. Daniel Bryan completely snapping!" (Footage of him attacking HBK.) JR: "Just a sickening sight." Graves: "JR you can't really blame Daniel, he was provoked and just cost one of the biggest matches of his career against one of his heroes." Mauro: "Well we can now confirm (graphic on screen) Daniel Bryan will take on "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, it's "Student vs. Teacher at The Bash. We can also confirm Shawn Michaels is cleared for tonight's match." JR: "HOLD ON MAURO IM GETTING WORD OF SOMETHING GOING ON IN THE BACKSTAGE AREA!!"

Backstage: The whole Kliq brutally jumps Luke Harper and Erick Rowan.

Back in the arena static is on the Titantron in a dark arena with Blue smoke and Shinsuke Nakamura's music hits and he makes his debut to a mega pop.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Finn Bálor- Another epic MOTN Candidate. Both men were mega over. Nakamura wins in this one.

The Kliq (Triple H,Shawn Michaels,Kevin Nash,Scott Hall
,X-Pac) vs. The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper,Erick Rowan,Leo Kruger,Braun Strowman) /w/ Sister Abragail
) - The Kliq makes their entrance to Triple H's My Time theme song. Wyatts make their entrances with Sister Abragail. The Kliq is surprised and creeped out to see all of them making their entrances as if nothing ever happened. Great explosive match. This was everywhere. No tags where needed this was a No DQ Anything Goes Tornado Style Elimination Match. Another MOTN Candidate. At the end, it was down to Triple H and Bray Wyatt. Triple H went for the Pedigree. (Wyatt Scare) Sister Abragail is standing on the apron and Triple H goes to punch but we hear a familiar voice yell "Wait!" Sister Abragail takes the Lamb Mask off and it's Stephanie McMahon and Triple H looks stunned and turns around to Sister Abragail for the 1-2-3!!!!

(WCWF War Tag Team Championship)
The Young Bucks vs. War Machine
- Great matchup. War Machine came this close < but The Bucks gets the win here.

Backstage Segment
: Lita is walking and an angry Big Show grabs Lita by her hair and ask "where you think you're going bitch." He grabs her up by the neck and chokes her against the wall and Lesnar from behind Suplexes the big man and begins brawling with Show as everyone around tries to stop it.

Ross gives kudos to Lesnar for stepping up and Graves said Lesnar was in the wrong because Show was just trying to send a message. JR calls him an idiot. Ranallo informs us that due to the first month success of the brand split. The Rampage Brand would be getting a Women's Knockout Division. Which includes the return of Ronda Rousey,who will return at The Bash and face the winner of a KOTR #1 Contenders Woman's Match at The Bash. And we are told following The Bash. Brands will get separate PPV's besides Major Events. More on that tomorrow night.

(WCWF Cruiserweight Championship) (Ultimate X Match) Tajiri vs. Chris Jericho vs. Adrian Neville vs. Cedrick Alexzander vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Chris Benoit
- You put 7 of the best wrestlers in the world together in one match and you pretty much know it a going to be a classic and it was. The winner and the first ever WCWF Cruiserweight Champion...Adrian Neville!!!! Neville knocked Jericho out of his way to grab the title. After the match, during his celebration, Jericho hit him with a Codebreaker.

(WCWF Women's Batamweight Championship)
Kharma /w/ Vince McMahon vs. Chyna- Khar
ma dominated this one and defeated Chyna to become new champion in a fairly one sided match. Chyna favored her leg and appeared to be injured.

(WCWF World Championship) Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins

Yet another MOTN Candidate here as you would expect. Cesaro retained with the Neutralizer and AJ Styles attacked him after the match and hit him with a Styles Clash.

CM Punk vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin II
- Great Match. Better than the Rock Bottom match. This was an all-out brawl. Full of near falls and great back and forth action. Austin wins this one with a Stone Cold Stunner. Immediately following the match, The Nexus attacks him and leaves him laying.

Backstage Segment: Styles approaches Shane O Mac and asked when he would get his shot at Cesaro and and Shane said he wouldn't, you don't get title shots by attacking people and that he wasn't even on the War roster. And tells him to earn it. Styles tells Shane screw him and that he hoped he died.

&#12288;(WCWF Heavyweight Championship) (Federation Street Fight ) Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Roman Reigns- Great action in this one. This went well over 30 minutes. By far the MOTN. This match started in the streets, went to a bus stop inside of a bus,an alley and and all through the arena. Great spots saw Roman throw Ambrose in an elevator and soon as the elevator got to the next floor Reigns was already there and blasted Ambrose with a Spear back into the elevator and beat him up inside the elevator. Ambrose at one point clotheslined Reigns over a stair railing knocking them both over and unconscious. The ref was closed to stopping it after that but both men were slowly getting up. Boo-Yay punches and Reigns gets the upper hand and takes the fight to the parking lot. Reigns Superman Punches Ambrose and goes for a Spear but Samoa Joe out of nowhere starts attacking him and the two brawl. Reigns Spears Joe and turns around to Dirty Deeds from Ambrose on the concrete and pins him and Ambrose retains. Ambrose goes into the ringside area to celebrate with the fans to end the show
(WCWF Raw SuperShow Live Event Results (Paris, France) (Non-Televised House Show)(4/19/16)

· "Stone Cold" Steve Austin,The Rock,Mankind def. The Animal" Batista,CM Punk,Randy Orton. (13:25)

· (Cruiserweight Championship) Adrian Neville def. Chris Jericho to retain. (15:05)

· (WAR Tag Titles) The Young Bucks def. Nakamura & KENTA to retain. (12:13)

· Bret "The Hitman" Hart def. Daniel Bryan (14:12)

· American Alpha def. Bad Influence. (13:01)

· (RAMPAGE Tag Titles) Enzo & Cass def. Beer Money to retain (13:07)

· (WCWF World Championship) Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins
goes to a no-contest when CM Punk attacks both. Both man double team Punk and hits finishers on him and thanks the crowd for coming out to send them home happy. (25:13)

WCWF Final SmackDown! From The 02 Arena (House Show airing on USA Network)(4/19/16)

Brock Lesnars music hits to kick us off and Lesnar and Heyman returns to huge pops. Heyman: "Ladies and Gentleman,I stand before you with not a man. But a BEAST! A beast that weighs 300 pounds in pure muscle with a legitimate fighting background that doesn't follow anybody's script. He shoots from the hip. He is supposed to come out there and sell them on the fact that Brock Lesnars opponent at WCWF Live From Madison Square Garden. The Big Show is a 7ft. tall Giant,a former World Champion,a man who beat Hulk Hogan to win the WCW Championship in his first WCW Match, and a man who destroyed Stone Cold Steve Austin in his first WWF Match. He says but that doesn't matter because Brock Lesnar is not Hulk Hogan and he's not Steve Austin. In fact he's conquered them both, as well as The Big Show. Heyman states that Brock Lesnar will sydistically beat the ass of his opponent as long as he damn well pleases,take him to Suplex City and F5 him straight to hell!!! Just because he can and because he damn well pleases!!! He says as for tonight Brock Lesnar is gonna give them all a treat in a rare in ring appearance from Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar challenges anyone in the back who thinks their man enough to go one on one with The Conqueror Brock Lesnar!!! Alberto Del Rio's music hits and he hits the ring and said it was his destiny to be the King Of The Ring. He says he has an MMA background of his own. But unlike Lesnar he never lost and promises to embarrass Lesnar tonight. Lesnar says that he's gonna (censor) Del Rio up. And stiff clotheslines the hell out of him. Lesnar with the first suplex and the second one sends Del Rio out of the ring as we head to commercial.


Brock Lesnar vs. Alberto Del Rio
- When we come back Lesnar is having a Suplex Party on Del Rio as the fans chant "Suplex City!" Lesnar hits two F5s and takes his gloves off and start beating the hell out of Del Rio and elbowing his skull in and Del Rio is busted open. Lesnar wins with TKO. After the match, Brock is ambushed by Big Show. Show hits a KO on Brock that leaves him stumbling,Chokeslams him and Brock gets back up to a KO.

Backstage Interview
: HBK talks about Bryan attacking him and said it was predictable. He said that he's focused and he's gonna kick Bryans teeth down his throat one last time at The Bash. He announces that at King Of The Ring it would be D-Generation X vs. The nWo. And if Nash and Hall want their jobs back the nWo has to win.

Bray Wyatt vs. X-Pac- Quick win for Wyatt. Wyatt continued the attack after the match and Finn Bálor made the save to a huge ovation. Wyatt got on the Mic and said their two woulds will meet in due time and laughs hysterically. X-Pac with an X Factor on Bálor out of nowhere. Nash,Hogan,and Hall attacks him as well. "Are You Ready..." DX (HBK,HHH,and New Age Outlaws) made the save. Bálor celebrates with DX.

Dark Match:
Finn Bálor vs. Shawn Michaels
- Bálor wins with Coup De Grace

Backstage Segment: Dean Ambrose says he's gonna call out Samoa Joe for getting involved in his match at the PPV. Reigns approaches and tries to start a fight saying Ambrose set this all up as security is splitting them up. Reigns promises to bust Ambrose ass and Shane McMahon approaches and informs them later tonight it would be a Triple Threat match for the title involving Samoa Joe in the main event.

Jay Lethal,Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Steen,AJ Styles
- The heels wins here when Steen Pop Up Powerbombs Sami Zayn and pins him. AJ and Steen argued throughout the match.

Bracket for King Of The Ring Qualifying Matches Revealed.

Sasha Banks,Becky Lynch vs. Lay Cool- Sasha and Becky win this one. JR approaches them both and welcomes them to the Rampage roster and informs them they would compete at KOTR to find Rouseys opponent for The Bash.

Backstage Segment: AJ Styles demands Shane to put him in the KOTR Tournament and Shane tells him Styles doesn't deserve it after the stunt he pulled last night.

Backstage Segment: Samoa Joe interview, he simply walks away and our main event is next...

(WCWF Heavyweight Championship) Dean Ambrose vs. Samoa Joe vs. Roman Reigns-
Great Triple Threat Match action here. PPV length,PPV worthy nuff said. At he end, Joe hit a Muscle Buster on Ambrose and Reigns spears Joe and covers him 1-2-LIGHTS OUT! Nexus music hits and they hit the ring and destroy all 3 man. Wade Barrett is about to Cash In his briefcase and the fans go crazy. But "Stone Cold" Steve Austin runs out and brawls with him and drops him with a Stone Cold Stunner. The Nexus begans jumping Austin and Reigns, Ambrose,and Joe are back up. And they began laying waste to Nexus members. Barrett is in the ring and all 6 man have a staredown. Everybody jumps Barrett,Ambrose Dirty Deeds Samoa Joe,Austin Stuns Ambrose,Reigns and Austin have a staredown which gets "This is Awesome" chants. The two began throwing right. Austin with a Stuns Reigns to an even louder pop and out of nowhere...SHEAMUS BROGUE KICKS AUSTIN!!!! SHEAMUS (2010 look) IS IN THE WCWF!!! as the fans chant "Holy Shit!" Sheamus 2010 music hits and he poses with the title to end the show
WCWF LIVE! From Madison Square Garden: Race To The Crown (House Show/Special Event airing live on NBC)

Static on the tron and familiar music and "The Japnese Sensation ," " The King Of Strong Style," Shinsuke Nakamura is out first. "Reach for the sky boy" and Nakamura vs. Briscoe kicks us off.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Jay Briscoe
- Briscoe did a lot of dominating but ultimately Nakamura took over in the end and won the matchup.

Graphic: Replay of the finish.
Daniel Bryans music hits and he walks past Nakamura on the ramp. We await his opponent. And it's AUSTIN ARIES!!!,Who gets a huge return pop!

Daniel Bryan vs. Austin Aries. This was a pretty good match that saw Bryan poke Aries in the eye and hit a Sweet Chin Music (to the eye) for the win in a pretty good one. He then cut a heel promo about how he was gonna win the whole thing and beat Shawn Michaels and win the Championship in the same night at The Bash and how it would be WrestleMania 30 all over again when he did the same to Michael's best friend Triple H. Nakamura comes face to face with Bryan as it will be Bryan vs. Nakamura at KOTR in the quarter finals.

CM Punk vs. Sami Zayn- Punk out first and then Zayn. Punk wins with GTS after Kevin Owens came on the ramp to distract Zayn.

(Video Package for DX vs. nWo)

Bret Hart vs. Alberto Del Rio
- Harts music hits and he's first. Then Del Rio. Pretty good technical wrestling match here. Hart wins this one with a Sharpshooter . Its gonna be Punk vs. Hart at KOTR in the quarter finals.

(Video Package for HBK vs. Bryan at The Bash)

Jeff Hardy vs. Kenny King- King out first representing for the Cruiserweight Division. He says he's gonna live up to his name and become the King. Hardy out next. Pretty good one. Hardy over with Twist of Fate.

Backstage Segment: Shane McMahon congratulate the earlier winners and wishes them luck in the tournament. Zayn approaches after they leave pissed off wanting Kevin Owens one on one and Shane Grants him,his match for KOTR. Shane gets on the phone and is telling somebody to add that match to the card along with this two matches. He ask the person if they're ready. He said Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro in a Ladder Match for the WCWF World Championship and an Elimination Chamber for the WCWF Heavyweight Championship featuring Dean Ambrose,Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe,Wade Barrett,"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, and the newest signee to Rampage...Sheamus! He ask the person if they was moaning in his ear. And hangs up and laughs. Hulk Hogan in his nWo gear and Nash and Hall walks up as well. They thank Shane for the opportunity of getting their job back and for letting Hogan get one last match. He says he didn't do it for them. He's doing it for them, as in the people. And asked who their fourth man was. And X-Pac jumped out. Shane says DX is ready for war.

Finn Bálor vs. Christian Cage
- Cage played the face for this matchup. Bálor won with Coup De Grace in pretty good match as expected. Its gonna be Bálor vs. Hardy at KOTR in the quarter finals.

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit- Classic WCWF feud reignited with Jericho winning with a hand full of tights and quickly escaping.

Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show- Lesnar dominates and destroys Show. Lesnar wins by TKO. Chris Jericho makes his entrance and gets in Lesnars face to big "Lesnars Gonna Kill You!" Chants! " Jericho goes for Codebreaker and gets an F5 to end the show.
WCWF LIVE! From Madison Square Garden: Crowning The Kings (House Show/Special Event airing live on NBC)(4/24)

Static on the tron and familiar music and "The Japnese Sensation ," " The King Of Strong Style," Shinsuke Nakamura is out first. "Reach for the sky boy" and Nakamura vs. Briscoe kicks us off.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Jay Briscoe
- Briscoe did a lot of dominating but ultimately Nakamura took over in the end and won the matchup.

Graphic: Replay of the finish.
Daniel Bryans music hits and he walks past Nakamura on the ramp. We await his opponent. And it's AUSTIN ARIES!!!,Who gets a huge return pop!

Daniel Bryan vs. Austin Aries. This was a pretty good match that saw Bryan poke Aries in the eye and hit a Sweet Chin Music (to the eye) for the win in a pretty good one. He then cut a heel promo about how he was gonna win the whole thing and beat Shawn Michaels and win the Championship in the same night at The Bash and how it would be WrestleMania 30 all over again when he did the same to Michael's best friend Triple H. Nakamura comes face to face with Bryan as it will be Bryan vs. Nakamura at KOTR in the quarter finals.

CM Punk vs. Sami Zayn
- Punk out first and then Zayn. Punk wins with GTS after Kevin Owens came on the ramp to distract Zayn.

(Video Package for DX vs. nWo and were being told we will find out the competitors later tonight.)

Bret Hart vs. Alberto Del Rio- Harts music hits and he's first. Then Del Rio. Pretty good technical wrestling match here. Hart wins this one with a Sharpshooter . Its gonna be Punk vs. Hart at KOTR in the quarter finals.

(Video Package for HBK vs. Bryan at The Bash. )

Jeff Hardy vs. Kenny King- King out first representing for the Cruiserweight Division. He says he's gonna live up to his name and become the King. Hardy out next. Pretty good one. Hardy over with Twist of Fate.

Backstage Segment: Shane McMahon congratulate the earlier winners and wishes them luck in the tournament. Zayn approaches after they leave pissed off wanting Kevin Owens one on one and Shane Grants him,his match for KOTR. Shane gets on the phone and is telling somebody to add that match to the card along with this two matches. He ask the person if they're ready. He said Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro in a Ladder Match for the WCWF World Championship and an Elimination Chamber for the WCWF Heavyweight Championship featuring Dean Ambrose,Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe,Wade Barrett,"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, and the newest signee to Rampage...Sheamus! He ask the person if they was moaning in his ear. And hangs up and laughs. Hulk Hogan in his nWo gear and Nash and Hall walks up as well. They thank Shane for the opportunity of getting their job back and for letting Hogan get one last match. He says he didn't do it for them. He's doing it for them, as in the people. And asked who their fourth man was. And X-Pac jumped out. Shane says DX is ready for war.

Finn Bálor vs. Christian Cage- Cage played the face for this matchup. Bálor won with Coup De Grace in pretty good match as expected. Its gonna be Bálor vs. Hardy at KOTR in the quarter finals.

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit- Classic WCWF feud reignited with Jericho winning with a hand full of tights and quickly escaping.

Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show
- Lesnar dominates and destroys Show. Lesnar wins by TKO. Chris Jericho makes his entrance and gets in Lesnars face to big "Lesnars Gonna Kill You!" Chants! " Jericho goes for Codebreaker and gets an F5 to end the show.

King Of The Ring Pay Per View Card

Kickoff Show:&#12288;(#1 Contenders Match) Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch

(Elimination Chamber Match for the WCWF Heavyweight Championship)
Dean Ambrose vs. Samoa Joe vs. Roman Reigns vs. Wade Barrett vs. Stone Cold vs. Sheamus

&#12288;(WCWF World Championship) (Ladder Match) Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins

D-Generation X (HHH,HBK,New Age Outlaws) vs. nWo (Hogan,Nash,Hall,XPac)

&#12288;(WCWF Women's Batamweight Championship) Chyna vs. Kharma

(WCWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Steen vs. Sami Zayn-

King Of The Ring Tournament:


(KOTR Tournament Match)
&#12288;Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Jericho

(KOTR Tournament Match)
&#12288;CM Punk vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart-

(KOTR Tournament Match)
&#12288;Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Daniel Bryan

(KOTR Tournament Match)
&#12288;Finn Bálor vs. Jeff Hardy-

(KOTR Semi Finals Tournament Match)
&#12288;TBD vs. TBD

(KOTR Semi Finals Tournament Match)

(KOTR Finals Tournament Match) TBD vs. TBD

King Of The Ring Pay Per View Results
(Allstate Arena. Chicago,Illinois) July 31st,2016


Kickoff Show:&#12288;(#1 Contenders Match) Sasha Banks def. Becky Lynch with Bank Statement.

Main Show Results-
Brock Lesnars music hits to kick off the Pay Per View. Accompanied by Heyman. His match with Jericho will kick us off.

(KOTR Tournament Match)
&#12288;Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Jericho
- Jericho makes his entrance and it's time for our first qualifying match. Jericho goes for a handshake and gets a middle finger. Jericho looks like he shat his self and tries for run but Lesnar snatches him down by his hair and bangs his head on the mat and begins elbowing Jericho in the face. The ref pulls him off so he can start the match. And a raged up Jericho runs at Lesnar and starts punching but Lesnar gets him in the corner and starts slamming his shoulders at the ribs of Jericho. Lesnar with a quick F5. He goes for the cover and Jericho elbows him in the head and says "You ain't pinning Me you roid head bastard." Lesnar snatches Jericho off the ground by his neck and Jericho begins fighting back and goes for a Codebreaker but Lesnar Belly To Belly Suplexes him and says "f____ this fake s____!" And takes his gloves off and begins punching Jericho in the face with Boxing Down Punches and Jerichos face is bloody as hell and Lesnar begins smashing elbows in Jerichos head for the TKO win as the referee stops it. Lesnar continues the assault and the ref tries to stop him and Lesnar F5s the ref and tells him to piss off. He then breaks Jerichos arm with a Kimura as Heyman scream "Brock that's enough!" and leaves. The announcers says they feel sorry for the winner of the next tournament match because they have to face Lesnar in the Semi-Finals. But switching gears the next matchup is a Dream Match over 20 years in the making between arguably the two greatest stables of all time it's D-Generation X vs. nWo and if nWo wins, they get signed to new contracts. Jericho is being stretchered out in the background.

(DX vs. nWo video package)

&#12288;D-Generation X (HHH,HBK,New Age Outlaws) vs. nWo (Hogan,Nash,Hall,XPac)/w/ Chyna
- Excellent Matchup. Tornado style matchup. Triple H Pedigreed X-Pac and went for the cover and (Wyatt Scare) lights out. When the lights come back on Wyatt hit Sister Abragail and said he wasn't finished with Triple H. Wyatt scare lights out and lights back on. Hogan with the Leg Drop and pin puts HHH away in his final match. Announcers putting over that match and says up next we got another good one its the next match in the King Of The Ring Quarter Finals and it's CM Punk vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart a battle between THE self- proclaimed "Best In The World."

(KOTR Tournament Match)
&#12288;CM Punk vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart
- Phenomenal match here. Great back and forth. Punk spinned Bret on his shoulders knocked the ref down. Punk went for GTS and Hart jump down and went for one of his own and got a Low Blow. Punk grabbed a chair at ringside and "You smell what The Rock is Cooking..." The Rock returns and starts laying the SmackDown on Punk and hits a Spinebuster and Peoples Elbow. Hart with a Canadian Destroyer and Rock pulls the ref over to make the cover and slides out of the ring 1-2-3!!!! Hart advances. It will be Hart vs. Lesnar in the next round. But up next in a real personal rivalry it's gonna be Owens vs. Zayn for the Intercontinental Championship.

(WCWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Steen vs. Sami Zayn
Christians music hits and he makes his entrance to sit at commentary for this match. Zayn makes his entrance and then Owens. Owens cuts a promo walking down the ramp saying first of all his name is Kevin Steen, Its Steen and Kevin Owens was his slave name and then says if Christian got involved he would break his neck and then gets in the ring and gets in Samis face and says much like he's gonna do to Sami Zayn tonight! Zayn immediately starts punching and the slugfest begins and the ref starts the match. Another great match from the two. Zayn with the Helluva Kick and he goes for a second to a still standing dazed Steen and gets a Pop Up Powerbomb and Steen retains. After the match, Zayn attacked Steen and screamed he could beat him. Christian out of nowhere Unprettiers Zayn and then hits one on Kevin as well. And leaves with the IC Title. Up next is another KOTR Quarter Final match is another dream match in Nakamura vs. Bryan.

(KOTR Tournament Match)
&#12288;Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Daniel Bryan
- Match of the night candidate. Bryan tried his best here but fell short to the King Of Strong Style via a Roll Up. Bryan snapped and attacked Nakamura after the match and HBK tried to make the save and as soon as he ran in the ring got a Running Knee and a beat down from Bryan who was screaming "NO! NO! NO!" the whole time. He said HBK's Superkick Party's were over.

&#12288;(WCWF Women's Championship) Chyna vs. Kharma- Kharma retains in a pretty dominant match with a Kong Bomb. Up next is the final matchup of the quarter Finals.

(KOTR Tournament Match)
&#12288;Finn Bálor vs. Jeff Hardy
- Final quarter final match sees Bálor win with Coup De Grace in another great match up and he will advance to face Nakamura in the Semi-Finals. We're going right into our Semi-Finals. Lesnars music hits and he walks past Bálor on the stage and have a brief staredown.

(KOTR Semi Finals Tournament Match)
&#12288;Brock Lesnar vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart
- Lesnar beats Hart by TKO in a quick one. As soon as the bell rung Lesnar threw a right,left,and upper cut and then the ground and pounding elbows. A blood faced Hart was unconscious and the match had to be stopped. Similar to a MMA bout. The fans were on their feet and stunned at the same time. Lesnar helped up Hart after and F5s him.

(KOTR Semi Finals Tournament Match)
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Finn Bálor
- A rematch from their last bout. Was a pretty damn good match just like the last one. Bálor wins clean with Coup De Grace to advance. And were going right into the finals

(KOTR Finals Tournament Match) Brock Lesnar vs. Finn Bálor- First time ever match. Lesnar runs right in the ring and F5s. Bálor after his match with Nakamura and demands the ref to start the match and the ref does. Lesnar pins Bálor for 2. Lesnar begins taking the elbows to a grounded Bálor who dodges one and knees Lesnar in the nuts and Lesnar rolls over and Bálor begins punching him. Lesnar throws him and Bálor dropkicks a kneeling Lesnar in the head and another one sends Lesnar in the corner. Another dropkick to the gut seats Lesnar in the corner. Bálor runs up and gets a super stiff clothesline from Lesnar. And Lesnar begins a Suplex Party to Suplex City chants. Lesnar with two F5s for the win. Lesnar starts elbowing Bálor in the temple and Lesnar leaves the ring smirking as Bálor bleeds out. Heyman cuts a promo saying the reign of King Lesnar is only just beginning. He says whether it's Seth Rollins or Cesaro, the winner is ultimately a loser because his client would conquer them,beat their ass and take his Championship at The Bash. Up next it's our first of two Main Events. And it's an Elimination Chamber Match for the WCWF Heavyweight Championship.

(Video Package for EC Match)

(Elimination Chamber Match for the WCWF Heavyweight Championship)
Dean Ambrose vs. Samoa Joe vs. Roman Reigns vs. Wade Barrett vs. Stone Cold vs. Sheamus
- Another MOTN Candidate. A lot of blood and insane spots in this one. Elimination Order. Joe was eliminated first by Sheamus,then Sheamus was eliminated by Austin,Ambrose was eliminated by Reigns which led to a shocker. So we for sure will have a new champion. Reigns and Barrett destroys Austin. And Reigns Spears Barrett THROUGH THE CHAMBER GLASS Reigns and Austin staredown and the brawl begins. Austin goes for a Stunner,but Reigns counters at an attempt of the Spear,but gets Stunnered. Austin with the cover and 1-2-..NOOO! BARRETT BREAKS IT UP!!!! BARRETT IS STILL IN IT!!!! Austin and Barrett begins throwing rights and Austin goes to Stun him but Barrett tells Austin to stop and that he wanted out. The ref ask him and said he didn't need it because he had a briefcase. So Barrett is longer in the match. Austin drops him with a Stunner to a pop and turna around to a SPEARRR!!!! for the cover on Austin and Reigns is a 2x World Champion!!! Your winner and New WCWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!! Reigns celebrates with the title. The Nexus enter the ring and jumps Austin. Reigns leaves the ring as they do so

Next Month it's The Bash (of the Summer) and Hulk Hogan will be getting inducted in the Hall Of Fame along with this man

(Paul Bearer Video Package) and Breaking News The Undertaker will be back for The Bash to do the induction. And we now know four huge matches will take place Triple H vs. Bray Wyatt,Shawn Michaels vs. Daniel Bryan,Sasha Banks vs. Ronda Rousey for the WCWF Womens Knockouts Championship,well coming up next were gonna find out Brock Lesnars Bash opponent as it will be Rollins vs. Cesaro in a Ladder Match for the WCWF World Title in our Main Event!!!

&#12288;(WCWF World Championship) (Ladder Match) Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins- Another MOTN Candidate between Cesaro and Rollins. Epic Ladder Match had the crowd on their feet. Cesaro from the top of the ladder hits a Neutralizer through the announce table almost had the match thrown out. But both man kept going. Rollins favored his leg and neck afterwards though. In the end, Cesaro and Rollins were going at it at the top of the ladder and Cesaro Uppercuts Rollins off the ladder and grabs the title to retain. After the match, Rollins shook Cesaros hand and told him he deserved it. Rollins was limping down the ramp and Brock Lesnar sneaks behind Cesaro and the two staredown as the fans chant "This Is Awesome!" Lesnar extends his hand for a handshake,Cesaro accepts and F5 FROM BROCK LESNAR!!!,Lesnar kicks him out the ring and his music plays as he looks at the title center ring to end the show.






Rampage August 1,2016 Results: Legend Returns,HBK vs. AJ Styles,Ambrose Confronts Reigns


(WCWF ID)(Rampage Intro Video and Pyro)
AJ Styles music hits he makes his entrance to a huge pop. Finkel: "Ladies and Gentlemen,please welcome 'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles." Styles is way over as the fans sing along with his theme song. Styles says "see the people get it and so does Finkel." He says "but why can't WCWF Management or more specifically Shane McMahon get it." He says "there is no reason AJ Styles should've been left out of the KOTR Tournament or off the PPV all together." He demands Shane McMahon comes to the ring and explain his self. He tells AJ first of all to check his tone at the door and says AJ knows he wasn't on the card or in the tournament because he was suspended. Styles responds with it's because Shane doesn't like him. Shane says that's where AJ's wrong because he is a huge fan and sees AJ as one of the top stars on Rampage. Which is why he suspended him to send a message to the locker room that attacking people has consequences. Styles says "Consequences? Yeah I guess for Roman Reigns, consequences is winning a Championship and getting back to back shots,or if you're Wade Barrett with Nexus you get a briefcase and a match with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. He says or if you're a roid head like Lesnar who basically broke script in several matches and ended the careers of Bret "The Hitman" Hart and possibly Chris Jericho last night. Or lets not forget how he ended Randy Orton career and you made him compete the next night. Or even though I don't like the guy, Finn Bálor. He also destroys Finn Bálor and he gets rewarded with the Main Event of The Bash and a title shot." Shane says he's right and had it been up to him Reigns would've been suspended. You can blame Ambrose for that, he begged for the match. As for Wade Barrett, he had his briefcase before The Nexus,and I wouldn't call a fight with Austin a reward because I've been in one. He says and there is no real proof on Lesnar being on steroids but as for his actions last night he has no control over Lesnar, because he isn't on his brand. Nigel McGuiness is in charge of him. So that's who Styles should talk to. Styles says Shane was making excuses and asked the fans if they wanted to see AJ Styles compete at The Bash but quickly took the Mic back and said he didn't care what they wanted. Shane says that he would love to in fact he will let Styles pick his opponent. Styles ask if he could pick anybody he want and Shane said sure as long as their not booked. He asked if he could "Beat Up John Cena!" Shane pretends like he doesn't know who that is to boo's. And Styles says Shane lied to him he said anybody and said no fair. He jokingly asked "What about Percy Pringle?" Shane gets serious and says that's not funny and now he will pick his opponent for The Bash and leaves the ring. As Styles ask who his opponent will be. But Shane keeps walking as we head to break.

(Commercial Break)

When we come back: The Nexus are attacking Stone Cold backstage and Barrett promises that at The Bash he would break Austin's jaw. He tells Nexus to pick him up and Otunga and Hawkings throws him at Ryback who Meathooks him. Axel and Slater puts him on Barretts shoulder for a Wasteland. Shane runs in with security to stop it. He says he had enough and tells security to escort Nexus out and tells Barrett to get to his match with Sheamus and then get the hell out too. Barrett smirks and says gladly.

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett- Sheamus making his singles debut is about to put Barrett away with the Brogue Kick. But Samoa Joe attacks Sheamus for the DQ and hits a Muscle Buster on him. Believe it or not Sheamus was actually over. Joe said Sheamus would pay for costing him the title at KOTR and tells him to go back to obscurity (FOW.)

(Leo Kruger has been set free video package)

Coming up next. New WCWF Champion Roman Reigns addresses the world following his shocking win at last night's Pay Per View.

(Commercial Break)

Roman Reigns's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction of boos from kids and women and cheers from men. Its funny how things switch right. Roman asked the fans how they was doing and he said he doesn't care because he's not a good guy. He says but he isn't a bad guy either. He's just THE Guy to boos. He said they could boo all they want its just getting his blood boiling and when his blood gets boiling their favorite superstar gets beat up. He says he is the champ therefore he is THE Guy and there isn't a damn thing they or anybody else could do about it. Dean Ambrose music hits and the fans begin the Ammmb-Brooossee chants. Reigns said yeah chant the losers name. Ambrose said Reigns is real cute out here running his cute ass mouth and says Reigns is a disgrace. Reigns responds "I'm the disgrace? Coming from the guy that was the third man eliminated defending his title. No you're the disgrace. You're a disgrace to The Shield, you're a disgrace to this brand, and you're a disgrace to this wrestling industry." He pushes Ambrose and says "as a matter fact just get the hell out of my ring before you make me mad." Ambrose punches Reigns to the ground and stands over him saying he would show him a disgrace when he beats his ass and takes his title back because he wants his rematch. And he wants his rematch at The Bash. Reigns backs up and tries to interrupt, Ambrose said he wasn't finished yet. He wants it inside Hell In A Cell. Reigns slides out of the ring and asks who the hell Ambrose thought he was and grants him the match and says to be careful what he wished for because he was gonna end him. Ambrose dares him to end him right now. Reigns gets on the apron and tells Ambrose he would get in the ring when Ambrose backed up so Ambrose does. Reigns screams "get him Seth." Ambrose turns his head and turns around to a Spear and Reigns said Ambrose made a rookie mistake and something like that will cost him at The Bash and spits on him and calls him a disgrace and leaves the ring.

(Commercial Break).

Graphic: Sasha Banks will call out Women's Champion Ronda Rousey live next week!

"Welcome to the House of Truth" Truth Martini makes his WCWF debut to a huge pop to accompany TV Champion Jay Lethal.

(US TV Title Match) Jay Lethal vs. Chris Benoit- Great match between the two. Lethal retains with Lethal Injection. After the match the lights went out and a creepy cryptic video begins playing on the titantron of a guy in a ski mask and long hair walking through the woods at night with a distorted deep voice was saying "soon you will feel the pain I do everyday when I wake up. Soon you will question your true value when you lose it all. And soon you will look in the mirror and ask your self...what about Me?" Lethal and Martini looks creeped out in the ring and a fire lit chainsaw is behind him. Lethal and Martini runs out of the ring torward the entrance set and gets trapped in a fire circle and looks up at the tron as it reads "soon..." to end the segment.

The announcers are creeped out questioning who could that be. They says switching gears we now know tonight's Main Event will be AJ Styles vs. An opponent chosen by Shane McMahon and immediately following that match AJ Styles will find out his Bash Opponent. But up next we will find out the #1 Contender for Neville's Cruiserweight Championship. Cruiserweight action next as Adrian Neville makes his entrance.

(Cruiserweight Championship #1 Contenders Match- Alberto Del Rio vs. Cedrick Alexander vs. Kota IIbushi - Excellent Triple Threat Action and huge reaction for the debuting Kota. "This is Wrestling! " chants in this one. Alexander pinned Del Rio to win and then had a stand off with champ Adrian Neville.

(Up next Sasha Banks with a Live Mic calls out Ronda Rousey.)

Sasha Banks with a live Mic thanks the fans for believing in her and at The Bash she is gonna take their belief to The Bank when she beats that bitch Ronda Rousey. She says she doesn't like Rousey for the stunt she pulled at Rock Bottom and said she doesn't deserve to be called a Champion. And said when Rousey returned she was gonna kick her ass and take the title and that she could bank on that. She leaves the ring as Triple H's music hits and he wishes Banks luck on stage and gets in the ring. He challenges any member of The Wyatts to a fight and Rowan accepts. Triple H warns Rowan it's his funeral with the mood he's in.

Triple H def. Erick Rowan, in a squash match and beats him with a Sledgehammer. H cuts promo on Stephanie and Bray and says that Stephanie wants to be a conniving bitch and he's glad he divorced her. He said she brainwashing his children and that's where he draws the line. He dares Bray to come out here and fight him. A demonic version of Stephanie music hits and Sister Abragail is here. She says Paul brought it upon his self and that the apocalypse was upon them. She says and first she would drown the kids in a sea of evil. So they could be like her and Uncle Bray. And help spread the word. Triple H throws a punch at her but she disappears (effects.) Wyatt appears on the tron and says that Triple H shouldn't blame Steph because she's under his control. And if he could brainwash us wife. He coups turn anyone against him and laughs and tells him to run.

(Daniel Bryan vs. Shawn Michaels Video Package)

Enzo & Cass def. Bad Influence
in a quick one. Immediately after Kurt Angle's music hits and he says he has a team for them to face and that they was Ready. Willing. And Gable...American Alpha music hits and they debuts on stage to a huge pop and does the title pose.

AJ Styles vs. Shawn Michaels -Styles out first wonders who his opponent is and it's HBK. As HBK is making his entrance to a huge pop and Daniel Bryan attacks him on the ramp with a Steel Chair to the back of the head which has HBK bleeding. Shane calls for medics and ask what the hell did Bryan just do and sends Bryan to the showers. Medics and Shane helps HBK to the back as Styles is screaming to find out his Bash opponent. (Gong) lights out. Undertakers music hits and on the tron a creepy video said Styles would Rest In Peace at The Bash and would be Buried Alive. Undertaker makes his entrance and has a staredown with Styles as the fans chant "This Is Awesome!" Undertaker grabs Styles by the neck and lights out. The Nexus theme song plays and when the lights come back on Nexus is on the apron surrounding Taker and Styles is gone. Nexus get in the ring and destroys The Undertaker,Styles slides out of the ring and watches as the fans chant for Austin. Barrett with a Wasteland. Styles slides back in and Styles Clash Taker to end the show.










Bill Pritchard August 04,2016

Former WCWF Champion and #1 Draft Pick Seth Rollins suffered a concussion and a back injury at the King Of The Ring Pay Per View. Seth is expected to back anywhere between 3-8 months.

Wrestling Legend Bret "The Hitman" Hart, Former WCWF Executive "The One" 5000,and Hardcore Wrestler James "Tygo" has all been released from their WCWF Contracts as of today.

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