WCW Region, Fourth Round, Hell in a Cell Match: (2) Sting vs. (11) Brock Lesnar

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Sting

  • Brock Lesnar

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a fourth round match in the WCW Region. It is a Hell in a Cell match, held at Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.


Rules: The match is held inside the Hell in a Cell cage. Anything goes and the match can only be won by pinfall or submission.


#2. Sting



#11. Brock Lesnar

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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Even though we are in Sting's backyard, this is Brock Lesnar and he's inside the goddamn Cell w/him. Brock Lesnar is 1-0 in this kind of match, and that win came off of a guy who he later killed in front of thousands of fans at Wrestlemania 30. Everybody here is waiting impatiently for Sting vs. Undertaker but the reality is Lesnar had already been there and done that. A bat won't stop Brock. Mind games won't triumph over Brock.

Sting enters Suplex City. Brock Lesnar gives him a brief guide before Brockblocking him. And no- that's not a Thunderdome/Triple Cage/WarGames Match for the illiterate amongst us.
Poor Sting. Poor, poor Sting. He was doing so well, cruising along so nicely and then he bumped into this. I needn't go through the fact that Brock Lesnar was the legitimate UFC Heavyweight Champion, nor that his cage match/Hell in a Cell record is impeccable in the world of pro-wrestling. The fact is this. If this match were booked, Sting would be destroyed from pillar to post. Oh he'd give it a great sight and it'd be a sight to behold, but I simply don't see how we put Brock down here, in this match with this opponent.

What's he going to do? Break the bat over Brock's skull and try and pin him? He'd kick out at 2. I very much doubt Lesnar would tap and let's be frank, the Death Drop's going to do minimal damage to a man who has kicked out of Roman Reigns' Superman Punch/Spear spamming in the main event of WrestleMania, gotten up mere seconds after taking John Cena's AA, powered out of the Tombstone of the Undertaker and refused to lie down for Seth Rollins Curb Stomp...in the last year. Those are all better finishers that the Death Drop and Brock isn't going down to it, or Sting.

The Venice Beach native gives it the old college try and on a second or third Stinger Splash, building to the big babyface win, Brock catches him and spins him round into the F5. Brock rolls on.
Brock wins this one. Sting definitely has some weapons in his arsenal, he has a good combination of power and speed and most certainly come back from a beating but I don't think he can withstand the beating that Brock will give him. The fact is Brock isn't tapping to the Scorpion Death Lock and he's not going down from the Scorpion Death Drop or Stinger Splash. Sting has had victories over some pretty tough monsters (Vader for example) which gives Sting a chance in this fight but Vader can't even withstand the punishment that Brock has withstood in matches past. For Sting to win this one he not only has to overcome the worst beating of his career but he also has to dish out the worst beating he has ever dished out to anyone.

As for the match itself, I see Brock coming out strong and for the 1st 5-10 minutes he's going to be suplexing the fuck out of Sting with probably an F5 added in. Sting will come back after Brock makes a mistake and throw everything he can at Brock, Stinger splashes, death drops, the works. Sting will hit the Scorpion Death Drop and Brock will kick out, he will put on the Scorpion Death Lock, Brock will overpower him, he will go for another Stinger splash, get caught in the F5 and Brock will tornado his ass out of the tournament.

Stings a great opponent for Brock but like most he's coming up short. Brock wins.
I'm slowly, very slowly, starting to appreciate Brock Lesnar and what he brings to the table. But lets be honest here, the guy hasn't brought anything to the table very often. Lesnar looks incredible because he never stuck around long enough to get knocked off his perch. If he does stay for the next three years and loses to the likes of Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, which he probably will, we will be able to look at his career with a far more reasoned point of view.

Lesnar has never captivated the audience the way that Sting has done with two completely different characters. Lesnar has never carried a company to greatness, only carried the Raw ratings down the toilet.

The personal attack here is obvious. On the one hand you have a man of principle that has worked hard as a wrestler to try to make the best of himself and those around him - have you ever heard a wrestler say anything bad about Sting? Lesnar is capable of doing so many different things, but you really get the impression that he's only in the WWE because he's done in UFC and nobody else will pay him more.

That's not really relevant, but I do think it illustrates the point. When I'm looking for the greatest wrestler of all time, I'm not looking for a guy who had a two year long career and then came back to be the only wrestler in history to appear on Raw less frequently than JTG. For the good name of the business, I'm going Sting.
Ironically enough, Sting's most popular and important year was when he wasn't competing for the whole year :)

Lesnar in a cell. Very tough to get past that sticking point.

What are we considering Sting's "prime" ??? Crow sting, who was so out of shape he got blown up by Hulk fuckin Hogan? Or surfer Sting.....who, well, would never beat Brock Lesnar in an HIAC match.

Sting probably hasn't drawn as much money in his entire carreer combined as Brock Lesnar has in sporadic appearances. Carried a company to "greatness" ? Has the definition of that word changed? :lmao:

Voting Lesnar is entirely logical and justified.
Have to go with Lesnar here.

Look, I'm all for Sting, but it's been proven in the past that Sting often loses to the big monster main eventers. Sting lost to Vader a few times and he never could best Goldberg. Now he's got Lesnar in a cell? Really?

Lesnar is going to throw Sting around and around, then Sting is going to no sell a few attacks, pound his chest like a gorilla, wooo, get his offense in on Lesnar and then Lesnar will end it.

Vote Lesnar.
Eat. Sleep. Conquer. Repeat.

Brock SMASH!

Whereas early years Brock would have given Sting a chance, in the last year, Brock Lesnar(with Diverticulitis behind him according to Heyman and back to 100%) has been virtually unbeatable against ALL ODDS. He broke the Streak, and squashed the WWE's SupermEn and has taken and dished out loads of punishment.

Sting puts up a great fight, maybe does a couple Death Drops, hits Brock with the Bat, but after that 3rd F5 hits, it's Lights Out for the Stinger.

Vote Brock, because Sting is going to be taken for a tour in Suplex City, Bitch!
Sting probably hasn't drawn as much money in his entire carreer combined as Brock Lesnar has in sporadic appearances. Carried a company to "greatness" ? Has the definition of that word changed? :lmao: .

Sting was the biggest star to come out of WCW right? I'm assuming that's the only reason why we insist on pushing him so far every year. Lesnar was a big draw in the UFC, but the WWE? Nah. He works 6 times a year, how could he possibly draw? And if he was this huge draw then why didn't WWE at least feature him on all their PPV's, rather than those that would have drawn big anyway's due to their history. You'd think that would be smart business. But WWE didn't because quite frankly they didn't need Lesnar's star power. And they really still don't. That's why he can work a limited part time schedule as a pro wrestler. So I would say that Sting was a bigger star than Brock Lesnar. Comfortably.

However I don't like either of these guys, and I would probably be amused watching Lesnar demolish the overrated as fuck Sting in the votes.
Sting was the biggest star to come out of WCW right? I'm assuming that's the only reason why we insist on pushing him so far every year. Lesnar was a big draw in the UFC, but the WWE? Nah. He works 6 times a year, how could he possibly draw? And if he was this huge draw then why didn't WWE at least feature him on all their PPV's, rather than those that would have drawn big anyway's due to their history. You'd think that would be smart business. But WWE didn't because quite frankly they didn't need Lesnar's star power. And they really still don't. That's why he can work a limited part time schedule as a pro wrestler. So I would say that Sting was a bigger star than Brock Lesnar. Comfortably.

Had major matches on the two highest grossing wrestling shows OF ALL TIME. Headlining one. Also main evented another WM outside of that. Multiple Summerslams.

Sting was a draw for one year. People forget how insanely bad WCW was when he was their main guy in the 90s, and how they drew 5k or 6k for their BIGGEST shows.
Had major matches on the two highest grossing wrestling shows OF ALL TIME. Headlining one. Also main evented another WM outside of that. Multiple Summerslams.

Which he didn't draw by himself. He was but one of the cogs in the WWE machine. Hence why the WWE doesn't need Lesnar to appear full time. He isn't a bigger name than their brand.

Sting was a draw for one year. People forget how insanely bad WCW was when he was their main guy in the 90s, and how they drew 5k or 6k for their BIGGEST shows.

So why do people insist on pushing Sting so god damn hard every year if he's so overrated?

That being said I still don't know who I'm voting for. I'm definitely leaning Sting if I'm staying true to my criteria.
While I'm not Lesnar fan, I'm also no Sting fan. I could care less about this match if it actually happened, even in the Cell.

That said I have to go with Brock. He beat Undertaker in the Cell once, something few people can claim. I truly hope Brock goes out in the next round against Austin, but for now Brock advances.
Sting is in The WCW region, in Hotlanta. This is a major hometown advantage. The crowd will be crazy behind him. He IS WCW.

And Brock will kill him anyway.

Brock doesn't care what venue he's in, who his next victim is, or the legacy they have there. He beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He can beat Sting in Atlanta with ease.

Sting has a bat as his main weapon in this match. Lesnar has the cage. He might knock Sting's hairline back even further.
Sting is in The WCW region, in Hotlanta. This is a major hometown advantage. The crowd will be crazy behind him. He IS WCW.

And Brock will kill him anyway.

Brock doesn't care what venue he's in, who his next victim is, or the legacy they have there. He beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He can beat Sting in Atlanta with ease.

Sting has a bat as his main weapon in this match. Lesnar has the cage. He might knock Sting's hairline back even further.

Can we please stop with the "Lesnar beat Taker at Mania so he autowins against everybody" arguments. Mark Henry and Randy Orton were two serious contenders to end the thing before the streak became red hot. Sting will probably beat Taker if they are to face off against each other at Mania next year.

It makes me definitely want to vote Sting.
Can we please stop with the "Lesnar beat Taker at Mania so he autowins against everybody" arguments. Mark Henry and Randy Orton were two serious contenders to end the thing before the streak became red hot. Sting will probably beat Taker if they are to face off against each other at Mania next year.

It makes me definitely want to vote Sting.

Oh, I don't think it should mean he auto beats anybody just because he did it. I'm just saying it takes away any kind of home field advantage anyone could possibly have.

I doubt Sting beats Taker at Mania if they do it next year, but that won't matter til they actually do it.
Poor Sting.

The Stinger is exactly the sort of legend that Brock Lesnar would crush inside the HIAC. We've seen just how brutal Lesnar can be when locked inside a cell, when he destroyed The Undertaker, leaving blood literally squirting from the head of The Deadman, and reversing a tombstone piledriver into the F5 by actually THROWING the near 7 foot 'Taker up onto his shoulders.

Sting just hasn't got the tools to beat Lesnar in my opinion. A Reverse DDT isn't going to keep down The Conquerer and the Stinger Splash is going to be something Lesnar would be attempting to reverse, catching Sting and delivering yet another F5. Brock is too big and heavy for Sting to press above his head, and I'm pretty sure Lesnar wouldn't be tapping out.

Lesnar is a monster, and what you don't want to do is be locked in a confined space with a monster. Especially one who is as ruthless as Brock, who is looking for new residents for Suplex City.

Here Comes The Pain. Vote Lesnar.
Wait this is WCW...well, well, well. Some leeway coz of this?

All that means is that we get to hear Tony Schiavone gasp in horror as Sting is murdered live on TNT. At least Heenan will throw in a few nice one-liners to liven up the mood a bit. So it isnt a total funeral.

Brock Lesnar does not care about face paint & would just catch Sting as he repels down from the rafters to toss him away with an F-5.

Sting was badass back in the day & taking on the NWO was pretty damn cool, but not a single person in that faction was like Brock Lesnar. For fun he hunts animals, has caveman sex with his ****ty wife & lifts tree trunks like they are made of foam. The guy is a freak & when focused, he is capable of taking down the biggest names in wrestling. He beat Taker in this type of match & would have no problem taking down either version of Sting here.
Hold on a second;

Didn't Sting have 2 primes, one being Beach Sting that beat Flair for the title and then the second that beat Hogan at Starrcade. That says something about the man

And for god's sake are we giving Brock this majorly because this is a Hell a Cell and that reminds you of a cage, brain reads: UFC!!!

Sting's beat Vader who was a stiff mountain of stiff. And this is WCW, come on peeps.
Back when I predicted this tournament, I had everybody arse-licking Bryan to reach the finals. However, I think I was wrong, it's Brock Lesnar that everyone's going to arse-lick to the finals.

Aaaand, I'm joining in. Sting's great & all, but Lesnar can and most definitely will destroy him. The "dark" gimmick doesn't phase the beast. This is the man that ended The Undertaker's streak. A guy in a black trenchcoat, with a bit of facepaint & a weapon won't stop Lesnar. Brock is a weapon in himself and this match, especially being in the cell, will be where he really destroys Sting. An F-5 onto the top of the cell, leaving Sting to crash down to the mat will be the finish as Lesnar moves easily into the next round.
Sting was someone who never really reached his potential. In the early 90's, it was because he just didn't draw enough. In the late 90's it was because... Politics, I guess? He was someone who was great, but never a top guy. He was always overshadowed by Flair or Hogan or Goldberg.

But Lesnar? The few people who tried to overshadow him got destroyed. Punk, Cena, Undertaker, whoever. They all got the beatings of their life. Lesnar has beaten the unbeatable, dominated the indomitable, and made fools out of legends.

Lesnar would beat Sting in 15 minutes.
Voted Brock in the end. Some of the stuff here against Sting is ridiculous but Brock is in the midst of something beautiful; a bonafide draw and a main eventer that has done a couple of unbelievable things in the last year.

If he goes up against Thesz, I am coming for you old schoolers
Sting is a legend, without a doubt. But does anyone really believe that Sting could beat Brock at all, let alone in the cell. Maybe if he bashes his head in multiple times with his bat. I'm also taking into account when the Stinger was still in his prime. He'll give a valiant effort, but the power of Brock will be too much for him.
We're seeing Brock in his prime right now. He's the most dominant force WWE has had in decades. I love the Stinger, but there are very few prime babyfaces who could walk in and beat Brock right now (Hogan, Austin and Bruno are the only guys I can think of). This isn't about Sting, it's about Brock.

Brock wins.

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