Wanted; Samoa Joe/TNA problems


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay i really forgot he was in TNA thats how long hes been gone..is he injured?? did i miss something? last thing i remember he was kidnapped into a van...but where is he??

See this is why TNA wont be successfull...they dont know how to keep a good thing going.

they could have kept this thing going strong with vingettes and and promos of him being taken and also pushed another superstar..whoever took him

I think TNA hit the nail on the head with Tazz as his manager..but gave that up..that was the perfect combo...FTW and nation of violence...that could have worked soo well..

but back to the subject..when was he kidnapped like january 4th?? if he isnt injured they completley let the hype fizzle and no amount of Mike tenay going crazy on commentary is going to bring back that hype....

Matter of fact..this is a two part thread

When i watched the replay of TNA last night i noticed something...there segements are wayyyyyyyyyyyy toooooo long... they had the Hogan Jarrett flair rvd hardy segement last almost 45 mintues including the match....that makes no sense at all...

its also become sooooo repetitive i swear you can guess whats going to happen..they try shock tv but it doesnt work..the only thing that saved them was angle anderson match..but they cant save every episode...

i could go on and on and on about whats wrong with tna and what they did wrong and why they cant get past a 0.8 or 0.9 rating... but i want to know..what do guys think about where TNA is and the whereabouts of Samoa Joe...
They just showed a vignette not two weeks ago with him filmed in some dark and secluded room Blair Witch style (equipped with heavy breathing and awkward camera-to-face relativity) talking about his comeback and how it will be different this time around because "they" won't let him come back like before.

If not following up on Joe week-after-week is a testament to TNA's not being able to "keep good things going", then this thread is a testament to the incessant impatience of the IWC.

Joe will be back, and I don't doubt it will be with force. How he's booked from there is still a major unknown, but they haven't dropped the ball by any means. He needed to be repackaged.
The only thing he should have repackaged is his lunch box to add some salad too it.

Sloppy Joe is a no talent, over-rated, no mic skill having, fat tub of shit. He's virtually useless and I am curious if he actually had to blow Jeff Jarrett to get his job because he is just absoluetely awful and unwatchable.

So pathetic.............he does not warrant me expending any more valuble energy or verbiage on him.
i think what you are saying is that the last we say he got thrown in a van and you dont no what happend after that. i see why that bothers you cuz it was random and really had no meaning behind it. I think he will come back in a big way i guess we will all just have to wait and see
So apparently taking time off to revamp a dead gimmick is wrong? Pray to God, you don't have to wait in line at the DMV some day. Your head would explode. Samoa Joe isn't injured, but unlike half of TNA's MIA wrestlers, he was written off and is now being written back in. Because last we say him, he was contradicting himself in terms of what he was wrestling for (MEM Joe for money. Unusual face Joe, he liked it). They took him out and are fixing him up. Whats scary about this is that they did the same thing with Abyss in '08.
Umm actually he wasnt kidnapped January 4th dude...if he was was he wouldn't have main evented against all odds...he was kidnapped the night after when he lost to Orlando Jordan o_O But back to the subject...yeah they're drawing this out a little too long but I think it's coming along...They most likely are still trying to decide who kidnapped him...but with the creepy message I'd figure it's darker people like Raven, Stevie,Rhino, and Tomko...maybe throw in a new Suicide
I'm hoping and praying that he will be repackaged on his return, one of the rumors flying around is him being involved with a group of Samoan wrestlers... But personally I always liked him as a one man wrecking crew.

Samoa Joe is a talented guy, he has what he needs in the ring and when he's not in shouting model he can cut a pretty decent promo. I'd love to see him return in shape, well at least how he was in his RoH day/TNA debut year.

Oh for those that are curious, I spotted pictures on JAPW's site. I don't know about link posting on here but he's shown wrestling TNA's newest Japanese wrestler Kazuchika Okada, on the 03/20 Wild Card VI show, so that pretty much confirms he's not out with an injury, or dropping any weight.
The only thing he should have repackaged is his lunch box to add some salad too it.

Sloppy Joe is a no talent, over-rated, no mic skill having, fat tub of shit. He's virtually useless and I am curious if he actually had to blow Jeff Jarrett to get his job because he is just absoluetely awful and unwatchable.

So pathetic.............he does not warrant me expending any more valuble energy or verbiage on him.

Is this a serious post?

No talent? Over rated? No mic skills? Useless?

Are you kidding?

Joe has just as much talent as AJ Styles. Hes not the generic big guy, he can beat you using his quickness or his brute force. When you think of TNA you think of AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. His mic skills are great, in fact hes probably top 5 in TNA and i can name a few other guys in other promotions.. Over guys... who he trumps with the mic. Hes intimidating and fierce and a joy to watch for me and a hell of a lot of other people.
The only thing he should have repackaged is his lunch box to add some salad too it.

Sloppy Joe is a no talent, over-rated, no mic skill having, fat tub of shit. He's virtually useless and I am curious if he actually had to blow Jeff Jarrett to get his job because he is just absoluetely awful and unwatchable.

So pathetic.............he does not warrant me expending any more valuble energy or verbiage on him.

wow! tell us how you really feel.

I personally think Joe has WAY more talent then 75% of the Big E's roster, so if you really think he is what you stated, maybe you should go back to swinging off of Cena's nutsack
How Samoa Joe has been presented by TNA since, well, Hogan came on board, is absolutely horrendous. He could be TNA' biggest heel, or their biggest face, if TNA ever utilized him. Now, I feel as though he's better suited going to Japan, or even to ROH again, where he can properly utilized. His intensity is off the charts, and he is a wrestling machine.

He should be the man that is working with "The Band"; not fucking Eric Young. He's the perfect bridge between RVD and Jeff Hardy; a believable wrestler, who can hold his own on the mic, and can balance out Jeff and Rob's perchance to do the flippy flip every two seconds. Though, it would seem as though TNA is enthralled with Eric Young for... Some reason. Even in his Nation of Violence Gimmick, Joe was ten times as interesting as Young will ever be. Alas, I can't complain for what hasn't happened; I have to accept that Samoa Joe is no longer necessary for TNA. They've clearly shown they have no interest in building him up, which is a shame, because he is a viable contender for AJ's World Title. Hell, he fucking main evented the pay per view four months ago, and put on on the greatest matches I've ever see.

TNA should accept it's losses; they've botched Samoa Joe so much, and there's no way to build him back to the star he used to be. He's been gone for so long, and has done nothing of note in about a year, that he's become totally irrelevant. Cut your losses, TNA, and let Joe go to Japan, where he could work in the main event, and be fully appreciated.
The only thing he should have repackaged is his lunch box to add some salad too it.

Sloppy Joe is a no talent, over-rated, no mic skill having, fat tub of shit. He's virtually useless and I am curious if he actually had to blow Jeff Jarrett to get his job because he is just absoluetely awful and unwatchable.

So pathetic.............he does not warrant me expending any more valuble energy or verbiage on him.
ok, so im guessing that u never saw any match he had against angle, or his 3 way matches with aj\daniels, or ANYTHING he did in ring of honor...

joe isnt the 'typical' wrestler, just cause he dont look the part dosent mean he cant hurt you, plus he has actual wrestling ability& im nt just talking bout swinging a chair.... jim ross said himself that joe is a star and has the ground game to backup the physical onslaught he is known for. sounds alot like some one in the hall of fame? stone cold, maybe?. austin was a guy that was un orthodox and didnt fit the part, but was tough as hell, had a great ground game, and had mic skill that made everyone shut up and listen. remember the maches he had with bret hart? what about the undertaker?

joe needs a boost w\ hogan& bischoff being in the company. they are taking the great stars tna has and pushing them aside for people who seriously cant wrestle... hall? xpac? nasty boys?

go do some research b4 u spaek about something u have no real opinion on, then come back and report to the class what u have learned.

until then, ....joe's gonna kill you....
How Samoa Joe has been presented by TNA since, well, Hogan came on board, is absolutely horrendous. He could be TNA' biggest heel, or their biggest face, if TNA ever utilized him. Now, I feel as though he's better suited going to Japan, or even to ROH again, where he can properly utilized. His intensity is off the charts, and he is a wrestling machine.

He should be the man that is working with "The Band"; not fucking Eric Young. He's the perfect bridge between RVD and Jeff Hardy; a believable wrestler, who can hold his own on the mic, and can balance out Jeff and Rob's perchance to do the flippy flip every two seconds. Though, it would seem as though TNA is enthralled with Eric Young for... Some reason. Even in his Nation of Violence Gimmick, Joe was ten times as interesting as Young will ever be. Alas, I can't complain for what hasn't happened; I have to accept that Samoa Joe is no longer necessary for TNA. They've clearly shown they have no interest in building him up, which is a shame, because he is a viable contender for AJ's World Title. Hell, he fucking main evented the pay per view four months ago, and put on on the greatest matches I've ever see.

TNA should accept it's losses; they've botched Samoa Joe so much, and there's no way to build him back to the star he used to be. He's been gone for so long, and has done nothing of note in about a year, that he's become totally irrelevant. Cut your losses, TNA, and let Joe go to Japan, where he could work in the main event, and be fully appreciated.

Awww maann.... Why hate on Eric like that? He's my fave.:icon_neutral:

But anyway, I would much rather see him as a solo wrecking ball than working with Hardy/RVD. My initial thinking when he was party vanned was that Eric Bishoff was gonna turn him into his own personal monster or something to take out what he doesn't like in TNA. It would definably fit the bill considering all the problems he's caused that have gone unresolved. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Abyss, and you can't deny the obvious "I want Hogan out for me to take over" scenario. You can smell that one a mile away. Joe as Erics personal breathing bulldozer would be great.
I think he will return as huge face to appose AJ and flair, and i wouldn't be a bit surprised if he doesn't return with Tommy Dreamer's debut at his side like a mentor like he did when Taz made his debut. I honestly can't see him returning as a heel only because AJ is the biggest heel right now, UNLESS he's going to return has a henchman for AJ, and Flair. But i am going to go with him getting a major push for the world heavy weight title.
I think this kidnapped storyline is ******ed. Samoa Joe is by far one of TNA's most talented assets. I understand they want to bring him back into the bad ass he once was. However they really need him on TV now. I'm sure most people would rather see him putting great matches rather than seeing Jordan pouring lotion on himself. They should be pushing him rather than shoving Abyss down our throats. It's just another thing TNA has dropped the ball on.
I don't know about you guys...

But watching his little vignette on Impact it made me think of a possible heel turn/push (I know sort of he was a heel already, but it was a confusing gimmick) when he comes back. It may be a little to telegraphed but I always liked Joe more as a heel. (I'm talking when he was a heel 05-07ish not the main event mafia bs)

It'll be interesting to see how Bischoff fits into the picture as well.
The only thing he should have repackaged is his lunch box to add some salad too it.

Sloppy Joe is a no talent, over-rated, no mic skill having, fat tub of shit. He's virtually useless and I am curious if he actually had to blow Jeff Jarrett to get his job because he is just absoluetely awful and unwatchable.

So pathetic.............he does not warrant me expending any more valuble energy or verbiage on him.

I'm sorry, but one of the biggest fail/troll ever.

Samoa is a fat tub of shit?... But i still gurantee is 100% more athletic and can probably out do you in anything that takes athletic ability.

Useless? Once again thanks for showing us all that your a newbe. That's why he came into the TNA scene in mid 05' and maybe one of the fastest overs i've seen in a decade. Not to mention he's been over just about all 5 years with TNA. He's had a couple speed bumps.. but who the f hasn't? Besides the Rock and Stone Cold it's kind of hard for wrestlers to go 5 years without getting a little stale once in awhile... Look at that John Cena Character...

no mic skills? .... I'm not even going to reply... your wrestling IQ might of gone down to single digits on that one.
True. I do like Samoa Joe. He is a very sound athlete and very talented person. He ranks up there in entertainment and skill with AJ. Plus he is very personable when I got to meet him at one of the TNA house shows, quite a down to earth fella. It is a shame with the way the whole show is going now. You see many misdirected talents now. Some who are being run in the right way, some in the wrong way. :banghead: It frustrates me, and you have to wonder since it can go back to Dixie's State of TNA address right before Hogan came aboard.
It had been widely rumored that Joe was one of the people along with Daniels that was among the nay-sayers about Hogan. Then she had her little 'Pep' Talk. :disappointed: Suffice to say, since Hogan came on the scene with The E, Dixie's threat has come true on at least one person. You see that now Daniels is gone after he was involved in an angle that you knew he would not win going up against AJ. Which is sad because Daniels was one of the best. Too bad he was stuck in crappy stories. :wtf:

Then you rarely see Joe, and then after some loss to a man who wears crime scene tape that thinks he's batman, he gets (and this is my fave from another poster on WZ..whoever it was..I give credit to, and I forgot your name...sorry!) Party Vanned.. and then you don't see him for lord knows how long. :wtf: Where is he? I keep checking my milk cartons, Celebrity Fit club, Celebrity rehab, I even check under my pillow. But if all this is because people still have that inkling of Hogan, then I may just change the channel in hopes that WWE will snap him up and use him right. :banghead:
The only thing he should have repackaged is his lunch box to add some salad too it.

Sloppy Joe is a no talent, over-rated, no mic skill having, fat tub of shit. He's virtually useless and I am curious if he actually had to blow Jeff Jarrett to get his job because he is just absoluetely awful and unwatchable.

So pathetic.............he does not warrant me expending any more valuble energy or verbiage on him.

Ha, "fat tub of shit?" Samoans, for the most part, are larger people with fatty deposits all over them. He's no bigger than he ever was (perhaps less "defined," but he was never a bodybuilder to begin with) who can easily do a 20-minute high impact match with the best of them. The weight issue with him is absolutely ludicrous and shouldn't even matter, considering that he can perform in the ring better than most of us can perform in our daily lives, even if we're active. It's not a perfect world, and the sooner people realize that everyone doesn't look the same, the better.

As for his disappearance and the lack of weekly follow-up, I wouldn't worry about it. He'll be back, and even if he isn't, there are tons of places to catch Joe if you're a fan of his work. TNA showed a stunning lack of either spine or brain matter in letting Daniels go, so if Joe was next, I wouldn't be surprised. I also wouldn't care, because he's fun to see on TV, but wrestling's always more fun to see live.
Okay I really forgot he was in TNA that's how long he's been gone... Is he injured? Did I miss something? Last thing I remember he was kidnapped into a van...But where is he??

You're off to an excellent start so far. Your mastery of the English language is sure to make people sit back and reflect on the ingenious points you'll be bringing up. Not only that, but the title should have a colon, not a semicolon.

Not only did Joe need a slight repackaging, but I'm pretty positive TNA didn't have anything for him at the moment. I'm VERY positive that if AJ retains at Lockdown, Joe will return. Not only that, but he will squash a tired AJ in a very believable fashion. Also, I'm hoping he's slimmed down to his old weight, like back in 2007-2008. Not that he's going to be skinny, but there won't be any extra loose baggage that jiggles when he does a suplex.

See this is why TNA wont be successful... They don't know how to keep a good thing going.

What exactly did they have going for him? He lost his title match, and he actually got put into a storyline that would take him off TV for an extended period of time. There was ONE little vignette so far, which you might have missed when RAW was on. Granted, The Professor could have thrown a couple "You heard from Joe?" lines out once an Impact or so, but I'm not entirely sure that it's needed; Joe's one of the staples of TNA, and I for one haven't forgotten about him one bit. On the contrary, I've been watching each episode of Impact with bated breath, to see if Joe is shown or spoken about in any capacity. They're already trying to squeeze so much into two hours, they don't need weekly updates from Fat Camp about Joey's weight loss.

They could have kept this thing going strong with vignettes and promos of him being taken, and also pushed another superstar... Whoever took him.

Why is it that another wrestler (This isn't the WWE) had to have "abducted" him? Just because the bodies were obviously wrestlers/road agents, doesn't mean they're being inserted into the angle. In fact, this might not involve anyone BUT Joe when it concludes. Throwing yet ANOTHER feud out there's just going to clog TNA even more; this entire angle is to change Joe's gimmick, more than likely back to the one he used to use in TNA.

I think TNA hit the nail on the head with Taz as his manager... But gave that up. That was the perfect combo, FTW and Nation of Violence. That could have worked soo well...

While that was the initial reason for Taz joining, he got promoted to being the color commentator. I'm guessing you'd MUCH rather have him be Joe's manager still, and have Don West do more of his magic. Joe got thrown into the MEM, Taz got the color spot, and Don West got to exclusively work in advertising.

But yeah, fuck TNA for not keeping Taz with Joe. It's not like the final month or so of the Nation of Violence angle wasn't him pretending to beat up Booker and Steiner.

But back to the subject... When was he kidnapped like January 4th?

February 18th, but that's cool, bro.

If he isn't injured they completely let the hype fizzle and no amount of Mike Tenay going crazy on commentary is going to bring back that hype...

Just because he isn't injured, doesn't mean he might not want a break. Like I said, it's only been a month with no word, and then they did a rather strange video of him. While it might have been weird, that's going to stick in your head, just like the OJ segment where he got lowered to the ring. It's different, it might not get ratings, but you'll remember it.

Matter of fact... This is a two part thread.

When I watched the replay of TNA last night I noticed something... Their segments are wayyyyyyyyyyyy toooooo long...

Kind of like this little section of your sentence? :lmao:

They had the Hogan, Jarrett, Flair, RVD, and Hardy segment last almost 45 minutes including the match... That makes no sense at all..

Really, it doesn't? Heaven forbid they make a match run for more than 5 minutes, and actually put some time into one of the biggest matches of the PPV. You might have missed it, but AJ messed up his hand pretty bad the week before on JJ's guitar, which might have been why he had a limited role on last week's Impact. Maybe he was supposed to have a segment sometime before the ladder match, because they wanted the match to start at a certain time, but let him work less on the particular show? The man's hand was gushing blood for goodness sake, have a heart!

The biggest match happened during the transition to 9 PM to keep people watching TNA, and since TNA only lost 0.12 in the second hour, it must have worked a little bit. A big basketball game was on at 9, maybe you've heard about it.

It's also become sooooo repetitive, I swear you can guess what's going to happen. They try shock TV but it doesn't work... The only thing that saved them was Angle/Anderson match... But they cant save every episode...

I'll admit the Knockouts Lockbox gimmick match was horrendous, but seeing as how you didn't even address that, I'm guessing you didn't even watch TNA on Monday. The Doug(las!) Williams match was pretty damn good, and showed the versatility in his moveset. But wait, he didn't do flippies, fuck that dude! YAY JEFF HARDY! <333!!

I could go on and on and on about whats wrong with TNA, what they did wrong, and why they cant get past an 0.8 or 0.9 rating... But I want to know... What do guys think about where TNA is, and the whereabouts of Samoa Joe?

What, and a female's opinion means fuckall? I thought they decided it did back in the 1920, when a certain amendment was passed.

Last week was an increase form the week before, which surprises the hell out of me. The second hour was up against the NCAA Basketball Finals, which is being regarded as one of the greatest championship games of all time. I'm just going to assume you're a diehard WWE fan with the "Issues" you brought up. That's fine, but you should stick to watching your show and not worry about what we like.

Although, I'd love for you to "go on and on about what's wrong with TNA," like you said you could. I'm sure it'll be enlightening.
As with Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe's presence with TNA is something that's not really much of a factor at this time. Just like Daniels, the handling of Samoa Joe since the arrival of the Hogan/Bischoff Era in TNA has shown that TNA has no real, long term interest in the guy.

At this point, TNA's primary focus has been attempting to increase the size of their audience. That's all well and good, but it's not happening. Their strategies for attracting new viewers to iMPACT! have pretty much flopped and they've managed to alienate or just plain turn off a significant portion of their established fanbase. A lot of TNA fans have been turned off with the way some of the TNA Originals, like Joe and Daniels especially, have been used over the past 4 months.

I've not a huge Joe fan, but I usually enjoy his matches, he's got legitimate intensity and he's decent on the mic. Joe is one of the handful of performers that I think sort of represents the heart and soul of TNA. But, at this point, I think Joe has become something of a nonfactor for TNA in the long run. It wouldn't surprise me to see him gone from TNA by the end of this year.
I think Joe can be the Game Changer of TNA when he comes back, they need to make him the face of the company like they were doing 3-5 years ago. No one can move like him, the crowd awaits his arrival because of his sick moveset.

Joe, hurry the FU** up. Impact isn the same without you.
Is it not a foregone conclusion that he is going to interfere in a match at Lockdown and absolutely obliterate everyone? He's been taken off intentionally, not because they have nothing for him. They want to build him as a monster of either the heel or face variety.

We have divided the TNA roster basically in half, in a much more even fashion than the Main Event Mafia. Hogan and the faces are on one side, Flair and his boys are on the other with The Band. No, the Band and Flair's crew are not allied, but it's kind of two conjoined wars that will at some stage intertwine.

With that in mind, Joe has to be considered the man to tip the balance of power in either direction. He could help Hogan and mow through Flair's boys or The Band, or he could go heel for the twelfth time and destroy Abyss, Hardy, Van Dam and Jarrett.

I personally believe the second one is more likely, because him vs Hardy and Van Dam books itself. It's a fresh match, he outpowers them so they can play their underdog roles, but he can keep up with them enough to make it interesting. He also has a surprising capacity for working Abyss. And generally, I see him at the side of Flair and Sting over Hogan and Jarrett.

Selfishly I'd like to see him, Homicide and MCMG high tail it to my company of choice, ROH, with Daniels, but only one of those four has a chance of happening, and that would be 187. Though they're not using Joe, they won't let him walk, and I think MCMG like the guaranteed money.
The only thing he should have repackaged is his lunch box to add some salad too it.

Sloppy Joe is a no talent, over-rated, no mic skill having, fat tub of shit. He's virtually useless and I am curious if he actually had to blow Jeff Jarrett to get his job because he is just absoluetely awful and unwatchable.

So pathetic.............he does not warrant me expending any more valuble energy or verbiage on him.

:lol:have you fucking watched him? he is one of the quickest "big men" of this generation, and he is strongg aswell, no fuclking way he is over-rated, you are complete bull, he is a great wrestler.
like i was thinking a new horseman stable with flair as the mentor manager, sting, joe, wolfe, styles and beer money :)
this could be very sick if played out right and possibly bring ratings
Are people really so filled with hate over fat people that they will ignore incredible ring style and mic skills solely on his weight? HE'S FUCKING SAMOAN! Samoan's are FAT. MENG, UMAGA, THE WILD SAMOANS. The people who commented on him being fat must be too young to remember when wrestling wasn't about steroids and six packs. Kids today....I swear...

Joe will be back. Unfortunately I missed the first part of the Joe Witch Project, but I have been filled in. It was time to repackage Joe. Once i heard his music (the rapping) I knew right away this persona wouldn't last long. Nation Of Violence is a great stable name (a little to similar to the NoD) but it's too long for a nickname. Samoa Joe is a great wrestler, incredibly agile for his size (one armed muscle buster AND a running enzigiri), and he works with his opponents. He's an all around great guy, and when he gets on the mic, i listen. He doesn't say people's names every other words like Sting does >_< thank god and you can feel the heat from his tone

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