Give Samoa Joe the title

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Getting Noticed By Management
I'm sick of seeing the TNA impact ratings at a 0.8 every single week after they were at 1.2 for so long. They were getting closer to smackdown's ratings slowly but surely. However, ever since they took Samoa Joe out of the heavyweight title race picture, ratings have been slipping. Some may blame it on UFC having it's finale and not giving TNA a good lead in, but I know it's from Samoa Joe not being in the title race. The past three weeks Samoa Joe hasn't even been on impact and the ratings won't move. I'm not even going to acknowledge the argument of Samoa Joe not deserving the title because that argument is made by people who don't know anything about wrestling or people that have never even see Samoa Joe fight (or never seen a pay-per-view fight with him in it). I'm just going to acknowledge the arument that giving Samoa Joe the title would give Samoa Joe fans nothing to look forward to. That argument is true, however, once he gets the title it will give everyone something to look forward to since they will be promised a great main event every pay-per-view. Face facts, Samoa Joe always puts on the best match of the night and there's no way to argue with that. When you by a TNA pay-per-view the first match that you look forward to is the Samoa Joe match. Here's an example, at Hard Justice were you looking forward to Sting v. Jarrett or Joe v. Rhino v. Monty Brown? You were probably looking forward to Joe. Here's an even better question, at the end of the night at hard justice, which match was the best of the night Sting v. Jarrett or Joe v. Rhino v. Monty Brown? I know for sure that it was the triple threat match. TNA needs to put the title on Joe and stop lying to themselves that Sting still has it because he doesn't.
everything said above is all that needs to be said for this thread. Seriously its a no brainer for TNA. I would like to thus set the tone for all respondents, all in favor say I.

Fkn "I".
What I think they should do is have Joe start a rivalry with Cage... Just to prove he's main event calibur... Have it for the #1 contendorship... And then go on to push Joe from there... They shouldnt have Joe go for the Title tho until Slamiversery...
Yeah, just GIVE him the title, and what will happen to Sting if he loses, which im pretty sure he wont.
Wait & let Joe fight Sting after Sting's the the champ, remember the tag match awhile back when Joe was Stings partner & left him in the ring gett'n beatdown after the match. could be built to be a good fued.
Jewlz said:
Wait & let Joe fight Sting after Sting's the the champ, remember the tag match awhile back when Joe was Stings partner & left him in the ring gett'n beatdown after the match. could be built to be a good fued.

You see... Thats another reason why I think Sting is going to win the Title at... I dont even kno what PPV it is... Is it Bound for Glory? Yeah it is cause Glory Road is the one before that... But I dont think they should just give Joe the belt... theres a lot of Joe haters as there is Joe lovers... So the ratings might not change if Joe is the champ... Now AJ Styles... I really havnt heard one person say anything negative about him... He should become champ again...
I'm definitely a proponent of Joe and do think he should be in contention for the title, but he needs at least one hot program with another main-eventer before he gets the belt that isn't an X-division mainstay like Styles or Daniels are.
Id Love to see Joe Vs. Daneils Vs. Styles for tha World Heavyweight Championship tha would own.
I think they are testing the water for Joe now...with the Jarrett Match @ No Surrender.

They'll finish up the Sting/Jarrett match @Bound For GLory then move to Joe vs. Jarrett.
Being relatively new on here I don't want to get myself in a feud with other members but you would think that with 190 posts one would have known not to post spoilers on the forums. No offense but please try not to do that, cause now I don't get to jump up and down like a little schoolgirl when they announce the apparent Joe/Jarret match on Impact - thats really a pain in the ass.

Anywayz, IMO, Joe should be champ tomoro but he shouldnt win out of nowhere. If TNA had any idea they would have used the tag match with Sting/Joe, Steiner/Jarret better. That match should have ended with Joe turning on Sting in the ring and then knocking out Steiner and Jarrett. Imagine that, Joe standing dominant in the ring above 3 former World Heavyweight Champions who he just laid out. Joe would have been THE MAN from that day and should have been.

The way out is have Sting win the title, Jooe goes into a feud with Jeff who is still after his title. They announce a three way for the title 3 months later at what I'm assuming would be Final Resolution in January and have Joe go over both of them to get the title. And I have taken two ideas I saw posted on here previoulsy to create somehting I feel is truly special.

People mentioned Joe winning at genesis and a three way between the Daniels/Styles/joe. IMO i think that at AAO in February that Daniels should turn on AJ reigniting their feud. Then Daniels should be booked to play the disgruntled employee - this working excatly as was the case with Homicide in ROH recently where he complained that he had been getting screwed by ROH for years, never got a title shot etc. Only here Daniels complains that he is the best wrestler in the company, the only guy that ever even came close to pinning Joe and that he deserves a title shot. He is refused for several months. He wreaks havoc on the locker-room, turning completely brutal and doing an LAX style beatdown on Joe and Styles. Eventually he gets his way and we are set for a three way at LOCKDOWN for the title. Joe emerges victorious pinning AJ. Daniels gets pissed and continues his crusade for the title. At Slammiversary he is included in 'King Of the Mountain' where he goes on to become NWA World Heavuweight Champion for the very first time. Something i personally feel - as well as many others - Christopher Daniels is very capable of and I think he would even grow to one of the very best chmapions ever. Look at the credibility he gave to the X title back in the day. Daniels and Joe are the two very best going today.
I think they should tease Joe getting a title shot for about 6 months and when he finally gets a shot have him screwed out of winning it. When he does win they shoud make a really big thing of it and give him a lenghthy run, he should only loose it when he's defeated everyone worth while on the card, that way you will have a solid main eventer and hopefully someone who can draw.
If Joe were to get the heavyweight title, imagine all the stiffs he'd be wrestling. Honestly, I prefer Joe in the X-Division. I understand the fact that he makes any opponent look good, but how good does he look going against wonderful talents like AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels? I'd rather see Joe wrestler guys who can actually wrestler rather than see him have the heavyweight title
Thats just it but, why does the heavyweight division instantly bring everyone a picture of Jarret, Sting, Steiner etc. They are not the only heavyweight division worthy in the company. TNA needs to follow the example of ROH. Evryone in the X-Division, given time, can and IMO will become heavyweight competitors and when that happens you will have a the X-Division style in all matches. I think this is in fact the long-term vision of TNA and Jarret - its just he wants to get people watching before they go in that direction. Jarrett was held back for years by less capable wrestlers - he knows that good wrestling will bring TNA success. The only thing he doesnt realise is that Sting and Steiner will not bring TNA any short-term success. They need to start building the future from now, fuck it if nobody is watching - they will catch-up.

I used to watch WCW religiously - even during the dark times - and when it closed i was forced to turn to the WWE for wrestling. I hadn't watched the WWE since early 1996, yet from the first show that I watched I knew who their stars were, i knew what to expect, i believed in the hype of the maineventers. You dont need the fans there to start building the future, start working on it from now and gradually the fans will switch over.
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