Samoa Joe to the WWE


I had just finished reading the Paul Heyman concept article, and it got me thinking on one concept Heyman brought up; Samoa Joe to the WWE.

Of course, there were a lot of points Heyman brought up, and I just think this guy is a frickin' genius when it comes to wrestling and he should come back in one way or another, but I was thinking, with the horrible bookings (or result of bookings) that TNA has set up, how would the WWE use Samoa Joe in the likings of WWE booking? Would he be feuding with the likes of Umaga, or even in the mid-card level? Or would he be a mad powerhouse, dominating the WWE as a top-tier susperstar with a better gimmick?

I believe, the way TNA has built Joe is that he would eventually be brought as a mid-carder. TNA has come to a shoddy presentation of Samoa Joe (and even Umaga looks to be a better contender than Joe, IMO), but give way to a new gimmick and better promos would Samoa Joe be the next new champion in the WWE? Your thoughts.
I unlike most of the IWC think Joe does have potential. His mic skills are poor and he's current stint in TNA has became boring, dull, and nothing but average. The guy is pretty good in the ring and can put on some good matches. I would love for Joe to go to WWE actually since TNA is misusing him badly. The WWE if 100% commited could make job a solid talent and get him over(Killings). I think Joe could come in as a solid midcarder, and than work his way up. But sadly the WWE probably wouldn't push him right at all. Like others I could see him either feuding or taging with Umaga. But unlike Umaga, hopefully they wouldn't give Joe a dead end gimmick like a savage beast. Regardless of how boring he is on the mic Khali, Henry, Hardy, Batista, ect all really can't solid promos yet all are in the mainevent scene. Really Joe is not a god like alot of TNA/ROH marks like to believe but he is not as bad as others like to think, and with the right booking since he has in-ring talent, a good look, and a fan following could do well in WWE but only if the WWE cares.
If booked right, Samoa Joe would definitely give TNA a kick in the ass by giving the WWE a big name that they could use in their arsenal against TNA. Mind you, Joe was booked as a TNA champion, but clarifing that the TNA only has one brand, and just one heavyweight division (no "intercontinental" or "united states" division), unless you do want to count the X division the combined WWE-like mid-card division (which I don't). If Joe could make something of himself in the WWE and make quite an impression, I believe it would draw quite a bit for the WWE. Although he supposedly isn't related to the Anoa'i family, he does know CM Punk and Cena very well. Can you smell... what the Joe is brewin'?

I meant tag team champion. :p
I'm not really a big fan of Joe's work. He's a damn good worker for a big guy, but the way TNA have been booking and pushing him has somewhat crippled his credibility. Additionally, at his best, he can give us a very good match, but like Hunter, he doesn't always utilize his full potential.

If he were to go to WWE, I don't think he'd make much of an impact. He doesn't really have a good look or mic skills, and WWE would of course water down his moveset. Of course, I could be wrong, but I don't see Joe amounting to much if he were to go to WWE. A slap in the face of TNA, sure, but he's not he kind of guy WWE would push, at least not in his current "gimmick."
If he ever did come to WWE I'd like to think that he would be one of the rare wrestlers to get to keep their name. The moveset would be restricted but he could still conceivably put on good matches in his own way if allowed to and as long as he wouldn't be presented with a far out gimmick he'd probably be accepted fairly quickly, even by those who aren't familiar with him. Really though, that rationality can apply to a lot of guys but what could happen wouldn't necessarily happen. With that in mind he may be better off staying where he is.
I'm not a huge Samoa Joe fan. I'm not a huge TNA fan either, but that won't stop me from posting.

Someone at the level that Joe is at jumping companies is a big deal. TNA losing someone that they didn't release is a big deal. The WWE getting any random talent is a big deal. Thus, Samoa Joe is a big deal.

He isn't the most talented, the greatest at anything, and doesn't have huge skills. However, he can put on a decent match and can draw a crowd. This is what the WWE would need him for.

I don't think he'd fit in on RAW, as RAW has too many big feuds and 'entertainers' right now. Bringing in Joe to RAW wouldn't help anything, and would just push people out of the way to make room.

Bringing Joe to Smackdown as a face could be huge. HHH could go heel and Joe could be another top face on Smackdown. He could also play a good bully heel, but this depends on how they bring him in.

Now, getting to that...

The WWE would openly need to acknowledge that TNA exists on this one. Whenever TNA grabs talent, they make it look legit. The WWE cannot afford to repackage Joe, or even act like no one knows who he is. It needs to be like when Goldberg came to WWE, and everyone knew who he was. No one attempted to mask his history, and they shouldn't with Joe either.

Now, the chances of this happening anytime soon are low, but it would be a great thing for the WWE, as long as they don't mess it up. I'd hate for him to immediately become a savage heel and team up with Umaga. Not that I don't like Umaga, but I don't think they need to create a new character where there already is a solid foundation.
If it happens, that could be the biggest jump (TNA to WWE) to date, as far as I know. I don't know how could this help the WWE in the long term though.

Let's say, it happens in 3 years. By then, guys like Evan Bourne, Kofi, (Hopefully) MVP, Kennedy and others should be established as the new breed of mega stars. I really don't see how Joe could trascend while working with TNA into what the WWE could need by then.

It's kinda simple I guess: Joe's future depends on what TNA (as a company) does. And that doesn't look too promising, if you ask me.

Don't get me wrong though. Joe has potential. I guess he could be an "interesting" addition, let's say, wrestling in the upper mid-card against the likes of Shelton(the eternal mid-carder) TBK, Frankie Kazarian(he should go too!), R-Truth, etc.
He shouldn't come to the WWE, it's that simple.

The WWE already has Umaga, who is better than Joe in every way. In the ring and gimmick wise, Umaga beats Joe anyday. He is better technically, which is clear if you watch matches of the two. Umaga has an interesting character, which may get old at times but it beats Joe, who's gimmick even i'm unsure of.

If he did come to the WWE, he would be stuck in the mid-card for his entire tenure with the comanpy. Simply, because there are better people than him to be pushed before he does. Also, with Umaga already past mid-card, it would just be like seeing a clone but shitter version of Umaga, just face.
Joe does not fit in the WWE. One he doesn't have the right look that is the main problem. Joe is a good worker but not a standout in ring worker and certainly not a guy that should be pushed above anyone the WWE is pushing right now.
Look WWE has Umaga who IMO is as good a worker for a Bigman as any in the World right now especially with his gimmick and his power which is amazing. I don't see anything special about joe that would make WWE want to use him as any kind of real threat to any of the champion WWE currently has. He is good for TNA but TNA isn't a pimple on the but of the WWE and currently TNA's product is garbage.
I think it needs to be said: Umaga and Samoa Joe would be an amazing tag team. These two in a tag team, match 'em up with a good mouthpiece, they would be amazing. Both are great wrestlers and neither needs to talk. He would rock so hard.

Joe was not a bad world champion, he just had bad booking. He could be WHC in the WWE. I would like to see Joe match up with Batista and Cena, honestly. I think a mouthpiece manager would help; honestly, I would rip Ranjin Singh away from Khali and give him to Joe. Ranjin is hilarious. Match him with Joe, Joe is IC Champion or WHC.

Really, Joe could do very well in WWE. He could meet CM Punk again on the world wide scale, and that would be epic. There's a lot of potential for Joe in the WWE, and I think it's an option he should take up in the future.
HELL fucking no.

and do what exactly??? He looks NOTHING like a WWE superstar, has zero charisma, shitty phsycology, and cant cut a promo for shit. He has zero qualities of a wwe wrestler, and I dont even know anything they could do with him. They have the "legit" smark hero in CM Punk, who to his credit, is about a thousand times more usefull than Joe would be. Unless he muscles up, or slims down, he is useless to them. they already had a guy like him. His name was rikishi.
He shouldn't come to the WWE, it's that simple.

The WWE already has Umaga, who is better than Joe in every way. In the ring and gimmick wise, Umaga beats Joe anyday. He is better technically, which is clear if you watch matches of the two. Umaga has an interesting character, which may get old at times but it beats Joe, who's gimmick even i'm unsure of.

If he did come to the WWE, he would be stuck in the mid-card for his entire tenure with the comanpy. Simply, because there are better people than him to be pushed before he does. Also, with Umaga already past mid-card, it would just be like seeing a clone but shitter version of Umaga, just face.

Umaga... Better than Joe in every way? Have you ever actually watched a Samoa Joe match? Do yourself a favor and go watch some of the matches Samoa Joe and CM Punk had together in ROH before they both went on to TNA and WWE respectively. Umaga, while a decent big-man worker, is no where near Joe in terms of skills or marketability. "Joe's Gonna Kill You" is very marketable...maybe not for WWE as they're going for more of a PG approach now, but TNA is making some decent bank off of him.

And Joe's gimmick is simple... He's a loner who will occasionally use others to progress himself... And just a straight up bad ass.
For Joe's careers sake he needs to stay in TNA. He was just the TNA champion. I can't see Joe winning any championship gold in WWE. His promos are angry but in a good way. They're quite good IMO. He doesn't have the right look. His crew cut and big gut will not get over in WWE. He's like a fat samoan Lance Storm. He would have fit in the ECW of old. But not now. If TNA is treating him so poorly and all else fails then Joe can go back to ROH as he is one of the biggest stars in that company's history IMO.
NO NO NO did i say NO yet. Umaga is 10 times better in the ring this guy. thats why i cant see why umaga has no tittle yet to his credit as a world champion. Joe needs to stay in TNA. he fits their bill better my question is why would wwe want this guy.
Wow, this thread has become quite the clusterfuck of rampant speculation and day dreaming. Let's see if I can't do some damage control here.

Now first of all, where we have gone wrong is that we actually paid attention to something that Paul Heyman said. Paul Heyman hasn't been a viable entity in the wrestling game since the day that Shane Douglas donned the first ECW championship in the middle of the Eastern Championship Wrestling ring. Everything since that has been downhill and he has struggled to try and reinact that level of success ever since. Even going as far as to repeat the same angle in WWE's version of ECW. I mean we are talking about the same man who thought that you could make real money by bringing back Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Justin Credible, and Big Guido by having them wrestle Kurt Angle and RVD. I mean seriously, that I wouldn't even pay to see that on a house show. And you still have to keep in mind that he RELUCTANTLY put the ECW title on The Big Show, someone who gave it a bit of credibility when the master of the 420 Flop. Mr. Midafternoon Delight on a Monday Night Rob Van Dam shot himself in the foot by not being able to wait til he got to his hotel room to spark up. So yeah, I don't find him to be THAT credible as a wrestling mind.

Second point is that Vince McMahon never met a competitors main eventer that he didn't like. Only problem is that he signs them out of spite, with no REAL intention of pushing them to the level that they were once were in the competitions ranks. Sure he loves to find a diamond in the rough such as Steven Austinand Ric Flair who escaped his grasp for many years and he was still able to get in his prime, but he has a way of booking other guys to look like complete jokes. Don't believe me? Look back even as far as Dusty Rhodes. Check and see what they have done with recent TNA acquisitions like Chris Harris, Monty Brown, and Ron Killings. Hell, look at the entire WCW roster that he got when WCW closed. Only one that got kind of a push was Booker T. And for anybody who thinks that Samoa Joe would be able to keep his name, think again. Sure, it sounds cartoonish enough to make the cut, but he more than likely would get some name like Shitzu or something.

Now while Samoa Joe certainly has the talent to make an impact in WWE, I'm not so sure that he would get the chance. Sure he is a former TNA champion, but what would that really make him in WWE? Certainly hasn't made Killings anything but a dancing fool who now hangs around with a guy who now calls himself Kung Fo Naki. Yikes. But more importantly, can someone name me a Samoan blooded wrestler NOT named The Rock who WWE has put the world title on? Come on, you have to be able to think of at least one? Haku? Snuka? Afa? Umaga? Not even close. Pretty much, they get a whimsical push and then a dramatic drop. I mean when was the last time that Umaga was allowed to beat some real talent outside of his initial push? Yup, it's been that long. The same man who beat Trips, Cena, Micheals, ad a host of others has had a worse win loss streak than Snitsky since that initial push that ended with a sledge hammer to the head. And he's BIGGER than Samoa Joe. And we all know how McMahon likes big men.

Whew, that was all a mouthful. I can only hope that it was able to shed some much needed light on how wrong the statement of Samoa Joe to WWE even is in the first place. Joe should stay right where he is unless it leads to triple or quadruple what he gets paid now. Otherwise, every IWC fans and Smark on the internet will making threads and posts about how Samoa Joe is being buried by Triple H and McMahon and how he was better off in ROH. Don't believe me? Well kiddies, put your next lucky tooth that falls out under your pillow and wish for Joe to go to WWE and watch how mad you will be within a couple of months. Guaranteed you will think back to this and realize how right I truly am.
Samoa Joe. He has no place in a WWE ring. Not only is he nowhere on that level he wouldn't even look right standing next to those guys. I would have to extend my imagination to believe he could hang in there with the likes of Triple H, John Cena, Batista, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Kane, Edge or any of the other top talents in WWE. Joe for one as some of you have said doesn't have a look even close to convincing of a wrestler. Ok yeah he's another fat Samoan, who cares? That doesn't make him a decent wrestler. I'm not saying that Rikishi, Manu, or Umaga are better necessarily because I can't stand any of them, I have never liked any of the fat Samoans. But he particularly doesn't fit the bill, key word FIT. Not only would the chiseled bodies of the WWE make him look like the sloppy tub of goo he is, once they started going at it, the second he started getting some upper hand you'd catch yourself asking what the hell just happened because it wouldn't look right, or make sense.

I don't think that the WWE would even consider him anyways. What does he seriously have to offer them, they have the best roster you could ask for. Samoa Joe is the indie smarks God, and that's because he came from their indie smark heaven ROH. I Have seen ring of honor and let me say, I couldn't make it through it. I tried watching a match but it was absolute garbage. One minute you have some ******ed hardcore stunt match where things just randomly happen for no reason with no explanation, then guys are coming from nowhere, once again with out rhyme or reason, and everyone is just hitting each other with whatever they can grab. It was fucking pointless and talentless. Then they had some other match that was supposed to be some big deal that literally put me to sleep. No bullshit !!! That company is about to collapse anyways, and rightfully so.

Back to the point though, Samoa Joe is crap. TNA makes him to be the end all be all most bad ass hardcore, technical, sadistic, everything you can imagine all rolled up into one superstar, completely unbeatable, unmatched, incapable of being harmed, indestructible, made of pure malice and attitude, over the top king shit. I hate it. I could kick this guys ass in one minute guaranteed, guaran-teed!!!! But they hype him as the future of wrestling and like he's the best thing since....ever. I am sick of it. And it is because of that hype that this is even being discussed.

People say he is such a great worker??? well I have seen a ton of his matches and he is a piss poor worker ok. He doesn't sell shit, makes other peoples moves looked botched because of his own incapability, and is sloppy as hell. I wrestle too and I have a fucking eagle eye for this shit so I know what I am talking about. His mic skills are sub par at best, every time I hear him on the mic it's like he's reading from cue cards or something and either over or under acts. There is nothing believable about it. It's like he never has a clue what to say but he has to say something so he's always just trying thing of some thing bad ass to say. It's horrible.

What else??? Is there anything else??? Oh yeah his move-set. Might be ok if were about 150 pounds lighter ok. This guy doing an enziguri is like watching the Michelin man try to pole vault. It's horrible and it never looks good. Often times he makes his opponent look like a shitty seller because he doesn't pull of his moves right. But then he has to dominate everyone no matter what, even when it's someone waaaaaay better than him like Kurt Angle. I hate it, I hate Joe, and I hate TNA for bringing him up and making such a big deal of him.

If he dared to set foot in a WWE ring he would be twirked in every way by everyone. Vince has no use for him, and to bring him there would mean that TNA actually had talent to rival the WWE which I don't think it does in the long run. Maybe some of those X-Division guys are good but that's it. I hate their woman's division, not one of them would look right in WWE with the exception of Christy Hemme who came from there, and even she now looks like she wouldn't fit in as she didn't. None of them are as hot a the WWE Divas, I'll take Mickey James over any of them any day of the week. They are a bunch of second rate dogs, that can make each other look good that's it. And they can't wrestle on the level of the Divas so put them to rest.

Joe blows ass, I find it surprising that anyone even mention him in WWE. He might be able to bully the smaller mid carders but that's it. That's all he did in the X-Division was bully smaller guys, that's all he would do in WWE. He's a fat ass, lame ass, not talent, no skill, joke, pathetic excuse for a wrestler like most the Samoans, and he makes me puke pea soup until my head spins. I'd like to see him get hit by a fucking bus. There isn't one guy in the heavyweight division I would put Joe over in WWE, he wouldn't look credible anyways, much like now.

I hope he just stays in TNA so he can continue to be a second class wrestler on top of a second class company. He is not worthy of the WWE. Evan Bourne, he was worth of the WWE, C.M. Punk was worth of the WWE, not him. They couldn't do much with him anyways because of the fact he is a low rent wrestler like most of the TNA locker room. I will give credit to AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, The Motor City Machine Gunz, and Petey Williams. Those are the only guys worth a crap there that aren't from somewhere else. Maybe Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed too but that's it. The thing is though, none of them would look right in WWE either, maybe Petey Williams, that's it.

So overall Joe is king of a crap pile, with a couple flies around it. Nothing to his credit. TNA is like a puked on pile of diarrhea shit with a couple decent chunks of corn in it. They are not on the level of WWE, nor are their wrestlers besides the few I gave honorable mention to and maybe Kurt Angle, and Booker T. Sting is way too old and tired, and I love Kevin Nash but he couldn't make it in WWE today either. Joe is an inferior wrestler period. The only thing that says otherwise is the hype machine they have put behind him and it is really just a disservice to him as no one could live up to that especially someone lacking as him.

Could you imagine the hell that Edge would put him through. Or Randy Orton. What about Triple H or Batista, or John Cena or Undertaker. Those guys would eat Samoa Joe and crap The Rock. They would make him look so bad it would be ridiculous. Just standing next to those guys he would look like shit, then once he started wrestling it would be Batista Bomb, Spear, RKO, F-U. Tombstone, and finally The Pedigree laying his tubby ass out. I don't think he could beat Shelton Benjamin, or Kennedy, or even William Regal for that matter. He Needs to just stay where he is and never disgrace the WWE by stepping foot in it.
I think they should try to sign him. He has some recognition in and would get a fresh run. I think there are people he could work with like Benjamin, Jericho, Umaga, CM Punk,Orton, Triple H, Shawn Micheals to name a few. I think he would be a good fit on either Smackdown or ECW. I Agree that he has gotten stale in TNA and he has already had programs with all the top names. What are they going to do with him after his feud with Nash?
I like the idea of one of the biggest names in TNA jumping ship to the WWE. His biggest problem is that TNA promote him as the Samoan Submission Machine which is the basically the equivalent of the The Human Suplex Machine Tazz. He's not an Umaga clone or vise verse. He's a clone of Tazz. A gimmick that worked well in the Indy and early ECW scene, but it doesn't really move the fans now. The WWE would have to reboot him as something more than just a Samoan and not like a savage. Maybe a gimmick less oriented with his heritage. Of course there is the obvious lack of mic skills, which the WWE most likely has the best tutors money can buy to help with that. Joe has all of the tools to be more than a great in ring competitor, but for the WWE he would also have to be a Entertainer.
If Samoa Joe went to WWE I'd expect one of two things 1. Joe teaming with Umaga and Manu to form New Wild Samoans A monster stable that would be huge against the likes CTC, Evolution if reunited and Priceless with Orton 2. Samoa Joe starting out on ECW so every brand has a Somoan then he get's drafted to RAW and teams with Manu and becomes a dominant tag team.

but what would most likely happen is Joe turns into R-Truth a mid carder the is almost winning the title. As compared to Joe being a main eventer in TNA and one tag team title awy from being a triple crown champ. In an awesome feud against MEM and Being the TNA origingals co-captain.
If Samoa Joe was in the WWE i think he'd be used well, people make him out to be rubbish when infact he's a decent performer. Ok, he isn't great in the ring but he's better then most. I doubt he'd feud with Umaga, i think he would form a stable with him and possibly Manu. I doubt if Joe came to the WWE he'd take kindly to be put in the mid card area after all he is in the main event of TNA most weeks. I could never see Joe dominating anyone, especially in the WWE. He had a run in the WWF and messed that up so i don't think he can really cut it.

I think the OP's wrong on the way TNA have built Joe, he isn't being built as a mid carder at all. In TNA he is a main eventer. So unless we are talking about when he moves your totally wrong. If Samoa Joe was the next WWE champion i'd seriously stop watching whatever brand he is on, the guys a decent performer but not a main eventer for WWE in my opinion.

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