Want to be judged by someone you don't know?

I'll never take you seriously until you start posting non-spam.

I hope this is the way guys are going to start breaking up with their girlfriends.

You come across as British, which is probably why I like you.

I think I voted for you as Rookie Of The Year. If I didn't, I'm going to.

Outside of WZCW, I don't know anything about you. So, I'll talk a bit about Ricky Runn.

You've come on leaps and bounds since we first started - in terms of RPs and character development. I still think Runn needs a bit of development - perhaps a bit of an edge. But I'm sure that will come in time. Just remember, there is a reason why you're teaming with a WZCW veteran like Numbers. Creative clearly saw something in you and your character - so keep at it.

Okle Dokle.

I've seen you post, but I can't remember anything you've written. Soz.

Here's a picture of Braden Walker.


Enlighten me.

You strike me as someone who could very easily turn out to be an alt.

Judge the shit out of me.

As far as I'm aware, you're not around very much, so I've got little to go on.


Here's a picture of Simon Dean.


I know little about you, but I'm determined to not post a picture of Deuce 'n Domino.




Judge me as if your name was Judy.

Outside of your little feud with Coco, you're an enjoyable enough chap. Your posts are well written, even though I don't always agree with what you're saying.

There you go. No jokes. Just a balanced judgement. Not very fulfilling, is it? To make up for that, here's a joke I created:

I bought a book on Arctic birds the other day. It was a penguin classic.

Judge me as well

The heel thing isn't working out. You were better as a Santino-like face.

I'm game.

Slam Master J.


Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3594596 said:
Please, boy.

I don't see the argument that you care too much about what people think of you. It's not the impression I get of you.

You're one of my favourite new posters, even if you did join in 2007. Funny and smart in equal measure.

Go on then.

My ability to judge you suffers from the same thing it did with Dragon Saga - outside of "you're sound and a good poster", I haven't got much to go on. Although I have to say, you're a really good poster.

I'm a big fan of the Steven Holmes character. In fact, I'm a big fan of any character in WZCW who isn't just what the writer wishes they were. My only gripe is that his name is "Steven" when I always think it should be "Stephen" because he's posh.

If I see your name as the most recent poster in a thread, I'll click on it.

I worded that badly. Basically, I like you.

Can't end the streak now. Go on then...

The only posting I remember you doing is a couple of weeks ago in the Bar Room. You lost it against Coco, or SNS, or someone I can't remember.

You could be a really nice guy, but my abiding memory of you is that you're a dick.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Whatever, Lilac! :)

A troll and nothing more.

Post more non-spam.

In a lot of these threads, I've seen people being very complimentary about you. However, I haven't really noticed you. It would appear that that is down to me, and not you.

Although I can't give you a judgement (outside of "you seem nice") right now, you're definitely on my list.

Of people to watch.

Not people to kill.

That's a different list.

Funny guy who sometimes appears in the Bar Room. That is all I have.
So, you made this thread in order to post random pictures of wrestlers and to avoid doing what the thread title says you would do? :disappointed:
No. I only post wrestlers for people who I don't know much about.

Posting a picture of Jesse pretending to be a rapper is better than saying "I have nothing to say", is it not?
No. I only post wrestlers for people who I don't know much about.

Posting a picture of Jesse pretending to be a rapper is better than saying "I have nothing to say", is it not?

Here's an thought... if you don't know enough about the majority of our posters, then why create a thread like this?
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3596176 said:
Stop being such a Grinch, D-Man.

Not being a Grinch. I just can't stand posters that have no originality.

Sure, everyone copies everyone from time to time. But when you already see an idea copied a dozen times, why do it again?
But the title assumes you don't know us anyways.

I'm just mad I got Simon Dean.

It was a toss up between Simon Dean and DJ Gabriel for you.

Simon Dean is just better. The way he rode his Segway. Majestic.

Here's an thought... if you don't know enough about the majority of our posters, then why create a thread like this?

To get to know people? To give me something to do? To have a bit of fun? To feel more important than I actually am?

All valid, valid reasons.

You're a pretty good poster, actually. Sure, I may have had search for some of your stuff before writing that, but it's true. You understand wrestling, and you're strong and coherent with your words.

Congratulations. You have passed.

You used to be a moron who tried to hard. But, but, you aren't anymore. The problem is now that you're not particularly interesting. At least when you were making alts you had some spark.

It's not a good thing. But it's not necessarily a bad thing. If it wasn't for my hatred of almost all internet memes, I'd post that Futurama video.

You have one chance to make me laugh before I siggasbomb the thread

I don't know what "siggasbomb" means. I'm sure it's terrifying nonetheless.

Fuck. This thread is getting siggasbombed, isn't it?

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