Want to be judged by someone you don't know?


Of Ace Stevens fame.
Well, have I got a treat for you! If you go to the Bar Room section of these forums, you'll see a fuckload of threads offering this service in celebration of Christmas.

However, if you've exhausted all of those avenues, post here and I'll tell you if I think you're a cunt or not.

It's what Jesus would have wanted.
My one friend's coworker calls me Jesus and this is what I want. Do tell.

You have a good taste in wrestling, like How I Met Your Mother and you're exceptional when it comes to graphics.

We could definitely be friends in real life.

I also like your beard.

It's really big.

And beardy.

I wish I had a beard.

Sure, go ahead.

You're wrong about 50% of the time. On the bright side, you're right half of the time. Which is more than what can be said for most people.

Might as well.

I like you. You seem to have your head screwed on correctly. Hell, if I didn't bleed DFP, it would be a dead heat between Muffin Top Merkley and yourself for my vote.

But let's face it, I'm all about the DFP.

Darren Bull annoys me. Not because he's necessarily bad, but because he's supposed to be this Hollywood kid, yet he's called Darren. That's the name of a 28 year-old cockney who works in IT and we all know it.

You're also a cunt.

Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3593456 said:
I'll save you some time from posting in every thread offering this service.

Everyone thinks you're a cunt.

I value your opinion. So much so that I called XThe_True_CampeonX a cunt without even knowing him.

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