Viscerally Disturbing, Round 1: Zombi vs. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake

Which Film Is More Disturbing?

  • Zombi

  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Zombi (1979, Directed by Lucio Fulci)


Synopsis: After a zombie-filled boat found in a New York City harbor is traced back to a doctor in the Caribbean, a reporter seeks to uncover the answer to the question of why the dead are coming back to life.

Why This Film Was Chosen: Lucio Fulci is quite possibly the greatest horror director to ever live.

Key Disturbing Moment: A zombie and a shark take turns biting chunks out of each other underwater...I shit you not.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake (2003, Directed by Marcus Nispel)


Synopsis: You should already know what this is about.

Why This Film Was Chosen: Because it's the best horror remake Platinum Dunes will ever produce.

Key Disturbing Moment: When Leatherface casually plops some guy onto a meathook...while he's still alive.​
If by "disturbing" you mean "most awesome fucking thing EVER" then yes, the scene from Zombi comes into play here. If not, then no.

TCM was fucking stupid shit, hardly disturbing. I dont think I could call Zombi as such either, but it holds a special spot in my heart, and like fuck if I am voting for the TCM remake in any tournament
I love Texas Chainsaw Massacre (The remake), but it was not all that disturbing to be honest. Sure, it was a bit unsettling at times, but nothing that made me look away or feel sick. I can't say anything to the contrary about Zombi, since I haven't seen it yet, but any film that has a shark and a zombie fight each other will instantly get my vote.
Fulci's the king of eyeball trauma, and one scene in Zombi where a woman has her eye forced onto a sharp, splintery piece of wood still makes me cringe to this day. The only other similar scene more cringe-inducing was one in Evil Dead Trap, a little known Japanese horror flick made in 1988, but that's not in competition here.

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