Uso brothers may break-up?

I really hope this doesn't happen. Being the only REAL tag team in WWE at the moment, and by REAL tag team.. I mean introduced as a tag team, not just random singles competitor's thrown together to form a team, I see no reason to break them up. WWE's Tag Division is already WAAAY past the shitter, this would just further lead to the death of the division as a whole. While I see great potential in one of the Uso's to break out as a single star, I don't know the name cuz I can't tell em apart, this just seems rushed.

1. They haven't been given time to establish themselves in the tag team division. Which is a shame since they came in hot in a feud with the then tag champs Hart Dynasty in a feud that I think WWE completely dropped the ball on.

2. As I already said, further murder of the Tag Division.

3. And finally, neither one of these men are ready to make it on their own, and will just float around the under card appearing on Superstars from time to time until they're future endeavored.
On the face of it should the Uso's be split? No. But simple fact is, not even in the major sceme of things, but a day to day basis, this would have ZERO affect on the TV product and little impact at beyond the limited number of IWC fans - and we all know that the WWE target demographic is not the people who make up the IWC.

Jimmy and Jules/Jey have made little impact on the live product, albeit their ring work has not been as terrible as other recent teams like chavo & primo. What the reason, whether booking or overall management, it's hard to see them moving forward as a legit team anyway - bar, as some people have suggested, bringing in Roman Leakee and all indications out of FCW are that such a prospect is a way off as the guy is still green.

I think there has to be an acceptance that the WWE creative and/or management sees the tag division as a kind of holding division for people their not either ready to commit to like Barretta, Tatsu or the up coming NXT winner - or it's for guys they're giving one last shot before giving up on like Chavo, Primo, Regal, Ryder etc. Sometimes, surprises happen and the total becomes greater than the sum of the parts as with Santino and Koslov and then sometimes opposite view is taken and a 'good' team gets broken up to push one guy, as with the Harts.

What is surprising, and yet happen, is that the tag titles could be used to add a little extra interest into the fued between the Nexus and the Corre - Gabriel and Slater are a good prospective team with the added bonus that focus on the titles would allow the focus to be put on Otunga & Hennig vs Gabriel & Slater - allowing Ryan to develop slowly and Zeke to fued with Show. Other than that, the tag titles won't change from their current role, so don't be surprised when it has this type of effect on a stagnating team.PV is reporting that WWE has been considering breaking up The Uso Brothers Tag Team. Well I just have to say, this is very stupid. Just when you start to get hope, the bring us right back down. The last year, we lost Miz And Big Show, Show and Jericho, DX, Cryme tyme, Truth and Morrison and Hart Dynasty. I know I missed some to. It seems like they could hardly give a damn, it looks like the only 2 teams in the division we have is Santino and Kozlov and Nexus. WWE just makes me feel stupid for watching it sometimes lol.
It's a bummer even reading that the WWE is thinking about breaking up the Usos. I actually like their matches when they're given more than 5 minutes to showcase their skills. I've only seen it a couple times, but their "throwing samoan drop" thing is rather impressive!

And like someone said earlier, for weeks, maybe even a couple months, I was waiting for Tamina to turn on Santino and Kozlov in either a #1 contenders match or a tag championship match. It seemed inevitable, and now it doesn't seem like it will happen, unless maybe they get a match at Elimination Chamber or Mania, but who knows.

I'm with what everyone else has been saying, the division is in the gutter, and a singles "push" for either Jimmy or Jey is a mistake that wouldn't even end up in a US or IC title push, in my opinion. It was a horrible mistake breaking up the Hart Dynasty, but it seemed like Tyson Kidd was heading towards a US Title run, then nothing. I would expect nothing less for whichever Uso they decided to push, hypothetically.

The tag division could be a nice change of pace from all the constant singles matches on Raw and Smackdown. I always appreciated seeing 2 men working together to pull off manuevers that take 2 people to execute almost flawlessly at the same time to get it right. I would really love it if the WWE would just give 15 minutes a week, combined between Smackdown And Raw for 1 DECENT tag match, doesn't seem like too much to ask for.

But sadly, the days of The Rockers, Eliminators, LOD, Hardy Boyz, etc are long gone, possibly never to be seen again, unless THEY manage to emerge from the grave like I'm sure the Undertaker is about too, ugh
I've never read anything about spliting the team up. I don't believe spliting the Uso's up is such a good idea considering the tag division is so thin at present and considering the lower card is stacked with un-used talent it's ******ed to even consider breaking up a legit tag team that is rarely used.

I know WWE has a little care in the tag division but just to spark up some kind of interest why doesn't WWE do a 8 team tag tournament winners facing the champions at WrestleMania? even if they pair guys together to fill the spots then do it, get some of the un-used talent in the mix and maybe create a tag team or two out of the tournament and maybe create a feud between tag partners.
I hate beat a dead horse, but yeah splitting up the Usos is a bad thing, unless one of them gets a personality change in a hurry so we can legitimately tell them apart. Have one of them cut the hair or something. Dye it silver or something so we know who is who. I kid, but seriously could the WWE be any more stupid right now? They just keep making bad decisions. I wonder when they will learn.
Splitting up the Usos is a STUPID move... they would have to be on seperate brands to get over as singles superstars. They havent had any storylines or pushes to have fans get invested in them so a split would not cause either to get over. It just doesn't make an sense logically...not that it will stop WWE though.

I just dont understand how they continue to DROP THE BALL on tag teams in WWE.....its mind boggling... The Hart Foundation, Cryme Tyme, Nexus, etc are all cases of tag teams that could have been great if pushed right. Remember when we had Dudleys, E&C, Hardys, Brothers Destruction, Too Cool, etc...hell in mid 2000's we had Guerreros, Benoit & Angle, WGTT, Edge & Misterio, MNM all feuding over Tag Titles... there is money in tag team feuds if done right.

The current WWE roster could have Corre, Nexus, Santino/Koslov, and Usos...bring in FCW's Los Aviadores and Wes Brisco/Xavier Woods and thats a solid tag division. Hell, I'd bring back the Hart Dynsasty in a few months with DH returning heel with a scruffy beard..he looks to clean cut to be a serious heel currently.

The Usos are good on the mic, passable in the ring, and if nothing else they look a hell of a lot like The Rock...they are money if used correctly....

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