What's happened to Jimmy Uso?


With the safety off!!
We all knew at Wrestlemania Jey Uso was suffering from an injury, that's why he was only in the match there for a few minutes before being helped away. But what's happened to his twin brother Jimmy in the meantime?

I thought for sure they would be using him in singles matches, or maybe throw him into three man tag matches, just to keep him relevant. But we've barely seen him if at all. I read he was doing singles matches on the recent European tour, but since they came back to the States it's like he's on a hiatus of some kind.

With the current injuries happening to some of the rest of the roster, it boggles the mind to have a healthy wrestler sitting there doing nothing. I know he's best known as part of the Uso's but he's not a bad wrestler himself, and there has to be something he can do, even in the short term.

We don't know when Jey Uso will be back, so to keep the other part of the Uso brothers on the shelf doesn't make sense to me. Does it too you? He's not a main event talent, but he can work with the middle of the roster and put out some good matches. It makes me wonder that if one day one of them decides to quit wrestling forever, both would have to go, because it seems the WWE can't book them as singles? Thoughts.
If I've read the reports correctly, Jimmy Uso is working as a commentator on Main Event or Superstars. I agree with you in thinking that it's strange not to use him, but I don't think that it's unwarranted. You injure one Bella Twin, they may as well both be absent. This logic applies to a twin tandem tag team as well.

That being said, with Tyson Kidd down, perhaps an unlikely pairing of Cesaro and Jimmy could be of use. It wouldn't make or break the tag team landscape, but it could plant seeds for interesting developments in the future.
I'm ok with jimmy bein out as well. I don't see him as a singles guy, n if he's away from tv for awhile it'll make their return a little more impactful. The usos were getting stale, n this injury may have been a blessing in disguise
I saw Jimmy Uso at a house show last month in Toronto, that's all i think he's been doing, competing on house shows in 6 man tags.. It's best to keep him off television until both of them are back. There's no point in using Jimmy without his brother if they want to continue with the Usos as a team.
The only reason why I don't think he's been on tv is because creative may be trying to re-brand the team. Will they still be same babyface team as before, that is the question.
I think the idea of Cesaro/Jimmy could be a really good one, imagine the Cesaro swing into a super fly splash. I know either man would win but i also wouldn't mind seeing either man as a challenger in the John Cena U.S. Open.
I think the Cesaro pairing could be great.

I also think keeping him out of sight is a good idea for the division right now. Two time tag champion Usos coming back into a full house of credible teams is more exciting than Jimmy in singles action.

If things work out right (injuries and execution especially) they return to a landscape with The New Day further established, Kidd and Cesaro still impressing, and hopefully a successful regrouping of the Prime Time Players AND Rowan and Harper. Throw in the a few outliers on the lower end of the tag team hierarchy and WWE has a lot of potential in the Usos returning in the right way.

They held the titles on multiple occasions. They were relevant when Jey was injured. And every tag team on the scene they would be returning to is either still relatively new to that scene, or still reestablishing themselves as a reformed team. I think using Jimmy in an up and down low-card feud would water down the return of a credible team.
That being said, with Tyson Kidd down, perhaps an unlikely pairing of Cesaro and Jimmy could be of use.

Yes, I like that. Talk about filling in pieces where needed.....wouldn't it be nice if the returns of Tyson Kidd and Jey Uso coincided so both Cesaro and Jimmy could re-form their own teams at approximately the same time?

Still, I can't see why we haven't caught a glimpse of Jimmy since his brother went down. If he's being used on some of the lesser programs....fine. But the guy has been working at the top level for several years now and it seems strange to not use him on TV.

One other thing: Look at Jimmy & Jey's father. If their genes are to have a say, the twins had better watch......er, their asses. Hard to tell how their 'personal growth' might pertain in ways other than their career development. Better not to keep a healthy Jimmy inactive, y'know?
no way an unlikely pairing would be good. Im ok with Jimmy kind of taking a back seat while Jey heals. They needed this time off. The tag team division is really shaping up and allowing other teams like the PTP to step up and take that top face tag team role. it will be a fresh start when the Usos return. so much more competition then what they had previously. They can rehash their rivalry with The Wyatts, start a new one with The Ascension, New Day . And put on some good matches with Lucha Dragons and PTP.
Keeping him off is good for now. Upon his brothers return of the possibility of a heel run is true, it's ok that he's off tv. It's probably cause creative wouldn't be able to figure out the turn with it actually making sense when jey returns
He was doing commentary on Superstars. Personally, I think it would've been good to at least try to give Jimmy more time as a solo competitor in order to test the waters. Maybe develop his personality and see if he can carry a match on his own. But then again, that might lead to the Uso's breaking up and I'd rather them have at least one more run (preferably as a heel team) before that occurs.

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