
NorCal and D-Man can attest to the fact that I've been kicking this around for some time.

This was my choice alone. Only D-Man and NorCal knew it was coming. Sly had an idea.

Doesn't mean I like the idea :(
DOn't worry Ricky, IC's modding the Non Wrestling, Non Spam sections. Your campaign for the Spamzone in uninhibited.
It's a shame your stepping down IC, but it will be awesome to see you manning down the Sports section and the other NWS (which I rarely go to). Maybe we can have some heated debates about the NL East (I believe you are a Mets fan).
I figured this might come up, and I'd like to address it.

I can say very clearly and unequivocally that Sid had nothing at all to do with this choice.

NorCal and D-Man can attest to the fact that I've been kicking this around for some time. It's a simple matter of the fact that I've been too busy to give 100% for about 3 months now, and that's hardly fair. Not to you all, and not to me. The mere fact that I've been considering it for this long should tell you something about why I made the call.

I remain passionate about posting, writing for the main page, and driving discussion. That's always been my forte. Things like name changes and reviewing infractions, well, I lost the edge for after a while. That's just me. So I was logging on as an admin and doing the same stuff I did as an NWS mod, just with more power. Power better off placed in new hands right now.

I decided not to leave staff because I am still VERY passionate about what I do here. And the NWS's are LOADS of fun for me...

Sidious will never impact my life, except for the fact that he nearly made my puke the other day. I am thrilled that one of my last acts as admin was imprisoning him. He was a manipulative and insecure fool who perverted facts to make himself out to be a hero. The forums got 10x better when he was banned.

This was my choice alone. Only D-Man and NorCal knew it was coming. Sly had an idea.

"I'm going to throw a monkey in a wrench"
"It's about to get weirder"

yeah lee knew too
Use this:


Unless you hate IC. Who knows, maybe you do...
I'm sorry for red repping you recently. You really were an amazing admin. Good luck with being a mod again.
Theo "Hitman" Mays;2026506 said:
It's a shame your stepping down IC, but it will be awesome to see you manning down the Sports section and the other NWS (which I rarely go to). Maybe we can have some heated debates about the NL East (I believe you are a Mets fan).

I am a Mets fan. I'd be more than happy to debate with you. And the Flyers eat a dick. Talk to you later my friend!
I am a Mets fan. I'd be more than happy to debate with you. And the Flyers eat a dick. Talk to you later my friend!

Sounds like someone has been eating sour grapes today. However things are looking so great with the Fly Guys right now. Stupid Bruins.

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