TNA-In the right direction

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Getting Noticed By Management
I hate to admit it, but it seems after reading the PPV results from No Surrender that TNA may be heading in the right direction. So maybe they were right to fire and change the creative team around.

Here are some points that I think made it look like it was going in the right direction.

1. Keeping Slick Johnson out of the Women's tag team match to make sure we would get a clean pinfall

2. The Joe-Daniels match, from what I have read and heard just a great match overall

3. Getting the Women's championship off of Deaner

4. I know lot's of people are going to disagree with me, but they took the belt off of Angle (which IMO is a very good thing) and gave it to AJ. For over a year all we've heard is they are going to push the originals (young guys), maybe this will finally be the start of that.

I will admit there was one or two bad things, like EY just getting squashed after building him up for the last few month.

And of course my biggest fear with Russo having more power is soon you are going to see Johnny Fairplay TNA WORLD CHAMP
TNA has been going in the right direction for awhile now. Changing up the creative team has done wonders so far for TNA. Besides Jarret dating Karen Angle, one of the biggest issues Angle had with Jarrett, was the way Jarret was booking things. Angle is one of the guys in the back pushing for the young talent to be showcased and pushed in TNA.

Now, I'm one of the many that wish they would have built up AJ a little more before making him champ, but none the less, i'm so glad AJ is champion now. With the way things are going, we'll be seeing AJ defend his title against Sting and BFG and getting a huge rub from Sting (hopefully if booked right, ending Stings BFG streak).

The Angle/Morgan feud has been booked perfectly and I enjoy tuning into Impact each week to see what is going to happen between them next.

And of course my biggest fear with Russo having more power is soon you are going to see Johnny Fairplay TNA WORLD CHAMP

LAWLZ! This is a fear of mine as well. But so far Russo has been doing pretty damn good job. I'm enjoying Impact! a lot more than I am enjoying Raw.
By bringing in Ed Ferrera, this is going to kill TNA. Did anyone watch WCW in the 90s when Russo and Ed worked together? Yeah, that's what TNA will be in a few months. Shows how stupid people are backstage when you get rid of a huge wrestling mark, and man who's been in this industry for years successfully, to get Russo's buddy who helped destroy WCW. R.I.P. TNA (I expect negative rep by the way)
Gotta agree with jscthegreat, TNA is F'd in the A. Lets look at the facts shall we:
A) TNA hired Ferarra and Russo to basically run their booking and storylines. WCW also hired Ferarra and Russo to run their booking and storylines.
B) TNA is wasting tonnes of money on stupid celebrities like Lashley and Jenna Morasca. WCW also wasted tonnes of money on this (KISS, Master P)
C) TNA only uses half its roster and pays the other half basically to do nothing. WCW hired over 260 wrestlers and used about 40 a week.
D) TNA has the best talent pool in the world but we are reduced to watching Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner every week. WCW had the best talent pool in wrestling and we were reduced to watching well Nash and Steiner every week (especially in the last few years)
E) Angle uses his stroke to basically carve whatever he wants out of TNA. Hogan used his stroke to carve everything out of WCW (although hall and nash did quite a bit of carving to).

See the trend here, TNA has no clue how to reach that next level (thats about the only difference between WCW and TNA) and frankly, Russo and Ferarra are about as useless as a submarine with a screen door. Good Ideas Sometimes, Good Execution Hell No, and most of all they know Jack Shit about wrestling. TNA is doomed unless they make some real changes for the better or else they will become the next WCW except for you know people actually still talk about WCW, TNA will be not even a memory in 5 at the rate their going. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not.
By bringing in Ed Ferrera, this is going to kill TNA. Did anyone watch WCW in the 90s when Russo and Ed worked together? Yeah, that's what TNA will be in a few months. Shows how stupid people are backstage when you get rid of a huge wrestling mark, and man who's been in this industry for years successfully, to get Russo's buddy who helped destroy WCW. R.I.P. TNA (I expect negative rep by the way)

When Russo and Ferrara came to WWE, WWE didn't know where to go Creative-wise, but at least there was some structure to the company ... and they helped guide the company along to an appropriate direction to pull ahead and overtake WCW.

When they arrived in WCW, it was a clusterfuck with the inmates controlling the asylum. Russo was also not the President of the company, however was only in charge of Creative. There were contracts in place and those who had Creative Control inserted into their contracts. Often times, that would overrule things that Russo wanted to do with certain talent, as Creative Control given to talent is part of a legally binding contract.

My question is why do smarks not want to give Russo and Ferrara credit for their time in WWE, and only want to judge them by what happened in WCW, which was a lost cause by the time they got there?

Do smarks just like to go along with the flow, because it makes them seem "cool"?

As far as Cornette goes, I like the man as talent, but he is way past his prime in booking. If it were up to him, you would be seeing wrestling like it was in the 70's and 80's and trying to make that style work today.
Russo was a HUGE part of the WWF Attitude Era. He wrote the shows when they became 2 hours in March 1997. Most of you were in Kindergarten. He wrote the shows and created that image that put them over. Ed joined the team in mid 1998 when WWF was already climbing.

THey left together when WWF was at a peak of 7.0 ratings and went to the fledging competition, wrote 3 months before the higher ups kicked Russo out because they didn't understand the reason for him putting the belt on Tank Abbott (who was going to win as the 30th man in a Battle Royal throwing a super punch at Sid who was the 1st man to enter - as a shocking twist) due to Bret Hart and Jeff Jarrett not being cleared to wrestle.

That killed any momentum they had in WCW. They are fantastic writers, can really push the envelope, deliver to the casual viewer, drive ratings UP unlike the WWE (who have not reached the heights Russo did for them.. and are fledging at mid 3.0s for the past 5 years rehashing ideas that Russo came up with - see D-X!)

Russo and Ferrara if given the opportunity to write a show however they see fit can take the rating to 1.8 in a year.. and 2.5 in two years and I'm willing to bet on that. This is if TNA lets them write without any filter.

McMahon never filtered Russo"Ferrara.. he merely changed some ideas for main event players and made things better. McMahon has led a shitty product since Ed and Vince left. Ed and Vince are the ones to take TNA to the top -- Dixie Carter is a smart woman for getting rid of the true detriments of TNA - Dutch Mantel/Jeff Jarrett (apologies to JJ who founded the company)
No Surrender was a good ppv and the best part is it was built up properly. Four new champions were crowned,(ODB,Taylor,Sarita,and AJ Styles) The whole show was just enjoyable from top to bottom. There was comedy,drama,and great wrestling throughout. I can't wait to see the ppv buys for it. They are on the right track heading towards BFG. Hopefully Sting puts over AJ before he retires. I can see TNA's ratings slightly increasing if they can get out more to the mainstream public. WWE has mastered this. Make the casual fan know you exist. Have AJ go on a popular talk show with the title and talk about TNA. Do Fan Axxess type things for ppv's outside of Orlando. Get celebrities involved with the show and have them talk about the show during their thing. If TNA gets their name out there to the casual fan they will see an increase in ratings.
The only reason WWE was popular in the attitude era was because Vince was a filter for Russo and Ferarra. Russo and Ferarra in charge spells disaster. I'm not saying Russo and Ferarra didn't contribute heavily to the attitude era. Are they creative, sure they are, but without someone like McMahon to filter whats shitty and whats not, it made their writing look a lot better than it did in WCW where they could put any stupid idea that came into their head. One more thing WWE's best year was 2000, a year when Russo and Ferarra DIDN'T WORK FOR WWE. Russo and Ferarra need a Vince to tell them what they should and shouldn't do, in TNA their by themselves with no filter so all the craps going to come through. They'll make 1 creative storylines for every 10 they come out with, so 90% of the show will be crap and 10% will be good. Unfortunately your average person won't put up with the 90% crap to watch the 10% thats actually good. I'm being realistic here folks, not a smark.
People, please, drop the negativity, we know Russo burned down a national organization but unless the creative team is composed of utter ******s and ball less monkey, I rea;y doubt they would do the same mistakes twice, I mean even the stupidest can eventually learn from his mistakes. Lets give em a chance, if they mess up again, then you can rub it in each others faces, but until then, lets relish the moment while we still can (And hope for the best)

Side Note: A.J.s celebration after winning the belt was very well deserved, but it stragely reminded me of the rabid fan's that broke the ring at ECW back in the day.
The only reason WWE was popular in the attitude era was because Vince was a filter for Russo and Ferarra. Russo and Ferarra in charge spells disaster. I'm not saying Russo and Ferarra didn't contribute heavily to the attitude era. Are they creative, sure they are, but without someone like McMahon to filter whats shitty and whats not, it made their writing look a lot better than it did in WCW where they could put any stupid idea that came into their head. One more thing WWE's best year was 2000, a year when Russo and Ferarra DIDN'T WORK FOR WWE. Russo and Ferarra need a Vince to tell them what they should and shouldn't do, in TNA their by themselves with no filter so all the craps going to come through. They'll make 1 creative storylines for every 10 they come out with, so 90% of the show will be crap and 10% will be good. Unfortunately your average person won't put up with the 90% crap to watch the 10% thats actually good. I'm being realistic here folks, not a smark.

There is the Vince McMahon mark talking again.

I will give you that 2000 was a very good year in WWE. I was enjoying it so much that I actually attended 6 of the 12 PPV's that year. However, by this point, the McMahon/Austin feud had passed and McMahon was onto The Rock, which wasn't quite as entertaining as McMahon-Austin. So I would argue that 1998 and 1999 were more entertaining years for me than 2000.

Now,as I believe I asked in another thread, since Russo and Ferrara left WWE, and when Vince McMahon served as the Lead Writer for Raw, how impressed have you been with the quality of television over the years .... especially the last two-three? I think it has been absolutely horrendous, overall ... with very few exceptions. Not only have the shows themselves been stale and boring, with the feeling given that you are essentially watching the same show every single week ... but Vince has done a terrible job over the years of growing and developing talent, something Russo and Ferrara were ten times better at. And that was because while Russo focused on the Main Event, Ferrara's job was assigned to give everyone something to do in the Mid Card. Therefore, this made the audience care about all aspects of the show, and not just the Main Event.

McMahon, instead, focused solely on the Main Event over the years, because he adopted the philosophy over the years that "only the Main Event matters". He basically told his audience that the Midcard doesn't matter, and destroyed the Tag Team Division in the process. He has failed to develop any significant new stars to the Main Event over the years, since 2004 when he brought aboard Cena and Orton ... and their debuts were also mismanaged, especially Cena since he was rushed to the Main Event, and the fans didn't perceive him as credible.

So I would argue for the most part since McMahon has been running things, the product has taken a turn for the worst, especially these past several years. Hell, there was a report that even stated that he was frustrated in that WWE couldn't create new stars, when he is the Lead Writer and responsible for the shows. Therefore, he has nobody to blame but himself for his failures to do so, over the years. And that is because he lost track of the overall picture.

Now, if someone like this is going to serve as a filter, what good is he?
There is the Vince McMahon mark talking again.

I will give you that 2000 was a very good year in WWE. I was enjoying it so much that I actually attended 6 of the 12 PPV's that year. However, by this point, the McMahon/Austin feud had passed and McMahon was onto The Rock, which wasn't quite as entertaining as McMahon-Austin. So I would argue that 1998 and 1999 were more entertaining years for me than 2000.

Now,as I believe I asked in another thread, since Russo and Ferrara left WWE, and when Vince McMahon served as the Lead Writer for Raw, how impressed have you been with the quality of television over the years .... especially the last two-three? I think it has been absolutely horrendous, overall ... with very few exceptions. Not only have the shows themselves been stale and boring, with the feeling given that you are essentially watching the same show every single week ... but Vince has done a terrible job over the years of growing and developing talent, something Russo and Ferrara were ten times better at. And that was because while Russo focused on the Main Event, Ferrara's job was assigned to give everyone something to do in the Mid Card. Therefore, this made the audience care about all aspects of the show, and not just the Main Event.

McMahon, instead, focused solely on the Main Event over the years, because he adopted the philosophy over the years that "only the Main Event matters". He basically told his audience that the Midcard doesn't matter, and destroyed the Tag Team Division in the process. He has failed to develop any significant new stars to the Main Event over the years, since 2004 when he brought aboard Cena and Orton ... and their debuts were also mismanaged, especially Cena since he was rushed to the Main Event, and the fans didn't perceive him as credible.

So I would argue for the most part since McMahon has been running things, the product has taken a turn for the worst, especially these past several years. Hell, there was a report that even stated that he was frustrated in that WWE couldn't create new stars, when he is the Lead Writer and responsible for the shows. Therefore, he has nobody to blame but himself for his failures to do so, over the years. And that is because he lost track of the overall picture.

Now, if someone like this is going to serve as a filter, what good is he?

You make some good points dude, but all I'm going to say is even as bad as WWE has been in the last 3-4 years (I'll agree its been mostly shit, enough that I watch it maybe once a month because its bad) but at the same time, it is better than anything Russo and Ferarra has done without the filter. I watched WCW during the Russo era, I've been watching TNA for the last 2-3 years (where Russo has worked by the way) and its worse than anything I've seen on TV by the WWE.

I'll admit I'm a McMahon mark, but that was because at the end of the day he was the absolute best at what he did (tell me I'm wrong) and unlike Russo and Ferarra he understands wrestling, the second the bell rings Russo and Ferarra are sitting ducks, have no clue what to do and that's where it matters the most (without strong matches, storyline's just aren't as good), interesting things happen when they are in charge, but its more of a clusterfuck with stupid endings (Starrcade 99) and storylines that make no sense (Viagra on a pole match, David arquette being WCW champ to promote a terrible movie, attempting to make Tank Abbott(The definition of a bum) their champ and number 1 star, ect.) and are entertaining to only himself and Ferarra (if not why was WWE beating Russo by a full 3 points every week and giving decent buyrates on PPV in those years, where WCW was completely F'd. WCW was doomed anyway, Russo and Ferarra just made it happen quicker). I've been saying that McMahon has to step down a bit for a while now as I feel he's lost touch with today's fan, but it doesn't change the fact that Russo and Ferarra are damaged goods by themselves (and a lot worse than McMahon even on McMahon's worst day), and I will keep saying that until they prove me wrong. I want TNA to succeed as badly as anyone else but with those 2 running the ship, it will sink guaranteed. If they get someone to come in and have the final say (A mcmahon like person) they'll probably be alright, but TNA is run by idiots so they're done (if TNA dies its not Russo and Ferarras fault its the people running the company, but I guarantee Russo and Ferarra wont do them any favors, ratings wont get better, buyrates will still be stagnant, and TNA will try to keep up with the big dog even though they probably never will).
There is the Vince McMahon mark talking again.

I will give you that 2000 was a very good year in WWE. I was enjoying it so much that I actually attended 6 of the 12 PPV's that year. However, by this point, the McMahon/Austin feud had passed and McMahon was onto The Rock, which wasn't quite as entertaining as McMahon-Austin. So I would argue that 1998 and 1999 were more entertaining years for me than 2000.

Now,as I believe I asked in another thread, since Russo and Ferrara left WWE, and when Vince McMahon served as the Lead Writer for Raw, how impressed have you been with the quality of television over the years .... especially the last two-three? I think it has been absolutely horrendous, overall ... with very few exceptions. Not only have the shows themselves been stale and boring, with the feeling given that you are essentially watching the same show every single week ... but Vince has done a terrible job over the years of growing and developing talent, something Russo and Ferrara were ten times better at. And that was because while Russo focused on the Main Event, Ferrara's job was assigned to give everyone something to do in the Mid Card. Therefore, this made the audience care about all aspects of the show, and not just the Main Event.

McMahon, instead, focused solely on the Main Event over the years, because he adopted the philosophy over the years that "only the Main Event matters". He basically told his audience that the Midcard doesn't matter, and destroyed the Tag Team Division in the process. He has failed to develop any significant new stars to the Main Event over the years, since 2004 when he brought aboard Cena and Orton ... and their debuts were also mismanaged, especially Cena since he was rushed to the Main Event, and the fans didn't perceive him as credible.

So I would argue for the most part since McMahon has been running things, the product has taken a turn for the worst, especially these past several years. Hell, there was a report that even stated that he was frustrated in that WWE couldn't create new stars, when he is the Lead Writer and responsible for the shows. Therefore, he has nobody to blame but himself for his failures to do so, over the years. And that is because he lost track of the overall picture.

Now, if someone like this is going to serve as a filter, what good is he?

Sidious, while many of your points have a TON of validity (as they normally do), I believe that while you call us Vince-marks, we can call you anti-Vince. That being said...

Once again, 1998-2000 were tremendous years for the WWE and were split (creatively) between Russo/Ferrara and Vince. But then again, the entire company was in a different direction back then. This was the Attitude Era... and Era that drew huge rating but also killed the product in the long run. Russo and Ferrara had the freedom to make most of their racy storylines come to life on WWE programming. Vince would've done anything to battle WCW at the time. The bar was raised too high, and not in a good way. The show was racy, innappropriate for anyone under the age of 15, despicable at times, and was a desperate attempt to battle a company run by someone that pushed the product to the limits of what was allowed on cable television. While the WWE and WCW gained a huge portion of an audience over the age of 15, they lost their younger viewers because parents didn't want their children watching the product. In recent years, Vince has made himself aware of this and has changed his entire format so he could stop breeding for the "right now" fan and begin breeding fans for the future. He feels that without these changes, his company has no future.

We could look at it two ways... Vince could've stayed on the same path that he was on in the Attitude Era by creating product for an older, more mature audience. Instead, he is choosing to market to the younger, new breed of professional wrestling fans. And while it didn't work at first, it's beginning to grow right now. Ratings (though a bit slowly) are rising and the product is breaking into the mainstream, becoming accepted by everyone in the world the way it was in the 1980's. That is Vince's goal. Sure, things will not change overnight, but just like TNA is doing right now, the correct formula is in place and things are finally heading in the right direction.

Now, one thing that I can't disagree with Sidious about is how the midcard was completely ignored over the past few years. The main event took center stage more than it should have. And we can speculated up and down what was swimming through Vince's head at the time. Maybe he believed that his main event card is what sold the merchandise, tickets, and PPV sales. Maybe he didn't have confidence in the midcarders. Maybe he just didn't have time to deal with more than one thing, since he was so focused on the main event of his television shows. And since he didn't have a Ferrara, he had no way of dressing up the rest of the program. But the fact of the matter is that Russo and Ferrara played a major role in severely hurting the professional wrestling industry for (no pun intended) crossing the line with their creative ideas.

Sidious, we all know you're not a fan of the current product. However, like it or not, this current direction that both the WWE and TNA are heading in is more beneficial for their companies' futures. As long as their companies are not losing money, they're doing the right thing. TNA is obviously not losing money right now. Their ratings and earnings have grown throughout the years, more than doubling their ratings when they first began 7 years ago. This is a perfect indication that they're doing something right. And it may take years to catch up the the WWE... hell, it took WCW 14 years (if you include years before they gained the WCW moniker). However, what matters most is what will bring longevity to their companies and what will allow them to survive, even during our country's current hard times.

Things are definitely not as bad as most people think... as a matter of fact, things are looking up.
I must say I am not keen on Ferrara being in TNA, but I will keep an open mind.

I loved No Surrender, and I am really happy that A.J Styles is the World Champion.

Like others have said, maybe I would have waited a while longer before giving him the belt.

I think TNA is heading in the right direction, and I am really looking forward to seeing this weeks Impact.
I think that this is the right direction for TNA, I mean they are pushing the young guns and establishing their talent for the next 10 years. This is the smartest thing they could have done.

I am having some trepidation concerning the choice the hire Ferrara but unlike most people here I am willing to give him a months...okay two months worth of iMpacts which I will watch, to prove to me that this wont just be the WCW disaster all over again.
I don't think Russo and Ferrara have shown us a bad job over the past few weeks. Quite honestly these have been the best Impacts shown in a while. The ratings say otherwise but it is football season. I don't know what else it could be besides the DVR. Impact was 1.2 two weeks ago then dropped to 1.0 after the PPV. I really think TNA are in the right direction. Just because they aren't a machine like the WWE doesn't mean anything.

They are a young company and are on the right track making new stars out of Morgan, Hernandez, Eric Young, and many others. Just listen to the ovation Morgan got on Impact last week. That guy is way over. The MEM are feuding with the World Elite. Foley is going to feud with Abyss in one hell of a war.

The Knockouts are always being used in a great way. The promo with Hamada and Alyssa Flash was amazing. Granted Hamada can't speak English but she can wrestle and take wicked bumps. I would rather see a promo with a TNA Knockout that can't speak English then a promo with any of the bad acting WWE "Divas' any day.

There is everything in TNA as far as wrestling goes. They have great main event stars, mid card talent, Tag teams, and even a great Women's Division. It looks like now TNA are only using their eye candy for being valets instead of wrestlers now. Too bad WWE isn't doing the same thing with talent such as Rosa Mendes.
It shocks people are still giving Russo credit for 1999, wen many thought it was a shit year. Chris Kreski cleaned up the mess in 2000 and WWF/E had it's biggest year ever until 2007. That was the most exciting year and Austin, Taker, and Foley all weren't around for much of it.

Russo has been a failure for 10 years.

And as of last week his show was drawing shit ratings and Styles was the least watched part of the show

The guy has no idea how to create stars. He's been from under Vince thumb for 10 years, outside of 2002 when he came up with the brilliant idea of making Rock a Homosexual, yet he hasn't created ONE star. The guy has been lost since Vince stopped carrying him.

Now I know when he fails this time, somehow people will say Dixie fucked him over. Because at the end of the day even the biggest Vince Russo marks know he is a hack, but they will never admit it, because like him, they're pretty delusional about his run in WWE, which again, was out done by Chris Kreski and No Stone Cold, Foley, or Taker for the majority of that year
It is amusing that the only person who ever mentions Chris Kreski on Forums is yourself.

And the funny part about it is that the only reason you mention Kreski's name at all is your attempt to discredit Russo.

Tell us about Chris Kreski and all of his accomplishments in WWE, as specific as possible. Tell us about the specific ideas he pitched.

And we have to be careful, because after all, when Vince Russo was the writer on Raw, it apparently was all Vince McMahon's doing. However, when Kreski is around, all the credit goes to him, instead of Vince McMahon.

See how it works with Industry?
Chris Kreski was the head booker in 2000, which is widely considered to be one of the best years in the history of the WWF/E
How is TNA going in the right direction? I don't think they even have a clue what direction they're going in. TNA television right now is a clusterfuck, they've lost any vision of what they were doing with the Main Even Mafia storyline vs. the Originals and its now all over the place, the World Elite only making the clusterfuck worse. Ratings have been dropping, not that they've really changed any way over the past how many years. A simple example of how poor their direction is is the Samoa Joe match from this past week.. nothing about it made any sense, from Lashley coming down to the ring and being allowed to enter and assault Joe, to the referee counting for Amazing Red when Joe was laid out by Lashely, to even placing the X division on a guy who was jobbing for the last several months. They don't know how to build new stars, they don't know how to write good storylines, and with Russo and Ferrara now running things I guarantee we'll now get the proof to all the claims in the past about them and WCW. Then the Russo marks won't have any legs to stand on.
TNA has been on spot for over a few months now. The build up for B4G has been perfect and as good if not better then the WM 25 build up. It's a real shame a show that's leaps better then Raw and as good if not better then Smackdown is averaging only a 1.0 rating. The pushes for Morgan and Hernandez have been great, especially Morgan who is a real Total Package in my opinion. Maybe Russo has got some brain cells back? Who knows.
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