TNA Finals: Harlem Heat vs. The Headshrinkers

Harlem Heat vs. The Headshrinkers

  • Harlem Heat

  • Headshrinkers

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The Following is the finals of the TnA Region,a nd takes place in a TNA six sided ring.

Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)


The Headshrinkers (Samu and Fatu)
This should be a better match up than I am sure most will say. I see the Heat advancing but this shouldn't be so. The Heads were a quick and strong team that could come at you from several different directions. I think the shrinkers are the better team.
This would be a damn awesome fight. Not a match. A fight. All four of these men are tough, and both teams worked very well together. As for who wins, I'm not sure. The Heat are in the Steiners league as far as best team in WCW history, and the Headshrinkers were a very good team in their own right. however, they weren't around and at the top nearly as long as HH, so I'll take the Heat.
Heat will win and will go on to the next round but man have they had a easy route. I don't think of them when it comes to the upper echelon of great teams I know they have the history to prove they are. Then again don't think the headshrinkers are either. Have to pick one and will go with the heat 8/10 times.
It would be an awesome match, but the voting shouldnt be close. The Heads were face jobbers to the stars, and only had success during a very low point in the history of the WWE.

Harlem Heat on the other hand are IMO the second best tag team EVER behind the Hart FOundation. these guys were THE ABSOLUTE standard bearers in WCW for years, and put on loads of excellent matches. They were some of the very very first "cool" heels. And also provided us with the greatest promo of all the times. I wont repeat what gets said, but I will say it involves Hulk Hogan, and Harlem Heat coming after him :)
Harlem Heat, easily. I like the Headshrinkers, but they're not a top 8 team. harlem heat did more against better.

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