The State of WZCW Address


Unregistered User
About a year ago Coco made a thread addressing the culture of WZCW. Well, I think it was a year ago, I’m not sure. Either way, a lot has changed since his thread, but at the same time, a lot has remained the same.

What you’re about to read is just my opinion, and by no means does it reflect anybody else’s opinions or does anything come from anyone working from WZCW itself. I’m giving my opinions because it’s important someone speaks about WZCW freely, since nobody else here will.

Now you might be thinking, “What gives JGlass the right to dot this sort of thing? He’s not champion. He’s not in the main event. He’s not even a mod.” Well, I arguably had the best rookie career in WZCW history, Saboteur hasn’t missed a single PPV since his creation, with the exception of the first PPV that occurred just two rounds after his debut, and people around here generally seem to respect my opinion. If you don’t, that’s cool, don’t read it. If you do respect my opinion, or just want to open your eyes to the problems that exist in WZCW, then read on.

Oh, and we should get this out of the way now, there are two things here that will certainly disappoint you.

1) I’m going to mention a lot of positive along with the negatives.
2) I’m going to avoid mentioning names. I’m certainly going to avoid doing a breakdown of each creative member and their characters. That said, a few names will be mentioned, and I almost guarantee that it will hurt their feelings, which is not my attention but a sad side effect of the truth being dropped.

Speak Up

Let’s start with you. Yes, you, the one reading this. Unless your name is Gelgarin, Doc, Lee, Coco, JGlass, or maybe Barbosa, or unless you’re on creative, you’re contributing suck to WZCW. That’s not to say WZCW sucks– it’s actually pretty awesome –but you’re doing everything you can to make it suck. Or more accurately, your lack of doing anything is making it suck.

With the exception of the aforementioned names and creative (whom are exempt because we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors), no one is critical of WZCW. If people see something they don’t like, they wait for Gelgarin or Barbosa or Lee to raise an issue and see it get resolved. Instead, most folks just toss out an empty, “Meltdown was awesome tonight!” or perhaps a meaningless, “I love what creative is doing with this feud!”

By constantly suppressing your criticisms and replacing them with empty compliments, you are hurting WZCW.

How is something supposed to get better if you don’t tell the folks in charge how to improve it? They’ll just keep making the same mistakes over and over until someone tells them that they’re doing something wrong.

Also, heaping praise on Creative isn’t going to get you a push. It’s not even going to get you noticed. You know what will get you noticed? Telling them what they did wrong with your character in your match and how they can improve it.

I’m talking to you, Crock. I’m talking to you, J4L. I’m talking to just about everyone that pussy foots around issues in hopes that by not drawing negative attention to themselves, they’ll maybe get the spot of someone who does.

Coco was right: something about WZCW tames even the most vocal members of our forum. It’s up to all of us to break through that odd force and speak our minds. This sort of relates to my next point…

Thank You Blade? No. Just no.

I’m breaking my no names rule, because this was just absurd. After Blade’s bow out at Kingdom Come, many people in the LD posted “Thank you Blade” posts. But what are we thanking him for? Let’s have a pop quiz. Is it…

A) Shameless politicking that kept him in the title picture and force Kravinoff out of the fed
B) Consistently being late with his matches
C) Writing consistently unremarkable matches, especially compared to the likes of FunKay and Ty
D) Writing one of the most basic, bland characters in the fed but being pushed regardless

This is exactly what I’m talking about: people making empty gestures to those whom don’t deserve it. I say thank goodness Blade is off of creative, and it’s about damn time. Is that rude? No, what’s rude is making a commitment to the common folk in WZCW and not keeping up your end of the bargain.

Ty Burna

Here’s one of the positive sections. Ty Burna is, in my opinion, the number one thing that holds this fed together. Not only has he proven to be a fantastic booker, but he’s also an RPer that’s 100% worthy of the spot he is in at the top of the company. Without him, WZCW becomes a disorganized mess with random feuds that go no where and a general looseness to the federation.

Because of Ty, WZCW almost feels like a real wrestling federation. We have storyline feuds that see real consequences in the WZCW universe. We have a federation where characters can consistently interact with one another almost seamlessly. Instead of having a role playing board, we have a role playing universe, where there’s a cause and effect with just about everything we do, making the experience much more worthwhile. I have no idea who can replace Ty when all is said and done, because while I respect the creativity of FunKay and Harthan and a few others on staff, I don’t think anyone will have the touch Ty does.


One of the most annoying things about WZCW is that about 40%-50% of the time, the shows are delayed. It’s never that bad, usually only a day or two, but it’s still annoying. We meet the strict deadlines that creative sets for us on our RPs, so I think it’s only fair that they meet the deadlines they set for themselves. I get that WZCW is a secondary activity to work, family, school, and things of that nature, but if they can’t make the time to fulfill their commitments, then they shouldn’t be making them.

My suggestion to creative would be to either push back the deadlines for the shows, make the deadlines for RPs even earlier, or to institute a strike system, where if someone is consistently late with their matches, they get kicked off creative. It’s harsh, but it’s not fair to the regulars that we have to meet deadlines and you don’t.


Favoritism clearly exists, and it generally gives an edge to those on the creative staff. Now I know this sets off the sirens and causes a lot of controversy, but it doesn’t have to. For the most part, the people who are in creative deserve to be on top. Ty Burna is one of, if not the best RP’er in the fed. FunKay is also extraordinarily good at what he does, and Dave’s push has been a long time coming. That said, there are a few things that really do bother me.

That title doesn’t belong on Kurtesy. I have no idea how it’s stayed on him so long without anyone saying more than a few words against it, but it’s getting preposterous. FalKon is an average RP’er with a poor grasp of the English language that has managed to have the longest World Title reign since Ty Burna, despite the fact three better RP’ers have held the title between them, one being leagues better in Barbosa. Am I saying there’s some sort of favoritism that kept the belt on Kurtesy for this long?

You’re goddamn right I am. I don’t know why Kurtesy went over Barbosa at Lethal Lottery, but I can only assume it was to give Kurtesy a chance to run with the belt, an advantage that wasn’t given to either Barbosa or Titus. Maybe he did win the votes in the creative boardroom… but something tells me that it wasn’t exactly a fair vote. Kurtsey’s RP was okay, but self-indulgent and sort of beat the concept over our heads. We get it, Barbosa’s bi-polar and you know how to deal with bi-polar people. Barbosa’s was better written, more interesting, and more entertaining.


Someone will take the belt off of Kurtesy though, so it’s really not that big of a deal. I think most people are fairly happy with what they’re doing in WZCW, and whoever finally lifts the title off of Kurtsey will do so knowing that they beat a guy who didn’t deserve the reign he had.

But the favoritism doesn’t end there, now does it? Let’s take a look at the poster for Kingdom Come, which was designed by Dave, a member of creative, and everyone on his poster was a member of creative except for Big Dave, who is a former member of creative.

What did Constantine do to deserve to be on the poster? Why not Matt Tastic or Rush, or anyone in KFAD? Why were Holmes and Big Dave on there and not Saboteur and Saxton? Both were blood feuds, and I think just about everyone would agree that Saboteur/Saxton was the more anticipated match. Why no Barbosa or Black Dragon? Why not put Celeste and Chris K.O., the main players in arguably the second biggest match on the card, on the poster?

It’s a small thing, but another way of creative favoring itself. Being on that poster would mean a lot to a Chris K.O., a guy that’s on the cusp of the main event, and certainly the former world champion and consistent threat Barbosa deserves to be on there more than Constantine, a man who has just made it above the midcard for the first time in his career. If you’re thinking about it as a WrestleMania poster, who is more likely to be on it? A random guy in the Money in the Bank match (Kofi, Shelton Benjamin) or Randy Orton?

And while we’re on KC, why did Holmes and Big Dave get this huge video package, but none of the other matches (besides the 5 on 5)? Saxton and Saboteur had one of the best feuds of all time, and they got nothing. Black Dragon set a record by retaining his championship, and his match got no build apart from the introduction.
And wouldn’t a history of the significance of the KFAD Briefcase be in order for the KFAD match?

It just seems to me that creative is willing to go the extra mile for themselves, but not anybody else.

Give Yourself a Push

Much like the WWE, the boss isn’t going to push you simply because you’ve been trying really hard and showing up every week. You need to be responsible for your own destiny, and that means giving creative a reason to give you a push. Unfortunately, most of you aren’t capable of writing an RP that can really “wow” the reader, so you’re going to have to make a story worth remembering.

Say… something about a breakfast spoon?

I’m not one of the main voices in the WZCW Spam thread, but from what I’ve gathered people were generally impressed with the Saboteur/Saxton feud going into Kingdom Come. And you know who booked that feud? Doc and I. We came up with the idea and sent it into creative months before Kingdom Come, and worked out the details whenever we found the time. By the time Kingdom Come season rolled around, Doc and I had a whole story to tell. Between working together and keeping creative updated on our plans so they can write our matches and segments accordingly, we wound up giving you folks a great story.

Don’t view your opponent as an opponent: view them as a partner. If you work against them, it will be a one off competition and left up to creative to decide whether that match is worthy of a feud or not. But if you work together on a similar story, you can make your match worthy of a feud. Sending a PM to Numbers or Ty to tell them what’s going on never hurts either.

And remember, you don’t need a title to feud over. It can be anything from the use of a particular move to a hatred of what that person stand for to a spoon.

RP’ing to win will make you lose, or make people hate your character

The most popular wrestlers in WZCW, judging by the voting for the WZCW EOTY , are Saboteur, Saxton, Barbosa, and Kurtesy. What do these four guys have in common? Well, I can’t speak for FalKon because I don’t know him that well, but the other three all write for fun, not to win. I can tell Big Dave is the type of cat that likes to win, and while it might get him sexy Kingdom Come victories, it’s not winning him any fans. Sam Smith (sorry if I pick on you a lot Crock, it’s just that I know you and your character so well) RP’d to win, and wound up being one of the most bland and boring characters in the fed, and he retired because of it.

Where do your priorities lie? Do you want to maybe win, but be considered boring and painstakingly craft a winning RP… or do you want to have fun, putting winning secondary, and write something that people will love to read? If you would rather win than have fun, then you keep on chugging along with your boring RPs that are a labor to read. Maybe one day you’ll reach the success of a Big Dave or an Austin Reynolds, guys that consistently win but few people actually enjoy reading.

But it should be noted that winning and fun aren’t mutually exclusive. Ty Burna has some of the most interesting RPs, and he’s the top guy. Barbosa is another popular guy, and he is a former world champion. Our current world champion is apparently one of the most popular characters as well.

This is why I think it’s important to focus on having fun first. The wins will come… eventually. By having fun with your character you can assure that you won’t get burnt out, and you can learn more and more about your character until you have all the tools needed to craft great RP after great RP that will take you to the top.

Bland Characters

I notice a lot of people either Mary Sue their characters (characters based on what the creator wishes themselves to be) or marginalize their characters until there’s nothing special about them.

Sam Smith gave up his law career to focus on wrestling. The result? Snoozefest that resulted in him retiring the character.

Big Dave- A blatant Mary Sue that, while extremely successful in WZCW, is possibly the most off putting character in WZCW.

Johnny Scumm- How is a guy with the last name SCUMM supposed to be a face? The name and the punk rock attitude lends itself so well to being a heel, but you gave up on it and turned face. You earned a title shot (and lost), but it hurts you in the long run.

Blade- After stepping down from the staff, the King of Bland fell. He fell far. He went from EurAsian champion to Aftershock, a show designed to get new characters off the ground.

This is a game based on your imagination. You can make your character anything you want. Make an evil robot, a mad scientist, a standup comedian; the possibilities are endless! We’ve seen enough wrestlers with minor variations, and there’s only so much space for these bland characters on the top of the card.

Who do you think it would be easier to RP against, a John Cena ripoff, or a guy with multiple personality disorder? Is it any surprise that some of the best RPs come from guys facing Barbosa? No, it’s because he gives his opponents tons to work with. The more guys we have with easily definable gimmicks, the better the chances of us seeing great work from all of our participants.


Most feedback you get is completely worthless, especially because the posters that give feedback are usually the ones that need it most. You don’t often see the top guys in the fed giving feedback, and that’s because they’re at a point where they are confident enough in their work that they don’t need feedback.

But that’s not to say that you should strive for that. Collaboration is a big part of writing, and getting feedback on your ideas is always good. Unfortunately, Jobber McGee isn’t going to give you much in the way of constructive feedback.

In fact, very few non-creative members are qualified to give feedback, because none of us really know what wins matches. Lee made a nice little guide once upon a time to what makes a good RP, but I’m not sure if the standard still stands, and it certainly isn’t universal.

This is why I’m calling for a more open door policy with the way creative decides on matches. We don’t need to know who is voting for what and why, but I think it would be beneficial for everyone if creative sent a private message to each RP’er to let them know why they won/lost their match. It doesn’t have to be more than two or three sentences, and if you divide the matches up evenly between creative members, it wouldn’t take long at all, especially considering you already deliberated on it in the creative boardroom.

The reason I think this needs to happen is because sometimes some of the public’s favorite RP’ers can’t seem to pick up the big wins. Action Saxton is consistently considered one of the most entertaining characters in WZCW, but he lost matches to Bowen, who is one of the most overlooked characters in WZCW. What lead to a forgettable act like Bowen beating a crowd favorite in Saxton? If all that’s stopping a midcarder from reaching the upper echelon is a few simple things, then I feel it’s creative’s job to let them know.

If the response to this request is, “Anyone can PM us anytime to ask us why they won/lost their match,” then I urge everyone that is looking to move up in the WZCW world to PM the creative member of their choice after every match until they feel they’ve hit their stride in terms of delivering an RP that creative will like.

Thank Yous and Compliments

Time to end on a high note with a compliment shower. If you don’t like the feeling of being loved, open up a negativity umbrella.

The person I owe the most thanks to gets to go first, and that’s Doc. His RPs were among the first I read before getting into the fed, and they really showed me how much creative freedom you could use here. I saw most people like Sam Smith and Alex Bowen were RPing to win, but Doc was RPing to have fun, and that’s what I think is most important. He’s also been the best tag team partner I could ask for, and Saboteur wouldn’t be where he is without having Action Saxton by his side from time to time.

I already praised the shit out of Ty Burna, but I want to thank him again. It could have been very easy to put Ty over Saboteur in my third week of RPing. Nobody would have said boo, nobody would have second guessed the decision, but he did the honest thing and put some random comedic character over by allowing him to end the infamous undefeated streak. Furthermore, he runs a tight ship and puts out a product that never disappoints.

Harthan and FunKay get grouped together because they’re my e-bros, but they’re also the future of WZCW Creative as far as I’m concerned. I consider both of them to be the top match writers, and I have no doubt that they’ll have no trouble booking the fed either. I thank you guys for putting the effort into every match and coming up with something creative. I’m always a little more excited to read a Saboteur/Saxton match when I know FunKay wrote it.

Coco gets special thanks because he’s the guy that really drove me to WZCW and encouraged me to stay on board. Kravinoff also is one of the best characters in the history of this company, and an inspiration to comedic characters that can display a more serious side. I haven’t mastered the latter part yet, but I’m hoping one day I do.

Thanks to Kermit for putting in a ton of effort to make WZCW more fun even before he was put on creative and after he was taken off creative. I look forward to him getting a new computer so he can continue to be a positive impact on the fed.


I rode a few guys pretty hard here, including Crock, FalKon, and Phoenix. I assure you I mean no disrespect, and I don't think ill of you as people/posters. I was merely commenting on your characters/RPs/status as an RPer.


I've been in this fed for a year, and it's some of the most fun I've ever had on this website, right up there with the BattleZone Tournament, general bar room debauchery, and banning about 57 Sully alts. It's my opinion that WZCW is the best activity that WrestleZone forums offers, and it consistently provides users a way to put their creativity to use while rewarding the best work.

WZCW is a great time... but it could be better. If you stop striving to move forward you will only move backwards. It's up to all of us, not just creative, to help WZCW continue to grow and get better. You can do that by speaking your mind, putting in a little extra effort, and doing everything you can to have fun, because the more fun you have, the more fun the people around you will have.

Thanks for reading.
I'll tackle this by section


I think the thing about Blade is that most people don't know about the stuff you pointed out. Did I know Blade was a politician? No, I didn't especially take notice of where he was on the card compared to where he should be. Did I know his character was especially bland? No, I never read his RPs. The match criticisms, eh I never paid much attention to the blurb which points out who precisely caused the delays and never compared the matches. He seemed a nice enough guy from the little interaction I had with him and that's it.


In my eyes the best RPer in the fed and he should be champion right now. No question about it.


I'd like to think I avoid this but I'm a poor judge of my own abilities. As for everyone else, I rarely read most others' RPs. I find poor formatting more annoying. FUCKING TAG YOUR DIALOGUE, PEOPLE! Colours alone shouldn't be sufficient.


Most feedback given is I liked how you did this, or something similar. That doesn't help. If you don't tell people what they do wrong they're going to keep doing that. If their RP was bad, tell them that and how to avoid doing it in the future.

So yeah, good read, good points raised, I hope people effing take it on board.
One thing I will say you're wrong about is Kurtesy as champion not being right. It is absolutely the right thing at this point and time and I will be the very first to admit that Falkon had the better RP compared to me at Kingdom Come. When it came to the big moment, he delivered in spades and I will defend him to death. He deserves to be champion and he beat me fair and square. There was no favoritism involved otherwise you'd be looking at me being World Champion again because I'm pretty damn sure the guy running the fed would have the easiest path to gain votes based on favoritism. Falkon was phenomenal in the build up to Kingdom Come and I'm sorry if you don't see it, but the Creative team and myself clearly saw it. Not only this but Falkon is easily our hardest working Creative member as well. The WZCW Magazine, handling Aftershock duties on a consistent basis (this includes taking two matches, organizing with the guest writers, segments, etc.) all on his own.

Kurtesy went over Barbosa because that's how the votes fell. I do not demand that my team give reasons why they voted as they did, but often times they do anyways. It is a simple fact that if they believe the promo was better, they vote for it. It is as simple as that. Going into Lethal Lottery I would have bet plenty of money on Barbosa taking the title back. To me it was a foregone conclusion, and I underestimated Falkon (sorry Falk) and I think you are too. If you believe in favoritism, take into consideration in my last 3 matches I lost votes wise, that includes my tag match, my match with Showtime, and obviously my match at Kingdom Come. 3 rounds straight I've lost, and I took each one in stride. Me being champion would have been nice individually speaking, but collectively the fact that I have the guy that brought WZCW from the brink in Lee saying that Kingdom Come IV was the greatest show in WZCW history means far more to me then holding the World Title. And I'll say it again. Falkon earned the right to go over at Kingdom Come IV. I agreed with the votes that he had the better RP. I am not ashamed by any means to admit that he was better than me. He upped his game and brought a different element to his character. If I was the reason for that I would be damned proud to say I brought the best out in him.

Moving on. Feedback. Be more critical. I agree wholeheartedly. I apologize for not doing feedback. I've given my reasons in the past, but J does have a point. You cannot improve without knowing what you're doing wrong.

Dave and Holmes got the big video package because Numbers took the time to do it. Simple as that. Might have been too much but it's whatever. I did the smaller video package for the WZCW vs. AoC match because I felt like I did enough to get the point across. I didn't want to do the massive recap, rather going for quick shots and voice over work. Numbers decided to go with the long recap. It works either way. But next time I'll make sure to write up a post and a half of recaps for every match next time to appease everyone.

We are not going to be PMing over 40 people to give reasons why they lost. You want to know why you lost if we haven't determined it to be a storyline loss (which is rare mind you, in fact usually it's a creative member that takes the storyline loss), you lost because we felt your opponent(s) RP was better. I mean what else am I supposed to tell you? If you want to know what you can do to improve, PM us and ask for feedback. Sometimes I don't have time to do feedback, I'm sorry, I have a life.

Deadline wise. Yes I apologize if we are late a day or two. I'm sorry it annoys you. But you also have to remember that you guys write one item every two weeks. We are writing around 12 matches, 2 openings, and close to 8-10 segments if not more. That's just for Meltdown and Ascension. We are also working as a team, a team that is spread across multiple time zones and places in the world. It's also a matter of quality. We could go back to how it was before when the show was 3 weeks late, or god forbid we just post quick results with absolutely no segments, matches or whatever like it happened for MD 23. I expect us every round of shows to have them up on time, if we are delayed I am sure to let you guys know as soon as I can. You also have to remember that we all carry full time loads on top of it. I can expect you guys to have one thing wrote up in a two week span, you should be able to give us a bit of leeway when it comes to writing up close to 20 items in an even shorter span, not to mention discussing how said matches, segments, storylines, etc. are supposed to go for the shows. We preplan as much as possible but we are also booking based on results. If we did like the other E-Fed Doc is in and booked strictly by storyline, I guarantee you the shows would be up quicker but it wouldn't be nearly as fun in my opinion (no offense Doc, but I might as well write a book this at that point in time). There is a lot of work that prior Creative Members such as Phoenix Thriller, Lee, and Kermit can attest to.

Finally, yet again I have to say this. The Creative members are not big bad monsters that want to tear your fucking head off. Unless I haven't had a cigarette for a few hours, heaven help you if you cross paths with me then (I kid). At this point and time we need people to step up, there are a lot of openings in the midcard and main event scene. We have a lot of young guys still learning the ropes and developing their characters. I'm proud of the work all of you are putting in, if you aren't making progress, rethink how you are doing your RP's. Do something innovative, give me a reason to read your RP. Interviews are fine, but I have read approximately 50,000 interviews by this point and time. You have a ridiculous amount of creative control when it comes to your RP's, use it. I do, that's how I got noticed and how I've parlayed it into the success I've enjoyed. I don't want to big myself up but at this point I will. I wrote the interview with my character for the WZCW magazine. I knocked out a 2000 word segment that was a simple question and answer bit, and I about bored myself to tears writing it. I'm bored with question and answer RP's. Show me something new. Show me something that I haven't see. This is why those such as Celeste, Kurtesy, and Barbosa are getting the success and storylines they are. They think outside the box, they inject emotion into their dialogue, and above all, work on your descriptions. I want to be able to visualize the promo in my head. This is how I do my RP's every round. I visualize the setting, I try to absorb the atmosphere and how I want it to come across. Put yourself in your reader's shoes, and how they would react or read your writing. I'm sure Gelgarin has far better writing tips then myself seeing as how he's a professional and I'm just a dude that writes for fun, but that's how I do things, and that's the tips I'm going to give you in general.

Ok I'm done, I need a smoke. Above all else keep working on your craft. Falkon started off as a pariah in WZCW, and now he's World Champ. Baller was a joke who's had a world title shot and was in the KFAD. Funkay started slow and he was just in one of our bigger matches for Kingdom Come and was a fantastic Elite X Champion. Just remember, you don't simply become a great writer out of the gates, especially in an atmosphere like WZCW. Everyone that's gained success in WZCW will tell you the exact same thing. Showtime and myself are the two examples I hang my hat on. Even though we've been in epic feuds, epic matches, pretty much done it all, you go back and read our first RP's, and we were probably worse then a lot of rookies we have now. It takes time and it takes effort. The more you work at it, the better you will become. Some may have a natural skill for writing, if you don't have it, that means you have to work harder at it then those that do. It's not fair, but even if I put the same amount of hours in at practicing basketball as Kevin Durant does, there is no way in hell I will ever be equal to him. So just keep that in mind, keep thinking of ideas and storylines for your characters. Over the past week I've had a ton of PM's from you guys and I promise you we take each and every single idea and query into consideration as we go about our booking process.

Thanks guys.
2 quick responses:

1. I never saw Blade play politics at all while I was on Creative. I personally think he gets a bad rap because he probably has been the least accessible member of the team for a while now and it is easy to blame the guy that doesn't really hang out anywhere else in that section or around the forums.

2. 99% of feedback is useless. Don't be a dick, but telling someone you can't find anything wrong with their RP is a) a lie and b) not helpful at all. Kissing ass through feedback helps no one.
One final thing to mention here too, you boo hoo about Barbosa losing at the Lethal Lottery. I did not hear one bit of complaining from him in regards to it. In fact the very next day he messaged me with storyline ideas and what he can do with his character.

He also lost at Kingdom Come. Guess what he did a couple days ago? You guessed right, he messaged me with ideas yet again. I don't dwell on the losses, neither does Barbosa, so why are you dwelling on his loss instead?
2 quick responses:

1. I never saw Blade play politics at all while I was on Creative. I personally think he gets a bad rap because he probably has been the least accessible member of the team for a while now and it is easy to blame the guy that doesn't really hang out anywhere else in that section or around the forums.

2. 99% of feedback is useless. Don't be a dick, but telling someone you can't find anything wrong with their RP is a) a lie and b) not helpful at all. Kissing ass through feedback helps no one.

Absolutely correct with Blade, I forgot to hit that point as well. Blade never played politics while on Creative. You know what he did? Just as you suggested, he came up with ideas for his character and we ran with them. Sometimes they were hits, sometimes they were flops. He pushed for guys to get a look at that we might have overlooked overall as a team and championed for a lot of guys. He's also been there for critical moments when we've needed someone to step up and he did exactly that. He was the second longest term member with the team and took in full stride when I selected Numbers as the second in command due to Blade being too similar in thought process and booking. He had absolutely no problem with it and in fact supported it whole heartedly. When I say thank you Blade I mean it with my most absolute conviction. One of the better bookers we've ever had and someone that I could rely on to bounce ideas off of and of course the occasional yo momma joke. He was always bringing up different ideas and even if we didn't run with those ideas, it gave us something to consider and take different lanes when it came to angles and storylines. He's been with the Creative team for sometime and it was a dark day when he decided to step down.
I want to say that I agree with most of this especially when it comes to feedback. Don't be a soft-egg. Don't be afraid to hurt feelings if it means giving legitimate criticisms. This goes for the shows, RPs, characters, everything. The one thing I don't like about pretty much all the feds I'm in is that people are afraid to really, really discuss things in-depth. This is why I love threads like this, because it's just fascinating and it helps all involved as long as everyone remains civil about it. There's a reason I try and go in-depth when I give feedback. Little things like style, format, and word-choice are incredibly important, just as much as the big picture. Both need focusing on in order to give effective feedback.

I would just like to address this:

We preplan as much as possible but we are also booking based on results. If we did like the other E-Fed Doc is in and booked strictly by storyline, I guarantee you the shows would be up quicker but it wouldn't be nearly as fun in my opinion (no offense Doc, but I might as well write a book this at that point in time).

See, the thing is, with the other feds I'm in, the people playing the characters come up with the stories and use promos to tell them. They get together, work out a feud much like JGlass and I did, go to the bookers, and get their idea approved. In fact, it works almost exactly like the Saxton/Saboteur feud. You can't begin to tell me that the Action Saboteur loss to Runn Reynolds Runn was not storyline-based? Even if the voting was legitimate, I have to believe that most of the votes on the RRR side was because of the knowledge of Saxton/Saboteur happening and how it would not have made sense for them to win. Hell, I'd go so far to say that the only truly uninfluenced match in that feud was the final battle, and I know that because Saboteur won. Gonna be honest, I feel the story would have worked better if Saxton had won, but he wrote the better RP and I loved working with him, so you'll have no complaints from me.

The thing about eFeds, and the reason why I'm in so many of them, is because I don't think there is any right or wrong way to run one. I love the unpredictability of WZCW and it absolutely made me a better writer. However, I also love the combination of story-driven and AI-driven wins and losses of the WWE12 fed I'm in, the purely story-driven text fed I'm in, and the shenanigans and silliness of a relaxed federation done in No Mercy. Each gives me a different experience and a different way of writing and thinking, and that's enriching. Becoming stuck in one thought pattern is surely a way to sink.

I'd also like to raise a point of contention with your "No interview" stance. I know it's a personal thing, but interviews can be good if you make them good. I certainly didn't dislike my Action Saxton interview I did for the roulette, since it was something different for the character and I feel like it brought focus back onto the character himself and what he stood for. My adventures were getting a bit too wacky even for myself, so I reeled Saxton in and made him a wrestler again, just for one round. I must have done something right, considering I won against SHIT, who I consider one of the most interesting characters in the fed. In an all-female fed I'm in, my character is an ambiguously robot schoolgirl who is constantly trying to become best friends with the extremely nervous and awkward interviewer. The ongoing arc and both the interviewer and Erin's characters make the story interesting and fun to read, and she's one of the most popular characters in the fed.

For an example that isn't me, just so I don't feel like I'm blowing smoke, I seriously doubt anyone found Titus's latest RP to be boring despite being an interview. Come on, a robot suit? It was fun!

eFeds are absolutely fantastic and I have so much fun in all of them. There are no right or wrong ways to do it (except for politics and the booker putting oneself over at any cost, but that was a while ago in another fed) and that's what makes it wonderful. It's just fun to be creative in many ways, with many characters. Whether I be a rockstar or face Action Saxton in WZCW, heel Action Jackson in another fed, a pair of dancing Sentai heroes, a conniving elderly rich businessman, a lonely drifter trying to find his niche, or an overweight Vegas-loving philanthropist, the fun of eFedding is character and all the myriad ways you can work with it.

I think the point I'm trying to make, and this goes for everyone, is to have fun and open your mind up a bit. I guess this could tie into what JGlass was saying about character - actually have a character and a plan. You want a good story? Make one. Talk to your opponent. Find out what you can do to make it work. Even before I started working with JGlass I was doing this, talking with Dave over an RP idea with Constantine that never came to fruition since we never faced each other one-on-one. Reach out and make a damn story and make your character one to remember.
One thing I will say you're wrong about is Kurtesy as champion not being right. It is absolutely the right thing at this point and time and I will be the very first to admit that Falkon had the better RP compared to me at Kingdom Come. When it came to the big moment, he delivered in spades and I will defend him to death. He deserves to be champion and he beat me fair and square. There was no favoritism involved otherwise you'd be looking at me being World Champion again because I'm pretty damn sure the guy running the fed would have the easiest path to gain votes based on favoritism. Falkon was phenomenal in the build up to Kingdom Come and I'm sorry if you don't see it, but the Creative team and myself clearly saw it. Not only this but Falkon is easily our hardest working Creative member as well. The WZCW Magazine, handling Aftershock duties on a consistent basis (this includes taking two matches, organizing with the guest writers, segments, etc.) all on his own.

Maybe it is me. I don't get the appeal. When we RP'd together at AON, I thought he was the weak link in our team, and while we won, I still wasn't very pleased with his RP. I know I'm not alone in my feelings, but I'm not the one making decisions around here, and apparently there are plenty of people that do like Kurtesy.

Dave and Holmes got the big video package because Numbers took the time to do it. Simple as that. Might have been too much but it's whatever. I did the smaller video package for the WZCW vs. AoC match because I felt like I did enough to get the point across. I didn't want to do the massive recap, rather going for quick shots and voice over work. Numbers decided to go with the long recap. It works either way. But next time I'll make sure to write up a post and a half of recaps for every match next time to appease everyone.

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic...

My point is, it seems creative is willing to go the extra mile for each other, but not for the regulars. Dave made sure to include everyone on creative (except Showtime, oddly enough) on that poster, but not one single regular, save Big Dave, who only recently left creative. Holmes and Big Dave got that video package, but not one other person.

Maybe I'm focusing on a few things that appear to reveal a pattern but really provide too small a sample. Maybe I'm pushing a button that's resonating because there's a level of truth to it.

We are not going to be PMing over 40 people to give reasons why they lost. You want to know why you lost if we haven't determined it to be a storyline loss (which is rare mind you, in fact usually it's a creative member that takes the storyline loss), you lost because we felt your opponent(s) RP was better. I mean what else am I supposed to tell you? If you want to know what you can do to improve, PM us and ask for feedback. Sometimes I don't have time to do feedback, I'm sorry, I have a life.

Like I said, you divide it up between every member of creative, and no creative member has to PM more than 6 people. And some of them won't even get PMs if there's a no-show or the match involves a creative member. If you guys have already deliberated on it and voted, it should take no time at all.

My concern is that not everyone's RPs are being given the proper amount of attention. I can think of at least two times I specifically expressed something in my RP that wasn't reflected in my match, and sometimes I can't help but feel that every member of creative didn't give it the attention it deserves (which, for the record, is no more or less than anyone else's RP, I mean it wasn't given the proper amount of attention period).

I think creative needs to be held accountable for their decisions, and while I'm not arguing total transparency, it would be nice to know what gave someone else's RP the edge over your own.

But I understand that this is a service that you guys didn't sign up for, and it's merely a suggestion I think would be beneficial for WZCW. Since it's not something you're willing to do, then I strongly encourage everyone to PM creative with questions about their RPs if they would like to be filled in about why they lost.

Deadline wise. Yes I apologize if we are late a day or two. I'm sorry it annoys you. But you also have to remember that you guys write one item every two weeks. We are writing around 12 matches, 2 openings, and close to 8-10 segments if not more. That's just for Meltdown and Ascension. We are also working as a team, a team that is spread across multiple time zones and places in the world. It's also a matter of quality. We could go back to how it was before when the show was 3 weeks late, or god forbid we just post quick results with absolutely no segments, matches or whatever like it happened for MD 23. I expect us every round of shows to have them up on time, if we are delayed I am sure to let you guys know as soon as I can. You also have to remember that we all carry full time loads on top of it. I can expect you guys to have one thing wrote up in a two week span, you should be able to give us a bit of leeway when it comes to writing up close to 20 items in an even shorter span, not to mention discussing how said matches, segments, storylines, etc. are supposed to go for the shows. We preplan as much as possible but we are also booking based on results. If we did like the other E-Fed Doc is in and booked strictly by storyline, I guarantee you the shows would be up quicker but it wouldn't be nearly as fun in my opinion (no offense Doc, but I might as well write a book this at that point in time). There is a lot of work that prior Creative Members such as Phoenix Thriller, Lee, and Kermit can attest to.

I think you're selling Doc's feds a little short, but that's beside the point.

I know you guys have a lot of work to put in, and cross-Atlantic communication, while better than it was 20 years ago, is still difficult with the time zones. And you're right, having to wait an extra day here and there isn't a problem. It's just when you're promised something one day and then it doesn't come for another two that it starts to become obnoxious.

Perhaps a revamp of the system is overkill, but it would be nice to see something changed to either get things as close to running on schedule as possible. It just seems to me that nothing is being corrected to fix the problem

Finally, yet again I have to say this. The Creative members are not big bad monsters that want to tear your fucking head off. Unless I haven't had a cigarette for a few hours, heaven help you if you cross paths with me then (I kid). At this point and time we need people to step up, there are a lot of openings in the midcard and main event scene. We have a lot of young guys still learning the ropes and developing their characters. I'm proud of the work all of you are putting in, if you aren't making progress, rethink how you are doing your RP's. Do something innovative, give me a reason to read your RP. Interviews are fine, but I have read approximately 50,000 interviews by this point and time. You have a ridiculous amount of creative control when it comes to your RP's, use it. I do, that's how I got noticed and how I've parlayed it into the success I've enjoyed. I don't want to big myself up but at this point I will. I wrote the interview with my character for the WZCW magazine. I knocked out a 2000 word segment that was a simple question and answer bit, and I about bored myself to tears writing it. I'm bored with question and answer RP's. Show me something new. Show me something that I haven't see. This is why those such as Celeste, Kurtesy, and Barbosa are getting the success and storylines they are. They think outside the box, they inject emotion into their dialogue, and above all, work on your descriptions. I want to be able to visualize the promo in my head. This is how I do my RP's every round. I visualize the setting, I try to absorb the atmosphere and how I want it to come across. Put yourself in your reader's shoes, and how they would react or read your writing. I'm sure Gelgarin has far better writing tips then myself seeing as how he's a professional and I'm just a dude that writes for fun, but that's how I do things, and that's the tips I'm going to give you in general.

That's on the course of what I said. Give yourself a push, do something to make yourself stand out, because creative can't be trying to push 40 different guys at once. If writers being paid huge salaries at WWE and TNA can't do it, the guys working for free at WZCW certainly can't. But unlike WWE or TNA, you have the chance to standout every single week, and it seems like too many guys aren't willing to put in the extra effort or take a (very low risk) gamble.

One final thing to mention here too, you boo hoo about Barbosa losing at the Lethal Lottery. I did not hear one bit of complaining from him in regards to it. In fact the very next day he messaged me with storyline ideas and what he can do with his character.

He also lost at Kingdom Come. Guess what he did a couple days ago? You guessed right, he messaged me with ideas yet again. I don't dwell on the losses, neither does Barbosa, so why are you dwelling on his loss instead?

Well now you're just overreacting. I'm not boohooing about Barbosa's losses– I'm questioning them. I'm not dwelling on them, they just stick out in my memory as particularly odd.

I don't think I've dwelled on a single loss in my entire time in WZCW. As I've said, this is fun for me. I like winning, especially when it helps me tell the stories I'm trying to tell, but it's not my priority. But if I see a loss as unfair, I think someone has to question it, otherwise the whole process becomes meaningless.

Like I said at the very beginning of my original post, these are just my opinions, they belong to nobody else but me. I am not infallible, and lord knows my opinions can be off base (I used to like The Offspring. Can you imagine?).

I apologize if I struck a nerve by questioning your booking decision, but I felt it was something I needed to say, and now that my questions have been answered, it's something we can all move past. I accept your reasons for putting Kurtesy over Barbosa, and it's a non-issue for me now.

As for all the Blade stuff... I have some unresolved issues for what he said to Coco. I don't think anyone who approaches WZCW with that kind of attitude has any place on staff. What happens outside the realms of WZCW kayfabe should not be brought inside the realms of WZCW kayfabe, and vice-versa. WZCW is a place where a poster with three green reps can be a champion, and one of the most popular posters can be jobbing to a relative nobody. That's one of the many great things about WZCW, and Blade violated that when he told Coco that he would hold him back at every chance he got.
I actually like the unpredictability of not knowing whom I'm going to face and what I'm going to do every week. I could ask for these different things, and even if I feel like I deserve them, I'd rather wait for Creative to book me in those situations.

I feel like it's our job to advance storylines through our RP's [and that is what most people do] the shows should reflect what we've all written in our RP's; they should not be what frames the storylines. The shows should be the frosting, and not the cake.

For example, I never expected to form an alliance between Celeste and Kurtesy. I didn't go to Falkon and say, "hey let's form an alliance." I simply asked to use Sandy in an RP, and I wrote about how Celeste thought of Sandy, and by extension Kurtesy, an ally. Creative must have liked the idea because they put the alliance into a show. As a result I found Celeste placed in a bunch of exciting and high profile matches that I wasn't expecting to have.
Like I said, you divide it up between every member of creative, and no creative member has to PM more than 6 people. And some of them won't even get PMs if there's a no-show or the match involves a creative member. If you guys have already deliberated on it and voted, it should take no time at all.

My concern is that not everyone's RPs are being given the proper amount of attention. I can think of at least two times I specifically expressed something in my RP that wasn't reflected in my match, and sometimes I can't help but feel that every member of creative didn't give it the attention it deserves (which, for the record, is no more or less than anyone else's RP, I mean it wasn't given the proper amount of attention period).

I think creative needs to be held accountable for their decisions, and while I'm not arguing total transparency, it would be nice to know what gave someone else's RP the edge over your own.

But I understand that this is a service that you guys didn't sign up for, and it's merely a suggestion I think would be beneficial for WZCW. Since it's not something you're willing to do, then I strongly encourage everyone to PM creative with questions about their RPs if they would like to be filled in about why they lost.

It's not that simple. Let's you Ty vs. Kurtesy as an example. 5 members of Creative vote on it (easy numbers ;)). Member 1loves Ty's RP. Member 2 enjoys them both, but prefers Kurtesy. Member 3 loves Kurtesy. Member 4 doesn't like either one, but Ty's is less bad. Member 5 likes Kurtesy.

Now how do you explain in a PM to Ty why he lost? I get wanting feedback about your RP, and that is completely understandable. But you can't have Creative PM you a simple explanation as to why you lose a match when there are a bunch of different people with different opinions about the RPs. PMing with concerns is fine, but it isn't as unified decision as you may think.

As for all the Blade stuff... I have some unresolved issues for what he said to Coco. I don't think anyone who approaches WZCW with that kind of attitude has any place on staff. What happens outside the realms of WZCW kayfabe should not be brought inside the realms of WZCW kayfabe, and vice-versa. WZCW is a place where a poster with three green reps can be a champion, and one of the most popular posters can be jobbing to a relative nobody. That's one of the many great things about WZCW, and Blade violated that when he told Coco that he would hold him back at every chance he got.

If Blade wanted to hold Coco back and had any power to, Coco wouldn't have gotten anywhere close to the level that he did.
First, let me thank you for the shout out. :)

Second, here are my random thoughts and comments on your address. I wrote out a lengthier response, but my mom's CPU died in process, so some comments may be short.

I arguably had the best rookie career in WZCW history,


Unless your name is Gelgarin, Doc, Lee, Coco, JGlass, or maybe Barbosa, or unless you’re on creative, you’re contributing suck to WZCW.


How is something supposed to get better if you don’t tell the folks in charge how to improve it?

I think the show review thread is highly underused. I use to do bulleted reviews of the shows as I read them. I would point out spelling, grammatical, and storyline flaws. I even got my first and only red rep because of them. Lee red repped me due to a few choice words that I had over an opening promo that he had wrote. I felt that it was out of place.

Thank You Blade? No. Just no.

I’m breaking my no names rule, because this was just absurd. After Blade’s bow out at Kingdom Come, many people in the LD posted “Thank you Blade” posts. But what are we thanking him for? Let’s have a pop quiz. Is it…

A) Shameless politicking that kept him in the title picture and force Kravinoff out of the fed
B) Consistently being late with his matches
C) Writing consistently unremarkable matches, especially compared to the likes of FunKay and Ty
D) Writing one of the most basic, bland characters in the fed but being pushed regardless

This is exactly what I’m talking about: people making empty gestures to those whom don’t deserve it. I say thank goodness Blade is off of creative, and it’s about damn time. Is that rude? No, what’s rude is making a commitment to the common folk in WZCW and not keeping up your end of the bargain.

In my personal opinion, I never saw Blade in a negative way. In fact, he encouraged me during my stint on creative when I felt like some of the creative team was down on some of my ideas.

The man.


I can't really complain about these, because I believe I was responsible for a show being late once. You get a really different look on things after being on creative and having to carry the load that they do.


Favoritism clearly exists, and it generally gives an edge to those on the creative staff.

I missed out on this while I was on creative. In fact, I don't think I ever won a single match while on the creative team. I got three EurAsian title shots (my only title shots), which I honestly did not want. I even tried to defer them, but it made sense booking wise. The first one happened on a Meltdown, the next one happened at LL, and the third was requested by Gelgarin. I don't think these were brought on by favoritism, but by timing.

Personally, I never saw favoritism take place during my stint. In fact, I might have even saw it in the reverse fashion whenever Falkon was denied winning the title during the roulette round because people felt bad for Lee. If it had been any other member who was not on creative, they would of swept Lee and won the title in a shocker.

What did Constantine do to deserve to be on the poster?

I'll be honest and say that it first struck me as a little strange when I saw Constantine on the poster, but I quickly grew to not care because it wasn't that big of a deal.


I have made it known before that I am a pretty chill guy, and I am not a big fan of drama, but I would like to say this as a guy who has been on creative.

I respect the guys on creative who dedicate their extra time to this fed. It is not an easy task and sometimes you screw up and just have to admit that you were in the wrong. They are human, but I think they do a pretty good job.

I know my response was pretty vanilla, but I don't really have many bad things to say about people in the fed. I try to see the good in everyone, though it is harder with some.
I don't buy into the idea that creative is pushing itself upward. It's because they're good writers mixed with giving lots of time to the fed that they get picked in the first place. And I have nothing but respect for Blade. He's the one that wrote all Mayhem matches when I started, meaning he was the one that did the most when I was on top of that class. I do think Dave deserved the KFAD win. It kinda made me sad that I didn't win, but I know it's someone who earned it in my opinion. There are times when I get bugged about how I can't seem to win a big match. It's my 4th PPV loss in a row now after building as much steam as I possibly could. But hey, why get bugged? My character is mostly a Mary Sue anyway. I'm just not into the major gimmicks thing like JGlass, Barbosa and Doc are. I love their work, but I doubt it would work for me because I'm not consistent. But seeing I'm so high on the F15 at least lets me know I'm doing better than expected. I tend to have ideas, but I don't like to pitch them because the unpredictability is what hooked he here after a while and kept me here for over 2 years now.

There's several reasons I don't give feedback:

* The BS about "feedback for feedback" irks me to no end. You give it to help others, not expect some back. I REALLY think the Feedback Request thread should be scrapped. Either give it or don't. Don't beg for it.

* I tend to read them but not really be able to pinpoint particular flaws. Other than grammar, lack of flow or text, I don't know because I don't know what direction you are aiming with the character.

* I'd rather help one individual in particular. Last round, I helped Meeks with his RP. I encourage doing that far more than feedback. He asked for suggestions on his character and showed me his draft and I added to it to help him. I feel that's far more gratifying for me and helpful for him than giving random bits of feedback.

On a last note, the whole show's being delayed is a bother. I know real life comes first, but it bugs me to sit helplessly and do nothing. There's so many eager guys in the fed and with the practice they get from Aftershock, why not ask for that outside aid when stuff is missing? Outside sources are never a bad thing. Isn't that how Harthan and Dave got back with creative? And... WAIT A MINUTE, I'M A FAN OF THE OFFSPRING!! JGLASS, YOU SON OF A BITCH!
It's not that simple. Let's you Ty vs. Kurtesy as an example. 5 members of Creative vote on it (easy numbers ;)). Member 1loves Ty's RP. Member 2 enjoys them both, but prefers Kurtesy. Member 3 loves Kurtesy. Member 4 doesn't like either one, but Ty's is less bad. Member 5 likes Kurtesy.

Now how do you explain in a PM to Ty why he lost? I get wanting feedback about your RP, and that is completely understandable. But you can't have Creative PM you a simple explanation as to why you lose a match when there are a bunch of different people with different opinions about the RPs. PMing with concerns is fine, but it isn't as unified decision as you may think.

I feel like creative should be able to come up with a reason why someone lost, even if it comes down to one vote. If you lose a match that you put a lot of effort into, there should be more of an explanation than "the votes just didn't go your way." Even if it's just a simple suggestion, I think everyone deserves a tip or two from someone who knows what's going.

If Blade wanted to hold Coco back and had any power to, Coco wouldn't have gotten anywhere close to the level that he did.

It was what drove Coco out of WZCW.
If Blade wanted to hold Coco back and had any power to, Coco wouldn't have gotten anywhere close to the level that he did.
Blade told me this after my "shoot." I'd completely forgotten it was said until JGlass brought it up, as the Blade-Coco connection he alluded to in the opening post left me utterly befuddled until I read on. I certainly don't hold it against Blade any longer. Tempers were high and I don't think a gut reaction from almost a year ago is worth bringing up. If I had anything to say about Blade in the OP, I'd have said everything JGlass said about his writing and the way people kissed his ass, but I'd left out the bit about me. It's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. Although it's entirely possible I've indicated different to JGlass via PM, so who knows.

Umm... I don't see the appeal of FalKon either, as I've said to JGlass before. On the other hand, that's why we have the vote. On the other other hand, the vote is private which lets suspicion go unchecked. On the other other other hand, I'd say if creative had my balls they should make the voting public afterwards and defend their choices. But on the other other other other hand, they do enough work as it is. I sure as fuck wouldn't feel I owe it to anyone to defend my choice. I see both sides of the argument here and can think of no obviously superior system for the kind of fed creative is interested in running. I guess we're all just going to have to live with it.

I also see both sides of the deadline issue. Everything JGlass says is fair. On the other hand, think of what creative has to go through. Being duty-bound to read Austin Reynold's RPs every round will take the skip out of anyone's step.

I've lost the thread. It's late. Umm... bulletpoints:
-Creative collusion may or may not exist in some form, but I care less and less all the time; if bullshit wins in a e-fed mean that much, they can have them
-On the other hand, I think it doesn't says anything flattering for a person to be offended by bullshit wins in an e-fed going to the wrong guy; does it matter that much?; I certainly don't look too kindly on a past me that would get offended by this
-People walk on egg-shells far too much; JGlass is as right as I was last year, but that will certainly never change; if you notice it, all you can do is hold your head high and not play J4L's game
-JGlass is also right about how boring you are; I stop in occasionally to read RPs, but most of you are just plain tedious; should I return at any point, I'll be avoiding the majority of your work lest I have to vet you for an opposing RP
-Most feedback is terrible, but once again, that won't be changing

I think that's all I have to say on that. Thanks for a fun read, everybody. I certainly don't look on my Kravinoff work as highly as JGlass, but that's for another thread.
Well I'm in the midst of penning something else fed related, but it's getting on my nerves, so I'll join in.


I don't think it's a major issue. A while back, when he was trying to illustrate how "nobody likes you", Xfear decided to publish a bunch of boardroom comments from fed members talking about their opinion of me. Long story short, a significant portion of the people around these parts, including sections of creative, aren't particularly fond of me.
If someone was going to be held back in this fed then I'd almost certainly be one of the top candidates, but I seem to be doing OK for myself.

I suspect there are certain perks that come from being on creative, but they pertain less to match results, and more to how much guys are featured. It's simple really, and probably unavoidable; the people who write the shows are going to try and make sure that their characters have something to do. They're less likely to find themselves floating around with nothing to do than the rest of us. Likewise, it probably offers storyline potential that other people wouldn't get. Somebody not on creative would probably never find themselves in the kind of position that Ty is currently occupying for example. I think this is fairly harmless; but it is happening.

There is room for improvement, both from creative, and from the "common people".

As others have said, there's plenty of room to step up and come up with ideas and story-lines for your character. I'll be honest, I've rather given up on doing this myself, since my PM's to creative had an unfortunate habit of being totally ignored... but that's not to say other people shouldn't give it a go, maybe they'll have more luck than me.

That being said; communication goes both ways. It's being said that not enough people join in with the booking of their characters, but not much encouragement is actually provided. Shoot out the occasional PM saying "Hay; we're thinking of doing _______ with your character; what do you think?" and I guarantee that people will be less shy about offering their input.

Instead of just telling people that they should be involving themselves, actually encourage them to do so.


They suck. They suck worse for those of us on my time zone, since the shows tend to go up in the small hours of the morning, so we end up staying up for no reward.

That being said, they're completely understandable. The show is put together by half a dozen people. For every half dozen people who RP, one typically requires an extension, I can't see why it would be different for creative. By and large the punctuality is pretty damn good here. It could be better, but it's not worth worrying about.

One thing I would like to see is a couple of creative members being less... err... dickish, when it starts to get late in the evening and people start asking questions about the show's progress. When someone asks when the show is going up, snapping "when it's finished" is no help to anyone. If you have an idea of the timetable then answer the question, and if you don't know then say you don't know. There's no need to be unpleasant to people for asking a perfectly reasonable question, no matter how much it may grate on your nerves.


It almost totally sucks ass. It's a mutual *********ion party frequently bereft of anyone saying anything deep or constructive. Feedback for feedback is a cancerous system that leads to people posting unhelpful shit to trigger or fulfil an obligation. That being said, there's not much that can be done other than for people to stop sucking at it.

Those feeling starved of criticism might want to keep there eyes peeled for my upcoming feedback post.

Oh, and on the topic of show reviews that Kermit brings up; I for one would never touch that thread with a ten foot barge poll. Certain members of creative, most departed but some still standing, are really not good at taking criticism. Frequently in the general discussion I've come across people voicing pretty mild dissatisfaction with something that has happened, only to have their throats metaphorically bitten out. One of my earliest fed memories is of a couple of people expressing surprise that I didn't earn a contract first time round, and within hours they were being slammed by Phoenix for "moaning and bitching and not having to balls to say things privately".

So yeah; there's a good reason why most people walk around on egg shells with regards to what they do and do not like.


Does anyone actually give a shit who ends up on a poster? Yes? Well you shouldn't. It really doesn't matter.

Playing to win

I certainly don't. If I did then I wouldn't keep making obscure literary references that I know nobody is going to pick up on. I write for only one reason, and that's to help myself climax.

That being said, I don't think it's really for us to tell people why to write. Some people give a damn about match results, more power to them. Not everyone has to have the same motivation going into this thing, and one motivation isn't necessarily better than any other.


Creative's arguments make more sense than yours. Expecting them to explain their vote for every match is totally ridiculous.

That being said, it would be nice to have some idea of what the judges look for in an RP. Possibly as an occasional magazine feature you could have members of creative look at one high profile match from the previous cycle and explain what they liked, what they didn't and why they voted as they did.


Yeah... that.
First, let me thank you for the shout out. :)

Second, here are my random thoughts and comments on your address. I wrote out a lengthier response, but my mom's CPU died in process, so some comments may be short.

Damn, you can NOT keep a computer working for shit, can you? I think we should start a fund.

I'm sorry, who won the rookie of the year award again?


I think the show review thread is highly underused. I use to do bulleted reviews of the shows as I read them. I would point out spelling, grammatical, and storyline flaws. I even got my first and only red rep because of them. Lee red repped me due to a few choice words that I had over an opening promo that he had wrote. I felt that it was out of place.

I was a little harsh there by design. Want to strike a chord so people will make the change, you know? So if you make your voice heard and I didn't include your name, no real disrespect was meant.

You're right, the review the show thread is vastly underused, and I'm guilty of not using it, mostly because I'm more concerned with my own matches than the show overall, and I think that's how most people feel unfortunately. However, I do read most shows all the way through, and I suppose I could afford to make the extra effort every now and then.

I can't really complain about these, because I believe I was responsible for a show being late once. You get a really different look on things after being on creative and having to carry the load that they do.

That's all well and good, but most of us have never been on creative. We appreciate what they do for us, but something needs to change at least a little bit. It's a consistent problem, and from our perspective, nothing has been done to change it.

I missed out on this while I was on creative. In fact, I don't think I ever won a single match while on the creative team. I got three EurAsian title shots (my only title shots), which I honestly did not want. I even tried to defer them, but it made sense booking wise. The first one happened on a Meltdown, the next one happened at LL, and the third was requested by Gelgarin. I don't think these were brought on by favoritism, but by timing.

I'm not saying that creative gets books themselves to the top, I'm saying there's some camaraderie there that pushes them to put in a little extra for each other.

Personally, I never saw favoritism take place during my stint. In fact, I might have even saw it in the reverse fashion whenever Falkon was denied winning the title during the roulette round because people felt bad for Lee. If it had been any other member who was not on creative, they would of swept Lee and won the title in a shocker.

Well, Lee really was SOL in that situation, so it was a good decision by creative.

As for the alleged favoritism, I have a feeling it's mostly unspoken. People tend to put in the extra effort when they know they're going to be held accountable.

I'll be honest and say that it first struck me as a little strange when I saw Constantine on the poster, but I quickly grew to not care because it wasn't that big of a deal.

It's not a big deal, but it is indicative of the fact that there's some collusion within creative. Putting someone more deserving on the poster would have been a nice gesture and a vote of confidence for whomever was put on the poster.

I have made it known before that I am a pretty chill guy, and I am not a big fan of drama, but I would like to say this as a guy who has been on creative.

Well this wasn't made to cause drama. It made to open a needed discussion about how WZCW can improve. For some reason admitting there is fault with WZCW is some sort of heresy.

I respect the guys on creative who dedicate their extra time to this fed. It is not an easy task and sometimes you screw up and just have to admit that you were in the wrong. They are human, but I think they do a pretty good job.

They don't do a pretty good job. They do a fantastic job. Doesn't mean there's not room for improvement.

See, this is what I'm talking about. A guy makes a few suggestions and all of a sudden it's like he's leading a mutiny.

I know my response was pretty vanilla, but I don't really have many bad things to say about people in the fed. I try to see the good in everyone, though it is harder with some.

Everyone with an opinion should contribute. Nobody should be afraid to share their opinion, and yet so many are. Two people privately messaged me to agree with me, but they didn't say anything in here, and I can only guess it's because they're afraid of what the repercussions will be.

Spoiler alert: There are none.

I don't buy into the idea that creative is pushing itself upward. It's because they're good writers mixed with giving lots of time to the fed that they get picked in the first place. And I have nothing but respect for Blade. He's the one that wrote all Mayhem matches when I started, meaning he was the one that did the most when I was on top of that class. I do think Dave deserved the KFAD win. It kinda made me sad that I didn't win, but I know it's someone who earned it in my opinion. There are times when I get bugged about how I can't seem to win a big match. It's my 4th PPV loss in a row now after building as much steam as I possibly could. But hey, why get bugged? My character is mostly a Mary Sue anyway. I'm just not into the major gimmicks thing like JGlass, Barbosa and Doc are. I love their work, but I doubt it would work for me because I'm not consistent. But seeing I'm so high on the F15 at least lets me know I'm doing better than expected. I tend to have ideas, but I don't like to pitch them because the unpredictability is what hooked he here after a while and kept me here for over 2 years now.

I don't know where to start with this block of text, but I'll try...

1) Dave probably did deserve to win KFAD. I'm not saying that the guys on creative don't deserve what they get. I'm saying that they get a little extra from their position, possibly incidentally.

2) Mary Sues can win... but I guarantee you, nobody wants to read you jerk yourself off. Like I said, do whatever is important to you. If you enjoy winning, go Mary Sue. If you enjoy entertaining, make an entertaining character.

There's several reasons I don't give feedback:

* The BS about "feedback for feedback" irks me to no end. You give it to help others, not expect some back. I REALLY think the Feedback Request thread should be scrapped. Either give it or don't. Don't beg for it.

I don't see the harm in helping someone in return for your own. But if you give shitty feedback, then don't expect to get any in return, or at least nothing good.

On a last note, the whole show's being delayed is a bother. I know real life comes first, but it bugs me to sit helplessly and do nothing. There's so many eager guys in the fed and with the practice they get from Aftershock, why not ask for that outside aid when stuff is missing? Outside sources are never a bad thing. Isn't that how Harthan and Dave got back with creative?

I think you inserted this in here, but I'm glad to see we're on the same page about this.

* I tend to read them but not really be able to pinpoint particular flaws. Other than grammar, lack of flow or text, I don't know because I don't know what direction you are aiming with the character.

If people are RPing because they enjoy writing a character, chances are they don't want the type of feedback that people will offer them. I don't really care about getting feedback because I'm confident in my ability and I'm developing Saboteur and his journeys according to my own interests. However, I'd say most of the RPers in this fed are RPing to win, and those are the types of guys that could use feedback. They should know what they need to add or subtract to make a winning RP. Sometimes they're just going to get out-performed, and that's fine, but more often than not they could have done something differently to make their RP into a winner.

* I'd rather help one individual in particular. Last round, I helped Meeks with his RP. I encourage doing that far more than feedback. He asked for suggestions on his character and showed me his draft and I added to it to help him. I feel that's far more gratifying for me and helpful for him than giving random bits of feedback. And... WAIT A MINUTE, I'M A FAN OF THE OFFSPRING!! JGLASS, YOU SON OF A BITCH!

I'll start by saying that The Offspring were cool... when I was in middle school. They're vanilla, and they don't really have any soul. They're like the hair metal of punk rock.

I think helping one person in particular is great. I've offered some very intimate feedback to a couple people every now and then through PM or rep, and I think it should be the duty of anyone who cares about seeing WZCW improve to do the same. We grow as a group and die as a group. Let's not go the way of the rest of the forums and become so self-indulgent that we fail to cultivate new talent. Let's all help each other out so we have competitive RPs week in and week out.
Two people privately messaged me to agree with me, but they didn't say anything in here, and I can only guess it's because they're afraid of what the repercussions will be.
Tell Crock I said hi.

I don't think it's a major issue. A while back, when he was trying to illustrate how "nobody likes you", Xfear decided to publish a bunch of boardroom comments from fed members talking about their opinion of me. Long story short, a significant portion of the people around these parts, including sections of creative, aren't particularly fond of me.
If someone was going to be held back in this fed then I'd almost certainly be one of the top candidates, but I seem to be doing OK for myself.

I also don't think it's a major issue. If a guy went from Aftershock to the main event once he joined creative we'd have major issues. However, most of the guys on creative have always been towards the top of the card. That said, it exists, and while not a dire issue, it's one worth discussing.

I suspect there are certain perks that come from being on creative, but they pertain less to match results, and more to how much guys are featured. It's simple really, and probably unavoidable; the people who write the shows are going to try and make sure that their characters have something to do. They're less likely to find themselves floating around with nothing to do than the rest of us. Likewise, it probably offers storyline potential that other people wouldn't get. Somebody not on creative would probably never find themselves in the kind of position that Ty is currently occupying for example. I think this is fairly harmless; but it is happening.

There is room for improvement, both from creative, and from the "common people".

Agreed. I don't know how that improvement could be made, but I think something should be done. That was one of the purposes of this thread: to open up dialogue about what can be done to improve things.

As others have said, there's plenty of room to step up and come up with ideas and story-lines for your character. I'll be honest, I've rather given up on doing this myself, since my PM's to creative had an unfortunate habit of being totally ignored... but that's not to say other people shouldn't give it a go, maybe they'll have more luck than me.

I'll speak up and say my PMs to creative are always answered, often in a timely manner.

That being said; communication goes both ways. It's being said that not enough people join in with the booking of their characters, but not much encouragement is actually provided. Shoot out the occasional PM saying "Hay; we're thinking of doing _______ with your character; what do you think?" and I guarantee that people will be less shy about offering their input.

Instead of just telling people that they should be involving themselves, actually encourage them to do so.

An excellent point. I get that being on creative is a lot of work, and I get that you can't be doing all the work for us, but I think a lot of talented RPers with no direction would suddenly be producing ideas in masses if they were given something to work from.

There's a creative writing exercise I enjoy doing from time to time where you talk to four different people. One gives you a career, another a location, the third an object, and the last one a goal. You then take those 4 things and make a short story about it. Maybe creative can try doing a variation on this? Take two wrestlers, come up with a bunch of different feud concepts (could be something typical like fighting over an arbitrary contest or something silly like arguing who is taller) and see what those two wrestlers can do with it?

I know it's not as good as an organically thought up idea, but if those wrestlers aren't doing anything anyway, why not give it a try? There's a ton of guys on Aftershock that could use a real feud to prove their mettle.


One thing I would like to see is a couple of creative members being less... err... dickish, when it starts to get late in the evening and people start asking questions about the show's progress. When someone asks when the show is going up, snapping "when it's finished" is no help to anyone. If you have an idea of the timetable then answer the question, and if you don't know then say you don't know. There's no need to be unpleasant to people for asking a perfectly reasonable question, no matter how much it may grate on your nerves.

This is a point I didn't bring up that is worth mentioning. I realize this happening week after week doesn't make it any easier for you to be patient, but you guys need to realize that we wouldn't be asking if there wasn't a delay. There needs to be forgiveness on both sides, but simply biting your tongue and topping an insincere apology for the show being late would make the person on the other end feel better than a snappy comment.


Oh, and on the topic of show reviews that Kermit brings up; I for one would never touch that thread with a ten foot barge poll. Certain members of creative, most departed but some still standing, are really not good at taking criticism. Frequently in the general discussion I've come across people voicing pretty mild dissatisfaction with something that has happened, only to have their throats metaphorically bitten out. One of my earliest fed memories is of a couple of people expressing surprise that I didn't earn a contract first time round, and within hours they were being slammed by Phoenix for "moaning and bitching and not having to balls to say things privately".

I don't want to do the cliche "OMG we agree so much," but this is another thing that Gelgarin nailed in his no-nonsense way.

I think I speak for all of us when I say we think creative is doing a fantastic job. If I had to give you guys a rating, I'd say 8/10, maybe even 8.5/10. But there's still room for improvement, and I don't know about you guys, but I want to see this fed get 10/10.

We criticize to make you better, not to hurt your feelings.

So yeah; there's a good reason why most people walk around on egg shells with regards to what they do and do not like.

I think creative's bark is worse than its bite. They don't like being criticized, but when it comes time to vote on matches and then write them, they'll do the right thing. I've personally written long critiques to FunKay, Kermit, and Harthan, and things are going alright for Saboteur.


Does anyone actually give a shit who ends up on a poster? Yes? Well you shouldn't. It really doesn't matter.

It's just the principle of the matter. It seems kind of silly that they ran a graphics contest only to have the winner be the poster with all the creative members on it. Except Showtime, the poor guy.

Playing to win

I certainly don't. If I did then I wouldn't keep making obscure literary references that I know nobody is going to pick up on. I write for only one reason, and that's to help myself climax.

That being said, I don't think it's really for us to tell people why to write. Some people give a damn about match results, more power to them. Not everyone has to have the same motivation going into this thing, and one motivation isn't necessarily better than any other.

I think I've made that clear. I think writing for the purpose to entertain, captivate, inspire, or generally evoke emotion leads to better writing than writing for a result, but not everyone is here to become a better writer. I understand that.


Creative's arguments make more sense than yours. Expecting them to explain their vote for every match is totally ridiculous.

I may have made a hyperbolic request to rally the troops. A ploy? Maybe, but one that I'd argue is fairly successful. While I don't think it's totally ridiculous, I understand that the concept of creative telling everyone why they won or lost their match would be time consuming and difficult to coordinate.

That being said, it would be nice to have some idea of what the judges look for in an RP. Possibly as an occasional magazine feature you could have members of creative look at one high profile match from the previous cycle and explain what they liked, what they didn't and why they voted as they did.

This could work. Another thing that could work is if creative put some extra effort into feedback for the people that need it most. If there's a midcarder that's constantly on the cusp of main eventing, all it takes is one PM from Ty or Numbers to tell them the adjustments they need to make to get to the next level.

Once again, I know that creative has a lot on their plate to begin with, but putting in a little extra effort can take WZCW from being very good to being great.
On the issue of the poster, one that definitely needs looked into, there is a simple solution. The poster I made was for Creative only. I had the intention of making a new one eventually. But you would soon realise, if you could see the Creative BR, that I actually made 3 or 4 different posters. In fact, you could even ask Doc about that as in sure that he still has the PM's I sent him.

Nevertheless, when I was working with so many ideas for the event, I was using the same renders or quickness. I particularly used the main event and the Holmes/Big Dave event as the focal points. Yes 3 of the 4 are on creative but that was sheer coincidence.

As for my character bein on the poster: that was just me being vain. I put him on there on te prototype because I wanted to. The poster was never meant to be used in the end but I never got around to replacing him. I was busy te week of KC because it was my birthday. Then again, I should probably step down of I can't commit to it one week. Still I did a lot in the build up and changing the poster was the least of my concerns.

So there you are.
Speak Up

Let’s start with you. Yes, you, the one reading this. Unless your name is Gelgarin, Doc, Lee, Coco, JGlass, or maybe Barbosa, or unless you’re on creative, you’re contributing suck to WZCW. That’s not to say WZCW sucks– it’s actually pretty awesome –but you’re doing everything you can to make it suck. Or more accurately, your lack of doing anything is making it suck.

I don't agree with the first sentence. Everyone's contributing RP's every week & if they weren't doing so, WZCW would suck big time.

With the exception of the aforementioned names and creative (whom are exempt because we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors), no one is critical of WZCW. If people see something they don’t like, they wait for Gelgarin or Barbosa or Lee to raise an issue and see it get resolved. Instead, most folks just toss out an empty, “Meltdown was awesome tonight!” or perhaps a meaningless, “I love what creative is doing with this feud!”

By constantly suppressing your criticisms and replacing them with empty compliments, you are hurting WZCW.

Yeah, I agree with this though 100%. I'm critical to myself, but I never do bring it up.

I’m talking to you, Crock. I’m talking to you, J4L. I’m talking to just about everyone that pussy foots around issues in hopes that by not drawing negative attention to themselves, they’ll maybe get the spot of someone who does.

Around issues? Fuck that. I think I've drawn enough negative attention to myself in the past J. Yes, I can avoid the odd thing, but I'm usually pretty upfront when it comes to it.

Thank You Blade? No. Just no.

I never said thank you. I said goodby & called Overlast a bastard.

Everything you said was spot on there.


What you said here, I part agree and part disagree. I don't mind when a show is late, I can wait. You should have enough things in your life to not worry about when a show is turning up. If you don't and it really bothers you so much, get a life. I might ask when the show's coming, but y'know really, I don't mind.


Favouritism exists, but I don't think near to the amount you're talking about.

Someone will take the belt off of Kurtesy though, so it’s really not that big of a deal. I think most people are fairly happy with what they’re doing in WZCW, and whoever finally lifts the title off of Kurtsey will do so knowing that they beat a guy who didn’t deserve the reign he had.

But the favoritism doesn’t end there, now does it? Let’s take a look at the poster for Kingdom Come, which was designed by Dave, a member of creative, and everyone on his poster was a member of creative except for Big Dave, who is a former member of creative.

What did Constantine do to deserve to be on the poster? Why not Matt Tastic or Rush, or anyone in KFAD? Why were Holmes and Big Dave on there and not Saboteur and Saxton? Both were blood feuds, and I think just about everyone would agree that Saboteur/Saxton was the more anticipated match. Why no Barbosa or Black Dragon? Why not put Celeste and Chris K.O., the main players in arguably the second biggest match on the card, on the poster?

I think Constantine was on the Poster 'cos he made it?

It’s a small thing, but another way of creative favoring itself. Being on that poster would mean a lot to a Chris K.O., a guy that’s on the cusp of the main event, and certainly the former world champion and consistent threat Barbosa deserves to be on there more than Constantine, a man who has just made it above the midcard for the first time in his career. If you’re thinking about it as a WrestleMania poster, who is more likely to be on it? A random guy in the Money in the Bank match (Kofi, Shelton Benjamin) or Randy Orton?

And while we’re on KC, why did Holmes and Big Dave get this huge video package, but none of the other matches (besides the 5 on 5)? Saxton and Saboteur had one of the best feuds of all time, and they got nothing. Black Dragon set a record by retaining his championship, and his match got no build apart from the introduction.
And wouldn’t a history of the significance of the KFAD Briefcase be in order for the KFAD match?

It just seems to me that creative is willing to go the extra mile for themselves, but not anybody else.

Oh well, stop caring about it. 1) It's a damn poster & 2) It's a damn video package. You got the most enjoyable match on the card, now you're just nitpicking. Surely creative could do a little extra for themselves because you know, they do everything else for you as well? Let the guys who put together these shows reward themselves for it, they do damn well enough. Why don't you join creative & take it from there?

Give Yourself a Push

Don’t view your opponent as an opponent: view them as a partner. If you work against them, it will be a one off competition and left up to creative to decide whether that match is worthy of a feud or not. But if you work together on a similar story, you can make your match worthy of a feud. Sending a PM to Numbers or Ty to tell them what’s going on never hurts either.

Now this is something worth noting, finally. Sending a PM to creative is a great idea and something I've done a couple of time, hell I done it just yesterday. If something's gonna work for you and you like it, send something to Creative, they'll answer it.

Bland Characters

Johnny Scumm- How is a guy with the last name SCUMM supposed to be a face? The name and the punk rock attitude lends itself so well to being a heel, but you gave up on it and turned face. You earned a title shot (and lost), but it hurts you in the long run.

How could a guy with the surname PUNK be a face? I still haven't discovered this thing you have against me. So we debuted at the same time, I may not have gotten as far as you, there's no need to constantly bash on me. I've had a match against you, you've won it, you've come out looking rosy, just shut your trap up on me.

Yep, feedback is bullshit. I try to be critical here most of the time because it's the best way to be about it.


I rode a few guys pretty hard here, including Crock, FalKon, Phoenix and Me (But you give no shits, obviously) I assure you I mean no disrespect, and I don't think ill of you as people/posters. I was merely commenting on your characters/RPs/status as an RPer.

Yeah, that's that.

I've never had a problem with you JGlass and a lot of things you say here come across well, they're all right etc. But some of things you say just make you look a bit butthurt. I'm not causing a massive argument or wanting to get into some big debate, but I just threw in my mind because I thought it needed doing.
Oh and for the record, I don't snap with people who ask web the show will be up. In fact, if you look at the discussion thread and the KC LD, then you will see that I am a person who will always be transparent with the show and it's delivery. Then again I am always finished with my matches. The other guys could be too busy writing matches to answer.
As for my character bein on the poster: that was just me being vain. I put him on there on te prototype because I wanted to. The poster was never meant to be used in the end but I never got around to replacing him. I was busy te week of KC because it was my birthday. Then again, I should probably step down of I can't commit to it one week. Still I did a lot in the build up and changing the poster was the least of my concerns.
Sounds like a cover-up. I think you should just admit the truth: you put Triple H on the poster because you find him "photogenic."

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I don't agree with the first sentence. Everyone's contributing RP's every week & if they weren't doing so, WZCW would suck big time.

You missed the point. The point is by staying silent about your issues, you are harming WZCW. Obviously not everything that everyone not mentioned does is adding suck to WZCW, just the fact that most people censor themselves.

Yeah, I agree with this though 100%. I'm critical to myself, but I never do bring it up.

No shit.

Around issues? Fuck that. I think I've drawn enough negative attention to myself in the past J. Yes, I can avoid the odd thing, but I'm usually pretty upfront when it comes to it.

Not around here you aren't. You're notorious for walking on eggshells in WZCW.

I never said thank you. I said goodby & called Overlast a bastard.

Did I name you in particular?

What you said here, I part agree and part disagree. I don't mind when a show is late, I can wait. You should have enough things in your life to not worry about when a show is turning up. If you don't and it really bothers you so much, get a life. I might ask when the show's coming, but y'know really, I don't mind.

You're kidding me, right? This coming from the guy that stayed up until the crack of dawn waiting for the show? You're going to come with the, "get a life" argument?

It appears I need to change my pants. I just pissed myself.

Favouritism exists, but I don't think near to the amount you're talking about.

The kind that gives the slight advantage or perk to those in held in high regard? I'm not calling for some big conspiracy, I'm saying it exists to a small degree.

I think Constantine was on the Poster 'cos he made it?

Then why don't we let Armando Paradyse make the posters featuring himself?

Oh well, stop caring about it. 1) It's a damn poster & 2) It's a damn video package. You got the most enjoyable match on the card, now you're just nitpicking. Surely creative could do a little extra for themselves because you know, they do everything else for you as well? Let the guys who put together these shows reward themselves for it, they do damn well enough. Why don't you join creative & take it from there?

See, this is why you're one of the people contributing suck to WZCW. I made a few simple observations that were totally harmless, and you're making it seem like these things keep me up at night. There were two observations I made of ways creative gets a little extra something that regulars don't.

I'm not complaining. I'm trying to improve things. Isn't that the goal here?

How could a guy with the surname PUNK be a face? I still haven't discovered this thing you have against me. So we debuted at the same time, I may not have gotten as far as you, there's no need to constantly bash on me. I've had a match against you, you've won it, you've come out looking rosy, just shut your trap up on me.

I have nothing against you... I just think you should be a heel. But you were going nowhere as a heel so you turned face. You gained some momentum from the turn, but will it sustain you? I suppose we'll see, and I hope you are successful in spite of my thoughts on the matter, but I think a guy named Johnny SCUMM is a natural heel.

Oh, and don't compare Johnny Scumm to CM Punk. For one thing, it's an insult to CM Punk. Secondly, the only think Punk about CM Punk is his name. Johnny Scumm has a punk rock name and a punk rock entrance. CM Punk enters to a Living Color song and cares about the fans.

I've never had a problem with you JGlass and a lot of things you say here come across well, they're all right etc. But some of things you say just make you look a bit butthurt. I'm not causing a massive argument or wanting to get into some big debate, but I just threw in my mind because I thought it needed doing.

The only problem I have with you is the same problem I have with anyone who has come in here crying foul. Your minds are closed. I'm not here to complain, and if WZCW never changed, it would still be a lot of fun. But it can be better. That's why I posted this thread: not to antagonize, not to patronize, but to encourage.

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