The John Tenta Memorial Invitational, Round 1: Golga VS. Shockmaster

Who Wins?

  • The less successful John Tenta gimmick

  • The less successful Fred Ottman gimmick

Results are only viewable after voting.


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
The John Tenta Memorial Invitational

The following match is take place in the first round of the John Tenta Memorial Invitational, to crown the worst gimmick in the history of professional wrestling. It takes part in the Katie Vick Region, and at The TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts





Golga VS. Shockmaster

The match will be contested in a standard, one fall match, with no time limit. A wrestler can win the match by pinfall, submission, countout, or disqualification. Much like the Annual Wrestlezone Tournament, there's no se way in which one needs to vote for the match. This can be done either by kayfabe, or by non kayfabe. Either way, pick a winner to advance to the second round.

Voting Ends By Saturday, July 10th
Nice Golga pic, but I'm going with the Shockmaster. As far as John Tenta is concern, this isn't his worse but the Shockmaster had fail written all over him after the infamous trip and you can't find a lower point in Fred Ottman career than that.
Do we take the infamous fall into consideration or do we just go by the idea of the gimmick? Either way I'm voting Shockmaster here. Even if he didn't trip through the wall that promo that he cut (voiced by Ole) was terrible. What if he was a success like they somehow thought he would be? What were they going to do, have Ole do voiceovers for all his promos? That would have gotten pretty lame pretty quick. In fact it was really lame after only the first one. Golga was just one guy in a group of bad gimmicks. Shockmaster is part of the most embarassing moment in wrestling history.
I have to go with the Shockmaster. Before I even really got into wrestling I knew about the Shockmaster. Obviously for me this one is not a difficult decision, and I'm looking forward to more of these matches.
Going to have to select The Shockmaster on this one.

Not only because the awful promo that was botched.. I just feel the booking after it was horrible as well. They put him over Vader and Sid and it just didn't come off believable.

Golgz on the other hand wasn't necessarily put over anybody (with the exception of Taka and Funakai) I didn't necessarily feel it a horrible gimmick simply because creative got exactly what they wanted out of it. They placed together a bunch of strange characters and mixed them in with a catchy band.. and they got over with some claps (much like a Santino/Kozlov over of course)
The Shockmaster.

I mean his entrance has to be one of the most iconic moments in wrestling blooper history
I can never forget Dusty's commentary on that hahaha! CLASSIC!
Well I voted for kayfabe reasons of an actual match taking place here. If it were a vote for the worst gimmick Shockmaster takes the entire tournament LOL. But maybe I'm the only one who will do so but I'm voting as if a match took place. Earthquake beats Typhoon. Tenta beats "Uncle Fred". Golga beats shockmaster.
I think you kind of have to go with Shockmaster for obvious reasons. Golga was just kind of in a group of weird gimmicks.. So, it almost made sense? Shockmaster, the gimmick was just fail personified. Plus, I just couldn't get past the sparkly Storm Trooper helmet. It was basically the worst gimmick and wrestling "gear" known to man. Shockmaster wins hands down.
I'll definitely go with The Shockmaster in this one as well. While I don't know too much of Golga I can definitely say that The Shockmaster has to be one of the most embarrassing moments as well as the most ridiculous ones for WCW or the wrestling business as a whole.

The fact that The Shockmaster could've possibly have been anything noteworthy in WCW history had it not been for that fall which completely ruined it all. I still think the gimmick would have been an absolute failure. And while Golga was awful as well (Anyelse he wouldn't be here) He holds nothing to The Shockmaster.
I voted for Shockmaster as well.

Golga was a silly character but harmless. They were actually going to try to push Shockmaster as one of the top babyfaces. Horrible.
for sure the Shockmaster.

in an actual match, i'd say that Earthquake could and would take Typhoon, but good gravy, that Shockmaster was terrible!

the best (or is it worst?) part of the whole entrance was half a dozen other wrestlers unable to keep a straight face during the whole thing.

even if he didn't fall into our laps, quite literally, the gimmick was still terrible. Golga was too, but at least there never was a "Super Golga" like there was a "Super Shockmaster".
For me, it's easily Golga. Now, I understand most people's arguments, that The Shockmaster was intended to get over big time, and was an abject failure. As much as it was painfully bad, it was pretty harmless to us all, as eventually, they'd make it into a comedic gimmick.

Golga, on the other hand, actually got over, and potentially was one of the biggest gimmicks of the Attitude Era. Legitimately. I'm not sure what people loved about this gimmick, but god damn if the entire world didn't fucking pop for this horrendous gimmick. And arguably, Golga was the most over of the bunch. Yes, it was because he piggybacked off South Park and Cartman, but this man, in an age of Rocky, Austin, Mankind, and The Undertaker, was fricking over. Take a listen to this pop. And mind you, this was against Jeff Jarrett, who couldn't draw flies if you rolled him in shit.


Yes, I don't care what you say, this gimmick was over in The Attitude Era. And for me, it's much more painful when a bad gimmick gets over. The Shockmaster was prett painless, and was over in a few months. The Oddities lasted a freakin year, in which they had angles with the most over woman in professional wrestling at the time, Sable. This was originally supposed to be an over heel group, that would become a face group that got one of the biggest pops of the night.

That, plus this group was flunkied by the Insane Clown Posse. Milenko be damned, you can't get any worse than that. The Shockmaster was just fun and humor, while the Oddities were an intentionally bad group of heels that turned into one of the biggest groups of faces in the WWE's biggest period of wrestling history.

Golga takes this one, in a rout.
Shockmaster by far.

Golga was pretty bad, but Shockmaster was doomed to fail ever since he came crashing through (or tripping through) that wall in his debut. He looked like a gay stormtrooper for christ sakes, like anyone is going to believe a gay stormtrooper can go anywhere in his career. Also, Cartmans awesome so I gotta go with the shockmaster here.

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