The Election


Gone but never forgotten.
Now that it's been broken down to real, final parties and names in the running, I can finally give two shits about this election. I'd love to endorse someone but I need to be convinced.

Does anyone want to put up a serious argument as to why I should endorse them as a potential, fellow mod? (Many that know me on here realize that I love to joke but I'm a tad more serious about my duties as a mod. Therefore, consider any sarcastic arguments as an immediate dismissal from any chances of having my endorsement.)

Fire away.
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You should support me because every section, no matter how minuscule or seemingly self-sustaining, deserves its own dedicated moderator should trouble arise. Doc convinced the higher ups this was true of graphics and got himself crowned the rightful bold name down there. And I see myself as a mod in that same vein: The guy who's above and beyond the best choice for a section that deserves to have a dedicated presence in the board room. For all of habs and Crock and Dagger's supposed posting prowess that will be used as their resume for a non-spam mod position, they're really just the leftovers in areas that already have more the capable hands on deck. They're second-stringers that could fill in should a need arise. But electing them is a wasted vote as those sections deserve none of the attention your vote would give them. If they deserve their day in the sun, they'll get it eventually. The same is untrue of deserving spam mods. Electing a spam overlord is real change. No longer will spam be the second or third priority of a G-Mod or admin. We deserve real leadership. That leadership is me.
Look at the TNA section and take a drink every time you see my user name in a page there. Eat a cookie for every post I report.
So, I post this:

Does anyone want to put up a serious argument as to why I should endorse them as a potential, fellow mod? (Many that know me on here realize that I love to joke but I'm a tad more serious about my duties as a mod. Therefore, consider any sarcastic arguments as an immediate dismissal from any chances of having my endorsement.)

...and I get this:

Because I need all the help I can get.

...and this.

Look at the TNA section and take a drink every time you see my user name in a page there. Eat a cookie for every post I report.

Then, I read Coco's argument which is EXACTLY what I hoped to get and (ironically) the exact opposite of what I expected.

My mind is truly full of fuck right now.
I like Muffin Top Merkley's chances for ABC. He's clear about what he wants to do, he's smart and he's a nice bloke. He’s mild mannered, wishes to put his weight behind a cause he believes in and is direct about his goals. I like his chances for the ABC candidacy, so I’d put my weight behind him if you want to vote for an ABC candidate (no disrespect meant to the others, I just think MTM’s done the best job thus far).
Here's some more.

People aren't giving me a chance because they don't like me or think I'm annoying. They say it's because I don't have a good enough plan for what I'm going to do if i get picked as a mod or that I don't post enough in the section I want to mod. I say Bullshit to both of these. My plan may not be as fleshed out as others but it's a perfectly workable plan. As for not posting in the VG&T section there are mods that don't post much at all in their sections but their names are in bold. Tasty in Gen Wrestling, The Brain in Old School, SSC in all his sections. I'm not saying these 3 are shit mods I'm just trying to show that people can do the job of a mod without non stop posting in their section.

I think people are so dead set against me because they don't like me, plain and Simple. I would make a good mod if given the chance and with you backing me people will look give me the chance I deserve.
Here's some more.

People aren't giving me a chance because they don't like me or think I'm annoying. They say it's because I don't have a good enough plan for what I'm going to do if i get picked as a mod or that I don't post enough in the section I want to mod. I say Bullshit to both of these. My plan may not be as fleshed out as others but it's a perfectly workable plan. As for not posting in the VG&T section there are mods that don't post much at all in their sections but their names are in bold. Tasty in Gen Wrestling, The Brain in Old School, SSC in all his sections. I'm not saying these 3 are shit mods I'm just trying to show that people can do the job of a mod without non stop posting in their section.

I think people are so dead set against me because they don't like me, plain and Simple. I would make a good mod if given the chance and with you backing me people will look give me the chance I deserve.
People don't like me much either. But I don't have the reputation of cracking under pressure every week and then deny it.
If the mods had, they'd have thrown another mod in there because they actually care about the section. I'm sure they'd know better than you.

Precisely. I know things don't move as quickly as Killjoy would apparently like them too, but G-Mods and IDR aren't on 24/7. They're the only ones who can delete posts besides Admins. Section Mods can only delete within their section(s). Someone always gets them in a reasonable fashion and it's not like there's an overwhelming amount of spam in there.
If the mods had, they'd have thrown another mod in there because they actually care about the section. I'm sure they'd know better than you.

Precisely. I know things don't move as quickly as Killjoy would apparently like them too, but G-Mods and IDR aren't on 24/7. They're the only ones who can delete posts besides Admins. Section Mods can only delete within their section(s). Someone always gets them in a reasonable fashion and it's not like there's an overwhelming amount of spam in there.

Keep in mind - this might be one of the reasons for this election. The TNA section has gotten quite busy. You guys don't know but we might be considering an additional mod int hat section.
I find prospective employers are usually quite receptive to communication skills. Maybe you should try again after you refine your own.
Keep in mind - this might be one of the reasons for this election. The TNA section has gotten quite busy. You guys don't know but we might be considering an additional mod int hat section.
I stand by the assertion that if there were a legitimate need anywhere, it'd have been dealt with swiftly by the powers that be. Anything less makes Sly look foolish and that's one thing Sly normally doesn't do.
I stand by the assertion that if there were a legitimate need anywhere, it'd have been dealt with swiftly by the powers that be. Anything less makes Sly look foolish and that's one thing Sly normally doesn't do.

I can assure you that's not the case. We watch sections progress over time. Nothing is really considered an "emergency", especially because IDR does a fine job with what he's given. So while your statement might seem like it makes sense, it's also untrue.
I can assure you that's not the case. We watch sections progress over time. Nothing is really considered an "emergency", especially because IDR does a fine job with what he's given. So while your statement might seem like it makes sense, it's also untrue.
So you're saying Sly's a fool? That's mighty big talk from a measly G-Mod.
It's nice to know that when I win my mod spot, a new TNA section mod won't be far behind. I'm really looking forward to hazing the new guy in the board room. Fingers crossed for Zeven Zion.
Here goes: In my time on these forums, I've seen moderators come and go, I've seen posters come and go, I've seen many different types of mentalities. Throughout all that and just going around and posting, I grasped an understanding of what I feel it takes to be a moderator. I post quality all over the forum, I'm dedicated, I work hard, and I'm always willing to take what people tell me. As a moderator, I would be able to keep my section clean, with solid conversations going on throughout. I wouldn't be too strict, but I wouldn't be too lenient, I would take the job very seriously. I don't consider myself a second-stringer, as Coco said, it just hasn't been my turn yet. If given the chance, I could very easily prove myself as one of the most dedicated and capable moderators around. I don't take things lightly when I want to do a good job, whether it be my signatures, WZCW, or my posting -- that would translate over.

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