The Abyss Return

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TNA mobile messaging sent out a message hinting that Abyss could be returning at the Slammiversary PPV. I am hoping to see him reconcile with his kayfabe Father while in pain rehab. I would like to see James Mitchell come back as his manager again. After all, not from personal experience but from watching and reading, most rehab processes would encourage reconciliation with family members. Mitchell made his point with the barb wire match and made Abyss "pay the price" despite his win against Mesias and Mitchell. I can't see Abyss cutting promos beyond growls, grunts and roars (after seeing his previous promos). Having him come out and talk intelligently after a short stint in a pain clinic would be absurd. So, having Mitchell, who is a promo cutting God, on the mic for Abyss would be a good thing. Seeing Mitchell as a protective but evil Dad would be cool too. He could be protective of Abyss while secretly undermining all the success that Abyss has made in rehab for profit and fame. After all, what good is a sissy Abyss who fears pain or doesn't accept pain? Having Mitchell re-train Abyss to give pain instead of receive pain would be a wise move. I think Abyss and Mitchell have a decent chemisty together on-screen and would be an asset to the shows. I find James Mitchell very entertaining and miss seeing him on the shows.
Will Abyss come back as heel or babyface? Who will he feud with? There is no standing storyline as to the who, how, where and why to make a storyline for Abyss upon his return. Mesias is back in AAA with no signs of return so, who does Abyss feud with upon his return? Will there be a new character for him to fight? Will that character be introduced before Slammiversary? The only person that is on the current roster that has any prior heat with Abyss in the storylines that I can think of would be Sting. But, why would Abyss come out of rehab with a grudge against Sting? Who do you think that Abyss will feud with upon his return? I don't want to see Abyss stuck in mid-card hell but, throwing him into a feud with Joe would not be smart or make sense. I don't want to see the Chris Jericho effect with Abyss. WWE spent a ton of time, money and energy with huge promos on the "Save Us" hype. Jericho was hyped to holy hell and then - what happened to him? WWE stuck Jericho in mid-card hell. I hope TNA doesn't follow in WWE's steps and do this to Abyss. Abyss should have a long storyline with some substance to it.
If TNA was going to introduce a new character to feud with Abyss, we should have had some introductions to this person already. So, who do you think he will feud with upon his return? If it is Sting, how long can that storyline last and where does Abyss go from there?
I'm not a big fan of Abyss, never have and probably never will, but if i had to go with a person for him to feud with it would have to be tomko or morgan. I cnt se ehim jumping into a feud with a smaller guy even though his feud in the early days with AJ was sick night in and night out. Overall this return doesn't have a big time feeling and i cnt see any storyline of substance him falling into
I'm not sure why they would bring him back. He's not evolved in all the years he's been in TNA. Giving him a name doesn't suddenly make him a different character. He'll just be exactly the same.

I heard a nice rumour that he'll be using less weapons. That's a start. He's single handedly made tac spots nothing. But I'm not holding my breath. Fans expect him to bring out the weapons. TNA won't book a steady decline in the ammount of weapons he uses. He'll come back using none. And when the fans get bored of it TNA will go all out, and have him how he was before. Which is pointless.
I'm sort of glad Abyss is returning, but it would've been better had they not announced it and it was a suprise. He plays such a great heel monster character, not so much as a face. I'm glad that for once someone making a return has actually been gone for awhile, but I'm definitely hoping that he sticks with the mask and Abyss character. The only change needs to be the lack of weapons. He does some good stuff, but it gets old quick, and it's been old for a long time. Just let him come back as a dominant monster, eventually feed him to Joe and put him in the upper mid card and things should go fine.
I think abyss without a mask is going to be a disaster. Kane's character without the mask just isn't as effective as when he had the mask, and I think abyss is going to follow a similar line.
The thing is, Abyss is a genuinely big guy and he can be pushed as that, without the constant need for weapons such as glass and tacks in his matches. He doesn't need to return without the masks, or as chris parks. He can still be abyss, just without the incessant desire for sharp objects.
Also, I think he just needs better opposition and storylines, as opposed to being stuck in a freak show mid-card gimmick disaster with mesias, reign and rellik. Give him Tomko, AJ or someone bigger to go after and it could work out for him
I'm sort of glad Abyss is returning, but it would've been better had they not announced it and it was a suprise. He plays such a great heel monster character, not so much as a face. I'm glad that for once someone making a return has actually been gone for awhile, but I'm definitely hoping that he sticks with the mask and Abyss character. The only change needs to be the lack of weapons. He does some good stuff, but it gets old quick, and it's been old for a long time. Just let him come back as a dominant monster, eventually feed him to Joe and put him in the upper mid card and things should go fine.

to be fairly honest i dont think joe will retain the title at slamiverisry joe is getting stale and rumour has it that tna management are unhappy with his title reign i could sum 1 like christian cage or booker t winning title in the kotm match and feud with abyss within a few months
I really like Abyss although I have to admit he was much better when being managed by James Mitchell and a heel. I dont know when he does come back and if he does at Slammiversary I expect him to be an all out monster, the last thing they were mentioning on TNA before he left is adding to him to the great hardcore wrestlers lits as Terry Funk and Cactus Jack or as Mike Tenay was saying anyways, but I think thats what they will book him as. I think he'll come back an absolute monster and destroy people and even more hardcore, kinda a Cactus Jack character, which if they do is fine by me! But I cant really see who he would feud with, although Matt Morgan would be a nice match.
i really like abyss'es character...after that i dont care for him a whole lot...He's kinda bad in the ring...He's very slow and he dosent have a whole lot of motion when he does moves in general (aside from the black hole slam and the shock treatment) and he's done the one thing that good monsters never let happen....he has been humbled by opponents many many times. When abyss was a heel he was generally afraid of opponents. he wasnt a good monster. You dont see kane/undertaker/big show being legit afraid of guys half their siize. I understand being afraid of musseaus but other then that no

Again i like the character of abyss...i just dont like the preformer very much nor the way he is booked.
Name changed to fit my own sick purposes. So, Abyss is back. He's wearing one of those white coats you get from a mental asylum. Probably. And I thought TNA was actually taking steps to tone down the silly. Apparently not. They're also apparently not trying to take steps to show Abyss is a good big man. And he's chasing people away from the ring and saving people. I don't get it. I thought he was meant to be a sinister character. I'm expecting "I've never been happier in my life", completing his turn to cuddly teddy bear and then BAM! Katie Vick number two.

I'm hoping they're just keeping Abyss occupied here, because he's capable of so much more. I'm not even talking hardcore stuff as, contrary to what Jake said, I think he could be accepted as a big man rather than a sadistic monster. For that to happen though, TNA need to tone down the silly though, not dial it up. Personally, I'm really rooting for a Joe/Abyss feud. I saw a match between them live, and it was great. I've already said that if Joe faces Nash at BFG I'll never watch TNA again. I think Joe/Abyss is the second best option to Angle/Jarrett.

But, until then, what to do with the mental patient?
TNA really botched the return of a Abyss. Why does he come out and save people? Why does he care? Why isn't he a monster anymore? Why isn't he entertaining anymore? They've again taken one of their best characters and made it suck. Why must they insist on making everybody vanilla baby faces with no character or personality whatsoever?

I thought Vince Russo didn't believe in faces and heels. All I've seen for months is TNA taking anybody who once had an interesting character, and making them blatantly face or blatantly heel, and it's become very boring and unrealistic.
I dont really see where TNA is going with this, I think I know what they are trying to create they want Abyss to be the opposite to what he was they want him to be a nice guy and not have to use weapons anymmore, but to be honest that does nothing for him they should have made him come back and been an insane monster who destroys everything and is even more violent than before. But I geuss time will tell where they go with it, I just hope its good because Im not excited about him being back.
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