Strange WWE Rumors


I was surfing the net and ran across an article titled "Current Bizarre WWE Rumors We Hope Aren't True" and I thought it was kind of interesting. Some of the rumors ring true, some seem positively ludicrous and some are probably somewhere in between. is the where I ran across the article, so take it all with a pinch of salt as the site isn't exactly known for its reliability.

13. John Cena Ruined Dolph Ziggler's Career - This is the first rumor listed and it states that Cena is ultimately responsible for the overall direction of Dolph Ziggler's career. According to the article, the two wrestled each other at some house shows early on with Cena not being impressed. Cena then went to Vince McMahon, complained and that was that.

My Take: False - I can believe that Cena hindered Cena's career, I can believe that he and Cena don't get along but I don't buy into it being because Cena doesn't think Ziggler is any good in the ring. It comes off as untrue because I don't think anyone with any real integrity can say Dolph Ziggler is bad inside the ring as he's had too many great matches with too many opponents over the decade or so he's been in the company.

12. Rusev Loses His Hair...And His Push - This rumor states that WWE officials are pissed that Rusev cut his hair without informing WWE. This allegedly infuriated Vince McMahon and Rusev's presence has been virtually nil since his return.

My Take: False - The reason for Rusev's heat is due to the various shenanigans he and Lana have been involved in for the past few years. From announcing their real life engagement via Twitter, which forced WWE to alter storylines, to alleged attitude problems with Lana, these are far more plausible than a man cutting his hair. If Vince is genuinely THAT petty as to bury someone because they cut his hair without telling him, then the man has issues that go far beyond just micromanaging.

11. TJ Perkins Loses His last Name...Why? - This rumor states that the reason TJ Perkins became TJP is because Vince vehemently hates the Perkins restaurant chain. Vince has a history of shortening or doing away with the names of some wrestlers, such as Neville, Cesaro and Elias.

My Take: Possibly True - Vince is known to change the names of wrestlers if he feels they don't convey a certain image he wants. The first names of Neville's & Cesaro's characters were Adrian and Antonio respectively, Vince allegedly dropped Cesaro's first name as he didn't think a guy named Antonio could be "tough" and Neville...well Adrian is traditionally a girl's name so it's not much of a leap to think of Vince's reason. Could he be crazy enough to change TJP's last name because of a lousy experience with Perkins? Yeah, I think it's possible as it fits more into some of the bizarre reasoning that Vince gets sometimes that makes sense only to him.

10. Big Cass In Trouble Because Of Trump? - I mentioned this in a thread discussing all the heat on Enzo Amore a while back. The rumor is that Big Cass is a very vocal Donald Trump supporter while most of the other wrestlers backstage aren't.

My Take: False - I can believe Big Cass pissing off some of the wrestlers backstage if he's constantly voicing his support for Donald Trump, but I don't see that affecting his push if he's being civil about it. You can be passionate, even in your face about something and still be civil. Besides, Vince and Trump are friends and Vince's wife Linda is currently part of the Trump administration overseeing something regarding small business. As unstable and immature as Trump is, I find it difficult to believe that something like this wouldn't find its way to him and if he wasn't convinced that it was untrue, I could see him taking it out on Linda McMahon, which means Vince would shit a solid gold brick and make half the roster eat it. Cass is out due to a torn ACL right now so it's sort of moot at this point, but I don't buy into this.

9. The Women Don't Like Sasha Banks Because She's Anti-Social - This rumor states that a lot of the other women on the roster aren't big fans of Sasha as she'd rather spend time with her hubby, who works for WWE backstage, than hang out with them.

My Take: Probably True - I can't blame Sasha for wanting to spend more time with her hubby, maybe she doesn't want to wind up divorced or spending most of her time doing a girls night out. However, the reason I think it's probably true is that there are a LOT of stories about Sasha being very anti-social whether it's involving the boys & girls in the locker room or with fans. She frequently goes out of her way, allegedly, to avoid mingling with fans and there are documented cases in which she's been genuinely hostile when having to do so. Also, you have to take into account that Sasha married her hubby, I forget his name at the moment, without really letting anyone know or, if I'm not mistaken, inviting anyone from the roster to attend. If you're someone that's not really into being social, then choosing a profession where you can possibly wind up very famous strikes me as quite odd.

8. Naomi Loses The Belt Because Of Toys? - The rumor regarding Naomi losing the SD Women's Championship is because WWE wanted to produce a toy belt that would glow in the dark like Naomi's does but that manufacturers wouldn't be able to make it happen in time for the holiday season.

My Take: Uncertain - I'm not really sure whether I believe this or not. When you consider the corporate aspect of things, it doesn't sound far fetched when you get right down to it. Naomi is pretty popular so you'd think that in and of itself would be enough for her to remain champion; however, at the same time, a counter to that would be that Jinder Mahal has been WWE Champion throughout the summer and is rumored to be holding the strap all the way to WrestleMania next year despite overwhelming negativity regarding his run. So at the end of the day, I just don't know about this one.

7. Why Becky Lynch Doesn't Do Promos - We don't hear a lot from Becky on the mic, though she's shown herself to be capable of delivering good work on the mic. The rumor for why she's not getting any mic time is because Kevin Dunn finds her accent annoying. Kevin Dunn works on the production side of things and has just as much say as what we see on TV as Vince McMahon does, he's often been viewed as Vince's right hand man for years.

My Take: Probably True - Kevin Dunn is someone who's known to be extremely petty about some things, especially when it pertains to female wrestlers. Dunn is alleged to have said he hated the Mae Young Classic because he thought too many of the wrestlers weren't hot enough for WWE and Dunn is somebody who has just as much stroke with Vince, possibly more, as Triple H does. Dunn has a reputation of being extremely superficial, his life of how Rosa Mendes looked is said to be the primary reason she had a job for so long, so Dunn being irritated by Becky's accent, unfortunately, is something I don't have a lot of trouble buying into.

6. KO Loses His US Championship Because Of Other Foreign Heels - This rumor states that the reason Kevin Owens dropped the US title to AJ Styles is because Vince felt that there were enough foreign heels doing the "we hate America" or "you don't like me because I'm foreign" schtick.

My Take: Undecided - This is one of those rumors that sounds kinda stupid but not quite stupid enough for me to totally dismiss it. I'd much rather have KO as the "New Face of America" than listening to the same crap Jinder Mahal's been going on about for the last 4 months.

5. Corbin Was Buried Because of Anti-Meltzer Tweets - This rumor states that the reason Corbin's career has altered so dramatically the past few months is because of comments he's made towards Dave Meltzer over the summer, or rather an exchange of comments made by them with Meltzer criticizing Corbin.

My Take: False - Of all the rumors I've read, this one has the least amount of weight I can remember in a very long time. Dave Meltzer is very anti-WWE, has been for decades, so the notion that Corbin is in trouble because of a Twitter exchange with him strikes me as ludicrous. If Corbin has heat, it's due to comments he made towards WWE doctors in which he said he didn't agree with some of their positions regarding concussions. That's something that I think could get him heat, not defending himself against the biggest smark in all of pro wrestling.

4. Stupid Reasons For Stupid Names - This rumor discusses how WWE wrestlers and commentators are no longer using the world "briefcase" when describing the MITB contract but that "contract" itself is to be used. The thinking is that the briefcase isn't what's important, that the contract is and to emphasize that. It's from the same line of thinking around using "championship" or "title" rather than belt; Vince's philosophy is that a belt is something to hold one's pants up while a championship or title is something with prestige.

My Take: True - This isn't so much a rumor as it is long established fact. The reasons for no longer calling titles "belts" by WWE has been known for years, so I can't say it's at all unlikely that the "briefcase/contract" thing doesn't follow the same philosophy. To be honest though, I can sort of see where Vince is coming from here as the "contract" is what's most important and a "championship/title" does sound more impressive than belt.

3. Kairi Sane Can't Use Her Finisher Because Of Bayley - This rumor says that Kairi Sane won't be allowed to use her flying elbow once she reaches the main roster because Bayley uses the move.

My Take: False - For one thing, I think it's unlikely that many conversations about Kairi Sane being on the main roster are happening as it's just too soon. Sane, to my knowledge, barely speaks a word of English and, as of right now, she looks to be the favorite to prop up the NXT women's division for a while. Also, Bayley doesn't use the flying elbow drop all that often, it's been a while since I've seen her do it and her real finisher, possibly the weakest in WWE, is the "Bayley to Belly."

2. Vince Hates NXT - According to the rumor mill, despite being a WWE product, and helmed by Triple H, Vince doesn’t believe in the wrestlers down there and only wants to push “his guys”. Vince has been known to belittle superstars the moment they want in the door. Some recent examples is calling The Vaudevillians “stupid” and accusing Apollo Crews of having no personality and “only being a smile”.

My Take: False - If Vince McMahon was truly unhappy with NXT, the way it's run and the wrestlers being signed, he'd make changes. Vince has the WWE structured in ways in which only he has any real power, which means anything that goes on ultimately has to have his stamp of approval. Ultimately, if Vince doesn't want someone signed, they won't get signed. There have also been too many NXT success stories and while not everyone from NXT has gotten "used right" in the minds of many fans, the notion that Vince hates NXT just doesn't fit.

1. Strowman's Push Almost Derailed By Kurt Angle's Ex - According to the story, Kurt Angle's ex wife, Karen Jarrett, approached Strowman in a bar and asked for his autograph for her son, who's a huge fan of Strowman's. Strowman allegedly denied it in a profane manner, which prompted Karen to ultimately tell Angle what happened, whith landed Strowman in hot water.

My Take: False - Karen Jarrett herself debunked this rumor by stating that she & Strowman were both playing around while being in their wrestling personas and that he did sign the autograph. This rumor was debunked almost immediately after it came out and, obviously, Strowman's career hasn't suffered any sort of ill effects.
I’ve heard a majority of these rumors before and the only one that I believe to be more true than not is the Sasha being anti social one. Even then I don’t 100% believe it because if you look at her IG and other social media stuff she is usually hanging around the Titus Worldwide crew and Bayley and Kalisto. I think she just prefers her small circle and isn’t into the majority of the activities the female locker room is likely into.

That said, her husband also travels with her and the WWE and he often pops up on the Up Up Down Down videos even when she isn’t in, so she may just be trying to live as normal a life as possible with her husband, and I can’t hate that.

It was pretty much confirmed a few weeks ago that around SummerSlam time that she slighted a bunch of fans outside her hotel and it caused her husband to want to fight Baron Corbin after Corbin called her out over it on Twitter.

Speaking of Twitter and Corbin, he needs to chill. I get that he is a heel and he plays one on social media very well, but we keep hearing the rumors that his social media activity is what gets him in trouble, especially the fights with guys like Balor.

Overall though this just kinda proves WWE is weird. Well Vince is weird and Kevin Dunn must have nudes of Linda or something to get the free reign we all seem to think he has.
Cena ruined Ziggler's career - Probably not. Ziggler is good in the ring.

Rusev loses his hair and his push - No. There are other reasons.

Why TJ Perkins lost his last name - Maybe. Considering everything Vince has done, I wouldn't be surprised.

Big Cass in trouble because of Trump - Doubtful. Vince himself supported Trump, so why would he punish Cass?

Other women don't like Sasha because she's anti-social - Maybe. She has never defended the women's title successfully. This might be a reason why.

Naomi loses the belt because of toys - Makes sense. Why else would Naomi have the title?

Kevin Dunn dislikes Becky Lynch's accent - Probably. Dunn is an idiot.

Owens lost his US Title because of other foreign heels - Possibly. There were way too many foreign heels on SD anyways.

Corbin was buried because of anti-Meltzer tweets - Lol no. Why would WWE care about Meltzer?

Reason for stupid names - Definitely. This is well known.

Kairi Sane can't use her finisher because of Bayley - Probably not. Many wrestlers use the same finisher.

Vince hates NXT - Doubtful. Does Vince even watch NXT? Either way, why would he care?

Strowman's push almost stopped by Karen Jarrett - No. This makes no sense.
Cena ruined Ziggler's career - Probably not. Ziggler is good in the ring.

Rusev loses his hair and his push - No. There are other reasons.

Why TJ Perkins lost his last name - Maybe. Considering everything Vince has done, I wouldn't be surprised.

Big Cass in trouble because of Trump - Doubtful. Vince himself supported Trump, so why would he punish Cass?

Other women don't like Sasha because she's anti-social - Maybe. She has never defended the women's title successfully. This might be a reason why.

Naomi loses the belt because of toys - Makes sense. Why else would Naomi have the title?

Kevin Dunn dislikes Becky Lynch's accent - Probably. Dunn is an idiot.

Owens lost his US Title because of other foreign heels - Possibly. There were way too many foreign heels on SD anyways.

Corbin was buried because of anti-Meltzer tweets - Lol no. Why would WWE care about Meltzer?

Reason for stupid names - Definitely. This is well known.

Kairi Sane can't use her finisher because of Bayley - Probably not. Many wrestlers use the same finisher.

Vince hates NXT - Doubtful. Does Vince even watch NXT? Either way, why would he care?

Strowman's push almost stopped by Karen Jarrett - No. This makes no sense.

Cena ruined Ziggler's career- I don't buy this, because, even Cena's biggest haters (and there are many) have made a lot of accusations about him over the years (e.g. Three Moves, won't sell etc), but I haven't ever heard the one that he plays politics backstage. I have never heard of him doing what "Stone Cold", Undertaker, Nash, Triple H, HBK and others have done, where they have refused to lose to someone. Cena may not use his stroke to push other talent, but I have never heard of him flat-out refusing to lose to someone.

No, Ziggler screwed Ziggler. He did things that WWE didn't like (like do an outside movie without WWE permission etc). Also, his ring name set him up to fail from day one.

I think TJ Perkins lost the "Perkins" to make his name sound more cool.

Trump and Vince are buddies, so I can't see Cass gettting in trouble for being pro-Trump.

Other women don't like Sasha, because many women don't like each other, and are jealous of each other, especially younger women.

Corbin was buried because he is boring.

If Vince hated NXT, there wouldn't be an NXT. Simple.

No, Braun's push was stopped, because they must have Brock Lesnar beat everyone he faces.
One thing I think people are missing is the Cass/Trump thing. From what I read, he had locker room heat because the majority of the guys are anti Trump and Cass is pro Trump. I never read he had heat with management or the company brass for his political views, he just had the heat with his fellow wrestlers. I’d buy that report.
Cena ruined Ziggler's career - Or could it be because of the way Ziggler ragdolls himself around and gets injured too often. Ziggler as much as he thinks so isn't really all that great. He didn't need Cena to do anything.

Rusev loses his hair and his push - No it was most likely his engagement and marriage to Lana that caused the friction.

Why TJ Perkins lost his last name - Maybe but who cares.

Big Cass in trouble because of Trump - Doubtful both are Trump supporters.

Other women don't like Sasha because she's anti-social - Maybe her husband is a WWE costume designer isn't he. She might want to spend her time with him, besides she appears a lot of UP UP Down Down, so she does spend time with others.

Naomi loses the belt because of toys - Makes sense, again who cares about Naomi.

Kevin Dunn dislikes Becky Lynch's accent - Probably but Sheamus does promo's as well, it's a man's world.

Owens lost his US Title because of other foreign heels - Possibly, but then why would he be featured so heavily in a McMahon feud. It's obvious that Vince likes him, otherwise he wouldn't have been allowed to put a hand on him.

Corbin was buried because of anti-Meltzer tweets - I read it was because he speaks too much during meetings in the back and the people who run the place are punishing him.

Reason for stupid names - Definitely.

Kairi Sane can't use her finisher because of Bayley - Probably not. Kairi Sane uses the flying elbow, Bayley uses the Bayley to Belly. I'd rather have Sane's.

Vince hates NXT - He's put money into it and the performance centre, so highly doubt he hates NXT. Might not think much of it, but he supports it financally.

Strowman's push almost stopped by Karen Jarrett - Again doubtful that Karen Jarrett could have anyone's push stopped. Didn't she leave Kurt Angle for Jeff Jarrett. If Strowman did tell her to feck off or something like that, he'd be holding the Universal Title right now.
13. John Cena Ruined Dolph Ziggler's Career
Perhaps, if you believe Alex Riley Cena could do something like that if he doesnt like you. But probably they just lost interest in Ziggles.

12. Rusev Loses His Hair...And His Push
Eh, dont believe that. Rusev was in trenches way before that.

11. TJ Perkins Loses His last Name...Why?
Maybe. Though they sometimes do that for marketing purposes. TJP maybe sounded better to WWE.

10. Big Cass In Trouble Because Of Trump?
Nah. Maybe in locker room, but hardly with management.

9. The Women Don't Like Sasha Banks Because She's Anti-Social
Can see that. Especially after her comments about fans and that it sounds that she really likes privacy. Which probably doesnt bode well with other women who often can be seen hang out together after shows.

8. Naomi Loses The Belt Because Of Toys?
Cant believe that. Too much time on their hand for that and if they wanted it would happen.

7. Why Becky Lynch Doesn't Do Promos
Or maybe because she really doesnt do them that well?

6. KO Loses His US Championship Because Of Other Foreign Heels
Nah. Though having Mahal and KO is kind overkill in that department.

5. Corbin Was Buried Because of Anti-Meltzer Tweets
Maybe tweets in general, not Meltzer ones. He did have nasty habit of lashing out there and WWE doesnt like that.

4. Stupid Reasons For Stupid Names
Sure, as I said, marketing.

3. Kairi Sane Can't Use Her Finisher Because Of Bayley
Eh, maybe they modify it not to be 100% same.

2. Vince Hates NXT
And HHH is legend because he invented wrestling in England and all those smark darlings would be made instant WWE Champions when he takes over. Just smarks being smarks with no reality.

1. Strowman's Push Almost Derailed By Kurt Angle's Ex
Nah, Vince adores Strowman and Strowman would have to kill someone in order for his push to change. If not for Lesnar he would be Universal Champion by now.
John Cena Ruined Dolph Ziggler's Career
I don't believe this one. Ziggler's early years "ruined his career", if anything even did. I still remember when he was a golfer's assistant and when he was part of the Spirit Squad. The guy can go in the ring but man is he boring otherwise. Only in the past year when he started to yell in promos and recent weeks of mocking entrances did he finally start to be interesting. Still, Dolph has had plenty of good moments for someone who supposedly had his career ruined.

Rusev Loses His Hair.... And His Push
This has to be false. Rusev and Lana were in that horrible love triangle storyline and put that awful angle out of its misery by announcing their real life relationship status. As much as that storyline NEEDED to end, Rusev causing the abrupt ending of that angle is what made him lose his push.

TJ Perkins Loses His last Name....Why?
That's a silly reason to remove his last name. I wouldn't put it past Vince if this is true. I liked the full name of TJ Perkins but I don't mind "TJP". It sounds kind of cool. The name reminds me of "The JTP" from The Goldbergs, as random as that sounds.

Big Cass In Trouble Because Of political views?
Highly doubt it. Vince and Trump are friends. Remember Wrestlemania 23? If anything Cass supporting the president, who his boss is good friends with, would likely only help him.

The Women Don't Like Sasha Banks Because She's Anti-Social
As others have said, it is better for Sasha to want to spend time with her husband if that is truly the case. Also what she does when she is not onscreen or working an event is her own business. No one says you have to hang out with your co-workers. Neither should Sasha if she doesn't want to.

Naomi Loses The Belt Because Of Toys?
No. Naomi lost the belt because they realized that she's not worthy of it. She sucks. The glowing belt was kinda cool, I'll miss it.

Why Becky Lynch Doesn't Do Promos
That's a horrible reason if it ends up being true. I feel the exact opposite. Her accent is extremely cool sounding. It makes her promos even better.

Owens Loses His US Championship Because Of Other Foreign Heels
I disagree with this theory. Owens is getting moved further up the card, unless he loses to Shane tonight. The "New Face Of America" was really dumb. Owens is better off doing the prizefighter thing and the Kevin Owens Show thing. I believe Smackdown's creative team noticed this as well, hence dropping the US Championship reign so guys like Styles can give the belt what it needs.

Corbin Was Buried Because of Anti-Meltzer Tweets
That's stupid. I heard other rumors that he was buried because of his attitude backstage and his arrogance. That's far more likely. Why would WWE punish someone who talks negatively about Meltzer?

Stupid Reasons For Stupid Names
I believe this one. It's right up there with them not saying "wrestler". I mostly just roll my eyes at things like that.

Kairi Sane Can't Use Her Finisher Because Of Bayley
I don't believe that one. Kairi is still new and Bayley is on the main roster. Highly doubt it.

Vince Hates NXT
This has some legs to it. He wants "his" guys to be the ones pushed to the top. Hate is a strong word though.

Strowman's Push Almost Derailed By Kurt Angle's Ex
Nope. Strowman got derailed because Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar HAVE to be booked as invincible against anybody else until the inevitably worthless Universal Championship match at Wrestlemania 34.
Cena ruined Ziggler's career- That seems a little off to me, especially when you consider Cena's track record since 2015; if anything, Ziggler himself ruined his otherwise great career when he got a concussion during his world heavyweight title run.

Rusev loses his hair and his push- I thought it was because of his relationship with Lana? In any case, any wrestler that gets into big time heat ends up either getting his shit together and making hmself better or getting depushed and released.

Why TJ Perkins lost his last name- I could care less about him losing his last name. What I want to know is who even eats at Perkins these days?

Big Cass in trouble because of Trump- Absolutely not, if anything; Big Cass supporting helps him going forward. Vince and Trump have been known for being good friends in the past, why should this be a shocker?

Other women don't like Sasha because she's anti-social- Well, it really depends on how anti-social she is. If she prefers to spend more time with her husband but occasionally have the girl's night out; then that's understandable. If she's just not spending any time with them at all, then we have a problem.

Naomi loses the belt because of toys- Why would anyone lose a title because of toys? I can see them trying to do glow in the dark belts though, would be pretty interesting.

Why Becky Lynch Doesn't Do Promos- It's Kevin Dunn. He's known for being petty, the fact he's basically Giancarlo on production is why he's even employed in the first place.

KO Loses His U.S Championship Because Of Other Foreign Heels- Honestly, if that's the case; then maybe it's for the best. It's not that he's bad at the role, but the roster isn't big enough for three main event foreign heels.

Corbin Was Buried Because of Anti-Meltzer Tweets- Since when did WWE give a damn about Dave Meltzer? They know Dave has a pro Japan bias, they know that they don't cater to them; so they don't. Pure and simple.

Stupid Reasons For Stupid Names- That's not a rumor, that's something that's been around for a while.

Kairi Sane Can't Use Her Finisher Because Of Bayley- I mean, i'd believe this rumor if it weren't for the fact that some of the wrestlers know. Actually used the same finisher.

Vince Hates NXT- If Vince really hated NXT, NXT wouldn't even have been created to begin with.

Strowman's push almost stopped by Karen Jarrett- Nope. Not happening. Vince loves Braun Strowman to death, and it wouldn't shock me if Braun became a contender for the I.C title or the World Title for the rest of the year and into 2018.
Cena ruined Ziggler's career - Highly doubt this is true. i think a concussion that he suffered in his world title push really hurt him, but i dont think it ruined his career. the only thing hurting Ziggler's career right now is that he hasnt changed at all.

Rusev loses his hair and his push - Highly doubt this rumor. i think the steam just fell when he lost his US title to Cena and then Lana got popular and WWE tried to capitalize Lana's popularity, but then hurt both Lana and Rusev when they split up.

Why TJ Perkins lost his last name - i dont know if that's true or care. his name isnt hurting him.

Big Cass in trouble because of Trump - i dont think that's hurting him. he was getting a single's push before the injury. i think when he comes back he'll get a push, hopefully though it'll be as a face.

Other women don't like Sasha because she's anti-social - This could be true, but i dont think it's 100% true. i think she has her friends that truely know her and then some who dont like her because they dont know her.

Naomi loses the belt because of toys - i doubt that is the reason she lost. if anything, that'll get Vince happy (since he'd love to see her belt off as a toy). my guess is she lost the belt because he wanted a better wrestler holding the title.

Kevin Dunn dislikes Becky Lynch's accent - that actually could be true, but i hope it's not because that's a stupid reason to not let her get a push. she, Charlotte and Nattie should be having matches with each other.

Owens lost his US Title because of other foreign heels - i hope that's not true. my hope is that he lost the title because they want to push him to main event level (like he should). speaking of rumors, i wonder if the rumor of Owens going back to RAW is true?? i hope not, but if he does go back to RAW, then i think Samoa Joe should move to Smackdown.

Corbin was buried because of anti-Meltzer tweets - i dont think that's why, my guess is that it was his attitude backstage.

Reason for stupid names - i wont be shocked if this is true because of Vince's logic, but he's in charge, so i sorta understand it...but dont completely agree with it.

Kairi Sane can't use her finisher because of Bayley - i doubt this is true. my guess is that WWE wanted her to have a new finisher that they preferred.

Vince hates NXT - highly doubt that this is true. if Vince hates NXT, he wouldnt give it commercials for their annual Takeover shows.

Strowman's push almost stopped by Karen Jarrett - VERY highly doubt that. my guess is that WWE didnt care about this at all because 1) Karen doesnt work for the company and 2) how's Braun supposed to know Kurt's ex wife?? plus if this happened like it was reported (likely not), then Karen should've just done the smart thing and let Kurt have a take his son to work day.
You k lnow the more I think about it, the more I could see the Ziggler rumor being something that did happen, and the dirtsheets blew it way out of proportion. It would make sense that a guy like Cena who is not only your #1 guy, but a guy who gets good matches out of everyone, might have said he wasn’t impressed with Ziggler’s in ring work, and that may have lead to something. Ziggler does have a tendency to repeat the same few moves and oversell like a pushed off HBK, he doesn’t bring much that is unique to the table. For a while Ziggler was a big fan favorite, so any slight against him by Ol Johnny Boy would be viewed by the smarks as a burial.

I’ve heard even when he was Mr. MITB, the original plan was for him to lose because Vince and most guys viewed him as an HBK wannabe who couldn’t cut it but it was Triple H who convinced them to give him the post Mania win for that big moment to pop the crowd and ratings. Even after, Vince and company had no real plans to push him as champion, so I highly doubt that one Cena comment killed him.

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