It's Official - Enzo Amore Joins The Cruiserweight Division


We've all read various stories regarding intense levels of backstage heat on Enzo Amore over the past several weeks; some of those stories suggest that Enzo was either headed to 205 Live or back to NXT. Following Neville's successful defense of the title against Tozawa on tonight's episode of 205 Live, Enzo Amore made a surprise appearance and basically called Neville out.

I don't know if Enzo has been send to 205 Live to be buried or as part of injecting some attention into the Cruiserweight Division as a whole. Either one is a definite possibility but I hope that it's the latter as Enzo's gift of gab has too much potential to breathe some fresh life into the Cruiserweight Division. Enzo isn't that great in the ring but he's a highly charismatic presence who can deliver on the mic. If he can get and keep fans interested in him, then it'll be a nice boon for the division as Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn are holding steadfast to their vision of the division.

I know this might be venturing into conspiracy theory territory, but I suppose another possibility is that this could be a way for Vince to justify getting rid of Enzo. Reportedly, the thing that's been saving Enzo is that his segments have drawn well and that he moves a lot of merchandise. Some view 205 Live as sort of the new WWECW and if Enzo being featured as a key player isn't able to get the division over to another level of interest, with Vince keeping the current formula, then Vince could justify it to anyone, at least in his own mind, for showing Enzo the door by spinning the whole thing as a means of giving Enzo an opportunity. I don't think it's too likely of a scenario a Vince doesn't need justification really to get rid of anyone if he wants them gone, but, as I said, I suppose it's possible.
Thank goodness.

There was no reason to keep him on Raw any longer now that Cass was gone. He wouldn't be a physical threat to almost anyone on Raw and it would be a waste of time to see him out there getting squashed every week. Put him with people his own size where his personality can shine in a land that basically doesn't have any personalities of their own. This is entirely the right move and hopefully is a better fit for him.
Uh okay. I don't really care for 205 Live, and I still don't.

Enzo is good on the mic. Not all of his promos are great, such as the one from SummerSlam, but he's still one of the better mic workers in WWE.

However let's face it - he'll never be more than a mid-carder/glorified jobber. He needs a lot of work in the ring, and he'll never be taken seriously due to his look and size.

This is probably the best move. The division needs personality, and Enzo brings it. I'm still not interested though, and the division should be scrapped.
Imagine how much shit everyone will have to put up with if he pops 205 Live? What if this is his big test, and he PASSES?
This almost made me want to watch 205 Live. The key word there being almost. Neville and the others still show up on Raw, so it's not like we won't still see Enzo appear on the red brand. So I'll continue to not watch 205 Live. Time will tell if Enzo going to the Cruiserweights ends up being for the best or not, though I predict it will be. Enzo was going to get lost in the shuffle on Raw's midcard without the tag team he had with Cass. I could see him becoming Cruiserweight Champion soon. What else were they going to do with him? Team him up with The Big Show? Yeah no thanks. It was funny that one time, but in the long run the fans would likely have lost interest.
They finally did something smart for the cruiserweight, I would have loved to see kalisto get moved down to 205 live but enzo will do for know plus what can you really do with enzo on raw now that cass injured? Outside of managing somebody they're nothing you can do really so might as well use him to give star power to the division which Is in great need of some star power at this point.
Just a question a little off-topic, isn't it hypocritical if you guys think Enzo has no "size" or "look" and belongs to the cruiserweight division, but don't mind Finn Balor, a guy even smaller than Enzo, on the main roster?

Just to be clear, I hate neither Enzo nor Balor, I'm indifferent to both, and the only difference between them is that the latter is smaller but a much better in-ring performer.

I'm also not the sort of person whom you'd stereotype to be someone who likes "big sweaty men" or something, because I liked Kurt Angle and Bret Hart just as much as Sting and Taker.

I'm just curious. If you guys think Enzo has nothing to offer on the main roster, does Balor have, despite the fact that he can perform?

Can he be taken seriously? ; considering his size, that he comes across as cold and boring, isn't CM Punk on the mic; and the face paint and demon king persona doesn't lend him any more legitimacy than Bray Wyatt being fat and mediocre and going about proclaiming himself to be the "eater of worlds," which is basically just being a sort of a Conqueror, only Taker actually conquered, and Brock Lesnar actually conquered.

Another fact to consider is that Balor isn't the best wrestler in the world and not a technical wizard like Daniel Bryan, Cesaro or Chris Benoit. He does a lot of those kicks and high-risk moves, something Juvented Guerrera and Rey Mysterio made a living out of, back in 1996.

Seems to me, Balor at his size is a far better fit for the CW division, than Enzo Amore.
Just a question a little off-topic, isn't it hypocritical if you guys think Enzo has no "size" or "look" and belongs to the cruiserweight division, but don't mind Finn Balor, a guy even smaller than Enzo, on the main roster?

Just to be clear, I hate neither Enzo nor Balor, I'm indifferent to both, and the only difference between them is that the latter is smaller but a much better in-ring performer.

I'm also not the sort of person whom you'd stereotype to be someone who likes "big sweaty men" or something, because I liked Kurt Angle and Bret Hart just as much as Sting and Taker.

I'm just curious. If you guys think Enzo has nothing to offer on the main roster, does Balor have, despite the fact that he can perform?

Can he be taken seriously? ; considering his size, that he comes across as cold and boring, isn't CM Punk on the mic; and the face paint and demon king persona doesn't lend him any more legitimacy than Bray Wyatt being fat and mediocre and going about proclaiming himself to be the "eater of worlds," which is basically just being a sort of a Conqueror, only Taker actually conquered, and Brock Lesnar actually conquered.

Another fact to consider is that Balor isn't the best wrestler in the world and not a technical wizard like Daniel Bryan, Cesaro or Chris Benoit. He does a lot of those kicks and high-risk moves, something Juvented Guerrera and Rey Mysterio made a living out of, back in 1996.

Seems to me, Balor at his size is a far better fit for the CW division, than Enzo Amore.

i agree with you on all your point but the difference between Finn and enzo is simple, Finn Balor as a following from his indy days and fans that followed his career see him in the spot he's in. He's like the AJ Styles of Raw in a way. While Enzo doesn't have that backing from the fans, he's always was a tag wrestler so in single he's never been a proven commodity so wgy not try him in the cruiserweight first, see what he able to do has a single and then if he's good enough, send him back to the midcard.
It's a good move. Even if he doesn't do much there, it's a good move.

Different subject, why did Neville lose the belt to begin with?
i agree with you on all your point but the difference between Finn and enzo is simple, Finn Balor as a following from his indy days and fans that followed his career see him in the spot he's in. He's like the AJ Styles of Raw in a way. While Enzo doesn't have that backing from the fans, he's always was a tag wrestler so in single he's never been a proven commodity so wgy not try him in the cruiserweight first, see what he able to do has a single and then if he's good enough, send him back to the midcard.

Fair enough.

He's still smaller than Styles though, and arenas aren't filled with thunderous, resounding applause week after week, as we've seen them do every time AJ Styles shows up, whether as heel or face.
Different subject, why did Neville lose the belt to begin with?

They've decided for the CW championship to follow what they've done with the women's title and US title, change hands a couple of times with two people in a feud.

It makes it a little interesting because seeing one person be dominant for a while makes it sort of boring.

On the other hand, it is also an evidence of 50-50 booking in that, what's the point if X beats Y for a title, Y beats X to regain that title, and then X regains it again. It sort of detracts from one person being supreme.
Just a question a little off-topic, isn't it hypocritical if you guys think Enzo has no "size" or "look" and belongs to the cruiserweight division, but don't mind Finn Balor, a guy even smaller than Enzo, on the main roster?

Just to be clear, I hate neither Enzo nor Balor, I'm indifferent to both, and the only difference between them is that the latter is smaller but a much better in-ring performer.

I'm also not the sort of person whom you'd stereotype to be someone who likes "big sweaty men" or something, because I liked Kurt Angle and Bret Hart just as much as Sting and Taker.

I'm just curious. If you guys think Enzo has nothing to offer on the main roster, does Balor have, despite the fact that he can perform?

If you don't have size or look, you need to be amazing in the ring. Balor is. Enzo isn't. You said it yourself - Balor is on the main roster because "he can perform".
I rather hear a 3rd grade mean girl on the playground promo from Alexa Bliss than Enzo Amore even be mentioned on commentary. She is beyond vapid and lacks talent in the ring where it matters even a little. Enzo is that, but annoying stacked on top. If I ever miss him or Cass I will watch their original NXT run.

I don't even watch more than 1 hour of raw/smackdown weekly after I skip all the bad or boring. The chance of me watching 205 Live was near zero already with that being said, but Enzo really makes the decision an easy never. I'll watch literally any other promotion for good small guys or actually entertaining high flying.
They really could make this interesting. He could play the heel who feels that he is too good for 205 Live. He could be a sympathetic face who is treated like crap by the rest of the cruiserweights. He could have some interesting chemistry with a Jack Gallagher or a charisma vacuum like the 90's video game guy whose name I can't remember.

I don't have the Network so if they are going to do some good stuff with him it will have to be on Raw.

"My name is Enzo Amore, and I'm a ....
...and this here is Jack Gallagher,
and he's kind of pale,
and you can't teach that!"

I haven't put much effort in to my thoughts into this if you can't tell.
Bah. What a waste of one of the best mic workers WWE has seen since The Rock. He would have been better served as a slime bucket manager like The Slickster where he gets his ass thrown around when he tries to interfere on his clients behalf. Heel or face, there's always somebody on the roster who would benefit from having Enzo yelling for them like Paul Heyman.. Jason Jordan being a recent example. Now that he's on 205 Live he'll be forgotten.
Just a question a little off-topic, isn't it hypocritical if you guys think Enzo has no "size" or "look" and belongs to the cruiserweight division, but don't mind Finn Balor, a guy even smaller than Enzo, on the main roster?

I'm just curious. If you guys think Enzo has nothing to offer on the main roster, does Balor have, despite the fact that he can perform?

Can he be taken seriously? ; considering his size, that he comes across as cold and boring, isn't CM Punk on the mic; and the face paint and demon king persona doesn't lend him any more legitimacy than Bray Wyatt being fat and mediocre and going about proclaiming himself to be the "eater of worlds," which is basically just being a sort of a Conqueror, only Taker actually conquered, and Brock Lesnar actually conquered.

I'm not avid fan or detractor for either Enzo or Balor but I do find it funny when certain people just dismiss Enzo completely for his size or look when he's not the smallest or the least interesting looking talent on the roster who isn't in the CW Division.

It's pretty obvious what Enzo has going for him is his mic work and charisma. Now, maybe the way he acts is what turns people off and cause them to dismiss him, but he is pretty entertaining especially if you have someone playing off him who can call him out for looking silly and Enzo can fire back. That used to be what the FUN of pro wrestling was. Charismatic characters and promos where talent would make fun of each other until they came to blows.

Anyway, CW Division for Enzo, at this point, seems like a good fit. Still to be seen if he is going to be buried or given even a slight chance. But if Vince is so foolish not just FIRE Enzo if he really doesn't like him and instead make him look like garbage and destroy the companies potential bottom line then it is further evidence for why WWE has not shown any signs of really growing their audience because they sabotage themselves for petty reasons and ultimately any fans or potential new fans don't get a chance to get or stay interested.

Also, some people saying Enzo will be nothing more than a mid-carder. Yeah ... so what's wrong with that? That's absolutely fine. If he is a solid mid-carder that would be great. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn were solid mid-carders, won a few tag titles and mid-card titles. I don't think they ever got a sniff of the top titles and THEY were much bigger and stronger looking than Enzo and yet a smaller guy like Finn Balor has already been a top champion.

Just goes to show it is NOT about size.

It is mostly about charisma. And each talent is at varying levels more or less valued for their in-ring work, but honestly, everyone on the roster can wrestle. Some do it better, but they can all make an entertaining match if given the opportunity.
I can't say I'm surprised. The rumour's having been floating for awhile now that he would either be sent back to NXT or put on 205 Live. Personally I have no issue with Enzo, well he can be a little annoying at times, but seeing his performance in the ring I don't hold out much hope for him with the rest of the CW's.

He will definitely be the best on the mic that's goes without saying but can he back it up in the ring. Some fans aren't thrilled with the whole CW division, I'm not one of them I like it, so whether you like them or not they can go in the ring. I'm afraid Enzo will just be put in there to be squashed every week. We'll see.

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