Sting is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
And what a short reign it was for the Immortal-friendly version of Mr. Anderson it was, eh?

With a little bit of help from some fucked up looking clowns, one of whom was revealed to be Kurt Angle, Sting regained the title after hitting Anderson with the Death Drop.

This sets up Sting v. Angle at Hardcore Justice where Angle gets his title shot he won in his last match with Jarrett.

All title change discussion here.
I'm not a huge fan of Sting holding the title for the 43537th time. He doesn't need it at this point at all and he doesn't have the ability to keep up in the ring at a level that a World Champion should. But still, it's a much better option than Anderson.

I say it's fairly certain that he drops it before BFG. Maybe Angle takes it at Hardcore Justice, maybe someone else takes it in September. But if they're really trying to have Hogan/Sting at BFG, they can't really make it for the belt unless they completely scrap the BFG series.
Well Mr. Anderson sure is a pretty lackluster champion. The guy wins the championship and loses it as soon as he defends it. I don't know why Sting needs another title shot. I guess TNA loves to keep you guessing and keeps things interesting. I just think a Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle match up would be more interesting then Angle and Sting. Both wrestlers have good history with each other, I just don't think Sting needs the belt at this point in his career. Especially since he has a storyline with Hogan.
I would rather see Sting as champ then Anderson holding the belt. Sting at age 52 seem to try harder in the ring than Anderson, who just seems lazy as hell in the ring to me, allthough I dont want to see Sting go into BFG as champ and face Hogan if thats what they are planning. which I dont think the are becuse of the whole BFG series, they wouldn't be able to have Sting fight Hogan and the winner of the series, so it seems to me he will probably drop the title to Angle at the next ppv. You never know though Anderson might get it back before then. Hope not as Angle would be more deserving.
I'm fine with it.. and I hail from Wisconsin.

I think Anderson was already doing better being a full blown heel tonight, not sure what they'll do with him now. Hopefully he won't have to cry for a title rematch now that he is in Immortal and should get one pretty soon.

After Angle was talking tonight, stating that he hasn't beaten Sting... I think Angle should win.. and I think he will. Maybe Sting will retain at Hardcore Justice, but Angle is defiantly heading into Philadelphia as the champion to take on the winner of the Bound for Glory Series.

I enjoyed Sting winning, I can handle another title run of Sting.. especially since the crazy Sting hasn't been World Champion yet.

All I'm saying is.. Sting BETTER NOT be the World Champion come Bound for Glory. Because Sting being World Champion at Bound for Glory is as bad as Cena constantly being the champ in the WWE!
This is god awful. I'm no fan of Anderson by any stretch of the imagination, but putting the title back on Sting again this quickly is mind numbingly stupid. Sting is, quite simply, too old to carry any company's top title at this juncture. He honestly doesn't need a title anyway. The questions I'm left asking are; (1.) What is Sting gaining from winning the TNA World Title again, and (2.) Why does TNA continue to hamstring their "evil empire stable"?

Immortal has been a joke since the moment Jeff Hardy screwed up on PPV, but FINALLY bringing Anderson into the fold could have possibly fixed that so some degree. Not now.

I really don't understand what TNA is doing with Ken Anderson in general at this point. This is, what, the second time they've given him a totally ridiculous title reign? I"m left all but speechless. I'm convinced, now moreso than ever, that TNA booking is beyond inept. They don't seem to know what they want to do from one week to the next.
This is more illogical booking with Anderson. If I am him the only thing that is keeping me in TNA is the far less hectic schedule.

You put the belt on Jeff Hardy. He is on trial for drug trafficking. He drops it to Anderson. He gets it back a month later. Why did he drop it or why was he even champ?

Then this. You give it to Sting. Then Anderson. Now Sting again. Why was the belt taken off of Sting in the first place? This isn't fair to Anderson. It seems to be cool to hate on Anderson with the IWC. But he has really entertained me.

I just hope whomever wins the Bound For Glory Series actually wins the belt. Sting vs. Hogan at Bound For Glory for the championship would make me pull my hair out.

And for the record I like Sting's new Joker gimmick. But this is getting a little crazy.
I'm guessing they wanted to take the belt off of Anderson as soon as possible because he plain sucks these days. That sets up Sting vs Angle for Hardcore Justice. Otherwise we'd get Angle vs Anderson ALL over again, and we've already seen that feud. However, Kurt made a good point about never being able to defeat Sting.

There's your new feud, between TNA's biggest active wrestlers, two guys who have worked with eachother before and proved to be able to put on a great match, with a valid agenda for the World Title. What more do you want?

I'm guessing that Sting is a transitional Champion. Kurt wins at HardCore Justice and faces the winner of the BFG series at Bound For Glory, most likely dropping it to that same person.

It's a mess with the title being passed around like a joint, I know, but it's for a purpose and that's the only thing that makes me tolerate this.
fucking stupid.

Anderson deserves his shot at the big time, and not to have it continually yanked away.

He is a hell of an entertainer, and it's not that Sting isn't, but he's had his time. He needs to focus on his feud with Hogan. I dig his insane icon thing, with the homage to the Joker. But Anderson deserves the spotlight.

I pray to god that he gets the title back before BFG. I'd love to see him take on the BFG series winner.

But...i doubt it will happen. I bet it'll be ridiculous, like Sting vs. Hernandez, or some shit.
I hate Anderson so getting the title off of him for me is great.

As a Sting mark, I'm stoked that he won the title. I mean I hate it if Sting loses, he's like the Undertaker, he shouldn't really lose unless he gets screwed out of it. So him winning the belt as a fan is also great.

Do I think he doesn't need the belt? Yes I do.

Do I think that TNA should have someone else as Champion (besides Anderson)? Yes I do.

Is Sting the hottest guy in TNA right now though? Yes he is.

I'm not sure where they are going with this, but I'm happy. One more run for the Stinger, why not! Go Sting.
Definitely a curve ball in my opinion. I didn't see Sting getting the title back, even with his helpers tonight. I must say, I've really enjoyed the storyline recently, the Crazy Sting, the clowns tonight, the intrigue with Anderson and Immortal. I don't mind Sting having the belt again, but I do feel a little bad for Anderson. I'm with Celtic, I'm an Anderson fan, I think he's very entertaining if not outstanding in the ring. Lazy in the ring? I won't argue, sometimes I think he could put a little more into it. But I can't help but like him some regardless. That said, I like Sting too, and I have no problem with him having the belt again. As some others have said already, I expect it to be a shorter run, can't see him going into BFG with the belt. He is getting up there, and he's probably not capable of being the guy to carry the company as champ for a long time, but like I said, I don't think he'll have it for long.

Interesting to see where this goes from here. Will Sting keep up the craziness? Will he keep bringing up Dixie's name? How will this play out between him and Angle? And I hope they get a little less spastic with Anderson's booking. But overall I think it's going to be interesting heading into the PPV and all the way to BFG.
I'm guessing they wanted to take the belt off of Anderson as soon as possible because he plain sucks these days. That sets up Sting vs Angle for Hardcore Justice. Otherwise we'd get Angle vs Anderson ALL over again, and we've already seen that feud. However, Kurt made a good point about never being able to defeat Sting.

There's your new feud, between TNA's biggest active wrestlers, two guys who have worked with eachother before and proved to be able to put on a great match, with a valid agenda for the World Title. What more do you want?

I'm guessing that Sting is a transitional Champion. Kurt wins at HardCore Justice and faces the winner of the BFG series at Bound For Glory, most likely dropping it to that same person.

It's a mess with the title being passed around like a joint, I know, but it's for a purpose and that's the only thing that makes me tolerate this.

Purpose ? Thats the one thing this company lacks. You just had Anderson join Immortal with the belt and now he loses it right away. So why give him the belt to begin with, what was the point of that.

Last week Anderson finally joining Immoral made sense, leave it to TNA to immediately not make sense the following week. Im sure Sting wont have the tittle for long but still just when the booking makes sense, they have to completely erase all the good they did.

And what a shame, coming off a great pay per view, they barely mention it. Hogan starts the show again playing Texas Hold Em with the Joker, the show drags in the middle. And once again at the end of show TNA shows they book week to week on the fly by Sting winning. Does anyone really believe now that Fortune turning Immortal wasnt done last minute after MEM failed ?

So yes Sting, absolutely hate it and will absolutely hate him wrestling Hogan at BFG if that travesty goes down. He doesnt need a belt, Anderson needed it more than he did, they could have did Anderson v Angle again, at least it would be a face vs a heel
i think they took it off Anderson due to his lacklusterness. he doesnt seem happy in tna and it shows. i bet hes gone when his contract expires problem is where does he go? i think sting as champion is ok as long as he loses it before his match with Hogan. i would hate to see hogan tna champ but nothing would surprise me.
Anderson has proven with his TNA run that he is NOT World Championship material, he is barely entertaining. Calling yourself an asshol does not make you cool at all. Sting for the 15th time is the man, and will hold it past Hardcore Justice.

Sad thing is this, neither Angle or Sting should really be TNA Champion, what about guys like Pope, Morgan, or promote Alex Shelley into the Main Event. While I do applaud TNA for making stars finally (Crimson and Gunner), they still do not know how to maximize the roster.

Sting will most likely drop it in Sept, as Anderson and Angle will feud until BFG. Sting passes the torch at BFG to Crimson, Gunner or Morgan. *ie Morgan is my BFG series pick*
I'am a Sting fan but this is just rediculous he should not be a world champ at his age, he should be used to help elevate younger talent like Robert Roode,James Storm and others.

this sucks i was looking forward to seeing Angle vs Anderson at Hardcore Justice and possibly Anderson defending the title against AJ Styles at BFG but now its Sting/Angle which we saw in 07 and 09.

I dont know why Angle is complaining about not beating Sting he beat him on the Impact after BFG 2007 to win back the world title.

I have not been this pissed at a veteran winning a world title since 2009 when Undertaker beat CM Punk for it at Hell in a Cell.
I'm fine with it. It's illogical, but I don't like Anderson at all and haven't been impressed since he got to TNA. I'd rather have Sting drop it to Kurt Angle and have him face AJ or Roode or whatever off the BFG Series at Phili.
I hated this, they're obviously setting up for a Hogan/Sting match down the line.

TNA has this weird view of Sting. As if he's the guy who's going to make that company relevant and bring in tons of money and whatnot.

I feel bad for Anderson, guy is talented. Love his whole "Asshole" gimmick.

If Hogan/Sting is on PPV, I'm not ordering it.
Purpose ? Thats the one thing this company lacks. You just had Anderson join Immortal with the belt and now he loses it right away. So why give him the belt to begin with, what was the point of that.

Last week Anderson finally joining Immoral made sense, leave it to TNA to immediately not make sense the following week. Im sure Sting wont have the tittle for long but still just when the booking makes sense, they have to completely erase all the good they did.

Just because the company is switching champions more than once every 3 months doesn't mean the lack purpose. When I was watching tonight I figured it be any other night where Anderson retains in heel champion fashion, and cuts off with Sting furious. I wasn't into the match at all. Then once Kurt came out, and Sting hit the death drop I got a little confused. Then he won, and I got excited. The excitment went away after 30 seconds when i realized once again Sting is champ, but it hooked me into the match. It gave me that "anything can and will happen" feeling. Just when you had it all figured out you find out you don't. That is what is great about TNA. I can predict almost every storyline in wwe, but in TNA you never can predict who will win big matches. to some it seems stupid and unorganized, but I think it is awesome. It keeps me tuned in every week, and interested in whats going on, and I think that is what any tv show would want.
Total TNA logic old guy who's best year of drawing money was 15 years when instead of wrestling he was hanging out in rafters. They have a group of guys on their roster who aren't green, who aren't that young, who might be able to draw TNA more money than Sting, Van Dam, Jarrett, Angle, Ray, and Hardy but for whatever reason are afraid to get serious about it. Nikita in Crockett, Warrior in the WWF, Tommy Rich in GCW, RNR Express in Mid-South and Crockett, Von Erichs in World Class, and Roadwarriors in GCW, and AWA, AllJapan, Crockett at the same time were all green and young and drew money. People in wrestling used to know you need new guys in the main event because the same guys constantly can only draw for so long.
I've never been a huge fan of Anderson so seeing him drop the title doesn't bother me very much. However, it does have me question where the company plans to go with the world title heading towards Bound For Glory. Obviously, we still have months before that but it makes me wonder if Sting will really go into the big event as the champion. During his previous world title reign and before the BFG series, I was fully convinced Sting would be champion until BFG but now I'm not so sure. At this point, I can only assume that Anderson will probably get his rematch before Hardcore Justice and then lose leading to Angle/Sting at the ppv. From there, I see Sting being a transitional champion and dropping the title to Angle. Kurt can then claim that he's finally beaten Sting and hold the title all the way through BFG and face the winner of the BFG series. This would leave Sting to presumably deal with Immortal and probably Hogan at BFG.

All I can say for certain is that if TNA really does plan on having Sting/Hogan at BFG, PLEASE don't have it with the title on the line. The BFG series serves as a great way to propel a young up and comer into the main event. Besides, I think a feud like Sting/Hogan transcends the world title anyway.
CENA will always draw money. ROCK will always draw money. AUSTIN will always draw money.

Have Cena wrestle Punk and Orton exclusively in the main event for 9 months I'll guarantee it will draw less and less money. If you don't try new guys and be serious about these new guys you plateau and start to decline. Will they all pan out no, but every time a promotion becomes hot is because they put fresh guys in the main event. Luger, Sting, and Flair needed Hall and Nash to help propel WCW, Undertaker, Michaels, O. Hart weren't the key to the WWF's resurrence it was putting Austin and the Rock in the main event picture that turned the tide. You need new guys to help prevent a stale product.
Really? They give the belt to Sting, of all people? I Just seriously hope before the end of this year we atleast see one homegrown talent with the TNA Championship.

This proves two thing's. One, TNA has no clue how to book a face going after a heel champion. Two, Anderson fuckin' sucks. Three, Bischoff and Russo still live in 1997, because they keep giving out free Championship matches. I mean seriously, this has happened already to Anderson. He won the Championship from Jeff Hardy, then lost it to back him in 3 week's, he won the Championship from Sting, then lost it back to him in a month. I'm beginning to think Anderson is their fall guy, the guy they just give the belt to incase they run out of idea's. What kind of logic is it to have the same guy lost the same belt two times, in the same time frame. Unless their gonna book Anderson as the next Ric Flair and give him 18 Championship reign's, this makes no sense. Also, what does Sting have to gain from being Champion, he's only freuding with Angle anyway, and now I think about it why the hell is Kurt fuckin' Angle the number 1 contender in 2011? Anyway, it's just all messed up now, I don't get it, and I really don't care. I just wish there was some logic and consistency in TNA storylines for me to care about them.

They could've had Anderson be a tweener, but be in Immortal. But, instead of being a member, but a outcast of Immortal, the guy who's not always there where they need him, doesn't answer to Bischoff and Hogan's orders. What he's really doing is trying to destroy Immortal from within, and disband them individually. Have him finally turn face at Bound For Glory, and turn on Hogan and Bischoff, the complete opposite of last year's show, when the Champion turned heel, Anderson, while being TNA Champion, would turn face.
This is the best Sting has been since he was silent. I think he's the best person to hold the title right now. I do think he needs some new theme music though.

I do hope they continue to build up The Pope because he'd be a great person to lead the company. I feel like TNA took a couple steps back by turning him heel against Joe a few months ago.
Everyone who thinks sting will have the belt at BFG are fin nuts, mark my words, he will lose it at one of the next two ppv's. He's been busting his ass with this new gimmick, I see nothing wrong with rewardig him for that. If the rumored sting/hogan match is gonna happen at BFG, like others have stated it can't be for the belt due to the BFG series, I would be willing to bet he loses to angle so that angle is in the main event at BFG with the belt because they know they can count on angle to have a good match at BFG. I see it being against gunner/ray/a heel turning Bobby roode.
This is the best Sting has been since he was silent. I think he's the best person to hold the title right now. I do think he needs some new theme music though.

I do hope they continue to build up The Pope because he'd be a great person to lead the company. I feel like TNA took a couple steps back by turning him heel against Joe a few months ago.

That's the sad part about it though, as much as I think TNA should give the Championship to younger star's, there aren't really any yet. Sting's really the only guy besides Styles who has any drawing, or star power today in TNA.

When TNA actually pushes their own stars it will be a fantastic day. But, until then, more former WCW/WWE talent will be getting the Championship. And that's only becuase of their former employer.

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