Kurt Angle is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

Well Kurt Angle didn't need another title, but when does someone who has held the title more then 9 times need it again? I don't see the harm in putting the title on Angle once more. Unlike Sting, Kurt is able to put on an entertaining match. Yes Sting is over but his matches are nothing great. They are slow and boring for the most part. With Angle being the champion at least we will get better matches then we would with Sting. I can't say what is to come from the finish, but Impact should be interesting. Kurt Angle is a solid worker who is sure to provide something interesting with the gold.

I'd rather see Angle have a match with someone like AJ Styles and have it be exciting and something enjoyable. Rather then the slow and stale (with the exception of his recent promo work which has gotten my attention) stuff we get when Sting enters a ring. In the end I'm happy Angle has got the title, mainly because it will bring on better matches for the main events in TNA.
i didnt see it coming and i dont see kurt joining the group it wouldnt make sense having him join a group thats got the man thats sleeping with his ex wife im hoping its him just wanting to the title so bad that he had to cheat and have him tweener or just a heel but not join hogans group
Stupid ending, where can you go from here? It's pointless. Sting with the title makes more sense. Why would you need to throw Angle into it all?
Stupid ending, where can you go from here? It's pointless. Sting with the title makes more sense. Why would you need to throw Angle into it all?
TNA wants Hogan vs Sting at BFG by the looks of it. That can't happen with Sting being The Champ, because the world champion faces the winner of the BFG series. Therefore Sting drops it to Angle.

Angle holds on to the belt for another couple of months and drops it to whoever wins the BFG series. Immortal is dead. We all move on to hopefully a new start to a new mini-era and if we're lucky no one will try to take over the company for a while.

Where can you go from here? Watch the show on Thursday. Something tells me you'll get some answers.
What's all this "leave for the Olympics" crap?

People are expecting a long, extended absence for Kurt Angle, and I'd be very surprised to see one. As far as training goes, he's been doing the strength and conditioning work for the past two decades; both traits are just as important in GR/freestyle as they are as to a professional wrestling performer. There haven't been that many revolutions in the sport in the past twenty years; we pretty much figured out every way a guy can lock down a shoulder back when the Greeks were covering themselves in oil and wrestling in sand pits. It's a matter of Angle sharpening up his reflexes. With TNA/IW taping every two weeks, Angle doesn't need to take a major hiatus from TNA/IW programming to try and relive his former glories.

If he were to qualify at Nationals for the Olympics, you could probably expect to see him take some time off, but that's a mighty, mighty big If. Kurt Angle isn't the same guy he was in 1996- there has been a lot of injuries, age, pills and alcohol since then. Meanwhile, there are plenty of guys who have the shape and youth that Kurt did back in '96. He's going to be giving up a good speed advantage, and Olympic wrestling is not the kind of endeavor where you can afford to give up advantages.
I'm pretty surprised by the events that took place at Hardcore Justice but I do not think that Angle is joining Immortal. For one, with Jeff Jarrett being a part of Immortal, I do not think TNA is that stupid to make Kurt co-exist with a guy whom he has had a very bitter and a personal feud with for about a year. Also the Impact Zone crowd does not really want to boo Kurt at all. I think that maybe Sting, Kurt and Styles are the three guys in TNA whom the crowd will never ever accept as heels.

As long as TNA pins the whole thing as Hogan's doing, I think that both guys will remain faces. Maybe you could have Sting come out and say that he has no problem with what happened because he would have tried to do the same thing and that it was really Hogan's fault that he brought the chair into the equation. That it was Hogan who ruined a very fine match. It sounds a bit farfetched but it sets up Angle as a face and also Sting vs Hogan as well.
Everyone is using logic to say that Jarrett and Angle can't coexist in Immortal. When did logic matter?

Angle joining Immortal makes as much sense as Anderson joining Immortal. Jarrett can easily get thrown out of Immortal for being a weak link or too tied to Dixie and not worth anything to Hogan and Bischoff any longer. Or Angle could just say that it was either him or Jeff and Immortal simply chooses Angle (they could say the same with Anderson).

Either way the swerve machine continues to be out of control. Kurt Angle puts out compelling matches and stories no matter what. He is the one guy that does not need Russo's writing to be interesting in or out of the ring.
You should put spoiler in the title, instead that kind of title. Not everybody got to watch it live.
Originally Posted by Arts
You should put spoiler in the title, instead that kind of title. Not everybody got to watch it live.

I'm assuming you meant that I should have put the result of the match in the body of the thread, not the subject line (or title).

Sorry, bud. Since it already happened on the PPV by the time I posted this thread, I assumed that the title of the thread was perfectly fair. I suppose I could have made the title "...and the NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champ is...", or "...DON'T CLICK THIS UNLESS YOU'RE READY TO KNOW THE RESULT OF THE MAIN-EVENT AT HC JUSTICE". The title I gave this thread made a LOT more sense to me than any other possible title(s), since Angle had already beaten Sting for the belt by the time I posted it.

I'm guessing that you came to WZ to read the HardCore Justice results. If that's the case, then you must have read the outcome of the main-event (by reading this thread's title) a few seconds earlier than you wanted to. If you were planning on watching the replay of the PPV or something, then why did you come to WZ before watching the show in the first place? It's not like I'm the first person to use a title like this for a thread. Hell, sometimes even WZ articles (not threads on the forum) say something like "Raw Results - New Champ!". My point is that if you want to be surprised, don't come to a site like WZ (because they have results of all the major wrestling shows).

I'm sorry that you didn't want to read the result of the main event at HC Justice in a thread title, but the title I gave this thread is completely within the rules of the WZ forums. I know you used the term "spoiler", but I didn't post any spoilers. The result of a match that has already aired on a PPV is not a "spoiler"...it's a "result", and nothing more.

Sorry again that you're upset. If you want to be surprised next time, don't come to the site before you watch the show.
CM Punk (While on The B.S Report) and Edge (on Right After Wrestling) said it best. You can't rightfully judge/shit all over a story before you know the ending. Wanna know the REAL fallout instead of bitching and complaing? Then either read the spoilers tomorrow or watch on thursday!!! Stop saying Angle did turn, didn't turn, is a tweener, joined Immortal. YOU DON'T KNOW, SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DO!!!

People have eyes and ears though and they don't like what they saw. It was a boring, uncreative finish.
i think this was just a set up for sting/hogan at BFG!

And this is how they could come up with to sell the match? "We'll take the title off a guy in Anderson that we spent months to build as champ...just so Hogan can make Sting lose the title so he's mad at Hogan, setting up their match at BFG". They did the same thing when Anderson beat Sting but then it was Bischoff take came with a chair. How uncreative and stupid this company is?

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