Why are TNA fans so passionate about that promotion?

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Well...a couple of reasons I suppose.

As good some performers like Knae, undertaker, HBK, and so on...are in WWE....TNA is a change from the usual, in ur face WWE...and TNA uses more MMA style stuff, but its fresh, newer talent, mixed with a few legends like Sting, Nash, Foley, Booker, Steiner and Angle...
There's a lot of very obvious reasons actually. I'll just run through a few of the most obvious.

1-2.) It's not the WWE and it's not run by Vince McMahon. Some people just never liked the WWE for whatever reason. All a matter of preference. And since it's not run by Vince, people like it too. Some people (whether they have a logical reason or not) despise Vince McMahon and the way he runs his business. It's that simple.

3.) TNA is the underdog. If for some reason TNA becomes the dominant promotion, people want to be able to say they were with the promotion and watching it even when nobody else was doing so. People root for the underdog in everything. Much like the original ECW. It started local in one location and never venturerd far until it needed to expand. That kept costs down and built a fanbase.

4.) Kurt Angle and Sting. Whether TNA fans want to admit it or not because the diehard fans LOVE their TNA promotion, without Kurt and Sting, TNA wouldn't have nearly the fanbase it has today. It's really that simple. Oh... and did I mention Kurt Angle?
Dude, I agree 90% with you I used to be a major TNA fan from 2002-2007 but now it just sucks...
the 10% I don't agree with you is that, you think TNA does not have good wrestlers they have Samoa Joe who is a really big guy but he can do many many cruiser weight/X-Division moves,he is extremly agile,and strong. They also have AJ Styles who is like a fusion of Rey Mysterio,Cena,and Shelton Benjamin (I hate Cena btw). They also got Kurt Angle the best wrestler right NOW! PERIOD! They also have legends of the buisness like: Steiner, Booker, Foley, Jeff Jarret, Kevin Nash, and Sting. They have a great tag team division with teams like LAX (with former ROH champ Homicide), The Motor City Machine Guns, Beer Money,and Team 3D. They are also asociated with NJPW,AAA,Pro Wrestling NOAH,Dragon Gate,ROH,and many other AWESOME promotions and we get to see some of there top stars on TNA from time to time!

so dont say TNA has a bad roster! :p
I'll take Sharkboy over Hornswoggle any day. :fuckoff:

Yes I'll admit Hornswoggle is a very useless talent to the WWE roster, but atleast the WWE didn't resort to copying a TNA gimmick (i.e Shark Boy's whole Steve Austin immitation). While the whole Little Bastard idea may be stupid, it has originality, which TNA has none of.

I'll take Brian Kendrick over Chris Sabin anyday.:fuckoff:
here's a better question, tna fans may be die hards but why are anti tna fans, who usually complain about wwe just as much, such pricks about people who watch tna? like really what is the point of telling someone not to watch something they like? i mean when people tell me that i'm stupid for watching wrestling in general, i tend to think theyre being a prick, like how many wrestling fans are going to go off on someone for watching lost, for example? (well probably a few, man lost is stupid)
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