Start 2016 with a Bang Bring in the Bullet Club!


Getting Noticed By Management
Could this be possible? Would you mark out if the following happened?

If the Bullet Club appeared on TNA if you really thought about it, could be great.

They can play it like AJ styles got fired from TNA So, it is his revenge on Dixie Carter.

Imagine Dixie is in the ring talking bout how the world title series is going great when all of a sudden lights go out we hear "Bullet club life" and outcome the bullet club !! They step into the ring, Karl Anderson takes the mic and introduces every member except styles and then says and of course the man that needs no introduction ... then AJ Styles takes the mic and says remember me Dixie?

Dixie looking shocked, AJ says that he will take her champion and leave and destroy the company he built up. She tells him that he can't due to the world title series ! He says that the bullet club always can. Then he points his finger in her head and then they leave while every one is in shock!! then later that night we have Bobby Roode vs Eric Young so Eric young steps into the ring first then Roodes music hits but he doesn't come out.... the outcomes AJ Styles !! every one is shocked then Styles explains that JAMES STORM was a NICE guy and gave styles his place and his points in the world title series before he left TNA...... (So by that James Storm can concentrate on being in NXT and leaves TNA leaving every body questioning what happened between them) ... styles advances his group and all the way to the final against Drew Galloway where he wins then we could have Dixie so angry the week after she challenges styles to a team TNA vs Bullet club with the stipulation that if the bullet club lose then Styles will never leave TNA and wont be able to wrestle any where else that's not that bad right ??
Well the bad part the he will vacant the title and wont be able to challenge for any title in tna but if bullet club win they get to keep the title.. you can continue the story from here...

Would that be be a good way to start the first episode of Impact in 2016 on POP?!? Thoughts? What storyline would you like for TNA to explore to begin the new year?
Ok, i thought this was going to be about bringing them into WWE, thankfully it's not.. TNA can have those ass clowns, but i doubt they'll go there anyways... The Bullet Club is an NWO ripoff.
Nope never,no need...As a Bullet Club guy this won't would be Ace's and 8's all over TNA tried to create there own "Bullet Club" with the Beat Down Club. Let them Be indy and stay in Japan and have Finn create sub version in WWE.
Only fans that know/give a shit about Bullet Club are hardcore fans. They wouldn't work as a savior for TNA, because no one would know who the hell they are. TNA would have to, to quote some of the dumber posters on this site, "force them down our throats". And as we all know, that never works as planned.
oh aren't you a cool guy! you must be so proud of who you are everyday...

WWE could only dream of having the Bullet Club! Bullet Club aren't touching TNA or WWE ... They are New Japan and/or Global Force and that's it.
Theoretically, yes. But I hope to God it doesn't happen.

Why is that, Zev?

Because it'll be The Bullet Club, but it'll be The Bullet Club ... managed by TNA writers and bookers. At this stage I don't think they have quality writers and bookers in the back that can make proper use of TBC and get the most out of them.

Instead, we're going to get what we always get when TNA signs some big name - just the name and the likeness being in a TNA ring, but not much is done with them.

I don't want to see anyone brought in, I want to see someone being brought up.
The Young Bucks are signed with ROH and I can't see why Styles would return considering the way he left and it seems he's been having a lot of back problems. That group enjoys working Japan and other Indies and I don't think TNA would allow that.
Your talking about bringing in something like 10 talents, TNA won't have the finances to even consider bringing in that many talents.

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