Spike TV's New Direction - The End of TNA?

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
At the PROMAX/BDA annual conference of marketing executives two weeks ago, Spike TV made it clear they intend on rebranding and trying to change its image from a station mainly targeting males 18-34 to both males and females 18-49.

The network is expecting to lose UFC programming and what this new direction change means for TNA and the weekly Impact Wrestling show is unknown. The show continues to draw well demographic wise and averages anywhere from 1.6-1.8 million viewers per week.

If Spike was to drop TNA, it would mean the end of the company unless they were able to secure another television deal. It doesn't appear likely given that it doubles the network's current average rating and is not expensive based on network standards for first-run programming.

So while it would feel like the show is safe, anything is possible with this new direction change by Spike. It should be noted that Spike made no mention at all about TNA at the conference and instead focused on other shows with a passing reference to UFC.

This isn't as big as you probably assume once you read the title, but the actual threat is in the report located on the WZ main page.

So, TNA depends almost fully on their television deal; and although, as said in the report, it is unlikely that TNA will lose said deal, as it is the highest rated show on Spike TV. But the fact that they don't even pass a comment on their highest rated show at this conference is kind of weird.

Surely other networks would take the time to promote their highest rated shows further, yet Spike seems to see this in a different light prehaps.

To come to a conclsuion, although unlikely, if Spike were to fully inforce this new direction which would be directed towards women - women should watch TNA, cause you know, women are crazy for Big Poppa Pump - TNA would be dropped from the schedule and this would ultimately see TNA lose income, mainstream television and it would spell the end of TNA Wrestling.

Pretty odd stuff.
lol I hope UFC gets dropped because I hate UFC fans. They're the biggest douches in the world.

TNA won't get dropped because they can change the product. They can appeal to more people.

I think Spike is smart. A lot of people bitch about how things aren't cool anymore but really, things that are only cool to single guys age 15-30 are VERY uncool to everyone else. Like those ugly ass affliction shirts?

It's not a bad thing to be more interesting to more people. Good job Spike.
Well before any of the doomsayers come along let me just say that Spike will not drop TNA from its programming due to the simple fact that Impact Wrestling is one of its highest rated shows and like TWJC said the product can be tweaked if needed. That is unless Spike also wants to be a Bum's Network then they can go ahead, drop it and lose money if that's what they're going after.

I commend Spike for changing it up. This "man's network" bullshit was never going to fly from the start. They want to appeal to more people and that's a great thing.

As far as Impact Wrestling goes, it can appeal and be targeted to just about anyone, aside from maybe children even though the show is not as outlandish as a RAW from the Attitude Era. You get the occasional slur, I don't think I've seen someone bleed recently and there's no nudity/sexual content aside from Velvet Sky rubbing her beaver on the second rope but show me a little boy that doesn't like that. Or was I just a pervert since I was four? Oh well. Plus a lot of us started watching wrestling during the Attitude Era and I don't remember anyone stopping me from witnessing all the crazy things that went down.

Good for Spike, hope they bring in more viewers. TNA's safe. Sorry ROH fans.
Well they're going for men and women 18-49, not just women. In other words they're transitioning to being a mainstream network instead of a niche network. I don't see this as a problem for TNA. Impact Wrestling can easily be tweeked to fit Spike's new direction. In fact, isn't Spike TV behind TNA's re-branding anyway? Not to mention they're paying for the show to go on the road in the fall.
the people at spike are just pissed that their original show BLUE MOUNTAIN STATE .never caught on with male viewers

ufc will even admit the best rateings they ever did for the ultimate fighter was with wwe as the lead in show and the highest rated ufc:countdown shows have tna as the lead in

spike has tried to promotes orginal shows like deadliest warrior.manswers and 1000 ways to die none of those shows ever gained rateings or a loyal following

spike probally wants to run syndicated crime shows like everyother network since they bring in decent rateings
UFC has outgrown spike... Spike i bet right now is scrambling because the ufc drew in alot of fans!! UFC built spike to what it is today that is fact as far as tna goes ehh im sure they can find a home somewhere
I Don't see spike dropping impact, but crazier things have happened (wwe could buy spike) TNA would do web shows, hell they could use justin.tv to be a temp home until they got a new tv deal and they will probably get as many viewers there as they did on spike and reach a wider audience. Their ppvs pulls in alot of people there lol..

Dixie already stated that spike wasn't not their main source of income.
lol I hope UFC gets dropped because I hate UFC fans. They're the biggest douches in the world.

But I just dont see how Spike changing its age range could mean the end of TNA. If anything TNA would help them gain older viewers with all the legends, sexy knockouts, and action in its programming.
I'll clear this up easily. The reason they didn't comment is because Spike TV doesn't own TNA and didn't create Impact Wrestling.

Their are focused on other shows because those are their property. Spike TV is obviously the talk of the town in leaving, so they would discuss those questions and have a statement on their feelings towards that.

TNA is already are under a 5 year contract with Spike which ends in 2015. Their more interested in fixing their other needs.

TNA IS THE HIGHEST RATED SHOW ON SPIKE. Believe it or not, so UFC being gone as the second highest rated will hurt considering they air all sorts of UFC programs everyday.

Their main focus is plugging those spots. The only thing this tells me is Spike TV has no plans to add Xplosion or any other TNA programming to their lineup as of yet.
problem is people complain now that tna is wwe lite - what happens if they try to go for that pg crowd to in an attempt to get more women/choldren to watch? not saying they couldn't but i think tna would have a hard time adjusting since they are trying to be that adult alternative.

besides, i never could figure out why people think wrestling is in trouble when a network tried to cater to women more - a bunch of physically fit men fighting in their underwear. why would they complain? :)

But I just dont see how Spike changing its age range could mean the end of TNA. If anything TNA would help them gain older viewers with all the legends, sexy knockouts, and action in its programming.

tna has tried the old legends it doesnt work even hogan cant bring rateings

kevin nash and billy gunn dont bring in rateings neigther do val venis or the nasty boys

except for sting the only legend tna could bring in that would bring rateings would be stone cold with the rock

the knockouts and scott steiner are the highest rated segments on impact wrestling

some how channels surfers stop surfing when they see knockouts or steiner which is sad steiner cant wrestle good anymore
well its good to know impact wrestling has a contract with spike to 2015 do you have a link or a source you can post

since i dont think the guy who wrote the original article had his facts straight id like to believe your post
So UFC has outgrown Spike, but it's not even their highest rated show? I get that UFC does huge business on PPV but the nature of MMA is that you can't have guys on every week. I don't see UFC as big of a loss to Spike. TNA won't get dropped and may even be promoted more, being their top ratings getter and being a product that is much easier to change and repeat the good stuff (characters people like).

I'd be more worried about UFC's regular programming moving to a less available and less visible channel like G4 than TNA getting dropped.
Theres nothing to worry about Spike wont drop TNA. TNA can adjust if needed (not sure why they would have to but if needed they can) If Spike bosses went off the deep end and stupidly did drop TNA...then that would be it for TNA unless they found another major network quickly.
In all honesty, the success of Impact Wrestling to carry such a guaranteed audience of 1.6 million viewers every week, it wouldn't be too hard for TNA to find a new home. TNA still has a great relationship with News Corp, Impact's original home was Fox Sports Net. Fox was slightly interested in getting into the wrestling. If TNA became available, you would probably see Impact find a home on FX or maybe FOX. Either way, if Spike TV would shoot themselves in the foot, TNA would be fine. They have a strong product that has promising growth for the future. Along with their strong performance in International markets, they have many relationships with competing networks from Impact! What network would not want a guaranteed rating every week to help a time block?

If anything, they would keep pushing the reality aspect further and driving more of the wrestling. Spike is big on TNA's new revived focus on wrestling. It has made for some excellent TV with more focus on the matches. The BFG series makes me want to go to more live events just to track the wins and loses. TNA has a lot going for them right now.

Everyone talks about the "reality" era of the WWE, but people seem to forget, this is TNA's home. Regardless of whether people think it's WWE Lite, TNA has continued to make their rivalries very believable in a reality setting. Who else feels this CM Punk thing could've have been more? The promo was so strong, then it just fizzled for me when he won the title and came back the week after.
So UFC has outgrown Spike, but it's not even their highest rated show? I get that UFC does huge business on PPV but the nature of MMA is that you can't have guys on every week. I don't see UFC as big of a loss to Spike. TNA won't get dropped and may even be promoted more, being their top ratings getter and being a product that is much easier to change and repeat the good stuff (characters people like).

I'd be more worried about UFC's regular programming moving to a less available and less visible channel like G4 than TNA getting dropped.

ufc is buying G4 right now directv doesnt carry the g4 network but they will if the ufc buys it

plus dont be surprised if g4 gets the broadcast rights for superstars or nxt ufc's best rateings was when wwe was on spike before tna was
well its good to know impact wrestling has a contract with spike to 2015 do you have a link or a source you can post

since i dont think the guy who wrote the original article had his facts straight id like to believe your post


Actually, it's 2012. My mistake.

I read the actual article on wrestlezone that the OP posted. It has ZERO facts behind it. How would it be the end of TNA if Spike never mentioned dropping it?

TNA can get a TV deal done elsewhere. But most likely, it will be on a lesser channel like they have in the UK with Challenge TV which draws high ratings on that station.

TNA is fine. I'm sure they would have signed AJ Styles, Matt Morgan, Mr. Anderson to contracts through 2014 if they were thinking about getting dropped by Spike right?

Actually, it's 2012. My mistake.

I read the actual article on wrestlezone that the OP posted. It has ZERO facts behind it. How would it be the end of TNA if Spike never mentioned dropping it?

TNA can get a TV deal done elsewhere. But most likely, it will be on a lesser channel like they have in the UK with Challenge TV which draws high ratings on that station.

TNA is fine. I'm sure they would have signed AJ Styles, Matt Morgan, Mr. Anderson to contracts through 2014 if they were thinking about getting dropped by Spike right?

spike isnt changeing directions they renewed blue mountain state and 1000 ways to die lol,the excutives at spike must of been smokeing crack before giveing that interview

except for ufc,tna and csi reruns the rest of spike's programming is garbage
Well this certainly looks like the end of TNA. If Spike do drop them for some girl shows.. which sounds likely.. what happens to TNA?

With no TV (What other network is going to do the same deal they have?) they are doomed.

Who do you think WWE will look to bring back in now? Sting obviously... maybe a couple of others.

I can't believe that TNA dies that way, I always thought Vince would buy em but this is a sad way.

I wonder how long before Spike drop them then? Sounds like its gonna be soon?
I apologize in advance for going off topic but I just feel like addressing this.

Isn't it kind of odd how TNA is more realistic than the WWE and now the WWE takes such a route (or is at least rumored to)? If I had say something outlandish, I'd say there are some similarities between "The Network" that fire and hire people and WWE's "Board of Directors". Change of power in TNA. Change of power in the WWE. Shoot promos in TNA. Shoot promos in the WWE. Storylines that are not the norm that excite TNA fans and some WWE fans. Storylines that are not the norm and excite WWE fans and some TNA fans.

I mean, there's a reason why I feel about the CM Punk dealings the same way I feel about TNA programming. Some WWE fans will take this as an insult, but I really feel like I'm watching a TNA show whenever I watch CM Punk and his storyline unfold. I really do and that's a compliment. That's why I hope that CM Punk and a possible change of WWE's programming to something as good as the recent storyline he was in would open a lot of fans' eyes and let them know that TNA does things in that
fashion. Sometimes they pull it off, sometimes they don't, but TNA has this direction and it had it for a while. If WWE takes it aswell their public would become more accustomed to it and perhaps wouldn't lynch TNA for every "edgy" thing they do and
give them a chance. Maybe I'm delusional, but maybe I'm not. I'm starting to notice more similarities between TNA and WWE
recently, and the changes came on WWE's part. Not saying they're ripping anything off because they're not, but it wouldn't shock me if they're drawing some inspiration from what TNA's doing.

How the fuck are Tna storylines more realistic than wwe's? Then now that wwe has a great storyline going on and has a lot of attention your saying their coping Tna? You really just love taking shots at wwe Zion. But anyways back to the original topic. I dont see why spike would drop Impact and try to make the television more women friendly their are already a ton of women networks out there. But maybe it's because spike thought that Tna would of grown more with Hulk Hogan by now.
I highly doubt this means the end of TNA. The meeting they are discussing is from two weeks ago. A rumor as huge as the end of TNA would have had way more press. Plus, changing your demo from males 18-35 to both sexes 18-49 does not mean you throw out wrestling. USA caters towards females as well as males and Raw is their flagship show. SyFy is supposed to be for science fiction movie buffs but they feature wrestling as well.

The part of the article that caught me off guard was the mention that TNA was inexpensive for first-run cable programming. I would think that the production and employee costs for TNA would be huge compared to most shows. They must save a ton by staying in the Impact Zone.
Well before any of the doomsayers come along let me just say that Spike will not drop TNA from its programming due to the simple fact that Impact Wrestling is one of its highest rated shows and like TWJC said the product can be tweaked if needed. That is unless Spike also wants to be a Bum's Network then they can go ahead, drop it and lose money if that's what they're going after.

I commend Spike for changing it up. This "man's network" bullshit was never going to fly from the start. They want to appeal to more people and that's a great thing.

As far as Impact Wrestling goes, it can appeal and be targeted to just about anyone, aside from maybe children even though the show is not as outlandish as a RAW from the Attitude Era. You get the occasional slur, I don't think I've seen someone bleed recently and there's no nudity/sexual content aside from Velvet Sky rubbing her beaver on the second rope but show me a little boy that doesn't like that. Or was I just a pervert since I was four? Oh well. Plus a lot of us started watching wrestling during the Attitude Era and I don't remember anyone stopping me from witnessing all the crazy things that went down.

Good for Spike, hope they bring in more viewers. TNA's safe. Sorry ROH fans.

So if I understand you correctly you are saying that if Spike drops TNA wrestling, then they are bums! On the other hand, this change in demographic programming is good for TNA when they are essentially the current version of 'Attitude Era' wrestling? Did you catch Impact last week? The Beer Money/Mexican America promo? Midstream America isn't gonna go for blatant racist rants from a beer-drinking, rebel flag wearing character. Sorry but the world has changed! ALOT!!!

As for the sexual content of the show, it too would have to change. It's not only Velvet Sky, but most of their ladies talent that would need a revamp and ODB comes to mind first. Sorry but a crotch-grabbing, liquor swilling bimbo character probably isn't going to sit well with Mom and Pop during primetime. And I'm REALLY sure that 'the pigeons' are going to raise some eyebrows, but not in a good way.

I hope TNA survives this change, but I'm not sure they do.
TNA will be fine, unless Spike goes the way of the CW when they didn't renew Smackdown, which was also their highest rated show at the time. But that was different because the CW was catering to a teenage female audience. But the comment of TNA storylines being more "real" then WWE? I can't see how really. The whole network executive angle was always odd, as are Hogan and Bischoff owning the company, I can't believe that at all either. And I'm not a TNA basher by any means, but Punk's promo didn't remind me of TNA, it reminded me of good WWE programming.
They'll keep Impact. It's their highest rated show doesn't cost much to run and it's the only thing on their network that changes. So unless they think endless CSI marathons which everybody grew sick of 3 years ago, stupid unfunny shows like manswers, or lack of any good original programming is gonna people tuned in then they can go ahead. I used to tune into the station a bit, then they changed the format and it absolutely sucked so I refuse to change to it anymore.
TNA is already Spike's main draw for the 18-24 males demographic. And it wouldn't surprise me if it also does some good with women too. If Spike TV is trying to reformat, the last thing they should do is drop TNA. Without UFC, it's the networks support beam. Canning them would do Spike more harm than TNA.

TNA's already fared well when losing a network. They've secured many this year in the UK and after Bravo (I believe) fell, TNA was quick to find a new network for it's programming over there. So I'd be more concerned with Spike than TNA if they were dropped.

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